From Fedora Project Wiki
(page creation; work in progress) |
m (revised chord notation; added one measure for strings) |
Line 1: | Line 1: | ||
<pre> | <pre> | ||
\version "2.12.2" | \version "2.12.2" | ||
Line 122: | Line 121: | ||
R2.*13 | | R2.*13 | | ||
R2. | | R2. | | ||
r8\f | r8\f <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. | | ||
<c c'>8 <c c'> <c c'>4 r | | |||
R2.* 3 | | R2.* 3 | | ||
r4 r r\fermata | r4 r r\fermata | ||
Line 202: | Line 201: | ||
d4 r r | | d4 r r | | ||
% M.5 | % M.5 | ||
< | <fis a>8-. r <fis a>-. r <fis a>-. r | | ||
< | <fis a>4. b8( a g) | | ||
fis2( g8 d) | | fis2( g8 d) | | ||
d8[( cis]) d-. r r4 | | d8[( cis]) d-. r r4 | | ||
Line 216: | Line 215: | ||
c8[( bes])\f bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. | | c8[( bes])\f bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. | | ||
bes8 g' g4 r | | bes8 g' g4 r | | ||
r4 | r4 <bes, g'>\p <bes g'> | | ||
r4 | r4 <bes g'> <bes g'> | | ||
r4 | r4 <bes g'>\pp <bes g'> | | ||
% M.20 | % M.20 | ||
r4 r r\fermata | r4 r r\fermata | ||
Line 224: | Line 223: | ||
\startExposition | \startExposition | ||
<a fis'>8-.\p <a fis'>-. <a fis'>-. r r4 | |||
} | } | ||
Line 258: | Line 257: | ||
\startExposition | \startExposition | ||
c8-.\pp c-. c-. r r4 | | |||
} | } | ||
Line 292: | Line 292: | ||
\startExposition | \startExposition | ||
d8-.\p d-. d-. r r4 | | |||
} | } | ||
Line 323: | Line 324: | ||
\startExposition | \startExposition | ||
d8-.\p d-. d-. r r4 | | |||
} | } | ||
Line 416: | Line 418: | ||
\layout { } | \layout { } | ||
} | } | ||
</pre> | </pre> |
Latest revision as of 07:09, 30 June 2010
\version "2.12.2" \header { dedication = "Comte d‘Ogny and Prince Oettingen-Wallerstein" title = "Sinfonia No. 92" subtitle = "“Oxford”" composer = "Haydn, Joseph" % Remove default LilyPond tagline tagline = ##f } tempoMark = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature) \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT \mark \markup \bold "Adagio" } global = { %% NB: "hornF" does not follow this %% NB: "trumpetC" does not follow this \tempoMark \key g \major \time 3/4 } startExposition = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature) \mark \markup \bold "Allegro spiritoso" \bar "|:" } %%%%%%%% NOTES %%%%%%%% flute = \relative c''' { \global % Music follows here. R2.*13 | r8 e-.\p e-. e-. e-. e-. | es8[ d]\f d-. d-. d-. d-. | d8( cis) cis4 r | R2.*3 | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } oboeI = \relative c''' { \global % Music follows here. R2.*13 | r8 a-.\p a-. a-. a-. a-. | a8([ bes)]\f bes-. g-. g-. g-. | g8( bes,) bes4 r | r4 cis\p cis | r4 cis cis | r4 cis\pp cis | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } oboeII = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. R2.*13 | R2. | r8\f bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. | bes8 bes bes4 r | r4 g\p g | r4 g g | r4 g\pp g | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } bassoon = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. R2.*13 | R2. | r8\f d-.^"a 2" g-. bes-. d-. bes-. | g8( cis) cis4 r | R2.*3 | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } hornF = \relative c' { \tempoMark \time 3/4 \key c \major \transposition g % Music follows here. R2.*13 | R2. | r8\f <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. <g g'>-. | <c c'>8 <c c'> <c c'>4 r | R2.* 3 | r4 r r\fermata \startExposition R2.*4 | } trumpetC = \relative c'' { \tempoMark \time 3/4 \key c \major % Music follows here. R2.*13 | R2.*6 | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } timpani = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. R2.*13 | R2.*6 | r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition R2.*4 | } violinI = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. d8-.\p r d-. r d-. r | d2.