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Desktop SIG Meeting of 2007-09-12
- ChristopherAillon (
) - MatthiasClasen (
) - JesseKeating (
) - JeremyKatz (
) - JonNettleton (
) - MatejCepl (
) - ColinWalters (
- 40MB freed up by splitting out evo, room for more stuff
- We can add tomboy and f-spot without going over for space
- We should do parallel installs of other popular distros to compare against test2
- We plan to do a LiveCD with the new NM once it lands
- Discussion about other packages and changes we'd like to see
Sep 12 14:01:46 <mclasen> again, I didn't send out an agenda Sep 12 14:02:08 <mclasen> one thing we can discuss today is Sep 12 14:02:19 <f13> mclasen: you failed to set the topic? Sep 12 14:02:27 * f13 has changed the topic to: Fedora Desktop SIG meeting Sep 12 14:02:31 <mclasen> thanks Sep 12 14:02:36 <mclasen> I'm stupid sometimes... Sep 12 14:02:42 <f13> I don't think I have special powers or anything, just /topic Sep 12 14:02:52 <mclasen> so, we freed up 40M on the live cd by splitting evo Sep 12 14:03:06 <mclasen> which gives us room to maybe include some other goodies Sep 12 14:03:35 <f13> too bad about help :/ Sep 12 14:03:46 <f13> oh well (: Sep 12 14:03:57 <mclasen> we followed the precedent set by gimp Sep 12 14:04:09 <f13> nod Sep 12 14:04:25 <mclasen> it would be nice if we could tell the user after installation to hd that there are some packages they might want to add Sep 12 14:05:09 <mclasen> maybe this is a situation where suggests: would come handy... Sep 12 14:06:00 <mclasen> so, what are the apps that we really want to see on the livecd, but couldn't ? Sep 12 14:06:45 <mclasen> do we want to have bigboard on it, e.g ? Sep 12 14:06:55 <jeremy> inkscape is one that has come up in the past Sep 12 14:07:12 * clarkbw ( has joined #fedora-meeting Sep 12 14:07:18 * mbacovsk has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Sep 12 14:07:33 <mclasen> that still doesn't fit :-( Sep 12 14:07:39 <jeremy> potentially scanning stuff, planner, tomboy/f-spot Sep 12 14:07:53 <jeremy> (by looking at the list of things that have been removed in the past) Sep 12 14:08:12 <mclasen> tomboy/f-spot will be large due to pulling in mono Sep 12 14:08:28 <walters> mclasen: i'm planning a different (much smaller) livecd image for online desktop Sep 12 14:08:44 <mclasen> walters: ah, ok Sep 12 14:08:48 <walters> it's already 500 megs and going down Sep 12 14:09:07 <jeremy> mclasen: yeah, I know it pulls in mono. but I seem to remember the end result was ~ 10-20 megs. I'll do a test and see Sep 12 14:09:21 <mclasen> if it fits, tomboy would certainly be cool to have Sep 12 14:09:42 <f13> indeed Sep 12 14:09:54 <f13> halfline needs to crank out that rewrite in python (: Sep 12 14:09:59 <jeremy> just kicked off, will know in 15-20 minutes probably Sep 12 14:11:15 <jnettlet> probably not ready yet, but I think conduit could really be a showcase service to include. Sep 12 14:11:33 <mclasen> hadess keeps saying that Sep 12 14:11:46 <mclasen> do we even have conduit packages ? Sep 12 14:11:51 <jnettlet> yep Sep 12 14:12:01 <jnettlet> I think they are a little old Sep 12 14:12:24 <mclasen> that could be fixed Sep 12 14:12:34 <mclasen> seems to weigh less than 1M, with deps Sep 12 14:13:18 <jnettlet> some of the big apps that are currently integrated are tomboy and f-spot Sep 12 14:13:47 <jnettlet> so F7 has Conduit 3.1-2 and 0.3.3 is out Sep 12 14:14:10 <mclasen> gah Sep 12 14:14:18 * mclasen feels lost in the conduit window Sep 12 14:14:20 <mclasen> no help Sep 12 14:15:44 <mclasen> I think hadess had some ideas for conduit, but he's not here... Sep 