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= Fedora Ambassadors Country List =
As a standing rule, all regions/countries should have a Lead and a Co-Lead.
If you do not find your country or region in this list, [[Ambassadors/Join| Join]]  Ambassadors Project Today!
{{Template:Tip}} If you are not sure about your country region, please refer to [ UN's Geographical Region]
[ Large Image]  ([ Image Credit and License] )
{| border="1"
| {{Template:Tip}} [ Subscribe to Ambassadors mailing list]  to stay in the loop.
| {{Template:Tip}} If possible, please type as following format: ex) <code>CountryName</code> / <code>State</code> / <code>City</code> or <code>Region</code> - <code>YourName</code>
| {{Template:Tip}} To avoid any possible political issues, Country Flags have been removed (See [ why we should not use flags] )
| {{Template:Tip}} Add information about the LinuxUserGroups you are in. Join for a great map of Fedora Ambassadors.
Have a question? Need clarifications? Got problems? Talk to [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee| Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee]] :
== Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee ==
== Africa ==
[#Africa link here]
=== Eastern Africa ===
[#EasternAfrica link here]
* Mauritius - ChitleshGoorah
* Kenya
* Tanzania - SanjayBhatia
=== Middle Africa ===
[#MiddleAfrica link here]
* Angola
=== Northern Africa ===
[#NorthernAfrica link here]
* Egypt - DiaaRadwan
* Egypt - OmarElzanaty
* Morocco - SamiBenyounes
* Morocco/Casablanca -BalloutMerouen
* Sudan - HishamAbdelMagid
* Tunisia / Tunis - ChihebChabchoub
* Tunisia - NihedMbarek
* Tunisia / Ariana - WaelAmmar
* Tunisia - WassimKaroui
* Tunisia / Ariana - ZiedFakhfakh
=== Southern Africa ===
[#SouthernAfrica link here]
* Botswanaser
* South Africa - DaniamHenriques
* Mozambique / Maputo - NayyarAhmad
=== Western Africa ===
[#WesternAfrica link here]
* Benin
* Nigeria - DeboOgunrinde
* Nigeria - StanislausMartins
* Nigeria - AmaMgbeoji
* Nigeria - SholaSalakoOgunrinde
== America ==
[#America link here]
=== Caribbean ===
[#Caribbean link here]
* Bahamas
* Jamaica
* Puerto Rico
* United States Virgin Islands
* Martinique (France DOM) - XavierLamien
=== Central America ===
[#CentralAmerica link here]
* Costa Rica - DavidMora
* Honduras - JohnMackay
* Mexico / Chihuahua - AlejandroAcosta
* Mexico - MarioGamboa
* Mexico - JuanRodriguezMoreno
* Mexico - IzaacZavaleta
* Mexico - JesusAlbertoPalmaGarcia
* Mexico / Mexico City - BrunoBarrera
* Panama - IrvingBennett
* Guatemala - PercyMcNutt
=== South America ===
[#SouthAmerica link here]
* Argentina - JavierGabriel
* Argentina - JuanLentino
* Argentina / Buenos Aires / Capital Federal - NicolasCorrarello
* Argentina / Santa Fe / Rosario - EzequielCardinali
* Argentina / Córdoba / Córdoba - MatiasMaceira
* Brazil - AM - AyrtonAraujo
* Brazil - BA - CristianoFurtado
* Brazil - BA - RafaelGomes
* Brazil - DF - HugoCisneiros
* Brazil - MG - EunirAugusto
* Brazil - MG - IgorSoares
* Brazil - MG - LicioFonseca
* Brazil - MT - RodrigoMenezes
* Brazil - PB - AllissonAzevedo
* Brazil - PB - GutembergMedeiros
* Brazil - PR - JaymeAyres
* Brazil - RJ - DavidsonPaulo
* Brazil - RJ - NataliaWanick
* Brazil - RJ - RodrigoPadula
* Brazil - RS - RudimarGrass
* Brazil - RS - MauricioPretto
* Brazil - RS - MarceloMello
* Brazil - SC - DiegoZacarao
* Brazil - SP - DavidBarzilay
* Brazil - SP - GustavoPicoloto
* Brazil - SP - LuisMarzagao
* Brazil - RJ - HenriqueJunior
* Brazil - PR - GabrielLovison
* Brazil - TO - ErickGoes
* Brazil - DF - TulioMacedo
* Chile / Puente Alto - EduardoVillagrán
* Chile / Santiago - LarryLetelier
* Chile / Valparaíso - ArturoHoffstadt
* Chile / Valparaíso - HorstvonBrand
* Chile / Valparaíso - SvenVonbrand
