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{{admon/warning |This page has been moved out of the wiki. The current version of this document is located at update your bookmarks.}}
= Contributing roles =
{{admon/tip|Contributing roles|These are only suggestions for contributing roles. Only your imagination sets the limits. }}
[[Join#OS_Developer|OS Developer]]
= How to join the Fedora Package Collection Maintainers? =
So, you have decided to become a package maintainer in the Fedora Project?  This guide will lead you through your first package submission.
== Becoming a Fedora Package Collection Maintainer ==
=== Read the Guidelines ===
If you don't know how to create an RPM package, refer to the tutorial at [[How to create a GNU Hello RPM package]] or the more advanced and much more detailed  [ Creating RPM packages].
Read the [ Packaging Guidelines] and [[ Package Naming Guidelines]] .
You need to be thoroughly familiar with these.  They govern all package submissions.  If you have questions, ask on the Fedora {{fplist|packaging}} List.
=== Create a Bugzilla Account ===
Make sure you have an account in [ Red Hat Bugzilla] .
The email address that you use for your Bugzilla account should be the same email address as you use in the [[#Get_a_Fedora_Account| Fedora Account System]] for all things related to Fedora Packaging.
{{admon/important|Do not use your address if you already have one.|You should not use your email address in Bugzilla, because you will not get your Bugzilla privileges once you are sponsored. If you want to use your address, you might try to request at the [ Fedora Infrastructure Ticket System] for an administrator to manually override the Bugzilla address connected with your Fedora Account.}}
=== Create a Fedora Account ===
Create an account in the [[Infrastructure/AccountSystem |Fedora Account System]] (this is ''not'' the same as the Bugzilla account)
# Visit the account system home:
# Click on 'New account' and fill in the blanks.  Note that the email you give should be the same as the one you gave Bugzilla.  This allows the system to link privileges between the two accounts.
# After you create your account, please be sure to sign the CLA (if you click on the "My Account" link in the top right, you should see CLA: CLA Done).
# You will also need to upload a public RSA SSH key. You need to use the matching private key to access Fedora machines via SSH.  You can read more about this [[Cryptography | here]].
=== Join the important Mailing Lists ===
You should join the fedora {{fplist|devel-announce}} mailing list. It is a low traffic announcements only list, where important development information is posted.
You should join the fedora {{fplist|devel}} mailing list, where discussions about the development of Fedora are held. This is a high traffic mailing list.
You should also consider joining the {{fplist|package-announce}} mailing list -- The commits mailing list gets notifications on all commits in any package in the Fedora repository. This is a very high traffic mailing list. The Fedora package database sends commit mails for packages you (co-)maintain.
Another mailing list you might consider (at least to view the archives) is {{fplist|packaging}}. This is the mailing list of the [[Packaging/Committee | Fedora Packaging Committee]], who determine the official packaging guidelines for Fedora projects.
=== Introduce yourself ===
Next, you should introduce yourself to the community on the {{fplist|devel}} mailing list. The primary purpose of this is to begin the process of building trust by allowing the Fedora community members to get to know you a bit more.
We want to break anonymity and foster real-world community within the project. You are under no obligation to reveal personal secrets. The objective is to establish a level of trust between yourself and the other members of the project. But you should at least use your real name when communicating with us. Also, a brief description of who you are, your motivations and perhaps a description of the software you have submitted for review are advisable.
Subject: Self Introduction:  <Your name>
Body:  Add any information you believe is applicable
including past experience in free and open source projects,
a link to the review request you have filed and
a brief description of yourself. You can also post
your GPG key information if you want to.
Feel free to participate in all the discussion that goes on in any of the lists. Community discussion and feedback is always encouraged.
=== Find software you wish to package/maintain for Fedora ===
{{admon/note||Note that there's other methods for getting sponsored into the packager group than submitting a new package.  Check the [[How_to_get_sponsored_into_the_packager_group| How to get sponsored page]] for more info.}}
The package you are submitting can be of any Free and Open Source project that is not already packaged in Fedora. Before creating your package, make sure that the software is not already in the Fedora repository, or waiting for review.
* Search the [ Fedora packages] for packages already in the repository.
* Search in the [ Review Tracker] for packages under review.
* Also check the [[Deprecated_packages | deprecated packages]] list.
