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| = Fedora Events =
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| '''The purpose of this page is to build a global Fedora events calendar, and to identify responsible Ambassadors for each event.'''
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| This page is layed out by quarter, and by region. Please maintain the layout, as it is crucial for budget planning.
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| Events can be added to this page that have an Ambassador owner and if they do not have an owner. Events without an owner are not eligible for funding, but being listed allows any Ambassador to take ownership of the event.
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| Information on [[/Organization| organizing events]] , and on how events are prioritized and budgeted.
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| == March 2008 - May 2008 (FY09 Q1) ==
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| === North America ===
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| |May 23, 2008 || [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/LA Los Angeles Release Party] || Los Angeles, CA || GradyLaksmono || Free DVD, Free Live CD, USB Creation Station, Presentation, Discussion, Talks, Social, Funs, Free Foods, Drinks<BR>Event has been fully funded. || -
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| |}
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| === South America ===
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| |May 28-29, 2008 || [http://www.comunicadigital.org/ COMUNICAÇÃO DIGITAL] || João Pessoa, Brazil || [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GutembergMedeiros/ GutembergMedeiros], AllissonAzevedo || Presentation of Fedora 9, Installfest, Free DVD, Free Live CD, USB Creation Station, Talks, Social. No additional funding planned. || +400
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| |May 30-31, 2008 || [http://eslam.comunidadesol.org ESLAM] || Manaus, Brazil || RodrigoPadula , AyrtonAraujo ||See [[FedoraEvents/ESLAM/ESLAM2008| ESLAM 2008]] for status<BR>. Funding in process of being sent to RodrigoPadula. || 2000
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| |}
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| === Europe, Middle East, Africa ===
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| |May 24, 2008 || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Rome| Rome F9 Release Party ]] || Rome, Italy || MarcoPalazzotti || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Rome| OfficialPage]] <BR>Event has been fully funded. || -
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| |May 31, 2008 || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Florence| Center Italy F9 Release Party]] || Florence, Italy || LorenzoVillani || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Florence| OfficialPage]] <BR>Event has been fully funded. || -
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| |May 28-31, 2008 || [http://www.linuxtag.org LinuxTag] || Berlin, Germany || GeroldKassube<BR>FabianAffolter ||See [[FedoraEvents/LinuxTag/LinuxTag2008| LinuxTag 2008]] for status. Event is funded by CommunityArchitecture. || 10,000
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| |}
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| === Asia, India, Australia ===
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| == June 2008 - August 2008 (FY09 Q2) ==
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| === North America ===
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| {| style="t1" rowclass="th"
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| |June 3, 2008 || [[Events/FedoraHawaii2008| Fedora Hawaii 2008]] || Honolulu, HI || WarrenTogami, DavidCantrell || Fedora presentation and pizza eating || 50+
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| |June 19-21, 2008 || [[FUDCon/FUDConF10| FUDCon Boston 2008]] || Boston, MA || MaxSpevack, PaulFrields, GregDeKoenigsberg || See [[FUDCon/FUDConF10| FUDConF10]] for status.<BR>$20k in funding from CommunityArchitecture. || -
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| |July 21-25, 2008 || [[OSCON/OSCON2008| OSCON2008]] || Portland, OR USA || JackAboutboul || Talks, Booth and BoF.<BR>Swag sent to JohnPoelstra May 10. || -
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| |July 23-26, 2008 || [http://linuxsymposium.org Linux Symposium] || Ottawa, Ontario, Canada || ??? || MattDomsch presenting MirrorManager, JesseKeating presenting spin creation, TomCallaway leading Fedora BOF || -
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| |July 25-27, 2008 || [[Events/LTSPHackfestPortland2008| LTSP Hackfest]] || Portland, Oregon || WarrenTogami || Event is currently in planning, might visit free parts of OSCon as well || -
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| |August 4-7, 2008 || [http://www.linuxworldexpo.com LinuxWorld Expo] || San Francisco, CA || JackAboutboul || Booth and BoF || -
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| |August 28-30, 2008 || [http://2008.utosc.com/ UTOSC2008] || Salt Lake City, Utah || ClintSavage ||See [http://collective.utos.org/UTOSC2008 UTOSC2008] for updates || 400+
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| |}
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| === South America ===
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| |August 10-15, 2008 || RORAIMA || Boa Vista - RO, Brazil || RodrigoPadula ||See [[FedoraEvents/| RORAIMA]] for status.|| -
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| |August 26-30, 2008 || [http://www.cesol.ufc.br/ CESOL] || Fortaleza, Brazil || RodrigoPadula ||See [[FedoraEvents/CESOL| CESOL]] for status || -
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| |}
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| === Europe, Middle East, Africa ===
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| |June 1, 2008 || Fedora Day || Garlasco, Italy<BR> || AndreaModestoRossi || See [http://pavia.linux.it/events/view/24 TiLUG] for Status || 50 - 100
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| |June 1, 2008 || [http://fod.org.pl/ FOD] || Cracow, Poland || PawelSadowski || Finalizing tasks || 100-140
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| |June 7, 2008 || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Arlon| Fedora 9 Release Install Party]] || Arlon, Belgium || JonathanBasse ||Status soon || -
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| |June 21 (likely), 2008 || [[FedoraEvents/ReleaseParty/F9/Paris| Fedora 9 Release Install Party]] || Paris, France<BR> || ThomasCanniot ||Event has been fully funded out of Q1 budget. || 75 - 100