* Chile / Valdivia - JuanMardones
* Colombia / DC / Bogota / AlejandroMoncada
* Colombia / DC / Bogota / JoseTarazona
* Colombia / DC / Bogota / DiegoEscobar
* Colombia / Bucaramanga / JuanCamiloPrada
* Ecuador / Quito - RicardoArguello
* Paraguay - AP - JuanCarlosLin
* Paraguay / Alto Parana - EstebanBaez
* Peru / PE - HernanPachas
* Venezuela /Distrito Capital / Caracas / GuillermoGomez
* Venezuela - WalterCervini
* Venezuela / Táchira / San Cristóbal / WilmerJaramillo
* Venezuela / Falcon / Paraguana / AndresAguilar
* Venezuela / Aragua / La Victoria / MariaLeandro
{{Anchor|NorthernAmerica}} {{Anchor|NorthAmerica}}
=== Northern America[1]  ===
[#NorthernAmerica link here]
* Canada / Toronto - BehdadEsfahbod
* Canada / Toronto - AndrewOverholt
* Canada / Vancouver - LuyaTshimbalanga
* Canada / Vancouver - BarryFox
* Canada / Niagara - LouSpironello
* Canada / Montreal - DominicDuval
* Canada / Montreal - RashadulIslam
* Canada / St. John's - ScottThistle
* USA - RobertWhetsel
* USA / South East - GregDeKoenigsberg
* USA / South East - JeremyHogan
* USA / South East - SamFolkWilliams
* USA / South East - MattFrye
* USA / South East - DavidNalley
* USA / South East - BryanElliott
* USA / South West - GantryYork
* USA / South Central (Texas) - PatrickBarnes
* USA / South Central (Texas)- ChaitanyaVellanki
* USA / Maryland - JohnBabich
* USA / Minnesota / Lakeville - TravisThrone
* USA / Mid West - BobJensen
* USA / Mid West (Minnesota) - JasonCross
* USA / Mid West - PatrickMcKelvey
* USA / Mid West (Illinois) / Chicago - TomCallaway
* USA / Mid West (Indiana) / Bloomington - JeremyGaddis
* USA / Mid West (Indiana) / Bloomington - MichelSalim
* USA / Mid West (Indiana) / Evansville - NicholasBebout
* USA / Mid West (Indiana) / South Bend - PascalCalarco
* USA / Mid West (Iowa) / Ames - JohnRose
* USA / Mid West (Nebraska) - RexDieter
* USA / Ohio (Cleveland) - JasonFenner
* USA / Ohio (Columbus) - BrianPepple
* USA / Ohio (Columbus) - JeffreyTadlock
* USA / Ohio (Perrysville) - JimGordon
* USA / Ohio (Toledo) - AnandCapur
* USA / Pennsylvania - JamesKrawczyk
* USA / Pennsylvania - ZackVonmenchhofen
* USA / North West - RichardTuttle
* USA / North West - MattMcKenzie
* USA / Alaska (Fairbanks) - JefSpaleta
* USA / California / Irvine - ThomasTran
* USA / California / Los Angeles - GradyLaksmono
* USA / California / Silicon Valley - KarstenWade
* USA / California / Silicon Valley - TonyGuntharp
* USA / California / Silicon Valley - MukulDharwadkar
* USA / California / Southern California - ThomasChung
* USA / California / Monterey - MartinBrej
* USA / District of Columbia / Washington Metro - MatthewCascio
* USA / Wisconsin / Superior - JustinBisted
* USA / Mississippi / Biloxi - JimNanney
* USA / North East - CharlesAsbury
* USA / New England - MatthewMiller
* USA / New England - JesseKeating
* USA / New England / Boston - PaulStauffer
* USA / New York/Tri-State - JackAboutboul
* USA / New York/New York - DonnellNichols
* USA / New York / North Jersey - JonStanley
* USA / New York/Up-State - KarlieRobinson
* USA / New York / New Jersey - RickyZhou
* USA / New York / Western New York - BrianPowell
* USA / New Mexico - JamesBunnell
* USA / North Carolina - LeeJoseph
* USA / North Carolina - DouglasHardison
* USA / South Carolina / Charleston - CaseyJones
* USA / South Carolina - KennyParnell
* USA / Utah - StanFinley
* USA / Utah - ClintSavage
* USA / Virginia - ["PaulWFrields"]
* USA / Virginia - EricChristensen
* USA / Virginia / Blacksburg - JamesBenWilliams
* USA / Arizona / Tucson - ScottHarvanek
* USA / Oklahoma / Stillwater - AravindSeshadri
* USA / Georgia / Atlanta - KelseyHightower
* USA / Hawaii - LaurenceLee
* USA / Florida / South Florida - DominiqueWiener
* USA / Florida / Central Florida - DennisBuice
