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< QA‎ | Meetings

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= IRC Transcript =
= IRC Transcript =
|- id="t15:00:47"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting
|| [[#t15:00:47|15:00]]
|- id="t15:00:47"
! style="background-color: #42427e" | zodbot
| style="color: #42427e" | Meeting started Mon Sep 27 15:00:47 2010 UTC.  The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at
|| [[#t15:00:47|15:00]]
|- id="t15:00:47"
! style="background-color: #42427e" | zodbot
| style="color: #42427e" | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
|| [[#t15:00:47|15:00]]
|- id="t15:00:50"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #meetingname fedora-qa
|| [[#t15:00:50|15:00]]
|- id="t15:00:50"
! style="background-color: #42427e" | zodbot
| style="color: #42427e" | The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa'
|| [[#t15:00:50|15:00]]
|- id="t15:00:57"
| colspan="2" | * fenris02 waves
|| [[#t15:00:57|15:00]]
|- id="t15:01:05"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #topic Gathering critical mass
|| [[#t15:01:05|15:01]]
|- id="t15:01:10"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: fenris02: welcome
|| [[#t15:01:10|15:01]]
|- id="t15:01:13"
| colspan="2" | * kparal jumps
|| [[#t15:01:13|15:01]]
|- id="t15:01:26"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | I've got my haiku ready :-)
|| [[#t15:01:26|15:01]]
|- id="t15:01:37"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney is finally back online
|| [[#t15:01:37|15:01]]
|- id="t15:01:58"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | saccia: good!
|| [[#t15:01:58|15:01]]
|- id="t15:02:01"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | j_dulaney: welcome back :)
|| [[#t15:02:01|15:02]]
|- id="t15:02:19"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | kparal: greetings
|| [[#t15:02:19|15:02]]
|- id="t15:02:42"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | will get started in another minute
|| [[#t15:02:42|15:02]]
|- id="t15:03:57"
| colspan="2" | * wwoods here
|| [[#t15:03:57|15:03]]
|- id="t15:04:05"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | wwoods: hey hey!
|| [[#t15:04:05|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:24"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | kparal: we're without jskladan and mkrizek today, right?
|| [[#t15:04:24|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:46"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #chair kparal adamw
|| [[#t15:04:46|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:46"
! style="background-color: #42427e" | zodbot
| style="color: #42427e" | Current chairs: adamw jlaska kparal
|| [[#t15:04:46|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:49"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | jlaska: that's right
|| [[#t15:04:49|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:54"
| colspan="2" | * tk009 thinks jlaska is a bit to chipper for a monday.
|| [[#t15:04:54|15:04]]
|- id="t15:04:56"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | I appologize for not making any meetings or doing any work in the last while
|| [[#t15:04:56|15:04]]
|- id="t15:05:00"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | tk009: :)
|| [[#t15:05:00|15:05]]
|- id="t15:05:16"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | kparal: adamw: I may need help from one of you to carry the meeting forward after the 30min mark
|| [[#t15:05:16|15:05]]
|- id="t15:05:22"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #topic Previous Meeting follow-up
|| [[#t15:05:22|15:05]]
|- id="t15:05:29"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | This was easy ...
|| [[#t15:05:29|15:05]]
|- id="t15:05:40"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info [All] - please help test the beta
|| [[#t15:05:40|15:05]]
|- id="t15:05:56"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | and I just spoke with All, and [s]he said the work was completed!
|| [[#t15:05:56|15:05]]
|- id="t15:06:16"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | go all!
|| [[#t15:06:16|15:06]]
|- id="t15:06:17"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | LOL
|| [[#t15:06:17|15:06]]
|- id="t15:06:26"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | seriously though, I'm still impressed at the test turn-out we had for F-14-Beta-RCX ... that really helped provide adamw data for the go/no-go meeting
|| [[#t15:06:26|15:06]]
|- id="t15:06:34"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | nice work gang
|| [[#t15:06:34|15:06]]
|- id="t15:06:48"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | All.ison
|| [[#t15:06:48|15:06]]
|- id="t15:07:13"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | good segway ...
|| [[#t15:07:13|15:07]]
|- id="t15:07:16"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #topic F14 Beta Testing, and beyond
|| [[#t15:07:16|15:07]]
|- id="t15:07:24"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | So quick recap ...
|| [[#t15:07:24|15:07]]
|- id="t15:07:34"
| colspan="2" | * Viking-Ice comes sailing inn..
|| [[#t15:07:34|15:07]]
|- id="t15:07:35"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info F-14-Beta-RC3 declared GOLD -
|| [[#t15:07:35|15:07]]
|- id="t15:07:45"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Hi Viking-Ice, you can park that boat anywhere you like
|| [[#t15:07:45|15:07]]
|- id="t15:08:01"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Hurry also sent a test summary of both installation and desktop to test-announce
|| [[#t15:08:01|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:07"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info F-14-Beta test summary available -
|| [[#t15:08:07|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:24"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | The only outstanding items on the QA plate that I'm aware of for F-14-Beta are CommonBugs?
|| [[#t15:08:24|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:32"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw and I typically knock these out today
|| [[#t15:08:32|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:38"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | (mostly adamw to be honest) :)
|| [[#t15:08:38|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:38"
! style="background-color: #4d4d93" | mcloaked
| style="color: #4d4d93" | Presume install from USB needs testing.  I'll try do that.
|| [[#t15:08:38|15:08]]
|- id="t15:08:59"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | mcloaked: how do you mean?
|| [[#t15:08:59|15:08]]
|- id="t15:09:00"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | mcloaked: that's one of the bugs on the CommonBugs? list that I need to get a bit more understanding on
|| [[#t15:09:00|15:09]]
|- id="t15:09:29"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | mcloaked: I assume you're talking about bug#627789 ?
|| [[#t15:09:29|15:09]]
|- id="t15:10:23"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | only 7 CommonBugs? requests, and I suspect a few may be old ... so not too bad
|| [[#t15:10:23|15:10]]
|- id="t15:10:31"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #link;remaction=run&amp;namedcmd=CommonBugs%3F&amp;sharer_id=141215
|| [[#t15:10:31|15:10]]
|- id="t15:10:36"
! style="background-color: #4d4d93" | mcloaked
| style="color: #4d4d93" | Ok I presume reports were for putting ISO on usbkey and doing hd install from that?
|| [[#t15:10:36|15:10]]
|- id="t15:10:54"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | jlaska: there's probably some that should be on there that aren't
|| [[#t15:10:54|15:10]]
|- id="t15:11:05"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | jlaska: in particular we should check the -accepted and F14blocker lists
|| [[#t15:11:05|15:11]]
|- id="t15:11:08"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | mcloaked: yeah, there's still some mystery (at least for me) precisely how some are preparing that setup for install
|| [[#t15:11:08|15:11]]
|- id="t15:11:14"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | and see if any of those need to be commonbugsed
|| [[#t15:11:14|15:11]]
