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(added category SELinux)
(24 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
Keywords can be in all uppercase or all lowercase.
Keywords can be in all uppercase or all lowercase.

Convention followed in this document: ''Italics'' are used for non-terminals. Basically
Convention followed in this document: Plain text is used for
it means that there is a defination of the thing else where. When a non-terminal is
non-terminals. Basically it means that there is a defination of the
used on the right hand side of a grammar rule there should be some rule in the file
thing else where. When a non-terminal is used on the right hand side
with that non-terminal on the left hand side. Items in '''bold''' are literal,
of a grammar rule there should be some rule in the file with that
they must appear in the policy file exactly as written. Items in '''''bold italics'''''
non-terminal on the left hand side. Items in '''bold''' are literal,
are used for things that can be replaced by some user specified text. They will
they must appear in the policy file exactly as written. Items in
also be surrounded with < and > signs to make them clearly different from keywords.
''italics'' are used for things that can be replaced by
some user specified text. They will also be surrounded with < and >
signs to make them clearly different from keywords.

Any item in [ square brackets ] is an optional item. Items with a * after them
Any item in [ square brackets ] is an optional item. Items with a * after them
Line 20: Line 22:
be repeated. Vertical lines | are used to indicate alternatives.
be repeated. Vertical lines | are used to indicate alternatives.

A file must contain either a ''base_policy'' or a ''module_policy''.
A file must contain either a base_policy or a module_policy.

== base policy ==

base_policy = ''class_def''+ ''initial_sids'' ''access_vectors'' ''opt_mls'' ''te_rbac'' ''users'' ''opt_constraints'' ''initial_sid_contexts'' ''opt_fs_contexts'' ''opt_fs_uses'' ''opt_genfs_contexts'' ''net_contexts''
base_policy = class_def+ initial_sid_def+ access_vectors [mls] te_rbac user_def+ [constraint_decl+] initial_sid_context_def+ [fs_context_def+] [fs_use_def+] [genfs_context_def+] [port_context_def+] [netif_context_def+] [node_context_def+]

class_def = '''CLASS''' ''<identifier>''

module_policy = '''MODULE''' '''''identifier''''' ''version_identifier'' ''';''' avrules_block
initial_sid_def = '''SID''' ''<identifier>''

access_vectors = [common_perms_def +] av_perms_def+

class_def = '''CLASS''' '''''identifier'''''
av_perms_def = '''CLASS''' ''<identifier>'' '''{''' ''<identifier>'' + '''}''' | '''CLASS''' ''<identifier>'' '''INHERITS''' ''<identifier>''  | '''CLASS''' ''<identifier>'' '''INHERITS''' ''<identifier>'' '''{''' ''<identifier>'' + '''}'''

initial_sids = initial_sid_def | initial_sids initial_sid_def
initial_sid_context_def = '''SID''' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def

initial_sid_def = SID identifier
constraint_decl = constraint_def | validatetrans_def

access_vectors = opt_common_perms av_perms
constraint_def = '''CONSTRAIN''' names names cexpr ''';'''

opt_common_perms = common_perms | /* empty */
validatetrans_def = '''VALIDATETRANS''' names cexpr ''';'''

common_perms = common_perms_def | common_perms common_perms_def

common_perms_def = COMMON identifier '{' identifier_list '}'
fs_context_def = '''FSCON''' ''<number>'' ''<number>'' security_context_def security_context_def

av_perms = av_perms_def | av_perms av_perms_def
port_context_def = '''PORTCON''' ''<identifier>'' ''<number>'' security_context_def | '''PORTCON''' ''<identifier>'' ''<number>'' '-' ''<number>'' security_context_def

av_perms_def = CLASS identifier '{' identifier_list '}' | CLASS identifier INHERITS identifier  | CLASS identifier INHERITS identifier '{' identifier_list '}'
netif_context_def = '''NETIFCON''' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def security_context_def

opt_mls = mls | /* empty */
node_context_def = '''NODECON''' ''<ipv4_addr>'' ''<ipv4_addr>'' security_context_def | '''NODECON''' ''<ipv6_addr>'' ''<ipv6_addr>'' security_context_def

