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= Community Architecture FY09 Goals =
These are our [[Community Architecture|team]] goals for FY11 (March 2010 - February 2011).

These are our team goals for FY09 (March 2008 - February 2009).
== Leading Red Hat's education strategy ==

Goals that are written in <del>strikethrough</del> have been completed.
The Community Architecture team is accountable for Red Hat's strategy in the intersection of [ The Open Source Way] and educators and educational institutions.  Our multi-year goal is to build a community of practice in this space, establishing Red Hat as a thought leader and facilitator.  Furthermore, we should demonstrate a force-multiplied return on our investments, as professors and institutions with whom we work have the ability to impact multiple students over the course of many semesters and school years.

As our goals change throughout the year, this page will be updated and modified.  It will be reviewed by the team quarterly.
=== Professors' Open Source Summer Experience ===

Max, Greg, Jack, and Karsten are "official" members of the Community Architecture team, meaning that they are part of that team's internal management structure at Red Hat.  Other people whose names appear on this list are doing work to assist the Community Architecture team, but are not part of its management chain.
[ POSSE] continues into its second year, with the following goals and metrics:

== Expand University Community ==
* Be on a pace to have a public-facing POSSE Alumni list containing at least 400 professors after 5 years of POSSE.
** For tracking purposes, a reasonable metric is 50 after this year's POSSEs conclude, 125 after year 3, 250 after year 4, 400 after year 5.
* Solidify the Computer Science POSSE curriculum with 2010 POSSEs, and facilitate at least one inter-disciplinary POSSE as well.
* Establish metrics that can be tracked over time.
** Conversion rate -- how many POSSE graduates go on to organize and/or teach a POSSE in the future?
** Attrition rate -- how many POSSE graduates are still teaching after X years, and how many are still teaching open source?
* Build a roadmap for a POSSE alumni reunion, which encourages further POSSE development, and is critical to the leveraged, yet managed, expansion of POSSE.
** Given the long time cycle of academia, planning for this may occur during FY11 for an event during FY12.
* Continue to work with Red Hat Legal in determining whether or not it is appropriate to pursue any trademarks.
* Roll out some infrastructure that will facilitate registration, planning, and execution of POSSEs, which will lower the barrier to organization and make it easier for POSSE alumni to organize future POSSEs.
* Produce swag as necessary.

'''''Multischool university tour in Q1.'''''
=== Teaching Open Source community ===
* <del>Visit approximately 15 universities throughout the United States, generating leads with students and faculty that will be pursued during the rest of the year.  (Jack)</del>
* Curriculum/Linux lab deal with CMU.  (Jack)
* Open source course at Syracuse.  (Jack)
* Fedora Campus Ambassadors. (Jack)  ''FIXME: is the name right, and add a link to the page.''

'''''Seneca College and Red Hat partnership.'''''
The [ TOS] brand provides Red Hat with a home base for its educational community efforts. We want to grow that brand, with the following goals and metrics:
* <del>Contract signed with Seneca College for an open source course (taught by [[ChrisTyler|Chris Tyler]] and based on Fedora. (Greg)</del>
* Solidify the infrastructure for this site, with an eye towards some light Red Hat branding, showing that we are a sponsor of the community.
* ''FIXME: What else regarding Seneca?  How about the general case of a curriculum that can be used elsewhere, building on Will Cohen's [ work]?  (Greg or Jack)''
* Re-focus the community as a place where open-source engaged professors come to gain efficient visibility and to collaborate with their peers.
* Solid Fedora presence at FSOSS.   (Jack)
* Convert at least 5 new contributors from the TOS community.
* Implement a TOS Ambassadors program, which allows professors who find value in TOS to represent TOS and grow the TOS brand. Have at least 5 talks given by members of the TOS community who are not Red Hat employees.
* Produce swag as necessary.

'''''<del>Hire and manage [[Interns|interns]] for Fedora & Community Architcture(Max)</del>'''''
The team must measure and track the investments that it has made in educational activities.
* Treat our university investments like a financial portfolio and track returns and prospects over time.
* Establish guidelines for future investmentsFormalize and expand a model for giving small grants to professors or educational projects that drive our mission forward.