|- id="t15:11:35"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: I'm going to ask for help from Hurry for documenting some of the installer issues
|| [[#t15:11:35|15:11]]
|- id="t15:11:42"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | jlaska: as i mentioned on email, we should really get with anaconda team, get the definitive word on how one should do that, and write up a test for it
|| [[#t15:11:42|15:11]]
|- id="t15:11:43"
! style="background-color: #97974f" | Southern_Gentlem
| style="color: #97974f" | jlaska,  try livecd-iso-to-disk and unetbootin
|| [[#t15:11:43|15:11]]
|- id="t15:12:04"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: agreed ... I've added it to the retrospective, and Hurry has started that process in a ticket
|| [[#t15:12:04|15:12]]
|- id="t15:12:13"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | Southern_Gentlem: we've already got tests for livecd-iso-to-disk, and unetbootin certainly isn't a supported Fedora install mechanism.
|| [[#t15:12:13|15:12]]
|- id="t15:12:34"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | i think this is a blocker :
|| [[#t15:12:34|15:12]]
|- id="t15:12:37"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | jlaska: awesome
|| [[#t15:12:37|15:12]]
|- id="t15:12:54"
! style="background-color: #97974f" | Southern_Gentlem
| style="color: #97974f" | adamw,  in past releases unetbootin was mentioned
|| [[#t15:12:54|15:12]]
|- id="t15:12:55"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | Southern_Gentlem: er, that is, we don't have formal test cases, but we have test *results* for beta
|| [[#t15:12:55|15:12]]
|- id="t15:13:00"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | hicham: I would agree
|| [[#t15:13:00|15:13]]
|- id="t15:13:12"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | hicham: if you feel a bug is a blocker for the release, you are welcome to propose it by adding blocks:F14Blocker and listing the release criteria you feel is impacted
|| [[#t15:13:12|15:13]]
|- id="t15:13:27"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Note, from here out, we will be referencing the *Final* release criteria -
|| [[#t15:13:27|15:13]]
|- id="t15:13:49"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | hicham: that's not a blocker under our current criteria, nautilus functionality isn't considered until final
|| [[#t15:13:49|15:13]]
|- id="t15:13:49"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | jlaska: ok, I am adding as a blocker for final release
|| [[#t15:13:49|15:13]]
|- id="t15:13:56"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | hicham: for final i would agree
|| [[#t15:13:56|15:13]]
|- id="t15:14:16"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | hicham: thanks
|| [[#t15:14:16|15:14]]
|- id="t15:14:22"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | okay ... anything else for F-14-Beta and beyond
|| [[#t15:14:22|15:14]]
|- id="t15:14:26"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | 20 seconds .. and moving on
|| [[#t15:14:26|15:14]]
|- id="t15:14:37"
! style="background-color: #97974f" | Southern_Gentlem
| style="color: #97974f" | ship and lets bang on it
|| [[#t15:14:37|15:14]]
|- id="t15:14:53"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Southern_Gentlem: your wish is my command! :)
|| [[#t15:14:53|15:14]]
|- id="t15:14:54"
! style="background-color: #539e9e" | Cookiekiller
| style="color: #539e9e" | jlaska, is there a known bug about setting the hostname?
|| [[#t15:14:54|15:14]]
|- id="t15:15:09"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | once we have the 'beta' label, many more testers will appear
|| [[#t15:15:09|15:15]]
|- id="t15:15:12"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Cookiekiller: I'm not aware of any general problems about setting the hostname
|| [[#t15:15:12|15:15]]
|- id="t15:15:21"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #topic F14 Test Days
|| [[#t15:15:21|15:15]]
|- id="t15:15:32"
! style="background-color: #539e9e" | Cookiekiller
| style="color: #539e9e" | 2 times it must be set by me after I installed it
|| [[#t15:15:32|15:15]]
|- id="t15:15:40"
! style="background-color: #539e9e" | Cookiekiller
| style="color: #539e9e" | Using f14 beta rc3
|| [[#t15:15:40|15:15]]
|- id="t15:15:46"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | This is an ongoing topic where I review recent and upcoming test days
|| [[#t15:15:46|15:15]]
|- id="t15:16:10"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Cookiekiller: let's make a note and save your topic for open-discussion or further detail on #fedora-qa
|| [[#t15:16:10|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:19"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Cookiekiller: so we don't keep people in meetings longer than needed :)
|| [[#t15:16:19|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:29"
| colspan="2" | * adamw hits pantscon 2 in a hurry
|| [[#t15:16:29|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:31"
! style="background-color: #539e9e" | Cookiekiller
| style="color: #539e9e" | :) so go on
|| [[#t15:16:31|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:40"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | knew there was something i was supposed to do this weekend...
|| [[#t15:16:40|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:49"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: you've got some time
|| [[#t15:16:49|15:16]]
|- id="t15:16:54"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | so reviewing last weeks event ...
|| [[#t15:16:54|15:16]]
|- id="t15:17:03"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info Sep 23 - Virtualization -
|| [[#t15:17:03|15:17]]
|- id="t15:17:16"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | we had a light turn-out for the event, from what I could tell
|| [[#t15:17:16|15:17]]
|- id="t15:17:32"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | which is unfortunate, as there was a *lot* of testing outlined on the wiki pages
|| [[#t15:17:32|15:17]]
|- id="t15:17:42"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | if you weren't able to join, but still intend to test, it's not too late
|| [[#t15:17:42|15:17]]
|- id="t15:17:55"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | I'll need to catch up with jforbes for a recap of the event
|| [[#t15:17:55|15:17]]
|- id="t15:18:03"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney doesn't have the hardware
|| [[#t15:18:03|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:04"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | i.e. what he felt was good/bad/ugly etc...
|| [[#t15:18:04|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:33"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | next up ...
|| [[#t15:18:33|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:39"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | it seems like a lot of people still prefer vmware / vbox over the fedora stack for various reasons
|| [[#t15:18:39|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:43"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | that might be a part of it
|| [[#t15:18:43|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:57"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | possibly, not sure
|| [[#t15:18:57|15:18]]
|- id="t15:18:57"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | mostly a branding/usability problem at this point
|| [[#t15:18:57|15:18]]
|- id="t15:19:08"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | definitely a messaging component
|| [[#t15:19:08|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:10"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | wwoods:  agreed
|| [[#t15:19:10|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:18"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | I don't think people realize we ship a completely free, completely open source, super-fast virtual machine with Fedora
|| [[#t15:19:18|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:28"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | I often wonder if we spread too thin with the amount of testing scoped for a single day
