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Latest revision as of 08:11, 12 December 2008
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- 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核
第一项内容:shpchp 提出 yum 内存占用的问题
#!irc --- Log opened 五 1月 04 20:01:08 2008 --- Log closed 五 1月 04 20:01:13 2008 --- Log opened 五 1月 04 20:01:14 2008 20:01 -!- hers [n=yuan@fedora/hers] has joined #fedora-cn 20:01 -!- Topic for #fedora-cn: #fedora-cn: /charset utf-8 | 邮件列表 | 论坛 | Wiki | 软件仓库 | 20071108 fedora 8 发布 | 周五20:00 IRC聚会 20080104 20:01 -!- Topic set by byuan [] [Sun Dec 30 14:22:47 2007] 20:01 [Users #fedora-cn] 20:01 [@ChanServ ] [+raywang ] [ Epocher ] [ r0bertz|work] 20:01 [+abner ] [+ricky ] [ freeflying] [ rainy ] 20:01 [+cwelton ] [+yshao ] [ hers ] [ shpchp ] 20:01 [+eugene ] [ ajneok ] [ jcome ] [ ssgg ] 20:01 [+fedora-badboy] [ angel_cat ] [ jhwhb1 ] [ tpxcer ] 20:01 [+gcell ] [ AutumnCat ] [ JoeBorn ] [ w3d1w4_ ] 20:01 [+hellwolf ] [ candyz0416 ] [ kldoo ] [ xHellwolf ] 20:01 [+keimoto ] [ christina_chen] [ nihui ] [ Yuxans ] 20:01 [+keimoto_co ] [ DawnFantasy ] [ r0bertz ] 20:01 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 35 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 11 voices, 23 normal] 20:01 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v hers] by ChanServ 20:01 -!- Channel #fedora-cn created Sun Nov 26 14:42:54 2006 20:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #fedora-cn was synced in 60 secs 20:03 -!- w3d1w4_ [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 20:03 <+hers> 这个是什么错误? 启动 httpd:httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for 20:03 <+hers> httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName 20:03 <+hers> no listening sockets available, shutting down 20:03 <+hers> Unable to open logs 20:04 < Epocher> hers, 前面的错误是没有设置域句 20:04 < Epocher> hers, 前面的错误是没有设置域名 20:05 < Epocher> 后面是端口打不开 20:05 <+hers> 怎么设置呢?我的 hosts 是 [root@mstar ~] # cat /etc/hosts 20:05 <+hers> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs 20:05 <+hers> # that require network functionality will fail. 20:05 <+hers> localhost.localdomain localhost mstar 20:05 <+hers> 至于端口,没有开 skype,还有谁会占用 80? 20:06 <+gcell> Epocher: 您老用什么版本的scim?或者这只是Fedora的问题,Gentoo没问题 20:07 < Epocher> httpd.conf 里的 ServerName 必须是DNS能解析的域名,或 hosts 里有的 20:07 < Epocher> gcell, 我不老... 20:07 < Epocher> app-i18n/scim-1.4.7 20:09 <+gcell> Epocher: 尊称么,我的是1.4.6可能是新版修正了,gentoo就是好啊,跟着源码走,冲在最前线 20:10 <+hers> 晕,不能用 这种 hostname,是别人的域名…… 可是为什么会认为这样的域名优先级不够呢 20:10 < Epocher> gcell, 都一样用的... 个人爱好不同而已... 20:11 < jcome> 今天的主题是什么? 20:11 <+gcell> Epocher: 确实,我习惯Fedora系列了,不过对gentoo很有兴趣,等有时间了要试试 20:12 < Epocher> :D 20:12 -!