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Fedora Infinity Round 3 Final
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-thumb.png
See [1] for all of the 24 hour-by-hour animation wallpapers and their sources.
Wallpapers by Size
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-standard.png Wallpaper Standard Ratio: 1920 x 1440 pixels]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-widescreen.png Wallpaper Widescreen Ratio: 2560 x 1600 pixels]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-dualscreen.png Wallpaper Dual Screen Ratio: 3200 x 1200 pixels]
Source Artwork
Because of some banding issues with Inkscape, these images were constructed in parts. First the 'backdrop' half of the image was brought into the Gimp, where some visual noise was added as well as a Gaussian blur to try to blend out the gradient banding. Then the rest of the wallpaper (the 'lineart' pieces, including the lines and sparkles) were exported from Inkscape and imported into the Gimp as layers on top of the backdrop. A mask was applied to the 'lineart' for a subtle fading effect at the bottom left and top right edges of the screen.
Standard Ratio
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-lineart-standard.svg Wallpaper Standard Ratio: SVG Source for Lineart (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-backdrop-standard.svg Wallpaper Standard Ratio: SVG Source for Backdrop (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-standard.xcf Wallpaper Standard Ratio: XCF Source (bitmap, post-processing)]
Widescreen Ratio
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-lineart-wide.svg Wallpaper Wide Ratio: SVG Source for Lineart (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-backdrop-wide.svg Wallpaper Wide Ratio: SVG Source for Backdrop (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-wide.xcf Wallpaper Wide Ratio: XCF Source (bitmap, post-processing)]
Shown when you first stick the install disc in your drive and boot up.
Lives at /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux-preview.png
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux small final.png
Old Source Artwork
The same backdrop as in the wallpaper above was used.
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux 16bit-65k.png 640x480 16-bit 65,536-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork] <= the winner
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux 8bit-65k.png 640x480 8-bit 65,536-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux 16bitindexed.png 640x480 16-bit 256-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork] <= 2nd place
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux 8bitindexed.png 640x480 8-bit 256-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux 16bit.png 640x480 16-bit PNG for syslinux artwork]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux.png 640x480 8-bit PNG for syslinux artwork - comes out banded in syslinux]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux.svg 640x480 SVG Source for syslinux Lineart (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-backdrop-standard.svg SVG Source for syslinux Backdrop (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux.xcf 640x480 XCF for syslinux artwork(bitmap, post-processing)]
Final Artwork
Full Color Graphic
- final filename: syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg (actually I justed renamed it .jpg rather than actually convert to jpg. The way the syslinux code works it should detect it as a png without problem. It *can* be called syslinux-vesa-splash.png as far as I can tell but Fedora's syslinux code refers to *.jpg)
- package: fedora-logos, anaconda/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg
- specs: 16-bit color per channel, 640x480, 65,536-color PNG. (This is a real weird one!) the Gimp cannot currently (2.4RC1) handle 16-bit color/channel images. You can use Krita, which I did to make sure the colors didn't get faded or distorted in the translation (took much trial and error! I think I ended up using sRGB using the Saturation method.) You can also use image magick, which you *must* use anyway to drop the image down to 65k colors. Here's the line I used: 'convert -colors 65536 -depth 16 infile.png outfile.png'
- workflow: inkscape (line art) => gimp (gradient smoothing) => krita (conversion to 16-bit maintaining correct coloring) => imagemagick (dropping colors down to 65k)
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux final.png 640x480 16-bit 65,536-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux final.xcf 640x480 XCF for syslinux artwork(bitmap, post-processing)]
Indexed Color Graphic
- final filename: syslinux-splash.png
- package: fedora-logos, anaconda/syslinux-splash.png
- specs: 640x300px PNG file with 16-color indexed palette. 4 of the 16 colors are required, so you've got only 12 to play with. The required colors (and slot #s in the color map) are: 0 = #000000 (black), 1 = #ffffff (white), 7 = #cdcfd5 (light blue grey), 15 = #c90000 (red)
- workflow: inkscape (line art) => gimp (color indexing)
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux small final.png 640x480 8-bit 16-color indexed PNG for syslinux artwork]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-syslinux small final.xcf 640x480 XCF for syslinux artwork(bitmap, post-processing)]
Shown every single bootup. First thing you see after your BIOS screen.
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub-preview.png
Source Artwork
The same backdrop as in the wallpaper above was used.