|| [[#t15:19:28|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:40"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | well, there was a thread recently where we asked why people preferred vmware and there were quite a few reasonable replies
|| [[#t15:19:40|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:45"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | so it's not just messaging
|| [[#t15:19:45|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:47"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | wwoods: provided they have Intel VT
|| [[#t15:19:47|15:19]]
|- id="t15:19:51"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | er, preferred vbox*
|| [[#t15:19:51|15:19]]
|- id="t15:20:02"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | hicham: doesn't have to be intel.
|| [[#t15:20:02|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:11"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | adamw, esx is what many co's use
|| [[#t15:20:11|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:15"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | all vaguely recent amd chips support it too.
|| [[#t15:20:15|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:18"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | wwoods: when I had access to the hardware for virtualization, I found VMWare's UI to be good
|| [[#t15:20:18|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:22"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | adamw: or AMD with appropriate extensions
|| [[#t15:20:22|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:39"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | I've been amazed at how rapidly the virt-manager UI has improved over recent releases
|| [[#t15:20:39|15:20]]
|- id="t15:20:56"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | my hardware doesn't support it
|| [[#t15:20:56|15:20]]
|- id="t15:21:01"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | i am forced to use VB
|| [[#t15:21:01|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:02"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | okay ... so hit your blogs or the list with your thoughts as to how we can make this better in the future
|| [[#t15:21:02|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:22"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Buy me new hardware/
|| [[#t15:21:22|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:28"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | jlaska, it is missing a few things yet.  for instance, set the uuid.  or attach an ide-cdrom with scsi disks.  or boot bsd.
|| [[#t15:21:28|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:29"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | hah, get in line :)
|| [[#t15:21:29|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:30"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | ? not / ^
|| [[#t15:21:30|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:39"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | yeah I guess if you don't have VT bits that's an OK reason? But libvirt still runs fine on those systems. just not real fast.
|| [[#t15:21:39|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:46"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | bsd? I can't even pretend to care
|| [[#t15:21:46|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:51"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | wwoods: s/not real fast/teeth-grindingly slow/
|| [[#t15:21:51|15:21]]
|- id="t15:21:59"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | anyway
|| [[#t15:21:59|15:21]]
|- id="t15:22:08"
! style="background-color: #57a657" | exw
| style="color: #57a657" | wwoods: slow on my two non vt test machines
|| [[#t15:22:08|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:08"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info Sep 28-30 - Graphics test week
|| [[#t15:22:08|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:08"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | wwoods, understand.  just saying why folks use vmware instead.
|| [[#t15:22:08|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:10"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | tangent! let us move on!
|| [[#t15:22:10|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:14"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | switching to this weeks topic ...
|| [[#t15:22:14|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:18"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | wwoods: right on
|| [[#t15:22:18|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:34"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | oh yes, the ever-popular Graphics Test Week
|| [[#t15:22:34|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:36"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adam will be delighting us with a revisit of the ever popular graphics test week!
|| [[#t15:22:36|15:22]]
|- id="t15:22:44"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | boo-yay
|| [[#t15:22:44|15:22]]
|- id="t15:23:07"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | Graphics as of Artwork, or Graphics drivers ?
|| [[#t15:23:07|15:23]]
|- id="t15:23:12"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | aaand he totally forgot to announce it so far
|| [[#t15:23:12|15:23]]
|- id="t15:23:13"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | drivers
|| [[#t15:23:13|15:23]]
|- id="t15:23:30"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: the wiki page(s) look good, do you need any help finishing the event prep?
|| [[#t15:23:30|15:23]]
|- id="t15:23:35"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | oh, still investigating a nasty lockup in here
|| [[#t15:23:35|15:23]]
|- id="t15:24:06"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney hates nouveau
|| [[#t15:24:06|15:24]]
|- id="t15:24:07"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | it is caused by the move to r300g
|| [[#t15:24:07|15:24]]
|- id="t15:24:09"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | no, prep is done ages ago
|| [[#t15:24:09|15:24]]
|- id="t15:24:23"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: I was thinking more about live images, blogs, test-announce etc..
|| [[#t15:24:23|15:24]]
|- id="t15:24:28"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney will try to test the graphics, anyway
|| [[#t15:24:28|15:24]]
|- id="t15:25:10"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | oh. yeah, if anyone wants to blog it'd be great.
|| [[#t15:25:10|15:25]]
|- id="t15:25:19"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | i'm not aware of any need for live images yet, but i'd better check with the devs.
|| [[#t15:25:19|15:25]]
|- id="t15:25:24"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | i'll handle test-announce.
|| [[#t15:25:24|15:25]]
|- id="t15:25:33"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | okay, thanks
|| [[#t15:25:33|15:25]]
|- id="t15:25:55"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #help Please help spread awareness of Fedora graphics test week to a blog/list near you
|| [[#t15:25:55|15:25]]
|- id="t15:26:08"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info Oct 07 - Open slot
|| [[#t15:26:08|15:26]]
|- id="t15:26:10"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney will spread word locally
|| [[#t15:26:10|15:26]]
|- id="t15:26:19"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Note, we have no test day scheduled for next week.
|| [[#t15:26:19|15:26]]
|- id="t15:26:35"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | However, I just saw a request from dramsey for an event focused on testing Fedora in dual-boot scenarios
|| [[#t15:26:35|15:26]]
|- id="t15:26:53"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | I've reached out to dlehman for his thoughts on the effectiveness of such an event ... so we'll go from there
|| [[#t15:26:53|15:26]]
|- id="t15:27:02"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | Alright ... that's it for test days
|| [[#t15:27:02|15:27]]
|- id="t15:27:15"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | please tune your sets to autoqa for the next topic ...
|| [[#t15:27:15|15:27]]
|- id="t15:27:32"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #topic AutoQA Package Update Acceptance