'''''<del>Implement [[Scholarship|Fedora Scholarship]] program.  (Max)</del>'''''
=== Curriculum ===

'''''Focus on university communities in India.  (Rahul)'''''
==== Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook ====

== Strengthen Global Community ==
Continue the growth of the [ textbook project], with the following goals:

'''''Take FUDCon Global.'''''
* Alpha complete by the end of Q1, with use in 1 class.
* <del>[[FUDCon/FUDConF10|FUDCon Boston]]. (Max & Paul)</del>
* Beta complete by the end of Q2, with use in at least 3 classes when 2010 school year starts, with no more than 75% of the textbook written by Red Hat.
* <del>[[FUDCon/FUDConBrno2008|FUDCon Brno]]. (Max)</del>
* Roadmap for 1.0 release at the end of Q4, incorporating feedback from all usage, with no more than 50% of the textbook written by Red Hat.
* [[FUDCon/FUDConIndia2008|FUDCon in India]].  (Rahul & Sankarshan)</del>
* Roadmap for textbook community (instructor, student discussion forum) at the end of Q3.

'''''Fedora presence at important worldwide events.'''''
==== RH 007 ====
* <del>Fedora @ [[FedoraEvents/FISL/FISL9|FISL]].  (Greg)</del>
* <del>Fedora @ [[FedoraEvents/LinuxTag/LinuxTag2008|LinuxTag]].  (Max)</del>
* Fedora @ [[FedoraEvents/FOSDEM/FOSDEM2009|FOSDEM]].  (Max)

'''''Stewardship and leadership of the [[Ambassadors]] project.'''''
Pending the removal of all internal blockers, RH 007 should be given a proper open source license, and opened up as a [[SIGs/Education|Fedora Education SIG]] project with a roadmap for updates and localization.
* Work with [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee|FAMSCo]] on global events.  (Max)
* Be the point of contact for North American community.  (Karsten)
* Be the point of contact for Central & South American community.  (Greg)
* Be the point of contact for EMEA community.  (Max)
* Be the point of contact for Asia & Australia community.  (Harish)
* Be the point of contact for India community.  (Max)
* Hire a permanent Community Architecture presence for Central & South America. (Max)

'''''Leadership of our community in India.  (Rahul)'''''
==== Fedora Scholarship ====
* Manage [[FreeMedia|Fedora Free Media]] in India.
* Raise profile of contributors in India.

The [[Scholarship|Fedora Scholarship]] continues into its 4th year.  In this year, the administration of the project should be in the hands of either a community member, or a non-full-time team member, with the team continuing to provide oversight.

=== Thought leadership ===
| Strengthen business value of community development work || Success
stories coming from large RH customer || Greg & Max || Ongoing
| - || Build ISV ecosystem with Fedora/EPEL || Greg and Karsten ||
| - || Develop func and cobbler with enterprise contributors || Greg ||
| - || Making Spacewalk happen || Greg || DONE
| - || Assist in community development of FreeIPA || Greg || 10%
| - || Continue development of EPEL || Max || Ongoing
| Community marketing || Provide leadership to Fedora Marketing team ||
Greg || Ongoing
| - || Create and localize messaging index || Greg || 25%
| - || Fedora 9 GTM plan || Max & Paul || DONE
| - || Fedora success stories || Max || Ongoing
| - || Spokesmodel training || Max || Ongoing
| - || Work with Red Hat corporate communications team || Max & Paul ||
| - || Provide leadership to [[FWN|Fedora Weekly News]] || Max ||
| - || Provide leadership to [[FreeMedia|Fedora Free Media]] || Max ||
| Community engineering & technical achievements || Produce localized
spins of Fedora || Max || 25%
| - || Finish wevisor in the community || Max & Yaakov || 10%
| - || Windows program for LiveUSB creation || Max & Luke Macken || DONE
| - || Provide leadership to Fedora Websites team || Max || Ongoing
| - || Fedora TV / Miro || Greg || 30%
| - || Online Services/Desktop opportunities || Jack || 0%
| - || Investigate Amazon and Fedora opportunities || Max & Mike McGrath
|| 0%
| - || JBoss/Fedora live spin & packaging || Karsten & Greg || 0%
| - || Real-time IRC translation services || Greg & intern John McLean
|| 25%
| - || Establish product plan for K12 Linux (channel) || Greg ||
| - || Assist with OLPC/Sugar || Greg & Dennis Gilmore || Ongoing
| - || Increase Fedora mirrors in Asia & India || Harish || Ongoing
| General Management || Budget and meeting leadership || Max || Ongoing

greg: olpc quick wins, sugar on fedora, fedora on olpc
Develop [] as a platform for speaking in public about our education work, and its intersection with [ The Open Source Way], with the following metrics:
* Articles should generally rate as among the best, by whatever metrics OSDC uses to judge the success of the different channels.
* By the end of FY11, the team should only be producing 50% of the content.