* Be aware of [[forbidden items]].
=== Understand your responsibilities ===
Software components included in Fedora need to be maintained actively, and bugs - especially security issues - need to be fixed in a timely manner.  As a Fedora package maintainer,  it is your primary [ responsibility] to ensure this.  We encourage you to get [[Policy_for_encouraging_comaintainers_of_packages | co-maintainers]] and seek the help of the Fedora community via the development mailing list whenever needed.
=== Read Other Submissions ===
Read some other package submissions to learn about packaging and gain familiarity with the process and requirements.
One way of doing this is to join the {{fplist|package-review}} mailing list;All comments on Fedora package reviews are sent to this (read-only from your point of view) list.
=== Configure Your Git ===
The first thing to do when you set up Fedora packaging is to configure your username and email address for Git. These are linked in each commit you do to Fedora packages.
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global
=== Install the developer client tools ===
To build Packages for the Fedora Collection or [[EPEL]] in the Fedora build system you need [[Using_the_Koji_build_system|Koji]].
The {{package|fedora-packager}} package provides tools to help you setup and work with fedora; it will bring in everything necessary for general packaging work.  Run the following as root:
dnf install fedora-packager
After installation set your Fedora Account System username in {{filename|~/.fedora.upn}} (do this as your normal user, not root). You can do this via:
echo "yourfasid" > ~/.fedora.upn
(replacing "''yourfasid''", of course.)
{{admon/tip|Kerberos|You will need to have a Kerberos ticket in order to use Koji. To get a ticket, use the following command in a Terminal: "kinit yourfasid@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG". The domain is case-sensitive, so keep FEDORAPROJECT.ORG upper case.<br /><br />
To configure this if using GNOME, see [[Infrastructure/Kerberos]]
You can now use "koji" to try to build your RPM packages in the Fedora build system, even on platforms or Fedora versions you don't have.  Note that you can (and definitely should) test out builds ("scratch" builds) even before your package has been approved and you have been sponsored.  A simple way to do a scratch build using koji is to do this at the command line:
koji build --scratch TARGET path_to_source_RPM
* TARGET is a distribution keyword such as f25 (for Fedora 25).  You can run "koji list-targets" to see all targets.  To build for the next release (rawhide), ''don't'' use "dist-rawhide" - use "fX" where X is one more than the latest stable or branched release.
* Note that you need to supply the ''path'' to the source RPM (which ends in .src.rpm), and '''not''' a URL.  (If you only have the spec file, use <code>rpmbuild --nodeps -bs SPECFILE</code> to create the new source RPM).
Your koji builds can only depend on packages that are actually in the TARGET distribution repository.  Thus, you can't use koji to build for released distributions if your package depends on other new packages that  [[Bodhi | Bodhi]] hasn't released yet.  You ''can'' use koji to build for rawhide (the next unreleased version), even if it depends on other new packages, as long as the other packages were built for the "rawhide" as described below.  If you need to build against a package that is not yet a stable released
update, you can file a ticket with rel-eng at: and request that that package is
added as a buildroot override. For packages in EPEL, you have to use the component ''epel'' to get the request to the right persons.
You can learn more about koji via:
koji --help            # General help
koji --help-commands  # list of koji commands
koji COMMAND --help    # help on command COMMAND
[[Using the Koji build system]] has more information about using Koji.
=== Make a Package ===
* If you don't know how to create an RPM package, see the [[How to create an RPM package]].
* Make sure that your package meets the [ Packaging Guidelines]  and [ PackageNamingGuidelines] .
* Be aware of the [[Packaging:ReviewGuidelines| Package Review Guidelines]]  (they will be used during the package review).
* Make sure your package builds.  This is surprisingly important because a significant number of submissions don't.
=== Upload Your Package ===
Upload your SRPM and SPEC files onto the Internet somewhere so that others can retrieve them.  This can be anywhere accessible by a URL, but it is important that the files be directly accessible, not hidden behind some service that makes people wait to download things or redirects through advertising pages.
If you want to make ad-hoc builds available for users while you are getting the package into the official repositories, consider using [ Copr].  It is a lightweight automated build system that can create repositories using the SRPM you upload. You can use this Copr space to point reviewers to your src.rpm and spec.