|| [[#t15:27:32|15:27]]
|- id="t15:27:46"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | wwoods: kparal: you're our resident autoqa experts, guide us through this wilderness
|| [[#t15:27:46|15:27]]
|- id="t15:27:59"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | (points for excessive use of #info, #idea and #help :) )
|| [[#t15:27:59|15:27]]
|- id="t15:28:14"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | let's give mic to the guru :)
|| [[#t15:28:14|15:28]]
|- id="t15:28:18"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | ha. okay!
|| [[#t15:28:18|15:28]]
|- id="t15:28:29"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | so, still concentrating mostly on the depcheck test.
|| [[#t15:28:29|15:28]]
|- id="t15:28:58"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | people have noticed bodhi messing with the dist-fXX-updates{-testing}-pending tags
|| [[#t15:28:58|15:28]]
|- id="t15:29:13"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | (which lmacken added so we can do proper depchecking - hooray)
|| [[#t15:29:13|15:29]]
|- id="t15:29:19"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | saweeet!
|| [[#t15:29:19|15:29]]
|- id="t15:29:36"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | last week (based on some code from jskladan) I added mash support to depcheck
|| [[#t15:29:36|15:29]]
|- id="t15:29:39"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #info bodhi now supports using dist-fXX-updates{-testing}-pending tags to assist with autoqa workflow
|| [[#t15:29:39|15:29]]
|- id="t15:29:49"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | (mash is, basically, the magic thingy that puts the i686 packages into the x86_64 repo)
|| [[#t15:29:49|15:29]]
|- id="t15:30:16"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Coolness
|| [[#t15:30:16|15:30]]
|- id="t15:30:23"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | this is important since some "repos are broken!" conditions are caused by bad multilib handling
|| [[#t15:30:23|15:30]]
|- id="t15:30:56"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | so we need this so depcheck can simulate the exact set of packages that would get pushed to users
|| [[#t15:30:56|15:30]]
|- id="t15:31:01"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | what about evolution-data-server which led to broken updates for the second time in less than two months ?
|| [[#t15:31:01|15:31]]
|- id="t15:31:22"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | anyway - it's in there now, and I wrote some unittests, and we proved that depcheck can *notice* (but not *prevent*) things like the nss-softokn problem we keep seeing
|| [[#t15:31:22|15:31]]
|- id="t15:31:32"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | hicham: please don't distract the discussion
|| [[#t15:31:32|15:31]]
|- id="t15:31:34"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | hicham: that's not a multilib problem, but yes, depcheck catches that
|| [[#t15:31:34|15:31]]
|- id="t15:31:52"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | it was designed with that problem in mind, and we have unittests that model it
|| [[#t15:31:52|15:31]]
|- id="t15:32:10"
! style="background-color: #9b519b" | hicham
| style="color: #9b519b" | adamw: sorry, i thought i was on topic
|| [[#t15:32:10|15:32]]
|- id="t15:32:31"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | anyway - us autoqa hackers had a little conference on Friday to work out the final pieces of the puzzle
|| [[#t15:32:31|15:32]]
|- id="t15:32:49"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | we decided to move the file conflicts check into a separate test
|| [[#t15:32:49|15:32]]
|- id="t15:33:14"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | adamw: kparal: can you keep #topic flowing, I need to step away for a conflict
|| [[#t15:33:14|15:33]]
|- id="t15:33:19"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | sure
|| [[#t15:33:19|15:33]]
|- id="t15:33:20"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | and recognized that properly enforcing the Package Update Acceptance Test Plan will require running multiple tests and reporting a single pass/fail status - which will require some engineering work
|| [[#t15:33:20|15:33]]
|- id="t15:33:49"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | so it'll be a little while longer until we actually have bodhi *enforcing* the autoqa requirements
|| [[#t15:33:49|15:33]]
|- id="t15:34:03"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | but we should have depcheck running and reporting results - purely informative - Very Soon
|| [[#t15:34:03|15:34]]
|- id="t15:34:13"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | where will it report?
|| [[#t15:34:13|15:34]]
|- id="t15:34:37"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | fenris02: same places all the tests report right now - the autoqa-results list, and directly to the package maintainer if they opt in
|| [[#t15:34:37|15:34]]
|- id="t15:34:45"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | (by email)
|| [[#t15:34:45|15:34]]
|- id="t15:34:55"
| colspan="2" | * fenris02 nods
|| [[#t15:34:55|15:34]]
|- id="t15:35:15"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | we have code to make them report to the ResultsDB, and we're working on a nice web frontend (or two) for ResultsDB
|| [[#t15:35:15|15:35]]
|- id="t15:35:41"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | so that's another place tests can/will report
|| [[#t15:35:41|15:35]]
|- id="t15:35:48"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney could start working on the ResultsDB frontend, if needed
|| [[#t15:35:48|15:35]]
|- id="t15:36:07"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | and in the future that reporting will probably happen over an AMQP messagebus within the Fedora infrastructure
|| [[#t15:36:07|15:36]]
|- id="t15:36:13"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | which is basically a big magical pony that we've all wanted for a while
|| [[#t15:36:13|15:36]]
|- id="t15:36:24"
| colspan="2" | * jlaska looks for ascii art pony
|| [[#t15:36:24|15:36]]
|- id="t15:36:34"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | j_dulaney: that'd be awesome - you should a) look into TurboGears stuff and b) talk to jskladan
|| [[#t15:36:34|15:36]]
|- id="t15:36:43"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | wwoods:  roger
|| [[#t15:36:43|15:36]]
|- id="t15:37:16"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | or! actually - something we haven't talked a lot about
|| [[#t15:37:16|15:37]]
|- id="t15:37:24"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | writing up use cases and doing design mockups
|| [[#t15:37:24|15:37]]
|- id="t15:37:34"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | (and possibly getting the design team involved)
|| [[#t15:37:34|15:37]]
|- id="t15:38:04"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | would be super-helpful - we're QA guys and engineers. web design is not exactly my specialty
|| [[#t15:38:04|15:38]]
|- id="t15:38:23"
| colspan="2" | * j_dulaney has some slight experience, but the UI is not his strong point
|| [[#t15:38:23|15:38]]
|- id="t15:38:48"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | The fiddly-bits underneath the UI is where I'm good
|| [[#t15:38:48|15:38]]
|- id="t15:38:55"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | sure, but it's still helpful to just discuss/document the ways people would want to use a big database of test results
|| [[#t15:38:55|15:38]]
|- id="t15:39:07"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Indeed
|| [[#t15:39:07|15:39]]
|- id="t15:39:07"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | think about what views would be useful as a packager, or tester
|| [[#t15:39:07|15:39]]
|- id="t15:39:36"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | if you're looking for inspiration, I think kparal or jskladan posted some mock-ups to a while back
|| [[#t15:39:36|15:39]]
|- id="t15:39:40"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Righteo, I'll get in touch with Devel, some packagers, and on test-list
|| [[#t15:39:40|15:39]]
