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These 3 steps are already completed but for reference:
These 4 steps are already completed if the other test cases have been completed, but for reference:
* Get a basic openstack setup: [[Getting started with OpenStack on Fedora 17#Basic_Setup]]
* Get a basic openstack setup: [[Getting started with OpenStack on Fedora 17#Basic_Setup]]
* Follow the keystone setup steps here: [[Getting started with OpenStack on Fedora 17#Configuring keystone for authentication]]
* Follow the keystone setup steps here: [[Getting started with OpenStack on Fedora 17#Configuring keystone for authentication]]
* Get a basic heat setup: [[QA:Testcase_OpenStack_heat_setup|Basic heat setup and configuration]]
* Get a basic heat setup: [[QA:Testcase_OpenStack_heat_setup|Basic heat setup and configuration]]
* Make certain a nova network has been configured as described in [[QA:Testcase_create_OpenStack_nova_network]]


Latest revision as of 16:43, 25 September 2012


Setup OpenStack dashboard and perform an initial login.


These 4 steps are already completed if the other test cases have been completed, but for reference:

How to test

Check that there is a F17-x86_64-cfntools JEOS in glance:

 glance index

Create an SSH key and register it with nova

 nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/ ${USER}_key

Launch a Wordpress instance:

 heat create wordpress --template-url= --parameters="InstanceType=m2.xlarge;DBUsername=${USER};DBPassword=verybadpass;KeyName=${USER}_key"

Note: InstanceType (m2.xlarge) must match the flavor created in the setup.

List stacks:

 heat list

Describe the wordpress stack

 heat describe wordpress

Delete the instance when done:

 heat delete wordpress
 heat list

Expected Results

glance index should return

 [root@localhost images]# glance index
 ID                                   Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size          
 ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------
 a485aeb3-abbc-45d3-8a70-13bed62895dc F17-x86_64-cfntools            qcow2                bare                      647228928

Adding a key sould return

 [sdake@localhost ~]$ nova keypair-list
  |   Name   |                   Fingerprint                   |
  | nova_key | 71:51:17:7c:37:fa:4c:19:96:a9:39:a9:74:1e:d3:82 |
  [sdake@localhost ~]$ ssh-keygen
  Generating public/private rsa key pair.
  Enter file in which to save the key (/home/sdake/.ssh/id_rsa): 
  Created directory '/home/sdake/.ssh'.
  Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
  Enter same passphrase again: 
  Your identification has been saved in /home/sdake/.ssh/id_rsa.
  Your public key has been saved in /home/sdake/.ssh/
  The key fingerprint is:
  c5:6e:66:fe:c7:19:ab:91:94:ad:61:43:e4:f6:b7:bb sdake@localhost
  The key's randomart image is:
  +--[ RSA 2048]----+
  |            .    |
  |         . o     |
  |          o +    |
  |         o o +   |
  |        S = * o .|
  |         = o =...|
  |          . +. = |
  |           . .= .|
  |            oo E.|
  [sdake@localhost ~]$  nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/ ${USER}_key

Validate the key exists with nova keypair-list

 [sdake@localhost ~]$ nova keypair-list
  |    Name   |                   Fingerprint                   |
  |  nova_key | 71:51:17:7c:37:fa:4c:19:96:a9:39:a9:74:1e:d3:82 |
  | sdake_key | c5:6e:66:fe:c7:19:ab:91:94:ad:61:43:e4:f6:b7:bb |