12 14:16:10 <jnettlet> maybe it is worth starting a thread on the mailing list then Sep 12 14:16:31 <mclasen> yeah Sep 12 14:17:19 <mclasen> ok, if nobody has any more application proposals, we should perhaps move on Sep 12 14:17:50 <mclasen> one thing I wanted to quickly mention here is that I want to drop the openoffice launchers from the default panel configuration Sep 12 14:18:15 <jnettlet> I think that is a good idea Sep 12 14:18:33 <mclasen> not an issue for the livecd, anyway Sep 12 14:19:13 <f13> yeah, that would be awesome. Sep 12 14:19:16 <jeremy> do it! Sep 12 14:19:16 <abadger1999> sounds good Sep 12 14:20:49 <mclasen> what else do we have to discuss ? Sep 12 14:22:08 <jnettlet> for the Desktop spin we are going to be using NetworkManager by default correct? Sep 12 14:22:26 <mclasen> yes Sep 12 14:22:37 <mcepl> halfline could save himself rewriting f-prot in Python if he fixes jbrout (which is in Python already and waiting to be packaged for Fedora) Sep 12 14:22:42 <mclasen> I think we already did on the F7 livecd, no ? Sep 12 14:22:46 <f13> I think all our Live images that are gnome based are using NetworkManager by default. Sep 12 14:22:47 <jnettlet> I would love to move a bunch of "network" dependent services out of the init process and start them through NetworkManagerDispatcher Sep 12 14:22:52 <caillon> jnettlet: that's also the goal for fedora proper. Sep 12 14:23:00 <caillon> jnettlet: and is still on the table Sep 12 14:23:04 <caillon> i think Sep 12 14:23:09 <f13> yes Sep 12 14:23:09 <mclasen> mcepl: your chance to own a package ! Sep 12 14:23:18 <f13> we're eagerly awaiting new NM that works. Sep 12 14:23:30 <mclasen> jnettlet: yeah, I was meaning to bring up network services anyway Sep 12 14:23:37 <mcepl> mclasen: unless it is stable enough to work for me, I won't put it into Fedora ;-) Sep 12 14:23:43 <caillon> f13: yeah i forgot to ping dcbw about it when i saw him before Sep 12 14:24:04 * mclasen looks around Sep 12 14:24:04 <jeremy> if I don't talk to him before, I'll harass him on the bus later Sep 12 14:24:06 <f13> caillon: I talked to him on the bus this morning. Sep 12 14:24:15 <f13> caillon: he's making progress, but nothing to test yet. Sep 12 14:24:36 <mclasen> jnettlet: how does that look in practise ? Sep 12 14:24:57 <mclasen> we still ship initscripts, just off by default, and add scripts for the dispatcher ? Sep 12 14:25:26 <jnettlet> basically I just chkconfig off iscsi ntpd autofs sshd avahi-daemon avahi-dnsconfd Sep 12 14:26:11 <jnettlet> then I have scripts for /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d that use the lock files and service to bring the up down restart on network changes Sep 12 14:26:27 <mclasen> does that cause conflicts if the user later turns the service on ? Sep 12 14:26:34 <mclasen> or are the scripts smart about that ? Sep 12 14:26:57 <jnettlet> nope because it uses the service call and checks /var/run and/or /var/lock/subsys to see if the process is already running Sep 12 14:27:30 <jnettlet> so if it is already running and the interface call is eth0 up, it will just restart the service Sep 12 14:27:47 <caillon> we should really just do this via dbus. Sep 12 14:27:50 <mclasen> that sounds good, although it feels as if the init system should know about this, ideally, e.g system-config-services Sep 12 14:28:10 <jnettlet> I think it needs a tab like we have for xinetd Sep 12 14:28:31 * jeremy wonders if you want to have the concept that the initscript is a network service and then chkconfig does the right thing based on "traditional" vs NetworkManager network setup Sep 12 14:29:03 <caillon> we