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Latest revision as of 18:47, 25 June 2009

This page is outdated and is only retained for historical reference

Problems with icons in menus in Desktop Live CD

based on Rawhide Live 20070925


  • icon name is the name of the icon in the icon theme. If there is another name in parentheses (which can be same) it means that the icon is not in icon naming specifications and the name in parentheses is suggested name following the guidelines used for the specs.
  • red and orange colors signalize a very problematic icon that needs to be fixed, darker color means higher priority
  • blue color signalizes icon that is displayed all right but does not come from the echo icon set
  • green color signalizes icon that is OK either in rawhide (newest rpm package) or in trunk (latest git snapshot)

Some notes

We noticed that some icons are not used quite properly in the desktop files - it either includes extension (.png, .xcf) or size suffix (mostly -48) or has full path. All these issues prevent us from efectively let the applications use the icons we create and will need to be fixed first. The best way would be the person who creates the desired icon checks the desktop files of relevant applications and if there are any such problem fills a bug on against relevant package(s). Package name can be checked with rpm -qf /usr/share/applications/app-desktop-name.desktop, where app-desktop-name.desktop is the name of the desktop file the application ships.


Priority Count Short description
Critical 53 Icons that are both blurry and are not included in the Echo icon set
Very High 0 Echo icons with three or more issues
High 17 Echo cons with two issues
Medium 3 Echo icons with one rendering issue
Low 0 Echo icons with minor issue, like wrong or missing symlink
Very Low 19 Non Echo icons that are displayed OK
Zero 24 Echo icons that are OK
total 116 all icons present in F8 Test 2 Desktop Live menus

In Progress

In this section we keep track of icons that are being worked on. If you'd like to work on an icon that is not green yet, add the icon name and your wiki name here. In addition you can add state which can be one of these posibilities: analysing situation (checking desktop files and icon name used there), fixing icon (for editing already created icons, but with issues), making icon (for creating brand new icon), pending bug. To the notes add any additional info you think its worth, like bug number, etc. Once the icon is created and accepted into Echo and all problems are fixed please make it in the tables under screenshots green and remove it from this list.

icon name artist state notes
icon-foo YourWikiName analysing situation example, rhbz #xyz, upstream bz #abc
accessories-screenshoter LuyaTshimbalanga nearly done Create an entire set and waiting to push into the trunk
preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts LuyaTshimbalanga new icon Replace the legacy bluecurve icon
network-bluetooth LuyaTshimbalanga nearly done symbolic link and missing sizes added
network-workgroup MartinSourada fixing icon Fix shape, add missing sizes


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-applications.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-applications.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Accessories applications-accessories blurry OK
Games applications-games blurry OK
Graphics applications-graphics blurry OK
Internet applications-internet blurry OK
Office applications-office blurry OK
Sound & Video applications-multimedia blurry OK
System Tools applications-system blurry OK
Add/Remove Software system-software-installer (system-software-installer) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-accessories.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-accessories.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Archive Manager file-roller (accessories-archive-manager) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Calculator accessories-calculator blurry OK
Character Map accessories-character-map blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Dictionary accessories-dictionary blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Take Screenshot applets-screenshooter (accessories-screenshooter) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Text Editor accessories-text-editor blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-graphics.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-graphics.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
F-Spot f-spot (graphics-photo-manager) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
GIMP gimp (graphics-image-editor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
gThumb gthumb (graphics-image-viewer) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-internet.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-internet.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Blog Entry Poster gnome-blog (internet-weblog) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Contacts stock_contacts (internet-contacts) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Email redhat-email (internet-mail) blurry, not Echo missing 22x22 png
Firefox Web Browser firefox (internet-web-browser) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Internet Messenger pidgin (internet-chat) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Ekiga ekiga (internet-chat-voice) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Transmission BitTorrent Client transmission (internet-bittorrent) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-office.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-office.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Abiword abiword (office-word-processor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Calendar stock_calendar (office-calendar) blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Gnumeric Spreadsheet gnumeric (office-table-processor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Tasks stock_task (office-tasks) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo

Sound & Video

File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-multimedia.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-multimedia.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
CD Player gnome-cd (multimeria-cd-player) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Movie Player totem (multimedia-movie-player) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Pulseaudio Volume Control multimedia-volume-control OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Rhythmbox Music Player rhytmbox (multimedia-music-player) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Sound Juicer CD Extractor sound-juicer (multimedia-cd-extractor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo

System Tools

File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-system-tools.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-system-tools.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Bluetooth File Sharing blueradio (network-bluetooth) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Disk Management disks (utilities-disk-mounter) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Disk Usage Analyzer baobab (utilities-disk-usage-analyzer) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
File Browser system-file-manager blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
GParted gparted (utilities-partition-editor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
New Login gdm (system-login-new) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Phone Manager phone (phone) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Power Statistics gnome-power-statistics (utilities-power-statistics) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
SELinux Management system-config-selinux (system-configuration-security) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
SELinux Policy Generation Tool system-config-selinux (system-configuration-security) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
SELinux Troubleshooter setroubleshoot_icon (system-security-troubleshoot) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Software Updater system-software-update OK, not Echo missing 22x22 png
System Log logviewer (utilities-system-log) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
System Monitor utilities-system-monitor blurry, not Echo OK
Terminal utilities-terminal blurry OK


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-places.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-places.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Home Folder user-home blurry OK
Desktop user-desktop blurry OK
Bookmarked Folder folder blurry OK
Computer computer blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
CD/DVD Creator nautilus-cd-burner (multimedia-cd-burner) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
CD/DVD media-optical blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Network network-workgroup blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Remote Folder folder-remote blurry OK
Connect to Server... applications-internet blurry OK
Search for Files... system-search blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Recent Documents document-open-recent blurry OK


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-system.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-system.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Preferences preferences-desktop blurry, not Echo OK
Administration preferences-system blurry, not Echo OK
Help help-browser wrong symlink, not Echo wrong symlink, not Echo
About GNOME gnome-logo-icon-transparent (gnome-about) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
About Fedora fedora-logo-icon (fedora-about) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Lock Screen system-lock-screen blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Log Out... system-log-out blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Shut Down... gnome-shutdown (system-shutdown) OK, not Echo OK


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Personal preferences-desktop-personal blurry, not Echo OK
Look and Feel preferences-desktop blurry, not Echo OK
Internet and Network preferences-system-network blurry, not Echo OK
Hardware preferences-desktop-peripherals OK, not Echo OK
System preferences-system blurry, not Echo OK


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop-personal.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop-personal.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
About Me user-info (user-info) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Anthy Dictionary Editor kasumi (preferences-dictionary-editor) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Assistive Technology Preferences preferences-desktop-accessibility blurry missing shadown, 22x22 png
File Management system-file-manager blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Input Method im-chooser (preferences-desktop-input-method) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Keyboard Accessibility gnome-settings-accessibility-keyboard (preferences-desktop-keyboard-accessibility) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Keyboard Shortcuts gnome-settings-keybindings (preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Prefered Applications gnome-settings-default-applications (preferences-desktop-applications-default) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Sessions session-properties (preferences-desktop-session) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo

Look and Feel

File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop-looknfeel.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop-looknfeel.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Appearance preferences-desktop-theme blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Desktop Effects desktop-effects (preferences-desktop-effects) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Main Menu alacarte (preferences-desktop-menu) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Screensaver preferences-desktop-screensaver blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Windows gnome-window-manager (preferences-desktop-windows) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo

Internet and Network

File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop-network.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop-network.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Bluetooth Preferences stock_bluetooth (preferences-desktop-bluetooth) blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Network Proxy gnome-network-preferences (preferences-network-proxy) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Personal File Sharing appacheconf (preferences-desktop-file-sharing) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Remote Desktop gnome-remote-desktop (preferences-desktop-remote) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop-hardware.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop-hardware.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Default Printer printer blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Keyboard preferences-desktop-keyboard blurry, wrong symlink missing 22x22 png
Mouse input-mouse blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
PalmOS Devices gnome-palm (pda) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Removable Drives and Media drive-optical blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Screen Resolution gnome-display-properties (preferences-desktop-screen-resolution) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Sound gnome-sound-properties (preferences-desktop-sound) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo
Volume Control multimedia-volume-control OK, not Echo OK, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-desktop-system.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-desktop-system.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Database Access Properties gnome-db (preferences-desktop-database) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Power Management gnome-power-manager (power-management) OK, not Echo OK, not Echo


File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-rawhide-system-preferences.png File:Artwork EchoIconTheme EchoToDo Menus echo-trunk-system-preferences.png
package from Rawhide latest git snapshot
Menu Item Icon Name rawhide problems trunk problems
Authentication user_auth (preferences-system-authentication) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Bootloader system-config-boot (preferences-system-bootloader) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Date & Time system-config-date (preferences-system-date) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Display video-display blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Firewall system-config-firewall (preferences-system-firewall) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Keyboard input-keyboard blurry wrong symlink, missing 22x22 png
Language preferences-desktop-locale blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Logical Volume Management lv_icon (logical-volume-management) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Login Window gdm-setup (preferences-system-login) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Network preferences-system-network missing symlink OK
Network Device Control neat-control (network-devices-control) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Printing printer blurry missing shadow, 22x22 png
Root Password system-config-rootpassword (root-password) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Services system-config-services (preferences-system-services) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Soundcard Detection audio-card blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo
Users and Groups system-config-users (preferences-system-users) blurry, not Echo blurry, not Echo