mls = sensitivities dominance opt_categories levels mlspolicy
fs_use_def = '''FSUSEXATTR''' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def ''';''' | '''FSUSETASK''' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def ''';''' | '''FSUSETRANS''' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def ''';'''

sensitivities = sensitivity_def | sensitivities sensitivity_def
genfs_context_def = '''GENFSCON''' ''<identifier>'' ''<path>'' '-' ''<identifier>'' security_context_def | '''GENFSCON''' ''<identifier>'' ''<path>'' '-' '-'  security_context_def | '''GENFSCON''' ''<identifier>'' ''<path>'' security_context_def

sensitivity_def = SENSITIVITY identifier alias_def ';' | SENSITIVITY identifier ';'
security_context_def = ''<identifier>'' ''':''' ''<identifier>'' ''':''' ''<identifier>'' [''':''' mls_range_def]

alias_def = ALIAS names

dominance = DOMINANCE identifier | DOMINANCE '{' identifier_list '}'  
mls_range_def = mls_level_def '-' mls_level_def | mls_level_def

opt_categories = categories | /* empty */
mls_level_def = ''<identifier>'' ''':''' id_comma_list | ''<identifier>''

categories = category_def | categories category_def
id_comma_list = ''<identifier>'' | id_comma_list ',' ''<identifier>''

category_def = CATEGORY identifier alias_def ';' | CATEGORY identifier ';'
== module policy ==

levels = level_def | levels level_def
module_policy = '''MODULE''' ''<identifier>'' ''<version_identifier>'' ''';''' avrules_block

level_def = LEVEL identifier ':' id_comma_list ';' | LEVEL identifier ';'
avrules_block = avrule_decl+ user_def*

mlspolicy = mlspolicy_decl | mlspolicy mlspolicy_decl
avrule_decl = rbac_decl | te_decl | cond_stmt_def | require_block | optional_block | ''';'''

mlspolicy_decl = mlsconstraint_def | mlsvalidatetrans_def
user_def = '''USER''' ''<identifier>'' '''ROLES''' names ['''LEVEL''' mls_level_def '''RANGE''' mls_range_def] ''';'''

mlsconstraint_def = MLSCONSTRAIN names names cexpr ';'

mlsvalidatetrans_def = MLSVALIDATETRANS names cexpr ';'
rbac_decl = role_type_def | role_dominance | role_trans_def | role_allow_def

te_rbac = te_rbac_decl | te_rbac te_rbac_decl
role_type_def = '''ROLE''' ''<identifier>'' '''TYPES''' names ''';''' | '''ROLE''' ''<identifier>''';'

te_rbac_decl = te_decl | rbac_decl | cond_stmt_def | optional_block | policycap_def | ';'
role_dominance = '''DOMINANCE''' '''{''' role_def+ '''}'''

rbac_decl = role_type_def | role_dominance | role_trans_def | role_allow_def
role_allow_def = '''ALLOW''' names names ''';'''

te_decl = attribute_def | type_def | typealias_def | typeattribute_def | bool_def | transition_def | range_trans_def | te_avtab_def | permissive_def
role_trans_def = '''ROLE_TRANSITION''' names names ''<identifier>'' ''';'''

attribute_def = ATTRIBUTE identifier ';'
role_def = '''ROLE''' ''<identifier>'' ''';''' | '''ROLE''' ''<identifier>'' '''{''' role_def+ '''}'''

type_def = TYPE identifier alias_def opt_attr_list ';' | TYPE identifier opt_attr_list ';'
te_decl = '''ATTRIBUTE''' ''<identifier>'' ''';''' | type_def | '''TYPEALIAS''' ''<identifier>'' alias_def ''';''' | '''TYPEATTRIBUTE''' ''<identifier>'' id_comma_list ''';''' | '''BOOL''' ''<identifier>'' ('''CTRUE''' | '''CFALSE''') ''';''' | transition_def | range_trans_def | te_avtab_def | '''PERMISSIVE''' ''<identifier>'' ''';'''

typealias_def = TYPEALIAS identifier alias_def ';'
te_rbac = ( te_decl | rbac_decl | cond_stmt_def | optional_block | POLICYCAP ''<identifier>'' ''';''' | ''';''' )+

