(Taking rosegarden4-rxvt-unicode) |
(Some builds finished) |
Line 506: | Line 506: | ||
* rocksndiamonds | * rocksndiamonds | ||
* rogue | * rogue | ||
* rosegarden4 : | * <strike> rosegarden4 </strike> : Already fixed by BrendanJones | ||
* rott : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> rott </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* roxterm : Toshio Kuratomi | * roxterm : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* rxvt : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> rxvt </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* rxvt-unicode : Toshio Kuratomi | * rxvt-unicode : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* saoimage : Toshio Kuratomi | * saoimage : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* schismtracker : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> schismtracker </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* <strike> scorched3d </strike> : Jon Ciesla | * <strike> scorched3d </strike> : Jon Ciesla | ||
* <strike> scorchwentbonkers </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> scorchwentbonkers </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* <strike> screenruler </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> screenruler </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* scribus : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> scribus </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* <strike> scythia </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> scythia </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* <strike> seahorse-adventures </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> seahorse-adventures </strike> : Toshio Kuratomi |
Revision as of 02:02, 26 February 2013
On F19+ (and not on earlier fedoras), desktop files need to be changed to not be installed with a vendor prefix.
On rawhide: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{name}'| sort| uniq| wc -l
shows 619 binary packages with problems.
February 18: Down to 358 binary packages. Way to go!
February 22: Down to 328 binary packages
February 24: Down to 282 binary packages. Over half way done!
February 25: Down to 239 binary packages
Porting notes
Some maintainers like to use the same spec file for all releases. To accommodate that you can use conditionals to make the spec use --vendor fedora
on earlier releases and remove the --vendor
for F19+. The simplest form looks something like this:
desktop-file-install \ %if 0%{?fedora} < 19 --vendor fedora \ %endif %{name}.desktop
To be even more accommodating to maintainers, you can try to make your conditionals aware of potential EPEL builds as well. That looks like this:
# --vendor was not previously used in EPEL/RHEL builds or there aren't currently EPEL builds: desktop-file-install \ %if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 19 --vendor fedora \ %endif %{name}.desktop # If --vendor was previously used in EPEL/RHEL builds desktop-file-install \ %if (0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 19) || (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7) --vendor fedora \ %endif %{name}.desktop
In addition to modifying the desktop-file-install
line, you probably also have to modify the %files section to handle desktop files with or without the fedora- prefix. Some examples:
%files # Use a wildcard - %{_datadir}/applications/fedora-%{name}.desktop + %{_datadir}/applications/*%{name}.desktop # Use a conditional + %if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 19 %{_datadir}/applications/fedora-%{name}.desktop + %else + %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop + %endif