|- id="t15:39:55"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | jlaska: really? nice, I should look that up
|| [[#t15:39:55|15:39]]
|- id="t15:40:15"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | definitely think now is a good time to do some further brainstorming and get design involved with some further mockups
|| [[#t15:40:15|15:40]]
|- id="t15:40:32"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | anyway, that covers the current state and near future (I think)
|| [[#t15:40:32|15:40]]
|- id="t15:40:40"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | kparal: anything else we should mention?
|| [[#t15:40:40|15:40]]
|- id="t15:41:02"
| colspan="2" | * kparal thinking
|| [[#t15:41:02|15:41]]
|- id="t15:41:23"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | you covered all I think
|| [[#t15:41:23|15:41]]
|- id="t15:41:52"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | we had some discussion about whitelisting rpmlint output
|| [[#t15:41:52|15:41]]
|- id="t15:42:04"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | which is quite an important for many pkg maintainers
|| [[#t15:42:04|15:42]]
|- id="t15:42:17"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | anyone can join that discussion on autoqa-devel
|| [[#t15:42:17|15:42]]
|- id="t15:42:25"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | heh
|| [[#t15:42:25|15:42]]
|- id="t15:43:13"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | adamw: actually atodorov started the thread before fudcon I think :)
|| [[#t15:43:13|15:43]]
|- id="t15:43:26"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | :P
|| [[#t15:43:26|15:43]]
|- id="t15:43:35"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | ok, so thanks autoqa gang!
|| [[#t15:43:35|15:43]]
|- id="t15:43:48"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | #topic open discussion
|| [[#t15:43:48|15:43]]
|- id="t15:43:59"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | anyone have anything to bring up that hasn't been discussed so far?
|| [[#t15:43:59|15:43]]
|- id="t15:44:18"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | just a quick pointer, I finally completed wiki cleanup for the F-14 QA retrospective page
|| [[#t15:44:18|15:44]]
|- id="t15:44:22"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | #link
|| [[#t15:44:22|15:44]]
|- id="t15:44:34"
! style="background-color: #407a40" | jlaska
| style="color: #407a40" | I'll send a reminder to the list, but contributions encouraged and welcome
|| [[#t15:44:34|15:44]]
|- id="t15:44:43"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Just throwing out:  The OS class at CCC did not make, not enough people signed up
|| [[#t15:44:43|15:44]]
|- id="t15:45:04"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | pity
|| [[#t15:45:04|15:45]]
|- id="t15:45:16"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | haiku?  I'm still learning what I can contribute with some QA tasks... but I can bring a mean haiku
|| [[#t15:45:16|15:45]]
|- id="t15:45:25"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | Fedora 14 / Beta is for Carotene / Let's Push for Final!
|| [[#t15:45:25|15:45]]
|- id="t15:46:07"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Noice
|| [[#t15:46:07|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:13"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | saccia: TOP MARKS
|| [[#t15:46:13|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:14"
| colspan="2" | * adamw isn't quite sure where the carotene comes from
|| [[#t15:46:14|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:34"
! style="background-color: #4b904b" | wwoods
| style="color: #4b904b" | adamw: "beta-Carotene", natch
|| [[#t15:46:34|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:40"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" |
|| [[#t15:46:40|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:52"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | there is also a carotene.... besides beta-carotene
|| [[#t15:46:52|15:46]]
|- id="t15:46:57"
! style="background-color: #a25555" | fenris02
| style="color: #a25555" | wwoods, hah
|| [[#t15:46:57|15:46]]
|- id="t15:47:18"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | oooh.
|| [[#t15:47:18|15:47]]
|- id="t15:47:59"
| colspan="2" | * saccia bows
|| [[#t15:47:59|15:47]]
|- id="t15:48:05"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | thank you saccia
|| [[#t15:48:05|15:48]]
|- id="t15:48:15"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | i realize it's a hard act to follow, but anything else? :)
|| [[#t15:48:15|15:48]]
|- id="t15:48:21"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | lol
|| [[#t15:48:21|15:48]]
|- id="t15:49:01"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | jlaska reminds me i have something :P
|| [[#t15:49:01|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:08"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | #topic open discussion - nice-to-have proposal
|| [[#t15:49:08|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:21"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | just wanted to point up the nice-to-have bug proposal i sent to the list for discussion, feedback would be appreciated
|| [[#t15:49:21|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:47"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Working video drivers for my old-blanc hardware
|| [[#t15:49:47|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:56"
! style="background-color: #854685" | kparal
| style="color: #854685" | adamw: you mean test-list, right?
|| [[#t15:49:56|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:56"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | blank^
|| [[#t15:49:56|15:49]]
|- id="t15:49:59"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" |
|| [[#t15:49:59|15:49]]
|- id="t15:50:02"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | yes
|| [[#t15:50:02|15:50]]
|- id="t15:50:13"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | j_dulaney: i didn't mean that way. :P
|| [[#t15:50:13|15:50]]
|- id="t15:51:02"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | I know
|| [[#t15:51:02|15:51]]
|- id="t15:51:12"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | so, yeah, please read and post feedback, thanks!
|| [[#t15:51:12|15:51]]
|- id="t15:51:40"
| colspan="2" | * jlaska plans to re-read again after having a weekend to digest
|| [[#t15:51:40|15:51]]
|- id="t15:51:41"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | so we'll have a beta-gold spin tomorrow?
|| [[#t15:51:41|15:51]]
|- id="t15:51:51"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | we already have one
|| [[#t15:51:51|15:51]]
|- id="t15:52:12"
! style="background-color: #818144" | saccia
| style="color: #818144" | oh wow... missed it.... gonna go download now
|| [[#t15:52:12|15:52]]
|- id="t15:52:19"
! style="background-color: #488888" | j_dulaney
| style="color: #488888" | Indeed
|| [[#t15:52:19|15:52]]
|- id="t15:53:18"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | ok, so sounds like we covered everything
|| [[#t15:53:18|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:45"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | closing meeting in 5...
|| [[#t15:53:45|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:48"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | 4...
|| [[#t15:53:48|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:50"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | 3...
|| [[#t15:53:50|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:52"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | 2...
|| [[#t15:53:52|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:52"
| colspan="2" | * rbergeron considers adding that haiku to the beta announcement :)
|| [[#t15:53:52|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:56"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | 1...
|| [[#t15:53:56|15:53]]
|- id="t15:53:59"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | thanks, everyone!
|| [[#t15:53:59|15:53]]
|- id="t15:54:01"
! style="background-color: #8c4a4a" | adamw
| style="color: #8c4a4a" | #endmeeting
|| [[#t15:54:01|15:54]]
Generated by 2.7 by [ Marius Gedminas] - find it at []!