typeattribute_def = TYPEATTRIBUTE identifier id_comma_list ';'
te_avtab_def = '''ALLOW''' names names ''':''' names names  ''';''' | '''AUDITALLOW''' names names ''':''' names names ''';''' | '''AUDITDENY''' names names ''':''' names names ''';''' | '''DONTAUDIT''' names names ''':''' names names ''';''' | '''NEVERALLOW''' names names ''':''' names names  ''';'''

opt_attr_list = ',' id_comma_list | /* empty */

bool_def = BOOL identifier bool_val ';'
require_block = '''REQUIRE''' '''{''' require_decl+ '''}'''

bool_val = CTRUE | CFALSE
require_decl = CLASS ''<identifier>'' names ''';''' | (ROLE | TYPE | ATTRIBUTE | USER | BOOL | SENSITIVITY | CATEGORY) ''<identifier>'' (''',''' ''<identifier>'' )* ''';'''

cond_stmt_def = IF cond_expr '{' cond_pol_list '}' cond_else

cond_else = ELSE '{' cond_pol_list '}' | /* empty */
optional_block = '''OPTIONAL''' '''{''' avrules_block '''}''' [ '''ELSE''' '''{''' avrules_block '''}''' ]

cond_expr = '(' cond_expr ')' | NOT cond_expr | cond_expr AND cond_expr | cond_expr OR cond_expr | cond_expr XOR cond_expr | cond_expr EQUALS cond_expr | cond_expr NOTEQUAL cond_expr | cond_expr_prim

cond_expr_prim = identifier
cond_stmt_def = '''IF''' cond_expr '''{''' cond_rule_def* '''}''' [ '''ELSE''' '''{''' cond_rule_def* '''}''' ]

cond_pol_list = cond_pol_list cond_rule_def  | /* empty */
cond_expr = '(' cond_expr ')' | '''NOT''' cond_expr | cond_expr '''AND''' cond_expr | cond_expr '''OR''' cond_expr | cond_expr '''XOR''' cond_expr | cond_expr '''EQUALS''' cond_expr | cond_expr '''NOTEQUAL''' cond_expr | ''<identifier>''

cond_rule_def = cond_transition_def | cond_te_avtab_def | require_block  
cond_rule_def = cond_transition_def | cond_te_avtab_def | require_block  

cond_transition_def = TYPE_TRANSITION names names ':' names identifier ';' | TYPE_MEMBER names names ':' names identifier ';' | TYPE_CHANGE names names ':' names identifier ';'  
cond_transition_def = '''TYPE_TRANSITION''' names names ':' names ''<identifier>'' ';' | '''TYPE_MEMBER''' names names ':' names ''<identifier>'' ';' | '''TYPE_CHANGE''' names names ':' names ''<identifier>'' ';'  

cond_te_avtab_def = cond_allow_def | cond_auditallow_def | cond_auditdeny_def | cond_dontaudit_def
cond_te_avtab_def = '''ALLOW''' names names ''':''' names names  ''';''' | '''AUDITALLOW''' names names ''':''' names names ''';''' | '''AUDITDENY''' names names ''':''' names names ''';''' | '''DONTAUDIT''' names names ''':''' names names ''';'''

cond_allow_def = ALLOW names names ':' names names  ';'

cond_auditallow_def = AUDITALLOW names names ':' names names ';'
type_def = '''TYPE''' ''<identifier>'' alias_def [',' id_comma_list] ''';''' | '''TYPE''' ''<identifier>'' [',' id_comma_list] ''';'''

cond_auditdeny_def = AUDITDENY names names ':' names names ';'

cond_dontaudit_def = DONTAUDIT names names ':' names names ';'
names = ''<identifier>'' | nested_id_set | '''*''' | '''~''' ''<identifier>'' | '''~''' nested_id_set | ''<identifier>'' '''-'''  ''<identifier>''  

transition_def = TYPE_TRANSITION names names ':' names identifier ';' | TYPE_MEMBER names names ':' names identifier ';' | TYPE_CHANGE names names ':' names identifier ';'

range_trans_def = RANGE_TRANSITION names names mls_range_def ';' | RANGE_TRANSITION names names ':' names mls_range_def ';'  
common_perms_def = '''COMMON''' ''<identifier>'' '''{''' ''<identifier>'' + '''}'''

