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== Contributing roles in the Ambassadors Project ==
{{admon/tip|Contributing roles|The roles below are only a suggestion for contributing. You can contribute in many different ways, limited by your imagination only. }}
== 在大使计划中的贡献角色 ==

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[[Join#PeoplePerson|People Person]]

== 参加Fedora大使计划 ==
== Joining the Fedora Ambassadors Project ==
{{Link/Start | | If you are interested in joining Fedora Ambassadors - Start your Membership here!}}

如果你对[[Joining Ambassadors|加入大使]]感兴趣, 我们很乐意接受你。
== Who are we? ==

== 我们是谁? ==
Fedora Ambassadors are experienced contributors to the Fedora Project who are responsible for representing, promoting, and expanding the Fedora Project and its ideals to the larger F/LOSS community and the public at large.

Fedora 大使们是Fedora计划经验丰富的贡献者,他们负责代表,推进和扩大Fedora计划,其终极目标是扩大F/LOSS社区和公众基础。
Note, if you are just looking for swag, this is not for you.

== Where are they? ==

== 大使在哪里? ==
Fedora Ambassadors are all over the world, as you can see from the following pages:

Fedora 大使们遍布全球,如你在下述页面中所见:
| [  Fedora 大使分布图]  || [[Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification|  Fedora 大使成员资格确认]]  
| [  Fedora Ambassadors Map]  || [[Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification|  Fedora Ambassadors Membership Verification]]  

关于具体地区的更多细节: [[Ambassadors/APAC|APAC]], [[Ambassadors/EMEA|EMEA]], [[Ambassadors/EMEA/Africa|EMEA Africa]], [[Ambassadors/LATAM|LATAM]], or [[Ambassadors/NA|NA]].
More details about specific areas: [[Ambassadors/APAC|APAC]], [[Ambassadors/EMEA|EMEA]], [[Ambassadors/EMEA/Africa|EMEA Africa]], [[Ambassadors/LATAM|LATAM]], or [[Ambassadors/NA|NA]].

== 获取素材 ==
== Getting stuff ==

Here are a list of trac ticketing systems.  File a ticket to the appropriate trac when you need anything.
Here are a list of trac ticketing systems.  File a ticket to the regional tracs if you need to track something. File a ticket to the FAmSCo trac if you need to reimburse or talk to FAmSCo members in private.

|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
| '''Region''' || '''Link'''
| '''Region''' || '''Link''' || '''Descriptions'''
| FAmSCo (global)|| [ FAmSCo Trac]
| FAmSCo (global)|| [ FAmSCo Trac] || Reimbursements and confidential enquiry with FAmSCo members.
| Europe (EMEA) || [ EMEA Trac]
| APAC || [ APAC Trac] || Tasks tracking for Asia Pacific region.
| North America (NA) || [ FAmNA Trac]
| EMEA || [ EMEA Trac] || Tasks tracking for Europe, the Middle East and Africa region.
| India || [ India Operations Trac]
| NA || [ FAmNA Trac] || Tasks tracking for North America region.
| Asia Pacific (APAC) || [ APAC Trac]
| India || [ India Operations Trac] || Tasks tracking for India.
| Latin America (LATAM) || ?????
| LATAM || [ LATAM Trac] || Tasks tracking for Latin America region.

== 会议 / 邮件列表 / IRC ==
== Meetings / Mailing list / IRC ==

|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
| '''会议''' ||'''邮件列表''' || '''IRC'''
| '''Meetings''' ||'''Mailing list''' || '''IRC'''
| 地区会议对计划相当重要,因为其允许本地大使们彼此交流。详见 [[Ambassadors/Meetings|会议页面]] || [ 环球大使邮件列表] 对于合作至关重要请参看[[Mailing list guidelines|邮件列表指南]]. || [[Communicate#IRC|IRC]] 上的'''#fedora-ambassadors''' 频道是最好的去处。
| Regional meetings are very important to the project, because they allow local Ambassadors to communicate with each other.  See [[Ambassadors/Meetings|the meetings page]] for details. || The [ global Ambassadors mailing list] is critical for collaborationPlease have a look at the [[Mailing list guidelines|mailing list guidelines]]. || The '''#fedora-ambassadors''' channel on [[Communicate#IRC|IRC]] is the best place to go.

