From Fedora Project Wiki

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| 056 || [[User:pknirsch|Phil Knirsch]] || ||  || L || || Not yet || Fedora Secondary Arch Team. Uncertain if i can make it unfortunately ||
| 056 || [[User:pknirsch|Phil Knirsch]] || ||  || L || || Not yet || Fedora Secondary Arch Team. Uncertain if i can make it unfortunately ||
| 057 || [[User:adrian|Adrian Reber]] || ||  || L || || Not yet || ||
| 057 || [[User:adrian|Adrian Reber]] || ||  || L || || Yes || Do we need checkpoint/restart in Fedora? 20-30 min||
| 058 || [[User:pczanik|Peter Czanik]] || X ||  || XL || Yes, Zoltan Hoppar || No || syslog-ng, Lumberjack / Fedora Hungary || Syslog-ng and Lumberjack talk 60min, Logwatch
| 058 || [[User:pczanik|Peter Czanik]] || X ||  || XL || Yes, Zoltan Hoppar || No || syslog-ng, Lumberjack / Fedora Hungary || Syslog-ng and Lumberjack talk 60min, Logwatch

Revision as of 11:16, 8 October 2012

Paris, France :: October 13 - 15, 2012 — General event owners: Kevin Raymond

Event Details

The 2012 EMEA FUDCon will be held in Paris, France on 13-15, October 2012.

FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference, a major free software event held in various regions around the world, usually annually per region. FUDCon is a combination of sessions, talks, workshops, and hackfests in which contributors work on specific initiatives. Topics include infrastructure, feature development, community building, general management and governance, marketing, testing and QA, packaging, etc.

FUDCon is always free to attend for anyone in the world.


There is 2 location for the conference, first part is at Open World Forum (OWF), second part at Universcience.


OpenWorld Forum will be held in the EUROSITES GEORGE V Convention center, from 11th to 13th.

Nearest metro : George V


Universcience is a building dedicated to science discovery, ( previously called "cite des sciences et de l'industrie" ), we will be located in the basement, in a part dedicated to computer science Openstreetmap Pictures

Beware, there is currently lots of construction work near the building, so it may not be straightforward to enter.

In order to enter the building, the main entrance have been relocated on the south wall. Just try to find the Quick ( fast food shop ), and the entrace should be near.

Nearest Metro : Corentin Cariou

FUDCon will be there on 14th and 15th.


FUDPub will be at the "Flam's" restaurant: 62 Rue des Lombards OpenStreetMap (Closest subway station: Châtelet, Les Halles)

( add location for stuff to see in paris ? )


October 13-15, 2012

FUDPub will be help on Saturday 13th (then we work!)


Contact us to join our team! More about our current tasks there.