=== Create Your Review Request ===
Fill out this form:
* Before submitting your request, be sure there’s not a previous request for the same package.  There is a convenient search box on the [ package review status page].
* Make sure that you put the '''name of the package''' (excluding version and release numbers) in the '<code>Review Summary</code>' field, along with a very '''brief summary''' of what the package is.
* Put a '''description''' of your package (usually, this can be the same thing as what you put in the spec %description) in the '<code>Review Description</code>' field.  Include the '''URLs''' to your '''SRPM''' and '''SPEC''' files.
* Explain in the ticket that this is your first package and you need a sponsor.  Also, include any information that may help prospective sponsors.  If you've been active in other review work, include links.  If you're the upstream maintainer, be sure to say so.
* For bonus points, include a link to a successful koji build so that everyone knows you did all of your homework.
{{Admon/warning | Make sure that you mention in the '<code>Review Description</code>' field that this is your first package, and you are seeking a sponsor. In Fedora Package Collection, all new contributors must be sponsored. Some potential sponsors will look at the [;FE-NEEDSPONSOR FE-NEEDSPONSOR]  bug in Bugzilla to find packages to review. You can add your package to this list by editing your review request bug (which will be created once you click 'Commit' on the form) and adding <code>FE-NEEDSPONSOR</code> in the '<code>Blocks</code>' field.}}
The review process is described in detail on the [[Package Review Process| Package Review Process]]  page.
=== Inform Upstream ===
Fedora as a project prefers to [[Staying_close_to_upstream_projects | stay close to upstream]]. Inform the developers that you are packaging the software. You can do that by sending them an email introducing yourself and pointing out the review request. This sets up the stage for future conversations. They will usually advertise the fact that their software is now part of Fedora or might want to inform you of important bugs in the existing release, future roadmaps etc.
=== Watch for Feedback ===
Watch the Bugzilla report for your first package. You should get notifications of changes by email. Fix any blockers that the reviewer(s) point out.
=== Get Sponsored ===
When the package is APPROVED by the reviewer, you must separately obtain member sponsorship in order to check in and build your package.  Sponsorship is not automatic and may require that you further participate in other ways in order to demonstrate your understanding of the packaging guidelines.  Key to becoming sponsored is to convince an existing sponsor-level member that you understand and follow the project's guidelines and processes.
See [[how to get sponsored into the packager group]] for more information on the process of becoming sponsored.
Your sponsor can add you to the packager group. You should receive an email confirmation of your sponsorship.
=== Add Package to Source Code Management (SCM) system and Set Owner ===
Before proceeding, please sync your account by login on using your FAS credentials.
If you are becoming a maintainer for a new package, instead of being a co-maintainer, use [ fedpkg] to request a new git repository for your package. The sub-command is "fedpkg request-repo" which includes help text for setting up the Pagure API token the command requires. You must specify the repository name and review bug number. For example: "fedpkg request-repo python-prometheus_client  1590452".
The request will be reviewed and processed by an admin, usually within 24 hours. Once the ticket is processed, you will have access to commit and build the package.
=== Check out the module ===
You ''could'' check out your module now, but before doing that, consider doing <code>mkdir ~/fedora-scm ; cd ~/fedora-scm</code> - that way, all your files are inside a single directory.  Also, run <code>ssh-add</code>, so that you won't have to keep typing in your key password.
{{Admon/tip | Running <code>ssh-add</code> before doing any SCM operations is a very good idea. It will save you from having to type your key password for every operation. You only have to run <code>ssh-add</code> once per session, it will remember it until you log out or reboot. If <code>ssh-add</code> reports "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.", start a new shell under it using <code>exec ssh-agent bash</code>.}}
Now you are ready to checkout your module from the SCM:
fedpkg clone <packagename>
Where <code><packagename></code> should be replaced with the name of your package.
{{Admon/caution | If this step fails, be sure your private ssh key (<code>~/.ssh/id_rsa</code>) mode is set to 0400. You might have to wait for up to an hour after your request for a new git module has been approved to get write access. Make sure your public key is the same as in the [[Account_System|Fedora Account System]] (FAS). Key propagation may take an hour or so after uploading into FAS.}}
{{Admon/important| Note that fedpkg does not set the user config for your new git repo automatically. Make sure to have these set globally or locally in your new repo before you do your first commit (see [[Git_Quickref#Configure_your_global_git_settings|Configure your global git settings]]).}}
{{Admon/important| Note: If you are not a member of the fedora packager group, you will receive a "permission denied" error. Use the <code>-a</code> flag to clone anonymously. }}
===  Test Your Package ===
Refer to [[Using_Mock_to_test_package_builds]] and [[Using_the_Koji_build_system#Scratch_Builds]] for more information on testing your package.  Mock uses your local system while Koji command line tool uses the Fedora build system server. 