te_avtab_def = allow_def | auditallow_def | auditdeny_def | dontaudit_def | neverallow_def
mls = sensitivity_def+ dominance [category_def+] level_def+ mlspolicy_decl+

allow_def = ALLOW names names ':' names names  ';'
sensitivity_def = '''SENSITIVITY''' ''<identifier>'' alias_def ';' | '''SENSITIVITY''' ''<identifier>'' ''';'''

auditallow_def = AUDITALLOW names names ':' names names ';'
alias_def = '''ALIAS''' names

auditdeny_def = AUDITDENY names names ':' names names ';'
dominance = '''DOMINANCE''' ''<identifier>'' | '''DOMINANCE''' '''{''' ''<identifier>'' + '''}'''  

dontaudit_def = DONTAUDIT names names ':' names names ';'
category_def = '''CATEGORY''' ''<identifier>'' alias_def ';' | '''CATEGORY''' ''<identifier>'' ''';'''

neverallow_def = NEVERALLOW names names ':' names names  ';'
level_def = '''LEVEL''' ''<identifier>'' ':' id_comma_list ';' | '''LEVEL''' ''<identifier>'' ''';'''  

role_type_def = ROLE identifier TYPES names ';' | ROLE identifier';'
mlspolicy_decl = '''MLSCONSTRAIN''' names names cexpr ';' | '''MLSVALIDATETRANS''' names cexpr ''';'''

role_dominance = DOMINANCE '{' roles '}'
transition_def = '''TYPE_TRANSITION''' names names ''':''' names ''<identifier>'' ''';''' | '''TYPE_MEMBER''' names names ''':''' names ''<identifier>'' ''';''' | '''TYPE_CHANGE''' names names ''':''' names ''<identifier>'' ''';'''

role_trans_def = ROLE_TRANSITION names names identifier ';'
range_trans_def = '''RANGE_TRANSITION''' names names mls_range_def ''';''' | '''RANGE_TRANSITION''' names names ''':''' names mls_range_def ''';'''  

role_allow_def = ALLOW names names ';'
roles = role_def | roles role_def
role_def = ROLE identifier_push ';' | ROLE identifier_push '{' roles '}'
opt_constraints = constraints | /* empty */
constraints = constraint_decl | constraints constraint_decl
constraint_decl = constraint_def | validatetrans_def
constraint_def = CONSTRAIN names names cexpr ';'
validatetrans_def = VALIDATETRANS names cexpr ';'
cexpr = '(' cexpr ')' | NOT cexpr | cexpr AND cexpr | cexpr OR cexpr | cexpr_prim
cexpr_prim = U1 op U2 | R1 role_mls_op R2 | T1 op T2 | U1 op names_push | U2 op names_push | U3 op names_push | R1 op names_push | R2 op names_push | R3 op names_push | T1 op names_push | T2 op names_push | T3 op names_push | SAMEUSER | SOURCE ROLE names_push | TARGET ROLE names_push | ROLE role_mls_op | SOURCE TYPE names_push | TARGET TYPE names_push | L1 role_mls_op L2 | L1 role_mls_op H2 | H1 role_mls_op L2 | H1 role_mls_op H2 | L1 role_mls_op H1 | L2 role_mls_op H2
role_mls_op = op | DOM | DOMBY | INCOMP
users = user_def | users user_def
user_def = USER identifier ROLES names opt_mls_user ';'
opt_mls_user = LEVEL mls_level_def RANGE mls_range_def | /* empty */
initial_sid_contexts = initial_sid_context_def | initial_sid_contexts initial_sid_context_def
initial_sid_context_def = SID identifier security_context_def
opt_fs_contexts = fs_contexts | /* empty */
fs_contexts = fs_context_def | fs_contexts fs_context_def
fs_context_def = FSCON number number security_context_def security_context_def
net_contexts = opt_port_contexts opt_netif_contexts opt_node_contexts
opt_port_contexts = port_contexts | /* empty */
port_contexts = port_context_def | port_contexts port_context_def
port_context_def = PORTCON identifier number security_context_def | PORTCON identifier number '-' number security_context_def
opt_netif_contexts = netif_contexts | /* empty */
netif_contexts = netif_context_def | netif_contexts netif_context_def
netif_context_def = NETIFCON identifier security_context_def security_context_def
opt_node_contexts = node_contexts | /* empty */