Please add your name to the list if you will attend. Also, please indicate the following:
  • Put an X in the $$$ column if you need funding to attend, and visit the FUDCon ticket tracker to make a funding request. We have a limited budget and will work hard to fund as many people as possible. We'll use these answers to help figure out budgeting for the event. We are making arrangements for attendees from other geographic regions to encourage specific initiatives such as future FUDCon events, but preference may otherwise be given to people in EMEA.
  • Put a V in the Veg column if you would like vegetarian fare for any meals that we provide during the event. If you prefer vegan fare, please mark that column VV. We will do our best to make sure everyone is accommodated! Note: "Hell No" and similar statements are offensive to some and should not be included in this column.
  • Put your T-shirt size in the Size column, so we can have an idea about what sizes to have available. Only Unisex (Mens Sizes will be ordered). Please note that after 100 preregistration, there would be no guarantee to have tshirt left.
  • Roomsharing:
    1. If you want or need to share a room, mark yes in the "Roomshare?" column.
    2. Once you have a roommate, both of you should mark your roommate's name in the block as well.
    3. If you need a roommate, look for someone with just a yes in the column, and contact them via email. If you encounter any problems, let the organizers know.
Use the Comments section for anything else you think organizers need to know, or to offer or ask for space or rides.
Fedora means freedom — registration is free and open to everyone.
You can pre-register anonymously, but now is a great time to create a Fedora account if you don't have one! For those new to Fedora, you can register in the Fedora Account System and follow the instructions there to complete the FPCA. This process usually takes less than 5 minutes. The information you enter below is viewable by anyone, and is considered Publicly Available Personal Information.
Budget is tight!
We typically cannot fund everyone who wants to attend. You can save quite a bit of money by carpooling or busing, and sharing hotel rooms. We will make every effort to have FUDCon be as affordable as possible.
# Name $$$ Veg Size Roomshare? Hotel booked? Comments (extra line for badge) Talks or hacking sessions that you want to hold or be involved in. Add a time duration if you have an idea.
001 Michael Scherer L Local Fedora review hacking session
002 Kévin Raymond L Local Websites, amba, L10n, docs - Ready for an ARM sprint!
- Will hold a websites hacking session (1h?). Fablab
003 Aurelie Chreng XS Local
004 Emmanuel Seyman L Local Perl SIG
005 Dennis Gilmore XL Yes, Martin Holec Yes dgilmore, releng. getting involved in Releng, Fedora ARM,
006 Gerold Kassube X XXL Yes, Fabian Yes
007 Fabian Affolter X XL Yes, Gerold yes fab
008 Nicolas Chauvet L No Local RPM Fusion
009 Peter Robinson L Yes ARM me up!
010 Hans de Goede L Yes Spice, USB redirection
011 Elad Alfassa X M Yes Design, Websites, L10n
012 Keiran Smith L Yes Affix, Packager
013 Pierre-Yves Chibon L Local fedora-review HyperKitty
014 Jaroslav Reznik XL
015 Jeroen van Meeuwen XL Yes, with Lydia Bossers No
016 Lydia Bossers S Yes, with Jeroen van Meeuwen No kanarip's girlfriend
017 Constantin DRABO X XL Yes with Onuralp SEZER No Amb,Localization
018 Aurélien Bompard L Local
019 Dan Horák L with Jiri Eischmann Yes sharkcz
020 Stanislav Ochotnicky M Yes, Bohuslav Kabrda Yes Java SIG, fedora-review, Gentoo
021 Bohuslav Kabrda M Yes, Stanislav Ochotnicky Yes Ruby SIG, Python SIG
022 Tomas Radej L Yes, Vít Ondruch Yes Java SIG Licensing tool talk (30 - 40 min), fedora-review hacking session
023 Francesco Crippa XL No
024 Attila Ökrös X XL Yes, with my daughter Eszter No Design Team at Fedora Hungary Artwork on everything that not alive and runs away :)
025 Zoltan Hoppar X XXL Yes, possibly Peter Czanik No Translation, Swag,Arwork ideas / Fedora Hungary L10n hack, Learning legal swag and design, ARM RS Pi
026 Peter Borsa X L Yes, with rgeri77 No Fedora Insight, Drupal / Fedora Hungary Fedora Insight, l10n
027 Gergely Rakosi X XXXL Yes, with asrob No Swag, Gaming on Fedora / Fedora Hungary Learning legal swag,
028 Eszter Ökrös X L Yes, with kesigomu No Fedora Kids, Design Team at Fedora Hungary Learning, Artwork
029 Ondrej Balaz L No Yes
030 Miloslav Trmač M No
031 Vít Ondruch M Yes, Tomas Radej Yes Ruby SIG