karsten: isv strategy, java packaging
=== Red Hat summer coding ===

jack: education, CMU, fsoss, college reps -- MIT next week starting up their Fedora Users Group, which is the beginning of the campus ambassadors project, with the goal for announcement for FSOSS.  CMU in the hands of business affairs, another goal is the announcement at FSOSS.  Syracuse is going to be teaching an open source class
This summer marks the first session of Fedora [[Summer Coding 2010]], which has so far included:

fsoss: campus ambass kickoff, cmu?, fedora scholarship
* 35+ students made 40+ application proposals
* 30+ mentors
* $15k in funding raised ($10K from Fedora Project edu budget, $5K from JBoss Community budget)
* 11 funded projects and 3 unfunded

other: marketing (jack/greg), na ambassadors (karsten), websites (max), (karsten)
The overall goals are:
* Teach participation in open source directly to groups of worthy students, with a mentoring program in place that pairs students with projects in an immersive environment.
* Increase awareness of Red Hat as a mentoring organization.
* Improve processes, tools, and culture around mentoring new contributors in to Red Hat upstreams, Fedora Project and in particular.
* Grow the program sponsorship and administration beyond Red Hat to ISV/IHV partners, academic organizations, and other institutions.
* Make a strong brand connection for students between open source, Red Hat, and professional development.
* Run two programs per year, because summer in one hemisphere is winter in the other.
Project metrics:
* Growth rate of project ideas, students, proposals, mentors, and accepted projects.
* Increase in other sponsors, including providing administrative support.
* Program admin 25% out of CommArch hands by winter 2010.
* Program admin 50% out of CommArch hands by summer 2011.
== Open Source evangelism ==
Be a steward, proponent, and guiding compass in the role of [ The Open Source Way] within the company, and in growing Red Hat's position as the world's trusted open source leader outside the company.
=== External ===
==== The Open Source Way ====
Establish [ The Open Source Way] as a growing, living best practices manual that is referenced in all things Red Hat participates in, and as a hook for public speaking engagements, with specific actions and goals:
* Team members should reference TOSW in talks, and look for ways to draw connections to TOSW that are beyond only Red Hat or Fedora activities.
* Balanced with the above, use TOSW as a starting point for Red Hat and Fedora project marketing efforts, which not only highlight TOSW but which also complement the product and sales messages that Red Hat sends.
** In particular, focus on cloud and virtualization.
* Grow a cadence of contribution to TOSW, with a small, but healthy mailing list and wiki editing community.
** Develop a roadmap for what portions of TOSW need to grow.
** Incorporate video, audio, or a podcast that can be part of TOSW brand.
==== Metrics and statistics ====
Lead an open, community-inclusive effort to identify a methodology for capturing and analyzing various streams of data that open source projects produce, with the following milestones, to be mostly completed in the Q2/Q3 timeframe:
* Identify the sorts of statistics that are most useful to the [ Fedora Project], including wiki edits, bug information, package updates, package ownership and maintenance, mailing list activity, etc.
* Identify a data model, collection protocol, and query/reporting protocol that can be independently useful for multiple projects.
* Work with the Fedora [[Infrastructure]] team to deploy this within Fedora, as a proof of concept.
* Apply this to other communities that Red Hat and the Fedora Project are interested in, such as RPM, Deltacloud, Spacewalk, etc.
=== Internal ===
==== The Open Source Way ====
Use [[new hire orientation]] as the first place to expose incoming Red Hatters to [ The Open Source Way], and how it is applied internally.
* Maintain our orientation materials in an internally-public place, and develop a roster of 2 or 3 Red Hatters who are capable of delivering the talk, thus cultivating leadership and ownership of the ideas outside of only this team.
* When surveys are done regarding orientation, our team's sections should have the highest marks possible in terms of value to new hires.
Complete, socialize, and institutionalize an "open sourcing process" for use across Red Hat when we release new code, documentation, content, etc. into the world.
* This should have modules that cover engineering, press, legal, branding, etc.
Develop a compliance training course for TOSW that can be part of the annual modules that employees are expected to complete.
* Pitch the idea to the Red Hatters who are in charge of compliance training, and earn their buy-in.
* Create a version of TOSW that fits into the model required, and has questions that can be tested.
* Determine which groups of employees within the company should pilot this module, and make it happen.
== Fedora Project stewardship ==
The Community Architecture team contributes to the success of the Fedora Project, and ensures that the Fedora community is healthy.  The team's efforts within the Fedora Project are spent less on the technical aspects of the Fedora distribution, and more on supporting the inclusive infrastructure of participation that the Fedora Project aspires to, encouraging minimal Red Hat touch in community leadership.
=== Sub-project leadership ===
As needed, triage Fedora communities. Fill leadership gaps, identify critical path, build up a community of leadership, and ultimately transition leadership to that community.
==== Marketing ====
The Fedora [[Marketing|Marketing]] team should be community-led early in the Fedora 14 release cycle.
==== Ambassadors ====
Make Fedora [[Ambassadors]] as self-sufficient as posible.  When Fedora holds its 2011 elections for the [[Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee]], the only Community Architecture team members who should run for election are those who are (if applicable) specifically tasked with community leadership in specific regions of the world.
* Work with the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee to manage a global events budget.
* Cultivate and support local leadership communities worldwide.
* Identify, encourage, develop, and engage with local community leaders.
==== Premier Fedora Events ====
Be a catalyst for [[Premier Fedora Events]], while encouraging community leadership, ownership, and accountability.
* Ensure that at least 3 [[FUDCon|FUDCons]] are held in various regions, in which primary organizational responsibility is driven by local community members with financial support from Community Architecture.
** Have a plan in place, with Red Hat resources, that will allow for 4 FUDCons in FY12+.
* Ensure that at least 20 [[FAD|Fedora Activity Days]] are held around the world, with specific goals and deliverables.
** Analyze the past two years of FADs, and make recommendations regarding what kinds of FADs are more or less successful, and how we can improve our success rate, and total number of FADs, over the course of 2 years.
* Establish standard operating procedures around Premier Fedora Events, so that community members worldwide feel that they are empowered to organize events, attend events, make use of resources, and proactively provide value to different parts of the Fedora Project.
=== Visibility ===
Team members maintain a presence in the Fedora community, since it is a focal lens for many projects that are important to Red Hat.
* Keep up with [[FWN|Fedora Weekly News]], Planet Fedora, [ LWN], etc.
* Participate in community events as members of the Red Hat Community Architecture team, as open source evangelists, and as Fedora Ambassadors.  Deliver an appropriately broad or narrow message, depending on our role at each event.
== Other ==
There are several other goals that are general, and don't fit into any of the previously discussed buckets.
=== Blogging ===
Each team member authors a blog that is aggregated on [ Planet Fedora] and other appropriate aggregators (such as [ Planet TOS]).
=== General management ===
The team's manager is accountable for the [[Accounting|budget]], [[Community Architecture meetings|meetings]], and team leadership.
[[Category:Community Architecture]]