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| |July 1-5, 2008 || [http://2008.rmll.info/ Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL)] || Mont-de-Marsant, France<BR> || ThomasCanniot ||Status soon || -
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| |July 7-12, 2008 || [http://guadec.expectnation.com/public/content/main GUADEC] || Istanbul, Turkey || Jonathan Blandford || talks, swag, etc. || -
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| |July 19-20, 2008 || [http://lugradio.org/live/ LUG Radio Live] || UK || MaxSpevack || MaxSpevack submitted a talk, hasn't heard back. Won't go if we're not giving a talk. || -
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| |August 23-24, 2008 || [http://www.froscon.org/ FrOSCon 2008] || Sankt Augustin, Germany<BR>FrOSCon is a two-day conference on free software and open source. || MaxSpevack || MaxSpevack will submit a talk. Needs an owner, but we will be there. || 1100+
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| |}
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| === Asia, India, Australia ===
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| |June 6, 2008 || Fedora Infinity Day || Dhaka, Bangladesh || AshiqurRahman || Presentation of Fedora and Fedora 9, Installfest, Free DVD, Free Live CD, USB Creation Station, Talks, Social, Free Foods, Drinks || -
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| |}
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| == September 2008 - November 2008 (FY09 Q3) ==
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| === North America ===
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| | October 11, 2008 || [http://www.ohiolinux.org/ Ohio Linux Fest] || Columbus, OH || JeffreyTadlock || wiki status page coming soon || -
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| | October 19, 2008 || [http://www.cposc.org/ Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference] || Harrisburg, PA || GregDeKoenigsberg || open source conference, needs an owner || -
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| | October 23-24, 2008 || [http://fsoss.senecac.on.ca/ Free Software & Open Source Symposium (FSOSS)] || Toronto, Canada || ChrisTyler || - || -
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| |}
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| === South America ===
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| |October 3,4, 2008 || [http://www.latinoware.org/ Encontro DF 2008] || Brasília, Brazil || RodrigoPadula ||See [[FedoraEvents/ENCONTRODF/ENCONTRODF2008| Encontro DF 2008]] for status || 1500
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| |November ??, 2008 || [http://www.latinoware.org/ Latinoware 2008] || Fóz do Iguaçu, Brazil || RodrigoPadula ||See [[FedoraEvents/LATINOWARE/LATINOWARE2008| LATINOWARE 2008]] for status || 3000
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| |}
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| === Europe, Middle East, Africa ===
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| | September 5-7, 2008 || [[FUDCon/FUDConPrague2008| FUDCon Prague]] || Prague, Czech Republic || MaxSpevack || [[FUDCon/FUDConPrague2008| status and registration]] || 200
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| |September 24-25, 2008 || [http://openexpo.ch/ OpenExpo 2008] || Zurich, Switzerland<BR>A 2-day Expo about Open Source Software in business area as application, service or further development. || FabianAffolter ||See [[FedoraEvents/OpenExpo/OpenExpo2008_Zurich| OpenExpo2008_Zurich]] for status || 1,200
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| | October 19-23, 2008 || [http://www.gitex.com/Default_en_gb.aspx GITEX] || Dubai, UAE || JohnBabich || [[FedoraEvents/GITEX| status and registration]] || 130K
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| |October/November, 2008 || [http://www.hccdagen.nl/ HCC! Dagen 2008] || Utrecht, The Netherlands<BR>A 3-day business and pleasure exposition for the "Hobby Computer Club", with about 120.000 visitors each year || None Yet || None Yet || -
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| |November 29, 2008 || [http://www.linuxday.at/ Linuxday 2008] || Dornbirm, Austria<BR>A 1-day Expo about Open Source Software || - || - || -
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| |}
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| === Asia, India, Australia ===
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| == December 2008 - February 2009 (FY09 Q4) ==
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| === North America ===
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| {| style="t1" rowclass="th"
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| |}
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| === South America ===
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| === Europe, Middle East, Africa ===
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| |January || [http://www.solutionslinux.fr/ Linux Solutions] || Paris, France<BR> || - || - || -
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| |February||[http://www.fosdem.org FOSDEM] ||Brussels, Belgium|| - ||See [[FedoraEvents/FOSDEM/FOSDEM2009| FOSDEM2009]] for status|| 4,000
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| |}
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| === Asia, India, Australia ===
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| == March 2009 - May 2009 (FY10 Q1) ==
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| === North America ===
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| {| style="t1" rowclass="th"
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| |}
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| === South America ===
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| |}
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| === Europe, Middle East, Africa ===
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| | March || [http://www.cebit.de/ Cebit] || Hannover, Germany || [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RobertAlbrecht Robert M. Albrecht] || - || 450,000
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| | May || [http://www.linuxtag.org LinuxTag] || Berlin, Germany || - || - || 10,000
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| |}
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| === Asia, India, Australia ===
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| |}
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| == Past Events ==
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| Please move past events to the [[FedoraEvents/PastEvents/2008| current archive]] . The [[FedoraEvents/PastEvents| full archive]] is also available.
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| [[Category:Marketing [[Category:Events]]
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