== 通用信息 ==
== General information ==

|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"  
| '''大使计划''' || '''事件''' || '''Misc'''
| '''Ambassadors Project''' || '''Events''' || '''Misc'''
|[[Ambassadors/MembershipService|Fedora Ambassadors Membership Service]]<BR>[[Ambassadors_project_structure]]<BR>[[Campus_Ambassadors|Campus Ambassadors]]<BR> [[Ambassadors/Conduct|Code of conduct]]<BR>[[Ambassadors FAQ]]<BR>[[EmailAliases|Fedora Project Email Aliases]]||[[FedoraEvents|Fedora Events]]<BR>[[FedoraEvents/Organization|Organizing events]] and [[Event reports]]<BR>[[Reimbursements]]<BR>[[Sponsoring event attendees]]<BR>[[Swag vendors]]||[[Presentations|Fedora presentations]]<BR> [[Business cards]]<BR>[[Ambassadors/PoloShirt|Ambassadors polo shirt]] and [[Ambassadors/ButtonUp|button-up shirt]] <BR>[[Ambassadors:Statistics|Ambassador metrics]]<BR>[[Ambassadors/CustomsLetter|Customs letter]]
|[[Ambassadors/MembershipService|Fedora Ambassadors Membership Service]]<BR>[[Ambassadors_project_structure]]<BR>[[Campus_Ambassadors|Campus Ambassadors]]<BR> [[Ambassadors/Conduct|Code of conduct]]<BR>[[Ambassadors FAQ]]<BR>[[EmailAliases|Fedora Project Email Aliases]]||[[FedoraEvents|Fedora Events]]<BR>[[FedoraEvents/Organization|Organizing events]] and [[Event reports]]<BR>[[Reimbursements]]<BR>[[Sponsoring event attendees]]<BR>[[Swag vendors]]||[[Presentations|Fedora presentations]]<BR> [[Business cards]]<BR>[[Ambassadors/PoloShirt|Ambassadors polo shirt]] and [[Ambassadors/ButtonUp|button-up shirt]] <BR>[[Ambassadors:Statistics|Ambassador metrics]]<BR>[[Ambassadors/CustomsLetter|Customs letter]]

== Fedora 大使指导委员会 ==
== Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee ==

[[FAMSCO|FAmSCo]]'s mission is to provide the governance and support structure necessary to assist and enable Fedora Ambassadors worldwide.

* [[FAmSCo 会议]]
* [[FAmSCo meetings]]
* [ 邮件列表]
* [ Mailing list]
* [[大使计划构造]]
* [[Ambassadors project structure]]

[[Category:Fedora sub-projects]]
[[Category:Fedora sub-projects]]
== 大使项目的贡献角色 ==
[[Join#PeoplePerson|People Person]]
== 加入Fedora大使项目 ==
请参考 [[Ambassadors/Join|  '''加入''']] 页面来了解如何加入Fedora大使项目。
如果您不太确定是否要加入,请先问您自己几个问题,这些问题位于以下链接: [[Ambassadors/3SimpleQuestion| '''我要加入Fedora大使项目吗?''']].
== 他们是谁? ==
Fedora大使就是些普通人,他们要去其他Linux用户和潜在用户聚集的地方,为他们介绍Fedora Linux发行版,同时也为他们整体介绍Fedora项目。
'''请注意:''' 并不是要这样的事情才可以,比如告诉您的邻居、朋友和同事也是宣传Fedora项目的一个方式。
== 他们在哪? ==
| [  Fedora大使地图]  || [[Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification|  Fedora大使会员验证]]
有关具体地区的更多信息:[[Ambassadors/APAC| 亚太]], [[Ambassadors/EMEA| 欧洲及中东]], [[Ambassadors/LATAM| 拉美]]和[[Ambassadors/NA| 北美]]
== Request for stuff ==
以下是trac ticketing系统列表. 需要时您可向合适的trac发送ticket。
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"
| '''地区''' || '''链接'''
| FAmSCo (全球)|| [ FAmSCo Trac]
| 欧洲 (EMEA) || [ EMEA Trac]
| 北美 || [ FAmNA Trac]
| 印度 || [ India Operations Trac]
== Fedora大使目标 ==
* 为公众展示Fedora项目
* 协助传播Fedora,Linux和开源相关内容
* 成为当地社区成员的联络点并做为与Fedora项目沟通的渠道
* 协助招收项目贡献者
* 富有创新思想以促进Fedora在当地的发展
{{Admon/tip | 如果您不知道Fedora信息是什么,Fedora项目代表什么,请查看以下wiki页面: '''[[Overview|  Fedora概述]] ''' 这会帮您更好地理解我们的目标。 }}
== 资源 ==
=== 总则 ===
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"
| '''Ambassadors项目''' || '''事务''' || '''Misc'''
| - [[Ambassadors/Join|  如何加入Fedora项目]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/MembershipService|  Fedora大使会员服务]] <BR><BR>- [[Ambassadors/Conduct|  大使向导]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/FAQ|  Fedora大使FAQ]] <BR><BR>- [[EmailAliases|  Fedora项目邮件关联]] <BR> - [[Ambassadors/Schedule|  Fedora大使开源事宜日程表]]  || - [[FedoraEvents|  Fedora事务]] <BR>- [[FedoraEvents/Organization| 事务组织者资源]] <BR>- [[FedoraEvents/ReportingGuidelines|  事务报告指南]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/LinuxEvents|  来自Linux社区的Linux事务及日历]] <BR><BR><!-- - [[Ambassadors/GetStuff|  申请Fedora相关材料]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/GetStuff/Tracker|  Fedora Ambassadors Material Request Tracker]] --><BR>- [[Ambassadors/EventBox|  EventBox]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/AmbassadorVendors|  Ambassador Vendors]]  || - [[Presentations|  Fedora Presentations]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/BusinessCards|  名片]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/PoloShirt| Fedora 大使Polo衫]] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/Statistics| Fedora大使统计情况]]<BR> - [[Ambassadors/CustomsLetter|  Fedora大使定制信件]] <BR><BR> - [ Red Hat杂志文章] <BR>- [[Ambassadors/Awards| Fedora大使认可奖项]]
=== 会议/ 邮件列表/ IRC ===
|- style=" color: #fff; background-color: #3074c2;" tablewidth="98%"
| '''会议''' ||'''邮件列表''' || '''IRC'''
| Fedora大使会议对本项目至关重要。请尽量参加您所在地区的月度会议,与其他大使交流并学习。会议分别位于以下地区:亚太,欧洲和中东以及美洲。<BR><BR>查看 [[Ambassadors/Meetings| 会议]]  详情|| 邮件列表是[]  。 请参考[[MailinglistGuidelines|  Fedora邮件列表指南]]  和[[KarstenWade]]撰写的[ cross-posting] 。 || 目前位于 [ freenode]的'''#fedora-ambassadors'''频道是大使们网上聊天的最好去处。  有关IRC会议摘要请参考[[Ambassadors/Meetings| Fedora大使会议]] 。 请注意会议在 '''#fedora-meeting''' 频道举行而不是 '''#fedora-ambassadors'''频道。
== Fedora大使指导委员会 ==
Fedora大使指导委员会(FAmSCo)是为了帮助大使们开展他们的项目而设立的。 FAmSCo拥有资源、财务、专业技术等等,并且乐意将它们用于有价值的行动。FAmSco欢迎您提供建议同时也愿意接受它们。请尽可能详细的提供建议。
如果您有好主意而且需要资助,请联系 [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee| Fedora大使指导委员会]]
如果您有疑问和问题,或者要澄清事情,请联系 [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee| Fedora 大使指导委员会]]。
|[[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee| Fedora大使指导委员会详情]] || [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/Agenda| FAmSCo议程]] || [[Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/Meetings|  FAmSCo会议]]
== FAD(Fedora活动日) ==
有关这类事务的详细信息请查看 [[Fedora Activity Day - FAD]] 页面。
{{Admon/tip | Next FADs <BR> [[FAD EMEA 2009]] - Rheinfelden, Germany - September 25 - 27, 2009}}
[[Category: Ambassadors]]
[[Category: 活动]]
[[Category: 翻译]]
[[Category: Zh]]
[[Category: Zh/Communication]]
[[Category: Zh/Translation]]