Latest revision as of 19:07, 22 March 2011

These are our team goals for FY11 (March 2010 - February 2011).

Leading Red Hat's education strategy

The Community Architecture team is accountable for Red Hat's strategy in the intersection of The Open Source Way and educators and educational institutions. Our multi-year goal is to build a community of practice in this space, establishing Red Hat as a thought leader and facilitator. Furthermore, we should demonstrate a force-multiplied return on our investments, as professors and institutions with whom we work have the ability to impact multiple students over the course of many semesters and school years.

Professors' Open Source Summer Experience

POSSE continues into its second year, with the following goals and metrics:

  • Be on a pace to have a public-facing POSSE Alumni list containing at least 400 professors after 5 years of POSSE.
    • For tracking purposes, a reasonable metric is 50 after this year's POSSEs conclude, 125 after year 3, 250 after year 4, 400 after year 5.
  • Solidify the Computer Science POSSE curriculum with 2010 POSSEs, and facilitate at least one inter-disciplinary POSSE as well.
  • Establish metrics that can be tracked over time.
    • Conversion rate -- how many POSSE graduates go on to organize and/or teach a POSSE in the future?
    • Attrition rate -- how many POSSE graduates are still teaching after X years, and how many are still teaching open source?
  • Build a roadmap for a POSSE alumni reunion, which encourages further POSSE development, and is critical to the leveraged, yet managed, expansion of POSSE.
    • Given the long time cycle of academia, planning for this may occur during FY11 for an event during FY12.
  • Continue to work with Red Hat Legal in determining whether or not it is appropriate to pursue any trademarks.
  • Roll out some infrastructure that will facilitate registration, planning, and execution of POSSEs, which will lower the barrier to organization and make it easier for POSSE alumni to organize future POSSEs.
  • Produce swag as necessary.