Revision as of 13:18, 4 October 2010


People present (lines said):

  1. jlaska (90)
  2. adamw (53)
  3. wwoods (44)
  4. j_dulaney (25)
  5. kparal (11)
  6. hicham (11)
  7. saccia (9)
  8. fenris02 (8)
  9. zodbot (4)
  10. Cookiekiller (4)
  11. Southern_Gentlem (3)
  12. mcloaked (2)
  13. exw (1)
  14. tk009 (1)
  15. rbergeron (1)
  16. Viking-Ice (1)

Unable to attend:

  1. Rhe
  2. Newgle1
  3. jskladan
  4. mkrizek


Previous meeting follow-up

  • All - please help test the beta (see)

F14 Beta Testing, and beyond

Owner - AdamW, hurry
Beta-RC3 declared GOLD (see announcement
Beta test summary sent by hurry (see announcement)
Next steps...
Identify and document CommonBugs? issues (see process)

F14 Test Days

Sep 23 - Virtualization

Owner - jforbes
Test day completed (see wiki)
Next steps...
Submit test day recap

Sep 28-30 - Graphics test week

Owner - adamwill
Tuesday, Sep 28 - Nouveau
Wednesday, Sep 29 - Radeon
Thursday, Sep 30 - Intel
Next steps...

Oct 07 - Open slot

Owner - nobody
No planned test day
Next steps...

AutoQA update

Owner - User:wwoods
jskladan updated Writing_AutoQA_Tests with new more updated content
kparal + wwoods reviewed and merged multihook and upgradepath patches
lmacken noted that updated bodhi with 'pending' tag support should be available later today
kparal presented AutoQA at FUDCon (see QA:Presentations)
autoqa-0.4.2-1 released
wwoods reviewed and updated Updates_Lessons#2010-05-27_-_nss-softokn_update_problems based on findings of how the nss-softokn issue was missed
Next steps...
wwoods will also add an rpm test transaction to depcheck to catch file conflicts
jskladan and wwoods investigating mash integration

Open discussion - <Your topic here>

F14 QA Retrospective

Please start recording good, bad and ugly at Fedora_14_QA_Retrospective.