- Administrator [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:12 < Administrator> hello,i am wolook 20:12 <+hers> jcome~ 这一周没人登记主题到 20:12 <+hers> jcome~ 也没人向 AskFedora 提问 20:13 < Administrator> is any body here? 20:13 <+hers> hi, Administrator 我看 20:13 -!- Administrator is now known as wolook 20:13 <+hers> hi, wolook 20:14 <+hers> 还是有问题,这次诡异得很 20:14 < wolook> 你好hers,你说什么比较诡异? 20:14 <+gcell> 没什么活力 20:14 < wolook> 这里没有什么人呀 20:15 <+hers> 20:15 < wolook>这个问题谁能够帮我支持一下。 20:15 <+hers> wolook~ 你爱热闹就多说说话 20:15 < wolook> 帮我解决一下这个问题,和迷茫对于这个问题 20:17 < wolook> 最好去回复一下~谢谢 20:18 <+gcell> wolook: 已回,好方法 20:18 < wolook> thanks~ 20:19 < wolook> 我想知道你们学习Linux的时候是直接在xp电脑上面再安装一个linux吗? 20:20 <+gcell> wolook: 是的,我是的,但是很久没有进XP了 20:20 < wolook> 我主要xp要工作用,想知道学习Linux买一台2手电脑可以吗?速度不会有太大影响吧? 20:21 < wolook> 我主要是学习用fedora做服务器,而不是用来日常使用的. 20:21 -!- Kevin_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:21 <+gcell> wolook: 只要你不买档次太低的应该没什么问题吧,虽然说Fedora硬件要求不高,但是也不能太低 20:22 -!- xuwei [i=xuwei@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:22 <+hers> wolook~ 那搞一个很便宜的也没问题 20:22 < wolook> 你可以推荐一个基本配置吗? 20:22 <+hers> wolook~ 要出多少钱? 20:23 < wolook> 不是资金问题,是我买来仅学习Linux没有别的用途,我目前有2台电脑都日常需要使用,不敢出问题.所以买一个能够正常支持fd8的就够了 20:23 -!- tpxcer [n=tpxcer@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:25 < Epocher> wolook, 随便都可以,内存不要低于 512 就是了 20:25 < Epocher> wolook, 还有,有些本子不支持 Linux, 也别买,具体哪些我不清楚 20:25 < Kevin_> 呵呵,现在内存很便宜,一根1G的也就是100多 20:26 < Epocher> 所以就是... 随便... 20:26 < wolook> 谢谢,台机一般都支持吗?安装fd8都是CD还是DVD呢?买二手本本学习估计很多都是CD driver 20:26 <+gcell> wolook: 买台神舟的,新的也不贵 20:27 < wolook> 只要必要,贵点也无所谓. 20:27 < wolook> 就是不知道你们有没有人是为了学习Linux或者玩Linux单独买一台呢? 20:27 < Epocher> wolook, 双系统解决一切... 20:27 -!- Kevin_ is now known as joncin 20:28 <+gcell> wolook: 大多数都是双系统吧 20:28 < wolook> 关键我是新手,会不会在安装系统的时候把现有的XP弄垮了? 20:28 < joncin> 对了,不知道VMware学习Linux可以么? 20:28 <+gcell> wolook: 这要看你乱搞到什么程度了 20:28 < wolook> 你们的意思是安装双系统,fd8的任何设置都不会影响XP吗 20:28 -!- tpxcer [n=tpxcer@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:29 < jcome> 作个备份呗, 20:29 <+gcell> wolook: 学习嘛,太小心了就学不到什么了,随便乱搞一通,搞的越乱学的越快 20:30 < jcome> 这种东西就是要折腾几次就什么都只到了 20:30 < wolook> 大家说如果我主要是学习linux作为服务器来使用,应该用那个发行版比较好? 20:30 < jcome> 什么都知道了 20:31 < jcome> 大的发行版都行吧 20:31 <+gcell> wolook: 不知道,我也是菜鸟,问hers 20:31 < wolook> fedora or centOs?大家觉得那个作为服务器应用比较好? 20:31 < rainy> 真要做服务器...centos, debian stable分支。如果只是学,哪个发行版都可以。。。 20:32 < wolook> 是真的要做服务器~fd做服务器不是最好的版本吗? 20:33 < rainy> 看个人能力的。。。 20:33 < rainy> 有能力的人,哪个发行版都可以做的很好。。。初学时期就不用要求太高了 20:33 < wolook> 有什么区别吗?我就见过centos & fedora的服务器,还没有见过debian 20:34 < wolook> 运行高负载的website,那个更加稳定? 20:34 < rainy>这个网站知道吧?他们超过50%的服务器是debian,还有一些是fedora和gentoo。 20:35 <+gcell> wolook: 都差不多,你如果学会了使用一个发行版,就一通百通了 20:35 < rainy> 我建议你现在手头上有哪个发行版就从哪个发行版开始... 