Teaching Open Source community

The TOS brand provides Red Hat with a home base for its educational community efforts. We want to grow that brand, with the following goals and metrics:

  • Solidify the infrastructure for this site, with an eye towards some light Red Hat branding, showing that we are a sponsor of the community.
  • Re-focus the community as a place where open-source engaged professors come to gain efficient visibility and to collaborate with their peers.
  • Convert at least 5 new contributors from the TOS community.
  • Implement a TOS Ambassadors program, which allows professors who find value in TOS to represent TOS and grow the TOS brand. Have at least 5 talks given by members of the TOS community who are not Red Hat employees.
  • Produce swag as necessary.

The team must measure and track the investments that it has made in educational activities.

  • Treat our university investments like a financial portfolio and track returns and prospects over time.
  • Establish guidelines for future investments. Formalize and expand a model for giving small grants to professors or educational projects that drive our mission forward.


Practical Open Source Software Exploration textbook

Continue the growth of the textbook project, with the following goals:

  • Alpha complete by the end of Q1, with use in 1 class.
  • Beta complete by the end of Q2, with use in at least 3 classes when 2010 school year starts, with no more than 75% of the textbook written by Red Hat.
  • Roadmap for 1.0 release at the end of Q4, incorporating feedback from all usage, with no more than 50% of the textbook written by Red Hat.
  • Roadmap for textbook community (instructor, student discussion forum) at the end of Q3.

RH 007

Pending the removal of all internal blockers, RH 007 should be given a proper open source license, and opened up as a Fedora Education SIG project with a roadmap for updates and localization.

Fedora Scholarship

The Fedora Scholarship continues into its 4th year. In this year, the administration of the project should be in the hands of either a community member, or a non-full-time team member, with the team continuing to provide oversight.

Thought leadership

Develop as a platform for speaking in public about our education work, and its intersection with The Open Source Way, with the following metrics:

  • Articles should generally rate as among the best, by whatever metrics OSDC uses to judge the success of the different channels.
  • By the end of FY11, the team should only be producing 50% of the content.

Red Hat summer coding

This summer marks the first session of Fedora Summer Coding 2010, which has so far included:

  • 35+ students made 40+ application proposals
  • 30+ mentors
  • $15k in funding raised ($10K from Fedora Project edu budget, $5K from JBoss Community budget)
  • 11 funded projects and 3 unfunded

The overall goals are:

  • Teach participation in open source directly to groups of worthy students, with a mentoring program in place that pairs students with projects in an immersive environment.
  • Increase awareness of Red Hat as a mentoring organization.
  • Improve processes, tools, and culture around mentoring new contributors in to Red Hat upstreams, Fedora Project and in particular.
  • Grow the program sponsorship and administration beyond Red Hat to ISV/IHV partners, academic organizations, and other institutions.
  • Make a strong brand connection for students between open source, Red Hat, and professional development.
  • Run two programs per year, because summer in one hemisphere is winter in the other.

Project metrics:

  • Growth rate of project ideas, students, proposals, mentors, and accepted projects.
  • Increase in other sponsors, including providing administrative support.
  • Program admin 25% out of CommArch hands by winter 2010.
  • Program admin 50% out of CommArch hands by summer 2011.

Open Source evangelism

Be a steward, proponent, and guiding compass in the role of The Open Source Way within the company, and in growing Red Hat's position as the world's trusted open source leader outside the company.


The Open Source Way

Establish The Open Source Way as a growing, living best practices manual that is referenced in all things Red Hat participates in, and as a hook for public speaking engagements, with specific actions and goals:

  • Team members should reference TOSW in talks, and look for ways to draw connections to TOSW that are beyond only Red Hat or Fedora activities.
  • Balanced with the above, use TOSW as a starting point for Red Hat and Fedora project marketing efforts, which not only highlight TOSW but which also complement the product and sales messages that Red Hat sends.
    • In particular, focus on cloud and virtualization.
  • Grow a cadence of contribution to TOSW, with a small, but healthy mailing list and wiki editing community.
    • Develop a roadmap for what portions of TOSW need to grow.
    • Incorporate video, audio, or a podcast that can be part of TOSW brand.