* USA / Kentucky - MikeChambers
* USA / Idaho - RobertWright
== Asia ==
[#Asia link here]
=== Central Asia ===
[#CentralAsia link here]
* Uzbekistan - KirillNovikov
* Turkmenistan - AtamuratSariyev
=== Eastern Asia ===
[#EasternAsia link here]
* China / Mainland / Shenzhen - YuanYijun
* China / Hong Kong - StevenDrinnan
* China / Mainland  - ShidaiLiu
* China / Mainland  - WuYu
* China / Mainland  - SonglinLi
* China / Mainland  - WentaoTang
* China / Mainland / Shanghai - WaltPu
* China / Mainland / Wuhan - LoodRooliza
* Japan
* Korea
=== Southern Asia ===
[#SouthernAsia link here]
* Bangladesh / Dhaka  - AshiqurRahman
* Bangladesh / Dhaka  - MdSabrulJamil
* Bangladesh / Dhaka  - ImtiazRahi
* Bangladesh / Dhaka  - MahayAlamKhan
* Bangladesh / Chittagong  - HabibulIslam
* India / Andhra Pradesh / Hyderabad - JithenderReddy
* India / Andhrapradesh / Hyderabad - SreenivasaRao
* India / Andhrapradesh / Hyderabad - PrasadDhanakodi
* India / Andhra Pradesh / Hyderabad -NikhilBharadwaj
* India / Andhra Pradesh / Secunderabad - SatishKumar
* India / Andhrapradesh / Vijayawada - PrudhviKrishna
* India / Assam / Dibrugarh  - AmitakhyaPhukan
* India / Bangalore / Himachal Pradesh - BhanuPatial
* India / Banglore  - KushalDas
* India / Bangalore - RamamurthyShiroor
* India / Banglore  - SantoshKumar
* India / Bangalore - SrinivasUppuluri
* India / Bangalore - SudheerSatyanarayana
* India / Banglore - TejasDinkar
* India / Banglore - NareshKumar
* India / Bangalore - SoumyakantiChakraborty
* India / Bhubaneswar - JagannathdasRath
* India / Bihar - RajeshRanjan
* India / Delhi - RaviSagar
* India / Delhi - SabyasachiMohapatra
* India / Durgapur - RiaDas
* India / West Bengal / Durgapur - SubhodipBiswas
* India / West Bengal / Howrah - BiswajitDas
* India / West Bengal / Howrah(Belur) - DipanjanChakraborty
* India / Gujarat / Ahmedabad / MehulPatel
* India / Gujarat / Ahmedabad / NehalDattani
* India / Haryana - VijayGupta
* India / J&K - ShoaibHandoo
* India / Karnataka / Manipal - AnkurShrivastava
* India / Karnataka / Manipal - DhananjaySingh
* India / Karnataka / Mangalore - BalajiRao
* India / Karnataka / Mysore  - SiddharthUpmanyu
* India / Kerala / Cochin - JoseManimala
* India / Kerala  - NabeelMoidu
* India / Kerala / Thalassery - NishanthAc
* India / Kolkata - BiswajitDas
* India / Kolkata - GopalDas
* India / Kolkata - SusmitShannigrahi
* India / Maharashtra / Amravati - SameerBobade
* India / Mumbai - RajeevRavikrishna
* India / Pune  - AbhishekChauhan
* India / Pune  - AnujMittal
* India / Pune  - RahulBhalerao
* India / Pune  - RahulRaheja
* India / Pune  - RahulSundaram
* India / Pune  - RohanDighe
* India / Pune  - SankarshanMukhopadhyay
* India / Pune  - SatishMohan
* India / Pune  - SubhransuBehera
* India / Pune  - DawoodSangameshwari
* India / Pune  - YogeshBute
* India / Pune  - VaibhavTrivedi
* India / Punjab  - JassyPhulewala
* India / Punjab - KevinVerma
* India / Tamilnadu / Auroville - EduardPech
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - BalajiGurudass
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - SaiKiran
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - SivaPrakash
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - MohamedImran
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - VinodhKumar
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - VigneshSundaram
* India / Tamilnadu / Chennai - SatyajitRanjeev
* India / Tamilnadu / Salem - SatyaChickerur
* India / Tamilnadu / Erode - ShanDoraisamy
* India / Uttar Pradesh / Noida - AdityaSharma
* India / Uttar Pradesh / Lucknow - VidurMittal
* India / West Bengal / Durgapur - ArindamGhosh
* Maldives / Male - AhmedHussain
* Maldives / Male - InashZubair
* Nepal / Kathmandu - AbhishekSingh
* Nepal / Dhulikhel - RajeshPandey
