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(Add details about koji garbage collection.)
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{{admon/important|This page is deprecated| All Fedora Release Engineering Documentation has moved [ here] with source hosted along side the code in the [ releng pagure repository]}}
== Description ==
== Description ==
At the beginning of each release under development a new package signing key is created for it.  This key is used to prove the authenticity of packages built by Fedora and distributed by Fedora.  This key will be used to sign all packages for the public test and final releases.
At the beginning of each release under development a new package signing key is created for it.  This key is used to prove the authenticity of packages built by Fedora and distributed by Fedora.  This key will be used to sign all packages for the public test and final releases.
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For example if we wanted to create the Fedora 13 signing key, we would do the following:
For example if we wanted to create the Fedora 23 signing key, we would do the following:
<li>Log into a system configured to run sigul client.</li>
<li>Log into a system configured to run sigul client.</li>
<li>Create the key using a strong passphrase when prompted
<li>Create the key using a strong passphrase when prompted
$ sigul new-key --key-admin jkeating --name-real Fedora \
$ sigul new-key --key-admin ausil --name-real Fedora \
         --name-comment 13 \
         --name-comment 23 \
         --name-email fedora-13
         --name-email fedora-23
$ sigul new-key --key-admin ausil --name-real "Fedora EPEL" \
        --name-comment 7 \
        --name-email epel-7
<li>Wait a while for entropy.  This can take several minutes.</li>
<li>Wait a while for entropy.  This can take several minutes.</li>
<li>Grant key access to Fedora Account holders who will be signing packages and protect it with a temporary a passphrase.  For example, "CHANGEME."
<li>Grant key access to Fedora Account holders who will be signing packages and protect it with a temporary a passphrase.  For example, "CHANGEME."
$ sigul grant-key-access fedora-13 jwboyer
$ sigul grant-key-access fedora-23 kevin
<li>Provide the key name and temporary passphrase to signers. If they don't respond, revoke access until they are ready to change their passphrase.  Signers can change their passphrase using the <code>change-passphrase</code> command:
<li>Provide the key name and temporary passphrase to signers. If they don't respond, revoke access until they are ready to change their passphrase.  Signers can change their passphrase using the <code>change-passphrase</code> command:
$ sigul change-passphrase fedora-13
$ sigul change-passphrase fedora-23
When your sigul cert expires, you will need to run: 'certutil -d ~/.sigul -D -n sigul-client-cert' to remove the old cert, then 'sigul_setup_client' to add a new one.
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$ git clone git://
$ git clone
$ cd mash
$ cd mash
$ vim configs/rawhide.mash
$ vim configs/rawhide.mash

Latest revision as of 17:51, 3 November 2015

This page is deprecated
All Fedora Release Engineering Documentation has moved here with source hosted along side the code in the releng pagure repository


At the beginning of each release under development a new package signing key is created for it. This key is used to prove the authenticity of packages built by Fedora and distributed by Fedora. This key will be used to sign all packages for the public test and final releases.



Sigul is the signing server which holds our keys. In order to make use of a new key, the key will have to be created and access to the key will have to be granted. The new-key, grant-key-access, and change-passphrase commands are used.

$ sigul new-key --help
usage: new-key [options] key

Add a key

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --key-admin=USER      Initial key administrator
                        Real name of key subject
                        A comment about of key subject
                        E-mail of key subject
                        Key expiration date

$ sigul grant-key-access --help
usage: grant-key-access key user

Grant key access to a user

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

$ sigul change-passphrase --help
usage: change-passphrase key

Change key passphrase

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

For example if we wanted to create the Fedora 23 signing key, we would do the following:

  1. Log into a system configured to run sigul client.
  2. Create the key using a strong passphrase when prompted
    $ sigul new-key --key-admin ausil --name-real Fedora \
            --name-comment 23 \
            --name-email fedora-23

    For EPEL

    $ sigul new-key --key-admin ausil --name-real "Fedora EPEL" \
            --name-comment 7 \
            --name-email epel-7
  3. Wait a while for entropy. This can take several minutes.
  4. Grant key access to Fedora Account holders who will be signing packages and protect it with a temporary a passphrase. For example, "CHANGEME."
    $ sigul grant-key-access fedora-23 kevin
  5. Provide the key name and temporary passphrase to signers. If they don't respond, revoke access until they are ready to change their passphrase. Signers can change their passphrase using the change-passphrase command:
    $ sigul change-passphrase fedora-23
  6. When your sigul cert expires, you will need to run: 'certutil -d ~/.sigul -D -n sigul-client-cert' to remove the old cert, then 'sigul_setup_client' to add a new one.


The fedora-release package houses a copy of the public key information. This is used by rpm to verify the signature on files encountered. Currently the fedora-release package has a single key file named after the version of the key and the arch the key is for. To continue our example, the file would be named RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-13-primary which is the primary arch key for Fedora 13. To create this file, use the get-public-key command from sigul:

$ sigul get-public-key fedora-13 > RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-13-primary

Add this file to the repo, and remove the previous release's file.

$ cvs rm RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-12-primary
$ cvs add RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-13-primary

Then make a new fedora-release build for rawhide (FIXME: this should be its own SOP) lists information about all of our keys. We need to let the webteam know we have created a new key so that they can add it to the list.