Metrics and statistics

Lead an open, community-inclusive effort to identify a methodology for capturing and analyzing various streams of data that open source projects produce, with the following milestones, to be mostly completed in the Q2/Q3 timeframe:

  • Identify the sorts of statistics that are most useful to the Fedora Project, including wiki edits, bug information, package updates, package ownership and maintenance, mailing list activity, etc.
  • Identify a data model, collection protocol, and query/reporting protocol that can be independently useful for multiple projects.
  • Work with the Fedora Infrastructure team to deploy this within Fedora, as a proof of concept.
  • Apply this to other communities that Red Hat and the Fedora Project are interested in, such as RPM, Deltacloud, Spacewalk, etc.


The Open Source Way

Use new hire orientation as the first place to expose incoming Red Hatters to The Open Source Way, and how it is applied internally.

  • Maintain our orientation materials in an internally-public place, and develop a roster of 2 or 3 Red Hatters who are capable of delivering the talk, thus cultivating leadership and ownership of the ideas outside of only this team.
  • When surveys are done regarding orientation, our team's sections should have the highest marks possible in terms of value to new hires.

Complete, socialize, and institutionalize an "open sourcing process" for use across Red Hat when we release new code, documentation, content, etc. into the world.

  • This should have modules that cover engineering, press, legal, branding, etc.

Develop a compliance training course for TOSW that can be part of the annual modules that employees are expected to complete.

  • Pitch the idea to the Red Hatters who are in charge of compliance training, and earn their buy-in.
  • Create a version of TOSW that fits into the model required, and has questions that can be tested.
  • Determine which groups of employees within the company should pilot this module, and make it happen.

Fedora Project stewardship

The Community Architecture team contributes to the success of the Fedora Project, and ensures that the Fedora community is healthy. The team's efforts within the Fedora Project are spent less on the technical aspects of the Fedora distribution, and more on supporting the inclusive infrastructure of participation that the Fedora Project aspires to, encouraging minimal Red Hat touch in community leadership.

Sub-project leadership

As needed, triage Fedora communities. Fill leadership gaps, identify critical path, build up a community of leadership, and ultimately transition leadership to that community.


The Fedora Marketing team should be community-led early in the Fedora 14 release cycle.


Make Fedora Ambassadors as self-sufficient as posible. When Fedora holds its 2011 elections for the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee, the only Community Architecture team members who should run for election are those who are (if applicable) specifically tasked with community leadership in specific regions of the world.

  • Work with the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee to manage a global events budget.
  • Cultivate and support local leadership communities worldwide.
  • Identify, encourage, develop, and engage with local community leaders.

Premier Fedora Events

Be a catalyst for Premier Fedora Events, while encouraging community leadership, ownership, and accountability.

  • Ensure that at least 3 FUDCons are held in various regions, in which primary organizational responsibility is driven by local community members with financial support from Community Architecture.
    • Have a plan in place, with Red Hat resources, that will allow for 4 FUDCons in FY12+.
  • Ensure that at least 20 Fedora Activity Days are held around the world, with specific goals and deliverables.
    • Analyze the past two years of FADs, and make recommendations regarding what kinds of FADs are more or less successful, and how we can improve our success rate, and total number of FADs, over the course of 2 years.
  • Establish standard operating procedures around Premier Fedora Events, so that community members worldwide feel that they are empowered to organize events, attend events, make use of resources, and proactively provide value to different parts of the Fedora Project.


Team members maintain a presence in the Fedora community, since it is a focal lens for many projects that are important to Red Hat.

  • Keep up with Fedora Weekly News, Planet Fedora, LWN, etc.
  • Participate in community events as members of the Red Hat Community Architecture team, as open source evangelists, and as Fedora Ambassadors. Deliver an appropriately broad or narrow message, depending on our role at each event.


There are several other goals that are general, and don't fit into any of the previously discussed buckets.


Each team member authors a blog that is aggregated on Planet Fedora and other appropriate aggregators (such as Planet TOS).

General management

The team's manager is accountable for the budget, meetings, and team leadership.