032 Jaromír Hradílek M Yes, with Soňa Hartmannová No
033 Soňa Hartmannová M Yes, with Jaromír Hradílek No
034 Tom Callaway Yes XXL Yes, with Josh Boyer Yes Fedora Engineering Manager
035 Douglas Silas L Yes, with Martin Prpič No
036 Martin Prpič M Yes, with Douglas Silas No Keep calm and install Fedora
037 Jindrich Novy L Yes, with Jiri Moskovcak No
038 Onuralp SEZER X M Yes, with Constantin DRABO No Fedora Ambassadors from Turkey
040 Xavier Lamien M No No (Local)
041 Josh Boyer L Yes, with spot Yes
042 Romain Forlot M Local
043 Afriza N. Arief V L No Need Random passer-by
044 Robyn Bergeron S Yes, suehle No witty badge comment coming soon!
045 Jiri Eischmann L with Dan Horák Yes
046 Krzysztof Daniel XL No No Eclipse
047 Buddhike Kurera X L Yes No FAmSCo
048 Anton Arapov X L No Yes Linux Kernel Engineer
049 Martin Holec X L Yes with Dennis Gilmore Yes I am ARMed!
050 Remi Collet X . XL Yes, with Haïkel Guémar Yes Packager (PHP Stack)
051 Jonathan MERCIER L Local programming with D |
052 Haïkel Guémar X Yes L Yes, with Remi Collet yes Packaging Monkey fedora-review hackaton
053 Andreas Thienemann XXL yes
054 Christophe Fergeau M Local
055 Nestos Theophrastou X V M Yes, with Dimitris Glaros Yes Fedora Ambassador from Greece
056 Phil Knirsch L Not yet Fedora Secondary Arch Team. Uncertain if i can make it unfortunately
057 Adrian Reber L Yes Do we need checkpoint/restart in Fedora? 20-30 min
058 Peter Czanik X XL Yes, Zoltan Hoppar No syslog-ng, Lumberjack / Fedora Hungary Syslog-ng and Lumberjack talk 60min, Logwatch
059 Marios Isaakidis X M No Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix Ready for an ARM sprint! sounds interesting!
060 Hamada Zahera X M Yes No Fedora Ambassador from EGYPT
061 Mat Booth M No Java SIG
062 Ruth Suehle S yes, rbergeron yes
063 Robert Mayr X L Yes No websites, ambassador
064 Dimitris Glaros X L Yes, Nestos Theophrastou Yes Fedora Ambassador from Greece
065 Göran Uddeborg L No Yes Translations, and random other stuff
066 Guillaume Viot XXL Local I'd be happy to help on Fedora remix if i can, although my raspberry pi won't ship until after FUDCon
067 Nikos Roussos X M Yes Not yet Packager & Ambassador
068 Martin Preisler L No
069 Chris Tyler X XL Yes, Diane Tyler Yes ctyler ARM sprint
070 Marek Goldmann M No Not yet mgoldmann // JBoss JBoss AS in Fedora talk, 40-50 min.
071 Christos Bacharakis X L Yes Not yet Fedora Project Ambassador
072 Nihed MBAREK L Local Fedora Project Ambassador
073 Charles-Antoine Couret L Not necessary Fedora Project Ambassador, docs, bug
074 Sayah El Yatim V L Local
075 Michael Angelo Novicio L Not necessary Ideas to be free
076 Leslie Hawthorn L In progress Ambassador
077 Diane Tyler XL Yes, Chris Tyler
078 Dodji Seketeli M Local Packager
079 Marek Jelen XL No Private OpenShift Run your own PaaS - OpenShift Origin (workshop); 1hour or more; Sat only
080 Subhendu Ghosh Y XL No Y Software Collections!
081 Natacha Porté L No Y Faelys
082 Aymen SLITI L Local
083 Beat Gerber L Local
084 Jiri Moskovcak L Yes ABRT future
085 Gaël Chamoulaud XL Local
086 Michal Fojtik L Yes Yes mfojtik, cloudForms Deltacloud API talk, clouds, clouds!...
087 Ivan Nečas L Yes Yes Katello/CloudForms Deltacloud API talk, clouds, clouds!...
# Name $$$ Veg Size Roomshare? Hotel booked? Comments (extra line for badge) Talks or hacking sessions that you want to hold or be involved in. Add a time duration if you have an idea.

Lodging / Hotel

As detailed on the mailing list, you can book your hotel now. We have locked 30 twins (2 separated beds) in the IBIS hotel really close to the second venue (Sun-Mon). But that will do also for the first one.

To book the hotel, just follow what is detailed in the email. If you are looking for a roomate, try to contact the other one listed on the above table. The price (81€) is for the room, same price for 1 or 2 beds. Please add in the above table if you need help looking for a roommate. The rooms are too small for a third bed, we can't manage that.


   31-35, quai de l'Oise
   75019 PARIS

See the Map. The venue labelled "Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie".

Travel and transportation


Meetings are on Thursday in #fedora-meeting-1 at 18:00 UTC. Past minutes are there and there (damn!).

The next agenda is:

  1. funding
  2. hotel
  3. lunch
  4. scheduling (talks, hacking sessions..)
  5. badges, signage, booklets
  6. Open Floor

FUDCon:Paris_2012_meetings FUDCon:Bid_for_Paris_2012