node_contexts = node_context_def | node_contexts node_context_def
cexpr = '(' cexpr ')' | '''NOT''' cexpr | cexpr '''AND''' cexpr | cexpr '''OR''' cexpr | cexpr_prim

node_context_def = NODECON ipv4_addr_def ipv4_addr_def security_context_def | NODECON ipv6_addr ipv6_addr security_context_def
cexpr_prim = U1 op U2 | R1 role_mls_op R2 | T1 op T2 | U1 op names_push | U2 op names_push | U3 op names_push | R1 op names_push | R2 op names_push | R3 op names_push | T1 op names_push | T2 op names_push | T3 op names_push | '''SAMEUSER''' | '''SOURCE''' '''ROLE''' names_push | '''TARGET''' '''ROLE''' names_push | '''ROLE''' role_mls_op | '''SOURCE''' '''TYPE''' names_push | '''TARGET''' '''TYPE''' names_push | L1 role_mls_op L2 | L1 role_mls_op H2 | H1 role_mls_op L2 | H1 role_mls_op H2 | L1 role_mls_op H1 | L2 role_mls_op H2

opt_fs_uses = fs_uses | /* empty */
op = '''EQUALS''' | '''NOTEQUAL'''

fs_uses = fs_use_def | fs_uses fs_use_def
role_mls_op = op | '''DOM''' | '''DOMBY''' | '''INCOMP'''

fs_use_def = FSUSEXATTR identifier security_context_def ';' | FSUSETASK identifier security_context_def ';' | FSUSETRANS identifier security_context_def ';'
== token definations ==

opt_genfs_contexts = genfs_contexts | /* empty */
names_push = ''<identifier>'' | '''{''' identifier_list_push '''}''' | '''*''' | '''~''' ''<identifier>'' | '''~''' '''{''' identifier_list_push '''}'''

genfs_contexts = genfs_context_def | genfs_contexts genfs_context_def
identifier_list_push = ''<identifier>'' | identifier_list_push ''<identifier>''

genfs_context_def = GENFSCON identifier path '-' identifier security_context_def | GENFSCON identifier path '-' '-'  security_context_def | GENFSCON identifier path security_context_def
nested_id_set = '''{''' nested_id_list '''}'''
ipv4_addr_def = IPV4_ADDR
security_context_def = identifier ':' identifier ':' identifier opt_mls_range_def
opt_mls_range_def = ':' mls_range_def | /* empty */
mls_range_def = mls_level_def '-' mls_level_def | mls_level_def
mls_level_def = identifier ':' id_comma_list | identifier
id_comma_list = identifier | id_comma_list ',' identifier
tilde = '~'
asterisk = '*'
names = identifier | nested_id_set | asterisk | tilde identifier | tilde nested_id_set | identifier '-'  identifier
tilde_push = tilde
asterisk_push = asterisk
names_push = identifier_push | '{' identifier_list_push '}' | asterisk_push | tilde_push identifier_push | tilde_push '{' identifier_list_push '}'
identifier_list_push = identifier_push | identifier_list_push identifier_push
identifier_push = IDENTIFIER
identifier_list = identifier | identifier_list identifier
nested_id_set = '{' nested_id_list '}'

nested_id_list = nested_id_element | nested_id_list nested_id_element
nested_id_list = nested_id_element | nested_id_list nested_id_element
Line 256: Line 172:
nested_id_element = identifier | '-'  identifier | nested_id_set
nested_id_element = identifier | '-'  identifier | nested_id_set

identifier = IDENTIFIER
path = PATH
number = NUMBER
ipv6_addr = IPV6_ADDR
policycap_def = POLICYCAP identifier ';'
permissive_def = PERMISSIVE identifier ';'
version_identifier = VERSION_IDENTIFIER
avrules_block = avrule_decls avrule_user_defs
avrule_decls = avrule_decls avrule_decl | avrule_decl
avrule_decl = rbac_decl | te_decl | cond_stmt_def | require_block | optional_block | ';'
require_block = REQUIRE '{' require_list '}'
require_list = require_list require_decl | require_decl
require_decl = require_class ';' | require_decl_def require_id_list ';'
require_class = CLASS identifier names
require_id_list = identifier | require_id_list ',' identifier
optional_block = optional_decl '{' avrules_block '}' optional_else
optional_else = else_decl '{' avrules_block '}' | /* empty */
optional_decl = OPTIONAL
else_decl = ELSE
avrule_user_defs = user_def avrule_user_defs | /* empty */

Latest revision as of 19:11, 15 August 2015

This is my attempt at documenting the policy grammar that is accepted by checkpolicy. The grammar was taken directly from the bison input file and edited to make it more readable for the wiki system.