20:35 < wolook> 了解,谢谢各位~另外bsd和linux是完全2个不同的系统吧?当然我知道都是unix的 20:37 < rainy> linux不是unix...虽然都很好,各有特色,但概念还是不要混淆。 20:38 <+gcell> IRC里面有那位兄弟也用yo2的服务没? 20:39 <+abner> 你們 emesene 的 dbus plugin 可不可以啟用呢? 20:39 -!- jcome [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 20:39 < joncin> 大家好,我想问一下,学Linux用VMware可以么? 20:40 < wolook> vmware是什么? 20:41 < wolook> 看到很多虚拟主机商都提供vmware servcie 20:41 -!- wolook [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 20:41 <+abner> 剛開始學可以的,但上手以後還是裝一個吧… 20:41 -!- hypnotist [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:42 -!- rainy_ [n=rainy@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:42 -!- raywang [n=raywang@] has quit ["Leaving."] 20:42 <+gcell> vmware会把你本来就有的那一点兴趣磨灭掉的 20:42 < joncin> 对了,学Linux到最后是不是都要学会Linux下的编程阿? 20:43 < rainy_> shell编程是必须的... 20:44 < joncin> 呵呵。我以前学过C和数据结构,有这个基础可以么? 20:44 < rainy_> 今天网络真不稳定,连接正常,突然没有流量了。。。faint... 20:49 <+gcell> joncin: linux会使你对编程产生兴趣的 20:50 < shpchp> 不会编程用 linux 没意义, 还不如用 windows 20:50 < joncin> 呵呵,谢谢你们啦 20:50 < joncin> 我现在是搞网络的,所以我以后想搞网络下的编程 20:51 < joncin> 搞Cisco和微软的Server,越来越觉得没意思,真没有编程有趣 20:52 < joncin> 所以现在想搞Linux了。 20:56 -!- yshao [n=yshao@] has quit ["Leaving"] 20:56 [Users #fedora-cn] 20:56 [@ChanServ ] [+keimoto_co ] [ freeflying ] [ rainy ] 20:56 [+abner ] [+ricky ] [ hypnotist ] [ rainy_ ] 20:56 [+cwelton ] [ ajneok ] [ jhwhb1 ] [ shpchp ] 20:56 [+eugene ] [ angel_cat ] [ JoeBorn ] [ ssgg ] 20:56 [+fedora-badboy] [ AutumnCat ] [ joncin ] [ tpxcer ] 20:56 [+gcell ] [ candyz0416 ] [ kldoo ] [ xHellwolf] 20:56 [+hellwolf ] [ christina_chen] [ nihui ] [ xuwei ] 20:56 [+hers ] [ DawnFantasy ] [ r0bertz ] [ Yuxans ] 20:56 [+keimoto ] [ Epocher ] [ r0bertz|work] 20:56 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 35 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 10 voices, 24 normal] 20:57 <+gcell> joncin: 我都不记得自己是哪一年自学的C了,后来荒废了,如今装了Linux,我又蠢蠢欲动了 20:57 <+gcell> 嘿嘿 20:57 -!- rainy [n=rainy@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:02 -!- alex_wing [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:10 <+hers> * Fri Jan 04 2008 Sarantis Paskalis <> - 0.5-9 21:10 <+hers> - Drop -fonts requires. 21:10 <+hers> * Tue Aug 29 2006 Sarantis Paskalis <> - 0.5-8 21:10 <+hers> - Bump release for FC6 rebuild. 21:10 <+hers> * Mon Feb 20 2006 Sarantis Paskalis <> - 0.5-6 21:10 <+hers> - Rebuild for FC5. 21:10 <+hers> tetex-font-cm-lgc-0.5-9.fc9.noarch.rpm 21:10 <+hers> 时间过得真快 21:10 <+hers> (偶然看到的 rawhide 编译记录) 21:11 < joncin> Shell编程是不是就是C阿? 21:13 -!- nihui [n=nihui@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:17 -!