Upcoming QA events

Action items

IRC Transcript

jlaska #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:00
zodbot Meeting started Mon Sep 27 15:00:47 2010 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at 15:00
zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00
jlaska #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00
zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00
* fenris02 waves 15:00
jlaska #topic Gathering critical mass 15:01
jlaska adamw: fenris02: welcome 15:01
* kparal jumps 15:01
saccia I've got my haiku ready :-) 15:01
* j_dulaney is finally back online 15:01
jlaska saccia: good! 15:01
jlaska j_dulaney: welcome back :) 15:02
jlaska kparal: greetings 15:02
jlaska will get started in another minute 15:02
* wwoods here 15:03
jlaska wwoods: hey hey! 15:04
jlaska kparal: we're without jskladan and mkrizek today, right? 15:04
jlaska #chair kparal adamw 15:04
zodbot Current chairs: adamw jlaska kparal 15:04
kparal jlaska: that's right 15:04
* tk009 thinks jlaska is a bit to chipper for a monday. 15:04
j_dulaney I appologize for not making any meetings or doing any work in the last while 15:04
jlaska tk009: :) 15:05
jlaska kparal: adamw: I may need help from one of you to carry the meeting forward after the 30min mark 15:05
jlaska #topic Previous Meeting follow-up 15:05
jlaska This was easy ... 15:05
jlaska #info [All] - please help test the beta 15:05
jlaska and I just spoke with All, and [s]he said the work was completed! 15:05
adamw go all! 15:06
j_dulaney LOL 15:06
jlaska seriously though, I'm still impressed at the test turn-out we had for F-14-Beta-RCX ... that really helped provide adamw data for the go/no-go meeting 15:06
jlaska nice work gang 15:06
wwoods All.ison 15:06
jlaska good segway ... 15:07
jlaska #topic F14 Beta Testing, and beyond 15:07
jlaska So quick recap ... 15:07
* Viking-Ice comes sailing inn.. 15:07
jlaska #info F-14-Beta-RC3 declared GOLD - 15:07
jlaska Hi Viking-Ice, you can park that boat anywhere you like 15:07
jlaska Hurry also sent a test summary of both installation and desktop to test-announce 15:08
jlaska #info F-14-Beta test summary available - 15:08
jlaska The only outstanding items on the QA plate that I'm aware of for F-14-Beta are CommonBugs? 15:08
jlaska adamw and I typically knock these out today 15:08
jlaska (mostly adamw to be honest) :) 15:08
mcloaked Presume install from USB needs testing. I'll try do that. 15:08
adamw mcloaked: how do you mean? 15:08
jlaska mcloaked: that's one of the bugs on the CommonBugs? list that I need to get a bit more understanding on 15:09
jlaska mcloaked: I assume you're talking about bug#627789 ? 15:09
jlaska only 7 CommonBugs? requests, and I suspect a few may be old ... so not too bad 15:10
jlaska #link 15:10
mcloaked Ok I presume reports were for putting ISO on usbkey and doing hd install from that? 15:10
adamw jlaska: there's probably some that should be on there that aren't 15:10
adamw jlaska: in particular we should check the -accepted and F14blocker lists 15:11
jlaska mcloaked: yeah, there's still some mystery (at least for me) precisely how some are preparing that setup for install 15:11
adamw and see if any of those need to be commonbugsed 15:11
jlaska adamw: I'm going to ask for help from Hurry for documenting some of the installer issues 15:11
adamw jlaska: as i mentioned on email, we should really get with anaconda team, get the definitive word on how one should do that, and write up a test for it 15:11
Southern_Gentlem jlaska, try livecd-iso-to-disk and unetbootin 15:11
jlaska adamw: agreed ... I've added it to the retrospective, and Hurry has started that process in a ticket 15:12
adamw Southern_Gentlem: we've already got tests for livecd-iso-to-disk, and unetbootin certainly isn't a supported Fedora install mechanism. 15:12
hicham i think this is a blocker : 15:12
adamw jlaska: awesome 15:12
Southern_Gentlem adamw, in past releases unetbootin was mentioned 15:12
adamw Southern_Gentlem: er, that is, we don't have formal test cases, but we have test *results* for beta 15:12
j_dulaney hicham: I would agree 15:13
jlaska hicham: if you feel a bug is a blocker for the release, you are welcome to propose it by adding blocks:F14Blocker and listing the release criteria you feel is impacted 15:13
jlaska Note, from here out, we will be referencing the *Final* release criteria - 15:13
adamw hicham: that's not a blocker under our current criteria, nautilus functionality isn't considered until final 15:13
hicham jlaska: ok, I am adding as a blocker for final release 15:13
adamw hicham: for final i would agree 15:13
jlaska hicham: thanks 15:14
jlaska okay ... anything else for F-14-Beta and beyond 15:14
jlaska 20 seconds .. and moving on 15:14
Southern_Gentlem ship and lets bang on it 15:14
jlaska Southern_Gentlem: your wish is my command! :) 15:14
Cookiekiller jlaska, is there a known bug about setting the hostname? 15:14
fenris02 once we have the 'beta' label, many more testers will appear 15:15
jlaska Cookiekiller: I'm not aware of any general problems about setting the hostname 15:15
jlaska #topic F14 Test Days 15:15
Cookiekiller 2 times it must be set by me after I installed it 15:15
Cookiekiller Using f14 beta rc3 15:15
jlaska This is an ongoing topic where I review recent and upcoming test days 15:15
jlaska Cookiekiller: let's make a note and save your topic for open-discussion or further detail on #fedora-qa 15:16
jlaska Cookiekiller: so we don't keep people in meetings longer than needed :) 15:16
* adamw hits pantscon 2 in a hurry 15:16
Cookiekiller :) so go on 15:16
adamw knew there was something i was supposed to do this weekend... 15:16
jlaska adamw: you've got some time 15:16
jlaska so reviewing last weeks event ... 15:16
jlaska #info Sep 23 - Virtualization - 15:17
jlaska we had a light turn-out for the event, from what I could tell 15:17
jlaska which is unfortunate, as there was a *lot* of testing outlined on the wiki pages 15:17
jlaska if you weren't able to join, but still intend to test, it's not too late 15:17
jlaska I'll need to catch up with jforbes for a recap of the event 15:17
* j_dulaney doesn't have the hardware 15:18
jlaska i.e. what he felt was good/bad/ugly etc... 15:18
jlaska next up ... 15:18
adamw it seems like a lot of people still prefer vmware / vbox over the fedora stack for various reasons 15:18
adamw that might be a part of it 15:18
jlaska possibly, not sure 15:18
wwoods mostly a branding/usability problem at this point 15:18
jlaska definitely a messaging component 15:19
j_dulaney wwoods: agreed 15:19
wwoods I don't think people realize we ship a completely free, completely open source, super-fast virtual machine with Fedora 15:19
jlaska I often wonder if we spread too thin with the amount of testing scoped for a single day 15:19
adamw well, there was a thread recently where we asked why people preferred vmware and there were quite a few reasonable replies 15:19
adamw so it's not just messaging 15:19
hicham wwoods: provided they have Intel VT 15:19
adamw er, preferred vbox* 15:19
adamw hicham: doesn't have to be intel. 15:20
fenris02 adamw, esx is what many co's use 15:20
adamw all vaguely recent amd chips support it too. 15:20
j_dulaney wwoods: when I had access to the hardware for virtualization, I found VMWare's UI to be good 15:20
hicham adamw: or AMD with appropriate extensions 15:20
jlaska I've been amazed at how rapidly the virt-manager UI has improved over recent releases 15:20
hicham my hardware doesn't support it 15:20
hicham i am forced to use VB 15:21
jlaska okay ... so hit your blogs or the list with your thoughts as to how we can make this better in the future 15:21
j_dulaney Buy me new hardware/ 15:21
fenris02 jlaska, it is missing a few things yet. for instance, set the uuid. or attach an ide-cdrom with scsi disks. or boot bsd. 15:21
jlaska hah, get in line :) 15:21
j_dulaney ? not / ^ 15:21
wwoods yeah I guess if you don't have VT bits that's an OK reason? But libvirt still runs fine on those systems. just not real fast. 15:21
wwoods bsd? I can't even pretend to care 15:21
adamw wwoods: s/not real fast/teeth-grindingly slow/ 15:21
wwoods anyway 15:21
exw wwoods: slow on my two non vt test machines 15:22
jlaska #info Sep 28-30 - Graphics test week 15:22
fenris02 wwoods, understand. just saying why folks use vmware instead. 15:22
wwoods tangent! let us move on! 15:22
jlaska switching to this weeks topic ... 15:22
jlaska wwoods: right on 15:22
wwoods oh yes, the ever-popular Graphics Test Week 15:22