should see about inviting dcbw for one of these things Sep 12 14:29:11 <jnettlet> jeremy: I have already written some stuff on my machine based around that idea Sep 12 14:29:12 <caillon> perhaps Sep 12 14:29:29 <jeremy> but bigger discussion than desktop-spin specific probably Sep 12 14:29:55 <mclasen> somewhat related to the whole new-init discussion Sep 12 14:29:59 <jeremy> yeah Sep 12 14:30:12 <jnettlet> yes Sep 12 14:30:34 <mclasen> but a bit more focused and concrete Sep 12 14:31:30 <caillon> ok, whats next then? Sep 12 14:31:43 <jnettlet> for my desktop, and early-gdm I basically start auditd restorecond syslog messagebus haldaemon NetworkManger Consolekit then gdm-login Sep 12 14:31:53 <jnettlet> everything else starts after gdm or through NetworkManager Sep 12 14:32:11 <mclasen> related to network services, I wondered if we want to include/enable nss-mdns Sep 12 14:32:15 <mclasen> or do we already ? Sep 12 14:32:41 <jeremy> doesn't look like it Sep 12 14:32:55 <jeremy> unless it's required by something Sep 12 14:33:04 <jeremy> nope Sep 12 14:33:58 <jnettlet> doesn't avahi-dnsconfd do the same thing? Sep 12 14:34:39 <mclasen> dunno, I'll poke lennart about it Sep 12 14:35:47 <mclasen> ok, what else ? Sep 12 14:35:50 <f13> speaking of lennart, does it make sense that pulse audio volume control lands in Applications -> sound/video but there is also a volume control on System -> Preferences -> Personal ? Sep 12 14:36:03 <mclasen> not much Sep 12 14:36:13 <mclasen> volume control is a mess that needs cleaning up Sep 12 14:36:18 <f13> yeah Sep 12 14:36:19 <jnettlet> I agree Sep 12 14:36:21 <mclasen> but probably more on the F9 timescale Sep 12 14:36:29 <f13> the audio stack is all kinds of "fun" again. Sep 12 14:36:34 <jnettlet> do we install ekiga on the livecd? Sep 12 14:37:03 <mcepl> Could I have one more gripe with the current NM (at least according to what's in F-7)? Its management of VPN sucks -- it shouldn't say that the network is on unless also VPN is on, and VPN should be autostarted after getting basic network connection (configurable behavior probably). Otherwise empathy (telepahy multi-protocol IM client) crashes badly everytime when trying to connect to RH IRC through VPN, because NM tells it that network connecti Sep 12 14:37:33 <f13> mcepl: yeah, that's a known gripe Sep 12 14:37:56 <jnettlet> do we include the VPN plugins on the desktop spin? Sep 12 14:38:16 <jeremy> jnettlet: yeah, they're marked as default in comps Sep 12 14:38:27 <jeremy> (... so that they get included for the desktop spin) Sep 12 14:38:29 <jnettlet> we need to update the openvpn nm plugin then Sep 12 14:38:44 <jnettlet> the gui in the one we still ship is old Sep 12 14:38:50 <mclasen> mcepl: I hope that we'll have a working nm snapshot in rawhide soon, then all those gripes need to be reevaluated... Sep 12 14:39:18 <caillon> yeah, we should push the NM stuff to when we get the 0.7 branch in for gripes Sep 12 14:39:19 <jnettlet> I also need to finish the gui changes for pptp and vpnc plugins Sep 12 14:40:12 <mclasen> one thing I wanted to bring up here, since I believe it hasn't been discussed last week Sep 12 14:40:15 <f13> we're going to want to do a snapshot release as soon as the new nm bits land to get a lot of testing on it. I expect a lot of breakage that we need to fix up. Sep 12 14:40:28 <caillon> right Sep 12 14:40:41 <jnettlet> I was going to email the list about that a couple of days ago Sep 12 14:40:47 <mclasen> is the idea to do some parallel installs of ubunu/opensuse/test2 Sep 12 14:40:47 <jnettlet> I definitely agree Sep 12 14:40:55 <mclasen> and write up