- joncin [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 21:28 <+gcell> 看来今天的聚会又要无疾而终了 21:30 <+hers> Hiahia 21:31 <+hers> 没啥大不了的,聚会没事最好 21:31 <+hellwolf> 我回来了 21:31 <+hellwolf> gmail怎么发不出去邮件 21:32 -!- rainy_ [n=rainy@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:33 <+gcell> hellwolf: 是不是把@打成全角符号了?呵呵 21:33 <+hellwolf> 不是,是SMTP发邮件时说我附件illegal 21:34 -!- awei [n=awei@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:34 <+gcell> 哦 21:35 <+hellwolf> 怎么可以这样呢 21:36 <+gcell> google也有感冒的时候啊 21:46 < shpchp> /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive 这个文件是如何产生的? 21:47 < shpchp> localedef 产生的? 21:47 < shpchp> 那如何让系统只支持少量的 locale? locale-archive 这个文件太大了 ... :( 21:50 <+hellwolf> rpm -q glibc-common --scripts 21:50 <+hellwolf> postinstall program: /usr/sbin/build-locale-archive 21:53 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:53 < shpchp> 如何让 fedora 只支持几个少量的 locale 呢? 21:54 -!- Epocher [n=xijiao@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:54 -!- angel_cat [n=angel_ca@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:56 < shpchp> 目前 locale -a 列出了所有的 locale ... 90% 都是不会用到的 22:01 < shpchp> fedora 好像不支持 /etc/locale.gen 22:04 -!- hypnotist [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 22:05 -!- xuwei [i=xuwei@] has quit ["Leaving"] 22:07 -!- lazyfai [] has joined #fedora-cn 22:07 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v lazyfai] by ChanServ 22:09 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@] has quit ["Leaving."] 22:11 -!- lazyfai [] has left #fedora-cn [] 22:15 -!- JoeBorn [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:22 < shpchp> 大家都来研究研究啊: 22:24 <+hers> shpchp~ locale.gen 容易出错,而 disk is cheap 22:25 <+hers> shpchp~ build your own glibc 啦啦啦 22:27 -!- liuhongdan [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:28 < shpchp> hers, 虽然 disk is cheap, 但毛老人家告诉我们: 浪费是一种极大的犯罪! 22:28 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v liuhongdan] by ChanServ 22:28 <+liuhongdan> 民间评选的年度十大新闻 22:38 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has quit ["leaving"] 22:42 <+hers> shpchp~ redhat 去年有个实验项目,是个超快超小的 rpm + yum,叫什么忘了 22:45 -!- wolook [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:46 < shpchp> 看来只有自己编译 glibc 了? :( 22:46 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:46 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v gcell] by ChanServ 22:48 -!- kldo1 [n=kldoo@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:48 < shpchp> 难以相信没有其他办法删除无用的 locale ... 22:49 -!- christina_chen [n=christin@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:51 <+hellwolf> 当然有办法,不就是glibc么,又不是 fedora 牌的 22:53 < wolook> 我又来了~请教下国内那个论坛讨论fedora最火呢? 22:55 -!- kldo1 [n=kldoo@] has left #fedora-cn [] 22:55 < shpchp> hellwolf, 什么办法? 22:56 <+gcell> shpchp: 删除无用的locale是不是会快点? 