jlaska adam will be delighting us with a revisit of the ever popular graphics test week! 15:22
jlaska boo-yay 15:22
hicham Graphics as of Artwork, or Graphics drivers ? 15:23
adamw aaand he totally forgot to announce it so far 15:23
jlaska drivers 15:23
jlaska adamw: the wiki page(s) look good, do you need any help finishing the event prep? 15:23
hicham oh, still investigating a nasty lockup in here 15:23
* j_dulaney hates nouveau 15:24
hicham it is caused by the move to r300g 15:24
adamw no, prep is done ages ago 15:24
jlaska adamw: I was thinking more about live images, blogs, test-announce etc.. 15:24
* j_dulaney will try to test the graphics, anyway 15:24
adamw oh. yeah, if anyone wants to blog it'd be great. 15:25
adamw i'm not aware of any need for live images yet, but i'd better check with the devs. 15:25
adamw i'll handle test-announce. 15:25
jlaska okay, thanks 15:25
jlaska #help Please help spread awareness of Fedora graphics test week to a blog/list near you 15:25
jlaska #info Oct 07 - Open slot 15:26
* j_dulaney will spread word locally 15:26
jlaska Note, we have no test day scheduled for next week. 15:26
jlaska However, I just saw a request from dramsey for an event focused on testing Fedora in dual-boot scenarios 15:26
jlaska I've reached out to dlehman for his thoughts on the effectiveness of such an event ... so we'll go from there 15:26
jlaska Alright ... that's it for test days 15:27
jlaska please tune your sets to autoqa for the next topic ... 15:27
jlaska #topic AutoQA Package Update Acceptance 15:27
jlaska wwoods: kparal: you're our resident autoqa experts, guide us through this wilderness 15:27
jlaska (points for excessive use of #info, #idea and #help :) ) 15:27
kparal let's give mic to the guru :) 15:28
wwoods ha. okay! 15:28
wwoods so, still concentrating mostly on the depcheck test. 15:28
wwoods people have noticed bodhi messing with the dist-fXX-updates{-testing}-pending tags 15:28
wwoods (which lmacken added so we can do proper depchecking - hooray) 15:29
jlaska saweeet! 15:29
wwoods last week (based on some code from jskladan) I added mash support to depcheck 15:29
jlaska #info bodhi now supports using dist-fXX-updates{-testing}-pending tags to assist with autoqa workflow 15:29
wwoods (mash is, basically, the magic thingy that puts the i686 packages into the x86_64 repo) 15:29
j_dulaney Coolness 15:30
wwoods this is important since some "repos are broken!" conditions are caused by bad multilib handling 15:30
wwoods so we need this so depcheck can simulate the exact set of packages that would get pushed to users 15:30
hicham what about evolution-data-server which led to broken updates for the second time in less than two months ? 15:31
wwoods anyway - it's in there now, and I wrote some unittests, and we proved that depcheck can *notice* (but not *prevent*) things like the nss-softokn problem we keep seeing 15:31
adamw hicham: please don't distract the discussion 15:31
wwoods hicham: that's not a multilib problem, but yes, depcheck catches that 15:31
wwoods it was designed with that problem in mind, and we have unittests that model it 15:31
hicham adamw: sorry, i thought i was on topic 15:32
wwoods anyway - us autoqa hackers had a little conference on Friday to work out the final pieces of the puzzle 15:32
wwoods we decided to move the file conflicts check into a separate test 15:32
jlaska adamw: kparal: can you keep #topic flowing, I need to step away for a conflict 15:33
adamw sure 15:33
wwoods and recognized that properly enforcing the Package Update Acceptance Test Plan will require running multiple tests and reporting a single pass/fail status - which will require some engineering work 15:33
wwoods so it'll be a little while longer until we actually have bodhi *enforcing* the autoqa requirements 15:33
wwoods but we should have depcheck running and reporting results - purely informative - Very Soon 15:34
fenris02 where will it report? 15:34
wwoods fenris02: same places all the tests report right now - the autoqa-results list, and directly to the package maintainer if they opt in 15:34
wwoods (by email) 15:34
* fenris02 nods 15:34
wwoods we have code to make them report to the ResultsDB, and we're working on a nice web frontend (or two) for ResultsDB 15:35
wwoods so that's another place tests can/will report 15:35
* j_dulaney could start working on the ResultsDB frontend, if needed 15:35
wwoods and in the future that reporting will probably happen over an AMQP messagebus within the Fedora infrastructure 15:36
wwoods which is basically a big magical pony that we've all wanted for a while 15:36
* jlaska looks for ascii art pony 15:36
wwoods j_dulaney: that'd be awesome - you should a) look into TurboGears stuff and b) talk to jskladan 15:36
j_dulaney wwoods: roger 15:36
wwoods or! actually - something we haven't talked a lot about 15:37
wwoods writing up use cases and doing design mockups 15:37
wwoods (and possibly getting the design team involved) 15:37
wwoods would be super-helpful - we're QA guys and engineers. web design is not exactly my specialty 15:38
* j_dulaney has some slight experience, but the UI is not his strong point 15:38
j_dulaney The fiddly-bits underneath the UI is where I'm good 15:38
wwoods sure, but it's still helpful to just discuss/document the ways people would want to use a big database of test results 15:38
j_dulaney Indeed 15:39
wwoods think about what views would be useful as a packager, or tester 15:39
jlaska if you're looking for inspiration, I think kparal or jskladan posted some mock-ups to a while back 15:39
j_dulaney Righteo, I'll get in touch with Devel, some packagers, and on test-list 15:39
wwoods jlaska: really? nice, I should look that up 15:39
wwoods definitely think now is a good time to do some further brainstorming and get design involved with some further mockups 15:40
wwoods anyway, that covers the current state and near future (I think) 15:40
wwoods kparal: anything else we should mention? 15:40
* kparal thinking 15:41
kparal you covered all I think 15:41
kparal we had some discussion about whitelisting rpmlint output 15:41
kparal which is quite an important for many pkg maintainers 15:42
kparal anyone can join that discussion on autoqa-devel 15:42
adamw heh 15:42
kparal adamw: actually atodorov started the thread before fudcon I think :) 15:43
adamw :P 15:43
adamw ok, so thanks autoqa gang! 15:43
adamw #topic open discussion 15:43
adamw anyone have anything to bring up that hasn't been discussed so far? 15:43
jlaska just a quick pointer, I finally completed wiki cleanup for the F-14 QA retrospective page 15:44
jlaska #link 15:44
jlaska I'll send a reminder to the list, but contributions encouraged and welcome 15:44
j_dulaney Just throwing out: The OS class at CCC did not make, not enough people signed up 15:44
kparal pity 15:45
saccia haiku? I'm still learning what I can contribute with some QA tasks... but I can bring a mean haiku 15:45
saccia Fedora 14 / Beta is for Carotene / Let's Push for Final! 15:45
j_dulaney Noice 15:46
wwoods saccia: TOP MARKS 15:46
* adamw isn't quite sure where the carotene comes from 15:46
wwoods adamw: "beta-Carotene", natch 15:46
saccia 15:46
saccia there is also a carotene.... besides beta-carotene 15:46
fenris02 wwoods, hah 15:46
adamw oooh. 15:47
* saccia bows 15:47
adamw thank you saccia 15:48
adamw i realize it's a hard act to follow, but anything else? :) 15:48
saccia lol 15:48
adamw jlaska reminds me i have something :P 15:49
adamw #topic open discussion - nice-to-have proposal 15:49
adamw just wanted to point up the nice-to-have bug proposal i sent to the list for discussion, feedback would be appreciated 15:49
j_dulaney Working video drivers for my old-blanc hardware 15:49
kparal adamw: you mean test-list, right? 15:49
j_dulaney blank^ 15:49
adamw 15:49
adamw yes 15:50
adamw j_dulaney: i didn't mean that way. :P 15:50
j_dulaney I know 15:51
adamw so, yeah, please read and post feedback, thanks! 15:51
* jlaska plans to re-read again after having a weekend to digest 15:51
saccia so we'll have a beta-gold spin tomorrow? 15:51
adamw we already have one 15:51
saccia oh wow... missed it.... gonna go download now 15:52
j_dulaney Indeed 15:52
adamw ok, so sounds like we covered everything 15:53
adamw closing meeting in 5... 15:53
adamw 4... 15:53
adamw 3... 15:53
adamw 2... 15:53
* rbergeron considers adding that haiku to the beta announcement :) 15:53
adamw 1... 15:53
adamw thanks, everyone! 15:53
adamw #endmeeting 15:54

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