comparisons Sep 12 14:40:58 <mcepl> mclasen: well, that's another problem which probably doesn't have good solution -- it would be really nice to have rawhide which would be stable to used by people who mind that their computer doesn't boot up every other day. Sep 12 14:41:12 <mcepl> mclasen: but that's certainly out of topic here Sep 12 14:41:21 <mclasen> mcepl: stable rawhide is an oxymoron Sep 12 14:41:38 <mcepl> mclasen: well, there is stable Debian/unstable :-) Sep 12 14:41:42 <caillon> mcepl: try telling that to the kernel folks -- i can't boot with the rawhide kernel. don't worry about NM not working :-) Sep 12 14:42:03 <mclasen> but I have been using rawhide for 3 years, and never really had unsurmountable problems to get work done... Sep 12 14:42:11 <caillon> mcepl: but if it doesn,t we need to know about it to fix it Sep 12 14:42:26 <jnettlet> It would be nice if we had a spin directory that we could cherry pick packages out of rawhide for Sep 12 14:42:34 <mcepl> brb Sep 12 14:42:48 <f13> jnettlet: that's what we're going to do for the snapshots Sep 12 14:42:58 <jnettlet> f13: sounds good Sep 12 14:43:07 <f13> jnettlet: in koji we can create a new tag quickly/easily that is just a snapshot of rawhide, then we can add things in as needed to get a snapshot made Sep 12 14:43:09 <mclasen> f13: is there some plan to do weekly snapshot spins from now on ? Sep 12 14:43:28 <f13> mclasen: weekly if possible, maybe every other week. Sep 12 14:43:49 <f13> doing so eats into other development time though, I'm trying to use some time between test2 and f9 to get some other things ready for f9 Sep 12 14:44:00 <jeremy> I'm going to try to at least do a subset weekly; won't do the full set of live images Sep 12 14:44:02 <jeremy> there are just too many of them Sep 12 14:44:06 * jrb (i=jrb@nat/redhat/x-f2f40a3e32025cc7) has joined #fedora-meeting Sep 12 14:44:19 <f13> yeah, seriously Sep 12 14:44:30 <mclasen> f13: we have the tools out there now, so everybody can just do his own... Sep 12 14:44:35 <jeremy> but x86 desktop is the one that will probably almost always be done. and then some switching around of x86_64, developer, FEL, kde and all the permutations Sep 12 14:44:44 <mclasen> I've started to do that occasionally Sep 12 14:45:11 <jeremy> fwiw, adding tomboy and f-spot to rawhide of today takes us to 686 MB. so we can do so if we want Sep 12 14:45:13 <f13> mclasen: this is true, we just have to make the snapshot repos publically available, and that isn't always easy. Fscking multilib gets in the way. Sep 12 14:45:25 <jeremy> (and if we do, we should change f-spot to be default in comps) Sep 12 14:45:41 <mclasen> jeremy: +1 Sep 12 14:45:42 <f13> please! Sep 12 14:45:52 <f13> and really, we should just add it to the default session Sep 12 14:45:59 <skvidal> can we have 40 or so messages about rpmfusion? please? Sep 12 14:46:05 <skvidal> whoops wrong channel Sep 12 14:46:06 <skvidal> sorry Sep 12 14:46:07 <jnettlet> and we should set gnome to use f-spot import on removable media Sep 12 14:46:10 <f13> discovering things like this to add to session isn't exactly easy. Sep 12 14:46:50 <mclasen> jnettlet: I haven't looked at the fspot import dialog in a long time; when we last looked at it (for Fc6, I think) it needed some love Sep 12 14:46:55 <mclasen> has it improved ? Sep 12 14:47:14 <mclasen> f13: you mean adding tomboy to the default panel config ? Sep 12 14:47:35 <jnettlet> I can't remember to comment. I have a bunch of people using it and it never comes up Sep 12 14:47:43 <jnettlet> I will look Sep 12 14:48:24 <mclasen> thanks Sep 12 14:48:58 <f13> mclasen: yeah Sep 