List of affected packages
On rawhide, run: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{sourcerpm}'| sort| uniq
600 source packages need changing:
abe: Rahul Sundaramabiword: Rahul Sundaramagistudio: Rahul Sundaramaiksaurus: Rahul Sundaramairsnort: Rahul Sundaramalex4: Rahul Sundaramalexandria: already fixedalienarena: Rahul Sundaramalienblaster: Rahul Sundaramalleyoop: Rahul Sundaramalltray: Rahul Sundaramalphabet-soup: Rahul Sundaramalsamixergui: Rahul Sundaramalsa-tools- Rahul Sundaram. Filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909622amoebax: Rahul Sundaramamsn: Rahul Sundaramamtterm: Rahul Sundaram- anaconda : Rahul Sundaram. Filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909592
angrydd: Jon Cieslaants: Rahul Sundaramapcupsd: Toshio Kuratomi It was in the -gui subpackageapricots: Jon Cieslaardour: Rahul Sundaramarmacycles-ad: Jon Cieslaarora: Rahul Sundaramarrows: Rahul Sundaramasc: Rahul Sundaram- astromenace - hold off, working on update - JC
asunder: Rahul Sundaramasylum: Rahul Sundaramasymptote: Rahul Sundaramaterm: Rahul Sundaramatomix: Rahul Sundaramatomorun: Rahul Sundaramaudacity: Rahul Sundaramaudio-convert-mod: Rahul Sundaramaudit-viewer: Rahul Sundaramauriferous: Rahul Sundaramautobuild-applet: Rahul Sundaramazureus: Rahul Sundarambacula: Rahul Sundaramballbuster: Rahul Sundarambalsa: Rahul Sundaram - FTBFS fixed by toshio, now rebuilt.beldi: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky-cd: Rahul Sundaramberusky: Rahul Sundarambibus: Rahul Sundarambitmap: Rahul Sundarambless: Rahul Sundaramberusky: Rahul Sundaramblobby: Rahul SundaramBlockOutII: Rahul Sundaramboinc-client: Rahul Sundarambolzplatz2006: Rahul Sundaramboswars: Rahul Sundarambouml: Rahul Sundarambiloba: Jon Cieslabombardier: Jon Cieslabygfoot: Rahul Sundaramcairo-clock: Rahul Sundaramcatfish: Mamoru Tasaka; patch modified by Toshio to fix buildcave9: Rahul Sundaramcbrpager: already donecdcollect: Rahul Sundaramcdogs-sdl: Rahul Sundaramcelestia: Rahul Sundaramcellwriter: Parag Nemadecenterim: Rahul Sundaram, FTBFS, patched by Toshiocfdg-fe: Jon Cieslachemtool: Rahul Sundaramchildsplay: Rahul Sundaramchkrootkit: Jon Cieslachmsee: Rahul Sundaramcinepaint: Rahul Sundaramclanbomber: Rahul Sundaramclips: Rahul Sundaramclonekeen: Rahul Sundaramclusterssh: Rahul Sundaramcoco-coq: Jon Cieslacodeblocks: Rahul Sundaramcomix: Rahul Sundaramconduit: Rahul Sundaramconglomerate: Rahul Sundaramcoq: Toshio Kuratomicoriander: Rahul Sundaramcorrida: Rahul Sundaramcrack-attack: Rahul SundaramCriticalMass: Rahul Sundaramcrossfire-client: Jon Cieslacrystal-stacker: Rahul Sundaramcssed: Rahul Sundaramcwiid: Rahul Sundaramcycle: Jon Cieslacylindrix: Jon Ciesladayplanner: Toshio Kuratomidd2: Toshio Kuratomiddd: Jon Ciesladeluge: Toshio Kuratomidgae: Jon Ciesladia: Christoph Wickertdillo: Rahul Sundaramdiveintopython: Rahul Sundaramdjview4: Rahul Sundaramdogtail: Rahul Sundaramdosbox: Jon Ciesladrgeodriconf: Rahul Sundaram- duel3 : Rahul Sundaram -- still has vendor -- @Rahul, maybe you forget to check in your changes?
dvdisaster: Rahul Sundaramdx: Rahul Sundaramdxcc: Rahul Sundaram- e16-keyedit
- ebview
- ed2k_hash
- edsadmin
- eiciel
- em8300
ember: Bruno Wolff- emelfm2
empathy: Brian Pepple- enigma
- epdfview
- escape
- eterm
etherape: Jon Cieslaettercap: Jon Ciesla- exaile
- expendable
- extrema
- extremetuxracer
- fantasdic
- fbg
- fbreader
- fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US
- fedora-arm-installer
- fedora-release-notes
- fedora-review
filezilla: Jon Ciesla- firstaidkit
- FlightGear
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd
- flobopuyo
- flpsed
- flumotion