22:57 < shpchp> gcell, 目标是让系统不用 swap ... 当然会快不少 22:57 <+hers> shpchp~ 用 LC_ALL=C yum 运行一把呢 22:57 -!- abner [] has quit ["Leaving"] 22:58 <+hers> 觉得那种东西既然是 glibc 的,那么一定是所有程序共享,而不是 yum 自己用 22:58 <+hers> shpchp~ 你算到 yum 头上就不对了 22:59 < shpchp> 我先查查其他程序的内存镜像...... 23:00 < shpchp> ...... 23:00 < shpchp> 看来跟 locale-archive 无关 ...... 23:01 -!- liuhongdan_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:01 < shpchp> 其他程序(例如xchat)的内存镜像也有locale-archive, 但 RES 只有 41m 23:02 < shpchp> 看来还没有找到 yum 占用内存的原因 23:02 < wolook> 我想请教下yum到底是什么东西呀 23:03 -!- kldoo [n=kldoo@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:03 < liuhongdan_> google yum是什么yum = Yellow dog Updater, Modified 主要功能是更方便的添加/删除/更新RPM包. 它能自动解决包的倚赖性问题. 它能便于管理大量系统的更新问题 23:04 < shpchp> yum 的 RES 有 154m ... 天 23:05 -!- kingbo [n=kingbo@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:05 < wolook> RPM是什么? 23:09 < liuhongdan_> ... 23:10 < shpchp> RPM = 软盘慢 23:12 < xHellwolf> 庆幸,windows还没死机 23:12 < shpchp> YuM = 郁闷 23:12 < xHellwolf> 昨天难道是偶然离奇悬案了 23:13 < liuhongdan_> RPM=人品M... 23:14 < liuhongdan_> 激情,激情 23:14 < liuhongdan_> 没有了 23:16 < liuhongdan_> MD,钥匙突然打不开门了,今天差点自己锁在屋子里 23:18 -!- liuhongdan [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:25 -!- wolook [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 23:34 -!- awei [n=awei@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:38 -!- christina_chen [n=christin@] has quit ["used jmIrc"] 23:39 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:49 -!- shpchp [n=shpchp@] has quit ["Leaving"] 23:55 -!- tpxcer [n=tpxcer@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] --- Log closed 六 1月 05 00:00:02 2008 --- Log opened 六 1月 05 00:00:02 2008 --- Day changed 六 1月 05 2008 00:00 < liuhongdan_> 12:00 00:00 < liuhongdan_> 0:00 00:00 < liuhongdan_> Music radio 00:00 -!- liuhongdan_ [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 00:07 -!- JoeBorn [] has joined #fedora-cn 00:07 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@] has joined #fedora-cn 00:07 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar] by ChanServ 00:11 -!- __64 [n=shpchp@] has joined #fedora-cn 00:13 -!- alex_wing [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 00:36 <+keimoto> 貓兒下午剛送了我一份新年禮物:一隻剛被咬破喉嚨在抽搐吐血的鳥! 00:38 <+gcell> 涉嫌捕杀保护动物被请去喝茶 01:09 < jhwhb1> 有人会法语么?que dieu vous benisse 是什么意思啊? 01:12 -!- __64 [n=shpchp@] has quit ["Leaving"] 01:17 <+keimoto> gcell, cat did that 01:18 <+gcell> keimoto:you let it 01:18 <+keimoto> 01:18 <+gcell> keimoto:呵呵 01:18 <+keimoto> gcell, 屋外的貓自己抓的。 01:19 <+keimoto> 狡獵機器 01:19 <+keimoto> 狩 01:20 <+keimoto> 灰毛的,大概是幼鴉 --- Log opened 六 1月 05 11:13:38 2008 --- Log closed 六 1月 05 11:13:43 2008