Revision as of 08:56, 30 December 2011

Contributing roles in the Ambassadors Project

Contributing roles
The roles below are only a suggestion for contributing. You can contribute in many different ways, limited by your imagination only.

People Person

Joining the Fedora Ambassadors Project

Who are we?

Fedora Ambassadors are experienced contributors to the Fedora Project who are responsible for representing, promoting, and expanding the Fedora Project and its ideals to the larger F/LOSS community and the public at large.

Note, if you are just looking for swag, this is not for you.

Where are they?

Fedora Ambassadors are all over the world, as you can see from the following pages:

Fedora Ambassadors Map Fedora Ambassadors Membership Verification

More details about specific areas: APAC, EMEA, EMEA Africa, LATAM, or NA.

Getting stuff

Here are a list of trac ticketing systems. File a ticket to the regional tracs if you need to track something. File a ticket to the FAmSCo trac if you need to reimburse or talk to FAmSCo members in private.

Region Link Descriptions
FAmSCo (global) FAmSCo Trac Reimbursements and confidential enquiry with FAmSCo members.
APAC APAC Trac Tasks tracking for Asia Pacific region.
EMEA EMEA Trac Tasks tracking for Europe, the Middle East and Africa region.
NA FAmNA Trac Tasks tracking for North America region.
India India Operations Trac Tasks tracking for India.
LATAM LATAM Trac Tasks tracking for Latin America region.

Meetings / Mailing list / IRC

Meetings Mailing list IRC
Regional meetings are very important to the project, because they allow local Ambassadors to communicate with each other. See the meetings page for details. The global Ambassadors mailing list is critical for collaboration. Please have a look at the mailing list guidelines. The #fedora-ambassadors channel on IRC is the best place to go.

General information

Ambassadors Project Events Misc
Fedora Ambassadors Membership Service
Campus Ambassadors
Code of conduct
Ambassadors FAQ
Fedora Project Email Aliases
Fedora Events
Organizing events and Event reports
Sponsoring event attendees
Swag vendors
Fedora presentations
Business cards
Ambassadors polo shirt and button-up shirt
Ambassador metrics
Customs letter

Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee

FAmSCo's mission is to provide the governance and support structure necessary to assist and enable Fedora Ambassadors worldwide.