~\< | d4\> c8( b a e') | g,4(\! fis8)-. r r4 | % M.5 c'8-. r c-. r c-. r | c2.~\< | c8\> e( d c b a)\! | \grace {c8} b4\trill a8-. r r4 | c8[( \grace {d16[ c b]} c16. d32]) b8-. r r4 | % M.10 e8[( \grace {fis16[ e dis]} e16. fis32]) g8-. r r4 | d4 cis8( c b bes) | a8 r r4 r | r8 g'-. g-. g-. g-. g-. | g8[( fis]) fis-. fis-. fis-. fis-. | % M.15 fis8[( g])\f g-. d'-. d-. d-. | d8[( cis]) cis4 r8. g16\p | g4( cis,) r8. bes'16 | bes4( cis,) r | \times 2/3 { g'8[(-.^\markup{\italic staccato} fis-. f])-. } \times 2/3 { e8[(-. es-. d])-. } cis8-. r16 bes' | bes4( cis,) r\fermata | \startExposition c!4~\p c8 b-. a-. g-. | } violinII = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. b8-.\p r b-. r b-. r | b4. a8( g fis) | e4. d8( c a) | d4 r r | % M.5 <fis a>8-. r <fis a>-. r <fis a>-. r | <fis a>4. b8( a g) | fis2( g8 d) | d8[( cis]) d-. r r4 | g4~ g8-. r r4 | % M.10 g4~ g8-. r r4 | d4 e8( fis g) g | fis8[ d]-. d-. d-. d-. d-. | d4( cis c) | c2.~ | % M.15 c8[( bes])\f bes-. bes-. bes-. bes-. | bes8 g' g4 r | r4 <bes, g'>\p <bes g'> | r4 <bes g'> <bes g'> | r4 <bes g'>\pp <bes g'> | % M.20 r4 r r\fermata \startExposition <a fis'>8-.\p <a fis'>-. <a fis'>-. r r4 } viola = \relative c'' { \global % Music follows here. g8-.\p r g-. r g-. r | g4. g,8( a b) | c( e, fis gis a c) | b4( a8-.) r r4 | % M.5 d8-. r d-. r d-. r | d4. d,8( fis g) | a8( c b a g fis) | g4( fis8-.) r r4 | e'4( d8-.) r r4 | % M.10 c4( b8-.) r r4 | b8( bes a) d g, cis | d4 r r | R2. | r8 a'-. a-. a-. a-. a-. | % M.15 a8[( g])\f g-. g-. g-. g-. | g8 g g4 r | r4 cis,\p cis | r4 cis cis | r4 cis\pp cis | % M.20 r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition c8-.\pp c-. c-. r r4 | } cello = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. R2. | g8(\p b d g a b) | c8( e, fis gis a c) | b4( a8-.) r r4 | % M.5 R2. d,,8( fis a d fis g) | a8( c b a g fis) | g4( fis8-.) r r4 | e'4( d8-.) r r4 | % M.10 c4( b8-.) r r4 | b8( bes a) d g, cis | d4 r r | es,2. | d2.~ | % M.15 d8[ d]-.\f d-. d-. d-. d-. | es8 es es4 r | r4 << { es' es } \\ { es,\p es } >> | r4 << { es' es } \\ { es, es } >> | r4 << { es' es } \\ { es,\pp es } >> | % M.20 r4 r r\fermata | \startExposition d8-.\p d-. d-. r r4 | } contrabass = \relative c { \global % Music follows here. R2. | g2\p r4 | c2. | d4 r r | % M.5 R2. | d2.~ | d2. | d8-. r d-. r r4 | % M.9 R2.*4 | es2. | % M.15 d2.~ | d8[ d]-.\f d-. d-. d-. d-. | es8 es es4 r | r4 es\p es | r4 es es | r4 es\pp es | % M.20 r4 r r\fermata \startExposition d8-.\p d-. d-. r r4 | } %%%%%%%% PARTS %%%%%%%% flutePart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flauto" } \flute oboeIPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "I Oboe" } \oboeI oboeIIPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "II Oboe" } \oboeII bassoonPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Fagotti" } { \clef bass \bassoon } hornFPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Corni in Sol" } \hornF trumpetCPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Clarini in Do" } \trumpetC timpaniPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Timpani" } { \clef bass \timpani } violinIPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violino I" } \violinI violinIIPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violino II" } \violinII violaPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Viola" } { \clef alto \viola } celloPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violoncello obligato" } { \clef bass \cello } contrabassPart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Basso" } { \clef bass \contrabass } %%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%% \score { << \flutePart \oboeIPart \oboeIIPart \bassoonPart \hornFPart \trumpetCPart \timpaniPart \violinIPart \violinIIPart \violaPart \celloPart \contrabassPart >> \layout { } }