Comments start with a # character and continue to the end of the line.

Keywords can be in all uppercase or all lowercase.

Convention followed in this document: Plain text is used for non-terminals. Basically it means that there is a defination of the thing else where. When a non-terminal is used on the right hand side of a grammar rule there should be some rule in the file with that non-terminal on the left hand side. Items in bold are literal, they must appear in the policy file exactly as written. Items in italics are used for things that can be replaced by some user specified text. They will also be surrounded with < and > signs to make them clearly different from keywords.

Any item in [ square brackets ] is an optional item. Items with a * after them can be repeated zero or more times. Items with a + after them can be repeated one or more times. Parenthesis are used to group items that can be repeated. Vertical lines | are used to indicate alternatives.

A file must contain either a base_policy or a module_policy.

base policy

base_policy = class_def+ initial_sid_def+ access_vectors [mls] te_rbac user_def+ [constraint_decl+] initial_sid_context_def+ [fs_context_def+] [fs_use_def+] [genfs_context_def+] [port_context_def+] [netif_context_def+] [node_context_def+]

class_def = CLASS <identifier>

initial_sid_def = SID <identifier>

access_vectors = [common_perms_def +] av_perms_def+

av_perms_def = CLASS <identifier> { <identifier> + } | CLASS <identifier> INHERITS <identifier> | CLASS <identifier> INHERITS <identifier> { <identifier> + }

initial_sid_context_def = SID <identifier> security_context_def

constraint_decl = constraint_def | validatetrans_def

constraint_def = CONSTRAIN names names cexpr ;

validatetrans_def = VALIDATETRANS names cexpr ;

fs_context_def = FSCON <number> <number> security_context_def security_context_def

port_context_def = PORTCON <identifier> <number> security_context_def | PORTCON <identifier> <number> '-' <number> security_context_def

netif_context_def = NETIFCON <identifier> security_context_def security_context_def

node_context_def = NODECON <ipv4_addr> <ipv4_addr> security_context_def | NODECON <ipv6_addr> <ipv6_addr> security_context_def

fs_use_def = FSUSEXATTR <identifier> security_context_def ; | FSUSETASK <identifier> security_context_def ; | FSUSETRANS <identifier> security_context_def ;

genfs_context_def = GENFSCON <identifier> <path> '-' <identifier> security_context_def | GENFSCON <identifier> <path> '-' '-' security_context_def | GENFSCON <identifier> <path> security_context_def

security_context_def = <identifier> : <identifier> : <identifier> [: mls_range_def]

mls_range_def = mls_level_def '-' mls_level_def | mls_level_def

mls_level_def = <identifier> : id_comma_list | <identifier>

id_comma_list = <identifier> | id_comma_list ',' <identifier>

module policy

module_policy = MODULE <identifier> <version_identifier> ; avrules_block

avrules_block = avrule_decl+ user_def*

avrule_decl = rbac_decl | te_decl | cond_stmt_def | require_block | optional_block | ;

user_def = USER <identifier> ROLES names [LEVEL mls_level_def RANGE mls_range_def] ;

rbac_decl = role_type_def | role_dominance | role_trans_def | role_allow_def

role_type_def = ROLE' <identifier> TYPES names ; | ROLE <identifier>;'

role_dominance = DOMINANCE { role_def+ }

role_allow_def = ALLOW names names ;

role_trans_def = ROLE_TRANSITION names names <identifier> ;

role_def = ROLE <identifier> ; | ROLE <identifier> { role_def+ }

te_decl = ATTRIBUTE <identifier> ; | type_def | TYPEALIAS <identifier> alias_def ; | TYPEATTRIBUTE <identifier> id_comma_list ; | BOOL <identifier> (CTRUE | CFALSE) ; | transition_def | range_trans_def | te_avtab_def | PERMISSIVE <identifier> ;