12 14:49:03 * smooge ( has joined #fedora-meeting Sep 12 14:49:21 <jnettlet> I don't think it has changed Sep 12 14:49:30 <jnettlet> were the complaints in bugzilla? Sep 12 14:50:34 <mclasen> f13: makes sense to me Sep 12 14:50:48 <mclasen> jnettlet: so I just got reminded of the issues we say Sep 12 14:51:10 <mclasen> halfline says that the dialog was very generic, and required you to pick the camera from a list, or something Sep 12 14:51:27 <mclasen> ideally, it should just get a hal-udi and do the right thing without further questions Sep 12 14:52:48 <mclasen> probably something to look at again Sep 12 14:54:32 <mclasen> ok, any other things ? Sep 12 14:54:38 <jnettlet> it looks like running f-spot-import %h should do all of the hal magic Sep 12 14:54:45 <mclasen> thats nice Sep 12 14:55:01 <f13> oh! Sep 12 14:55:09 <f13> this is probably more global than Desktop, but.. Sep 12 14:55:21 <f13> we should enable SHMconfig in X and include the gsynaptics package Sep 12 14:55:32 * mclasen has no idea what shmconfig is Sep 12 14:55:34 <jnettlet> definitely Sep 12 14:55:34 <f13> being able to adjust the touchpad features out of the box would be rather nice. Sep 12 14:55:55 <jnettlet> but that needs to be rolled into Xorg right? Sep 12 14:55:57 <f13> mclasen: I'm not entirely sure what it is either, but without it enabled I can't adjust synaptic settings for my touchpad. Sep 12 14:56:11 <walters> jnettlet: i don't think they will because it's GPL, no? Sep 12 14:56:28 <jeremy> f13: it's a little insecure to enable SHMConfig by default Sep 12 14:56:51 <jeremy> it's just an input driver and we include and set it up reasonably well by default Sep 12 14:57:11 <jeremy> we don't do SHMConfig because it gives any user pretty complete control of the touchpad Sep 12 14:57:18 * knurd wakes up Sep 12 14:57:41 <knurd> f13, FYI gsynaptics seems quite silent (read: dead?) upstream Sep 12 14:57:42 <mclasen> f13: probably a good idea to poke krh when he's back Sep 12 14:57:46 <f13> jeremy: hrm, that's a bummer. Sep 12 14:58:08 <jnettlet> This is really something that will be handled by xorg dbus in the future Sep 12 14:58:14 <f13> knurd: sounds like a good opportunity to take it and run with it and get some Ubuntu style publicity for making it better. Sep 12 14:58:41 <jeremy> jnettlet: yeah, although the synaptics driver will need some changes to do so Sep 12 14:59:14 <jeremy> f13: and better than a separate gsynaptics, it'd be better to just have it in the standard mouse preferences. but hey, that's crazy talk :-) Sep 12 14:59:32 <f13> indeed Sep 12 14:59:36 <knurd> f13, give me some time to learn C and I'd actually would be interested... ;-) Sep 12 14:59:56 <f13> doesn't have to be C Sep 12 14:59:58 <mclasen> jeremy: sounds very reasonable to me.... Sep 12 15:00:01 <jnettlet> that randomly reminds me. Is there any reason we still restart the X server on every logout? Sep 12 15:00:16 <walters> why would you log out? Sep 12 15:00:22 <jnettlet> I know it used to be a big problem, but that seems a bit outdated Sep 12 15:00:25 <lennert> why would you run X? :P Sep 12 15:00:27 * lennert hides Sep 12 15:00:56 * rdieter has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) Sep 12 15:01:11 <mclasen> on this occasion, I declare the meeting closed... Sep 12 15:01:17 <caillon> jnettlet: i think it's because we do that for starting gdm. i think a few guys were working on fixing that Sep 12 15:01:31 <caillon> to only have 1 X session ever Sep 12 15:01:34 <mclasen> see you guys next week Sep 12 15:01:39 <caillon> but we are reliant on airlied's modesetting stuff Sep 12 15:01:39 <jnettlet> later