From Fedora Project Wiki

(Alright, cleaned things up, really now. (I hope so!))
(Added GSOC 2017 category)
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Latest revision as of 13:30, 2 April 2017

Zsolt Peter Basak
Personal Information
Home: Hungary
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: zspb
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: zspb on Libera.Chat, in:
Badges (12)
Bona Fide Embryo Don't Call it a Comeback Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Tadpole Paranoid Panda Origin Crypto Badger Egg Tadpole with Legs

About me

Just a friendly Hungarian computer guy. I am that guy who helped you on the forums, on IRC, and on image boards with your computer problems.

OSS related work, contributions

Not sure if this counts as OSS work - but I have helped out on various IRC channels including the official Fedora ones for long years. I am also present on StackExchange sites including AskUbuntu, Unix, and SuperUser, trying to help folks whenever I can. I have also done quite a bit of translation work during the years for open-source projects. At the moment I am the server and forum administrator for the qBittorrent team, and I try to help the project wherever I can. I also steer the Hungarian translations by double-checking the submitted translations, fixing the mistakes and submit my own strings. I also handle the domains of the project and help to organize the reports on Github occasionally.

Relation to OSS software

In my very first years of using computers, I have received a boxed copy of SUSE. Yes, I know, it's not Fedora Core - but as far as I am aware there were no boxed Fedora Core copies back then. At least, not in my country. So I really loved all the different environments, the armada of programs available right out of the box and the DVD. And they were all free. It was surprising and awesome at the same time.

There was a bit of pause here because the country lagged behind in terms of internet, and without internet and Linux users around, you were not able to really do much. So as soon as I had my first always-on connection set up, I have started using different distributions, like most users do. Started out with Ubuntu, Debian, but I think I have tried all major and minor distributions (not kidding). Realized I enjoy fresh software and rolling release. That's when I moved to Arch, but updates broke half my system without notice. Moved to Sidux - it was truly a great system with a dedicated userbase. The IRC they had was amazing, it was based on Debian sid, it was blazing fast, yet stable.

Sadly the project ended after a while. During the years I have already used Fedora Core and then Fedora off and on. Once Sidux ended I went to Fedora and I noticed how blazing fast it was. I know this seriously sounds like snake oil but I am not kidding. The KDE desktop it had, for example, had no useless effect and it flew. And then another thing hit me after being hooked on rolling rock release model - that I received fresh software. It's fast, stable, and the software is fresh. What's not to like?