* Nepal - ShankarPokharel
* Pakistan / Islamabad - FaisalMughal
* Pakistan / Punjab - MasoodMehmood
* Pakistan / Punjab - MustafaQasim
* Sri Lanka - DanishkaNavin
* Sri Lanka - SirajRazick
=== South-Eastern Asia ===
[#SouthEasternAsia link here]
* Indonesia / Bandung - AadarshBhardwaj
* Indonesia / Jakarta - ErwienYustitiawan
* Indonesia / Makassar - JohnChendra
* Indonesia / Jakarta - DapidCandra
* Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur - HanafiahMuhamad
* Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur - SharuzzamanRaslan
* Malaysia / Perak - MohdIzharFirdaus
* Malaysia / Pahang - ShahrimanSamsudin
* Philippines - JohnAlvero
* Philippines / Metro Manila - EmersonFabian
* Philippines - NapoleonEsmundoRamirez
* Philippines / Metro Manila - EngelsAntonio
* Philippines / Zamboanga del Norte - AudeeVelasco
* Philippines / Metro Manila - MagieAntonio
* Philippines / Metro Manila / Batangas City - HehersonPagcaliwagan
* Singapore - EugeneTeo
* Singapore - KelvinXu
* Singapore - HarishPillay
* Singapore - RoyOng
* Thailand - AnuchitChalothorn
=== Western Asia ===
[#WesternAsia link here]
* Armenia - SurenKarapetyan
* Azerbaijan - IgbalKaraev
* Israel - MosheRoffe
* Jordan - KefahIssa
* Lebanon - JonathanDieter
* Lebanon / Beirut - PaulmarcBougharios
* Lebanon - SaadaldineAlsaidi
* Oman - YasserAlshaqsi
* Oman / Masqat / Muscat - LaithJuwaidah
* Palestine - TarekTaha
* Turkey - BarisCicek
* Turkey - DevrimGunduz
* Turkey - HuzeyfeOnal
* Turkey - MuratUgurEminoglu
* Turkey - SerhatGungor
* United Arab Emirates - LloydAlmeida
== Europe ==
[#Europe link here]
=== Eastern Europe ===
[#EasternEurope link here]
* Belarus / Minsk - KonstantinBurtsev
* Czech Republic / Ostrava - LukeSatin
* Czech Republic / Brno - MarekMahut
* Poland / Bochnia - KonradMoson
* Poland / Ilza - PawelSadowski
* Poland / Katowice - KarolTrzcionka
* Poland / Krakow - BoguslawKlimas
* Poland / Rzeszów - BernardKawalec
* Poland / Szczecin - MichałPlaugo
* Poland / Wrocław - KrzysztofHajdamowicz
* Poland / Zabrze - MateuszHalaba
* Poland / Żyrardów - PawelCebula
* Bulgaria / Sofia - MartinMartinov
* Bulgaria / Sofia - FilipTsachev
* Bulgaria  - BogomilShopov
* Russian Federation / Moscow - DmitriAlenitchev
* Russian Federation / Rostov-on-Don - DmitryKhristianov
* Slovak Republic / Bratislava - MarekMahut
* Romania / Bucharest - ManuelWolfshant
* Romania / Bucharest - GabrielPirvan
* Romania / Bucharest - AdrianJoian
* Romania / Tirgu-Mures - LucianLanga
=== Northern Europe ===
[#NorthernEurope link here]
* United Kingdom - JonFautley
* United Kingdom - CraigAnsell
* United Kingdom - GavinHenry
* United Kingdom - AlasdairKergon
* United Kingdom - BenLewis
* United Kingdom - KeiranSmith
* Denmark - BjornAndersen
* Denmark - DavidNielsen
* Iceland - JohannBenediktGudmundsson
* Ireland - JoeEarly
=== Southern Europe ===
[#SouthernEurope link here]
* Bosnia and Herzegovina - DamirZubovic
* Croatia - ValentTurkovic
* Greece / Athens - TheodorosSynodinos
* Greece - DimitrisGlezos
* Greece / Athens - DimitriosMichelinakis
* Greece - SimosXenitellis
* Italy - AndreaMaurizioGnerre
* Italy - AndreaModestoRossi
* Italy - SeanCarlos
* Italy - FrancescoUgolini
* Italy - GiuseppePignataro
* Italy - MarcoPalazzotti
* Italy - MarioTorre
* Italy - FrancescoCrippa
* Italy - ElioTondo
* Italy - GianlucaVarisco
* Italy - LucaFoppiano
* Italy - LorenzoVillani
* Italy - SamueleStorari
* Portugal - VitorDomingos
* Portugal - RuiMoreira
* Portugal - JoseNeto
* Portugal - DuarteDiogo
* Serbia  - MarkoMilenkovic
* Spain - JoseSalgado
* Slovenia - JanBirsa
=== Western Europe ===
[#WesternEurope link here]
* Austria / Tirol / Gerlos - ClausReheis
* Austria / Tirol / Innsbruck - DavidHackl
* Austria / Vienna / Vienna - OliverFalk
* Belgium / FredericHornain