We do this by sending an email to pointing to the viewvc as well as including a URL to this page so that the process is not forgotten (see section below)

This url will have to be refreshed for the right release and CVS version

Web team SOP

# from git repo root
curl $KEYURL > /tmp/newkey
$EDITOR update-gpg-keys # Add key ID of recently EOL'd version to obsolete_keys
./update-gpg-key /tmp/newkey
gpg static/fedora.gpg # used to verify the new keyring
# it should look something like this:
# pub  4096R/57BBCCBA 2009-07-29 Fedora (12) <>
# pub  4096R/E8E40FDE 2010-01-19 Fedora (13) <>
# pub  4096R/97A1071F 2010-07-23 Fedora (14) <>
# pub  1024D/217521F6 2007-03-02 Fedora EPEL <>
# sub  2048g/B6610DAF 2007-03-02 [expires: 2017-02-27]
# it must only have the two supported versions of fedora, rawhide and EPEL
# also verify that static/$NEWKEY.txt exists
$EDITOR data/content/{keys,verify}.html # see git diff 1840f96~ 1840f96


sigulsign_unsigned is the script Release Engineers use to sign content in koji. This script has a hardcoded list of keys and aliases to the keys that needs to be updated when we create new keys.

Add the key details to the KEYS dictionary near the top of the script. It lives in Release Engineering's git repo at git:// in the scripts directory. You will need to know the key ID to insert the correct information:

$ gpg <key block from sigul get-public-key>

Public Keyservers

We upload the key to the public key servers when we create the keys. To do this, we need to get the ascii key block from sigul, determine the key ID, import they key into our local keyring, and then upload it to the key servers.

$ sigul get-public-key fedora-13 > fedora-13
$ gpg fedora-13 (The ID is the "E8E40FDE" part of 4096R/E8E40FDE)
$ gpg --import fedora-13
$ gpg --send-keys E8E40FDE


Mash is the tool that composes our nightly trees, and as such it needs to know about the new key. This currently is done by checking mash out from git, editing the rawhide.mash file and sending the patch to the mash upstream.

$ git clone
$ cd mash
$ vim configs/rawhide.mash
<add key to front of keys = line>
$ git commit -m 'Add new key'
$ git send-email --to HEAD^

Coordinate with Bill Nottingham to get a new build of mash done with the change.


Koji has a garbage collection utility that will find builds that meet criteria to be removed to save space. Part of that criteria has to do with whether or not the build has been signed with a key. If the collection utility doesn't know about a key it will ignore the build. Thus as we create new keys we need to inform the utility of these keys or else builds can pile up. The configuration for the garbage collection lives within puppet.

On the puppet server in a clone edit the configs/build/koji-gc.conf file:

diff --git a/configs/build/koji-gc.conf b/configs/build/koji-gc.conf
index 8b14704..042ec35 100644
--- a/configs/build/koji-gc.conf
+++ b/configs/build/koji-gc.conf
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ key_aliases =
     4EBFC273    fedora-10
     D22E77F2    fedora-11
     57BBCCBA    fedora-12
+    217521F6    fedora-epel
 unprotected_keys =
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ unprotected_keys =
+    fedora-epel
 server =
 weburl =
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ policy =
     sig fedora-10 && age < 12 weeks :: keep
     sig fedora-11 && age < 12 weeks :: keep
     sig fedora-12 && age < 12 weeks :: keep
+    sig fedora-epel && age < 12 weeks :: keep
     #stuff to chuck semi-rapidly
     tag *-testing *-candidate *-override && order >= 2 :: untag

In this case the fedora-epel key was added to the list of key aliases, then referenced in the list of unprotected_keys, and finally a policy was created for how long to keep builds signed with this key.

Once you've made your change commit and push. The buildsystem will pick up this change the next time puppet refreshes.


We can verify that the key was created in sigul, the correct users have access to the key, the key was added to the fedora-release package, that the website was updated with the right key, that sigulsign_unsigned was properly updated, and that the key was successfully updated to the public key servers.


Use the list-keys command to verify that the key was indeed added to sigul:

$ sigul list-keys
Administrator's password: 

Our new key should be on the list. This command expects your administrative password.

Use the list-key-users command to verify all the signers have access:

$ sigul list-key-users fedora-13
Key passphrase: 

This command expects your key passphrase for the key in question.


To verify that the key was added to this package correctly, download the latest build from koji and run rpm2cpio on it, then run gpg on the key file:

$ koji download-build --arch noarch --latest dist-f13 fedora-release
fedora-release.noarch                                   |  39 kB     00:00 ... 

$ rpm2cpio fedora-release-13-0.3.noarch.rpm |cpio -ivd
57 blocks

$ gpg etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-13-primary 
pub  4096R/E8E40FDE 2010-01-19 Fedora (13) <>

You may wish to do this in a tempoary directory to make cleaning it up easy.

One can simply browse to to verify that the key has been uploaded.


The best way to test whether or not the key has been added correctly is to sign a package using the key, like our newly built fedora-release package.

$ ./ fedora-13 fedora-release-13-0.3
Passphrase for fedora-13: 

The command should exit cleanly.

Public key servers

One can use the search-keys command from gpg to locate the key on the public server:

$ gpg --search-keys "Fedora (13)"
gpg: searching for "Fedora (13)" from hkp server
(1) Fedora (13) <>
      4096 bit RSA key E8E40FDE, created: 2010-01-19


Log into koji01 by way of

Verify that /etc/koji-gc/koji-gc.conf has the new key in it.

Consider Before Running

Nothing at this time.