te_rbac = ( te_decl | rbac_decl | cond_stmt_def | optional_block | POLICYCAP <identifier> ; | ; )+

te_avtab_def = ALLOW names names : names names ; | AUDITALLOW names names : names names ; | AUDITDENY names names : names names ; | DONTAUDIT names names : names names ; | NEVERALLOW names names : names names ;

require_block = REQUIRE { require_decl+ }

require_decl = CLASS <identifier> names ; | (ROLE | TYPE | ATTRIBUTE | USER | BOOL | SENSITIVITY | CATEGORY) <identifier> (, <identifier> )* ;

optional_block = OPTIONAL { avrules_block } [ ELSE { avrules_block } ]

cond_stmt_def = IF cond_expr { cond_rule_def* } [ ELSE { cond_rule_def* } ]

cond_expr = '(' cond_expr ')' | NOT cond_expr | cond_expr AND cond_expr | cond_expr OR cond_expr | cond_expr XOR cond_expr | cond_expr EQUALS cond_expr | cond_expr NOTEQUAL cond_expr | <identifier>

cond_rule_def = cond_transition_def | cond_te_avtab_def | require_block

cond_transition_def = TYPE_TRANSITION names names ':' names <identifier> ';' | TYPE_MEMBER names names ':' names <identifier> ';' | TYPE_CHANGE names names ':' names <identifier> ';'

cond_te_avtab_def = ALLOW names names : names names ; | AUDITALLOW names names : names names ; | AUDITDENY names names : names names ; | DONTAUDIT names names : names names ;

type_def = TYPE <identifier> alias_def [',' id_comma_list] ; | TYPE <identifier> [',' id_comma_list] ;

names = <identifier> | nested_id_set | * | ~ <identifier> | ~ nested_id_set | <identifier> - <identifier>

common_perms_def = COMMON <identifier> { <identifier> + }

mls = sensitivity_def+ dominance [category_def+] level_def+ mlspolicy_decl+

sensitivity_def = SENSITIVITY <identifier> alias_def ';' | SENSITIVITY <identifier> ;

alias_def = ALIAS names

dominance = DOMINANCE <identifier> | DOMINANCE { <identifier> + }

category_def = CATEGORY <identifier> alias_def ';' | CATEGORY <identifier> ;

level_def = LEVEL <identifier> ':' id_comma_list ';' | LEVEL <identifier> ;

mlspolicy_decl = MLSCONSTRAIN names names cexpr ';' | MLSVALIDATETRANS names cexpr ;

transition_def = TYPE_TRANSITION names names : names <identifier> ; | TYPE_MEMBER names names : names <identifier> ; | TYPE_CHANGE names names : names <identifier> ;

range_trans_def = RANGE_TRANSITION names names mls_range_def ; | RANGE_TRANSITION names names : names mls_range_def ;

cexpr = '(' cexpr ')' | NOT cexpr | cexpr AND cexpr | cexpr OR cexpr | cexpr_prim

cexpr_prim = U1 op U2 | R1 role_mls_op R2 | T1 op T2 | U1 op names_push | U2 op names_push | U3 op names_push | R1 op names_push | R2 op names_push | R3 op names_push | T1 op names_push | T2 op names_push | T3 op names_push | SAMEUSER | SOURCE ROLE names_push | TARGET ROLE names_push | ROLE role_mls_op | SOURCE TYPE names_push | TARGET TYPE names_push | L1 role_mls_op L2 | L1 role_mls_op H2 | H1 role_mls_op L2 | H1 role_mls_op H2 | L1 role_mls_op H1 | L2 role_mls_op H2


role_mls_op = op | DOM | DOMBY | INCOMP

token definations

names_push = <identifier> | { identifier_list_push } | * | ~ <identifier> | ~ { identifier_list_push }

identifier_list_push = <identifier> | identifier_list_push <identifier>

nested_id_set = { nested_id_list }

nested_id_list = nested_id_element | nested_id_list nested_id_element

nested_id_element = identifier | '-' identifier | nested_id_set