* Belgium / Ghent / BartCouvreur
* Belgium / Luxembourg - AlexandreDulaunoy
* Belgium / Luxembourg - JonathanBasse
* Belgium / Namur / Ciney - DamienDurand
* Belgium / Bruges - BartDeSoete
* France / Alsace / Strasbourg - ChitleshGoorah
* France / Nord - FredericHornain
* France / Nord - ThomasCanniot
* France / Nord - JohanCwiklinski
* France / Ouest - ArmelKermorvant
* France / Paris and surroundings - AurelienBompard
* France / Paris and surroundings - ThierryDelmonte
* France / Paris and surroundings - WilliamHoffmann
* France / Paris and surroundings - NicolasMailhot
* France / Rouen and surroundings - ChristophePolyte
* France / Paris and surroundings - CharlesVinchon
* France / Paris and surroundings - PierreYvesChibon (currently in the Netherlands)
* France / Paris and surroundings - MatthieuRondeau
* France / Lyon - MaximeCarron (currently in Australia)
* France / Lyon - BenoîtMarcelin
* France / Lyon - HaikelGuemar
* France / Alpes - FranzRobert
* France / Sud - GuillaumeKulakowski
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - AndreasRau
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - FlorianBrand
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - GeroldKassube
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg & Thueringen - JoergSimon
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - RobertScheck
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - StefanHeld
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - ThomasWoerner
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - PeterReuschlein
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - MarcoZiesing
* Germany / Baden-Wuerttemberg - HansPicht
* Germany / Bayern / Muenchen - RudolfKastl
* Germany / Bayern / Muenchen - MatthiasKranz
* Germany / Hessen - JovanSpasojevic
* Germany / Hessen - JensKuehnel
* Germany / Hessen - FrederikBijlsma
* Germany / Hessen - HansPicht
* Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen - ChristophWickert
* Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen - AlexanderWilhelm
* Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz - ChristophStrobel
* Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz - HolgerDoerner
* Germany / Nord-Deutschland - RobertAlbrecht
* Germany / Hannover - SebastianVahl
* Germany / Hannover - SebastianDziallas
* Germany / Mittel-Deutschland - DanielKretschmer
* Germany / Niedersachsen - ChristianGrams
* Netherlands - ThijsHulshof
* Netherlands - JeroenVanMeeuwen
* Switzerland - GeroldKassube
* Switzerland - SandroMathys
* Switzerland / Berne - FabianAffolter
* Switzerland / Francophones - FranzRobert
* Switzerland / Francophones - ThibaultNorth
== Oceania ==
[#Oceania link here]
=== Australia and New Zealand ===
[#AustraliaNZ link here]
* Australia / New South Wales /  Sydney - TarekTaha
* Australia / Queensland / Brisbane - JoshuaWulf
* Australia / Victoria / Melbourne - ColinCharles
* Australia / Victoria / Melbourne - MaximeCarron (French)
* Australia / Western Austalia / Perth - MarcWiriadisastra
* New Zealand / Bay of Plenty / Tauranga - OlumuyiwaTaiwo
* New Zealand / North Otago/ Oamaru - BrendonToogood.
* New Zealand / North Island / Auckland - BalajiPonmudi
=== Melanesia ===
[#Melanesia link here]
* Fiji
=== Micronesia ===
[#Micronesia link here]
* Guam
=== Polynesia ===
[#Polynesia link here]
* American Samoa
. [1]  Please note this is Northern America not North America. The continent of North America (003) comprises Northern America (021), Caribbean (029), and Central America (013). See [ UN M49 Definition]
. CategoryAmbassadors
[[Category:AmbassadorsParaguay [[Category:AmbassadorsIndia [[Category:AmbassadorsIndia [[Category:AmbassadorsIndia [[Category:AmbassadorsIndia]]

Latest revision as of 11:53, 16 June 2009