=== Import, commit, and build your package ===
Now that you've checked out your (empty) package module with fedpkg,
cd into the module's master branch:
cd <packagename>
Run fedpkg to import the contents of the SRPM into the SCM:
fedpkg import PATH_TO_SRPM
# Review Changes, press 'q' to stop; Revert with: git reset --hard HEAD
git commit -m "Initial import (#XXXXXX)."
git push
fedpkg build
Obviously, replace <code>PATH_TO_SRPM</code> with the full path (not URL) to your approved SRPM, and <code>XXXXXX</code> with the package review bug number.
This imports into, commits, and builds only the '''master''' ([[Releases/Rawhide|Rawhide]])  branch. 
If the push fails with this kind of message:
W access for why DENIED to YOUR_ACCOUNT
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Could not push: Command '['git', 'push']' returned non-zero exit status 128
Then you don't have the necessary rights to modify that package branch;
to request those rights.
For more information on using the Fedora package maintenance system, see the [[Package maintenance guide]].
=== Update Your Branches (if desired) ===
Branches are <code>f</code># (formerly <code>F-</code># and before that <code>FC-</code>#), <code>master</code>, etc.  So ''f{{FedoraVersion}}'' is the branch for Fedora {{FedoraVersion}}.
To switch to a branch first:
fedpkg switch-branch BRANCH (e.g. f{{FedoraVersion}})
Merge the initial commit from master, creating an identical commit in the branch:
git merge master
Push the changes to the server:
git push
Build the package:
fedpkg build
If there is another branch to work with repeat "To switch to a branch" and import and commit to each branch.
{{Admon/warning | Be sure that you build for rawhide (master) branch before pushing updates for any other branches! Otherwise, those updates will get inherited into rawhide, which is almost certainly not what you want.}}
{{Admon/warning | Sync to buildsys is an hourly thing. So, sometimes you might have to wait for an hour to get access of the build server to give "fedpkg build".}}
If everything goes well, it should queue up your branch for building, the package will cleanly build, and you're done!
If it fails to build, the build system will send you an email to report the failure and show you to the logs. Commit any needed changes to git, bump the SPEC release number, and request a new build.
=== Submit Package as Update in Bodhi ===
The Fedora update system called [[Bodhi]] is used for pushing updates, classifying packages etc. Do not submit Rawhide (master branch) builds via Bodhi.
You can push an update using Bodhi via the command line using this in each branch:
fedpkg update
See the [[Package_update_HOWTO|update submission guide]] for more details.
=== Make the package available in "comps" files ===
If appropriate for the package, make it available in "comps" files so that it can be selected during installation and included in dnf's|yum's package group operations.  See [[PackageMaintainers/CompsXml|How to use and edit comps.xml for package groups]] for more info.
=== Watch for updates ===
Fedora has the infrastructure available for monitoring new upstream releases of the software you are packaging. Refer to [[Upstream Release Monitoring]] for more details.
== Getting Help  ==
We know that this process can be as clear as mud sometimes, and we're always trying to make it better. If you run into any problems, or have any questions, please ask on the {{fplist|devel}} mailing list or in {{fpchat|#fedora-devel}} on
== Getting a new package into Fedora Package Collection for existing maintainers  ==
If you already maintain a package in Fedora and want to maintain another, follow the [[new package process for existing contributors]].
= One-off contributions =
Changes to [ existing packages] can be suggested by submitting [ pull requests].
You must have a [[Join_the_package_collection_maintainers#Create_a_Fedora_Account|Fedora account]] to create a pull request.
If [ your account is not in the 'packager' group, you cannot push changes to forks on] so you must use an external Git hosting platform (e.g. and use [ remote pull-requests].
[[Category:Package Maintainers]] [[Category:Join]]

Latest revision as of 05:52, 15 September 2021

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