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub.png 640x480 16-color PNG for GRUB Background]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub.svg 640x480 SVG Source for GRUB Background Lineart (vector, pre-processing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub-fullcolor.xcf 640x480 XCF GRUB Background Full-Color (bitmap, pre-color indexing)]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub.xcf 640x480 XCF for GRUB Background (bitmap, index color, 16 colors)]
Final Artwork
- final filename: grub-splash.xpm.gz
- package: fedora-logos, bootloader/grub-splash.xpm.gz
- specs: 640x480px PNG file with 16-color indexed palette. 2 of the 16 colors are required, so you've got only 14 to play with. The required colors (and slot #s in the color map) are: 0 = #000000 (black), 1 = #ffffff (white))
- workflow: inkscape (line art) => gimp (color indexing, xpm conversion) => gzip
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-grub.xpm.gz 640x480 8bit color/channel 16-color indexed color gzipped xpm GRUB Background (bitmap, indexed color, 16 colors)]
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-anaconda-preview.png
Artwork Pieces
Anaconda Top Banner 800x88 pixels PNG
- final filename: anaconda_header.png
- package: fedora-logos, anaconda/anaconda_header.png
- specs: 800x88px full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow: inkscape (line art) => gimp (cropping)
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-anaconda-banner.png
Anaconda Full-Size Splash Image PNG
- final filename: splash.png, progress_first.png (splash is shown on the first screen of anaconda. progress_first.png is shown while packages install.)
- package: fedora-logos, anaconda/splash.png & anaconda/progress_first.png
- specs: 500x325px full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow: inkscape (line art) => gimp (cropping)
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-anaconda-splash.png
Anaconda Small Splash Image PNG
- final filename: progress_first-lowres.png (shown while packages install.)
- package: fedora-logos, anaconda/progress_first-lowres.png
- specs: 350x225px full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow:' inkscape (line art) => gimp (cropping). Be sure not to just 'scale down' your larger image - make sure any graphics with fine line artwork such as icons are properly aligned to the pixel grid. (In this case, the full size icon bar and copyright text were pasted into the scaled-down copy of the larger one.
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-anaconda-splash small.png
Source Artwork
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-anaconda.svg 800x600 SVG for Anaconda Top Banner and Splash]
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-firstboot-preview.png
Artwork Pieces
Firstboot Side Banner 160x600 pixels PNG
- final filename: firstboot-left.png
- package: fedora-logos, firstboot/firstboot-left.png
- specs: 160x600px full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow: inkscape (line art)
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-firstboot-banner.png
Firstboot Splash Image PNG
- final filename: splash-small.png
- package: fedora-logos, firstboot/splash-small.png
- specs: variable size... but you'll probably want to keep it under 500x325px. full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow:' inkscape (line art)
Source Artwork
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-firstboot-splash.svg SVG Firstboot Splash]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-firstboot-banner.xcf XCF Firstboot Banner]
RHGB (Graphical Boot)
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-rhgb-preview.png
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-rhgb-preview-full.png Full-size preview of RHGB]
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-rhgb-main-logo.svg SVG source for RHGB main logo]
There are three images you can have in RHGB. We are only using one now, the 'main-logo.png' image which is generally centered in the screen. You may also have a 'progress.png' (which we aren't using for Infinity) as a background for the progress bar, and a 'system-logo.png' (which we aren't using for Infinity either) for the logo in the lower right corner of the screen.
One complication in coming up with an RHGB theme is that the color choices, of which there are five, are compiled into the code. It would not be difficult to break these colors (which are 16-bit hex by the way... just double every two digits of your normal 6-digit hex color code) so they read in from a .gtkrc file, which would make this more easy to theme as you don't have to rebuild code to see how it looks! :) Anyhow, here's some explanation of what those color variables in the code refer to visually, along with hex codes for the Infinity theme:
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-rhgb-overview.png
Final Artwork
- final filename: /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png
- package: fedora-logos, rhgb/main-logo.png
- specs: variable, might want to keep it within 500x350px, full-color + alpha PNG file.
- workflow: inkscape (line art)
- NOTE: other graphic possibilities exist, progress.png and system-logo.png. See notes above.
- File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-rhgb-main-logo.png PNG main logo for RHGB]
GDM (Login Screen)
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-gdm-screenshot.png
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-gdm-theme.tar.gz
GNOME Splash
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-gnome-splash.png
File:Artwork F8Themes Infinity Round3Final infinity-gnome-splash.svg
503 x 420 px