fontforge: Paul Flo Williamsfontmatrix: Parag Nemadefoobillard: Jon Ciesla- fpm2
- fprint_demo
freeciv: Jon Ciesla- freecol
freedroid: Jon Cieslafreedroidrpg: Jon Cieslafreetennis: Bruno Wolff- fslint
- fwbackups
- fwbuilder
- fwfstab
- g3data
- gabedit
- gajim
- galternatives
- gamazons
- gambas2
- gambas3
- gazpacho
- gbrainy
- gcin
- gcompris
- gcstar
- gcx
- gdesklets
- gdmap
- geany
- gemdropx
genchemlab: Jon Ciesla- genius
- ggobi
ggz-gtk-client: Bruno Wolff- ghasher
- ghost-diagrams
giggle: Jon Ciesla- gimmix
- git
- gjots2
- gl-117
- glabels
- glade3
- glaxium
- GLC_Player
- glglobe
- gliv
glob2: Bruno Wolff- gmpc
- gnomad2
- gnomebaker
- gnome-chemistry-utils
- gnomeradio
- gnome-subtitles
- gnome-translate
gnubg: Jon Cieslagnumeric: Christoph Wickert- gobby
gonvert: Jon Ciesla- gourmet
- gparted
- gphpedit
- gpicview
gpodder: Jon Ciesla- gpredict
- gpsd
- gq
- grace
gramps: Jon Ciesla- grass
- grc
- greadelf
- gresistor
- gresolver
- GREYCstoration
greyhounds: Bruno Wolff- grhino
- grig
- grip
- grisbi
- gscan2pdf
- gtk-gnutella
- gtkperf
gtkpod: Jon Ciesla- gtk-recordmydesktop
- gtkterm
- gtorrentviewer
- gv
gweled: Jon Ciesla- gwget
- gwibber
- gxine
- gyachi
- hardinfo
- hatari
hedgewars: Bruno Wolff- HippoDraw
- homebank
- html2ps
- htmldoc
- httrack
hydrogen: Jon Cieslaim-chooser: Toshio Kuratomiimmix: Jon Cieslainetvis: Toshio Kuratomiinternational-time: Toshio Kuratomiiok: Parag Nemadeipe: Toshio Kuratomiisomaster: Toshio Kuratomi- jabbim
- jack-rack
- jd
- jigdo
- jmol
- justmoon
- kazehakase
- kbilliards
- kdesvn
- kdirstat
keepassx: Jon Ciesla- kid3
- kita
- kitsune
- klamav
- knetstats
KoboDeluxe: Jon Ciesla- kodos
- komparator
- koules
- kover
- kphotobymail
- kpolynome
- kreetingkard
- ksensors
- kshutdown
- LabPlot
- lacewing
lash: oget- lazarus
- lbrickbuster2
- leafpad
- libhocr
- libsvm
- licq
liferea: Jon Ciesla- lincity-ng
- linphone
- linpsk
- linsmith
liquidwar: Jon Ciesla- listen
- liveusb-creator
- logjam
- londonlaw
- lshw
- lucidlife
- lure
- lxappearance
- lxtask
- lxterminal
- lybniz
machineball: Toshio KuratomiMaelstrom: Toshio Kuratomimagicmaze: Toshio Kuratomimagicor: Toshio Kuratomimail-notification: Toshio Kuratomimakehuman: Toshio Kuratomimanedit: Toshio Kuratomimaniadrive: Toshio Kuratomimapnik: Toshio Kuratomimdbtools: Toshio KuratomiMegaMek: Toshio Kuratomimeld: Toshio Kuatomimethane: Toshio Kuratomimidori: Toshio Kuratomimilkytracker: Toshio Kuratomimirage: already fixed by Mamoru Tasakamirrormagic: Toshio Kuratomimldonkey: Toshio Kuratomimono-tools: Toshio Kuratomimonsterz: Jon Cieslamrxvt: Toshio Kuratomimtpaint: Toshio Kuratomimtr: Toshio Kuratomimypaint: Toshio KuratomiMyPasswordSafe: Toshio Kuratominaturette: Jon Ciesla- nautilus-actions
- nazghul
- nedit
- nemiver
- nessus-core
- netgen
- netgo
nethack: Jon Cieslanethack-vultures: Jon Cieslanetpanzer: Jon Cieslaneverball: Jon Cieslanexuiz: Jon Ciesla- nightfall
- nightview
- njam
- nntpgrab
- nogravity
- npush
numptyphysics: Jon Ciesla- nvclock
- obconf
- obmenu
- ochusha
- ocp
- octave
- oggconvert
- OmegaT
- oneko
- openalchemist
- openlierox
- openmsx
- openuniverse
- opticalraytracer
- orage
- osmo
- overgod
- pachi
- pan
- paraview
- parcellite
- pari
- pcmanfm
- pcsc-tools
penguin-command: Jon Cieslapengupop: Jon Ciesla- perl-Padre
- phasex
- picard
- picviz
- pikdev
- piklab
- pikloops
pinball: Jon Cieslapingus: Jon Cieslapioneers: Toshio Kuratomipipenightdreams: Jon Cieslapipepanic: Toshio Kuratomiplanets: Jon Ciesla- player
- pmpu
- poedit
policycoreutils: Rahul Sundaram- portecle
- prelude-notify
professor-is-missing: Jon Cieslapublican: Parag Nemade- puzzles
- pybliographer
pychess: Bruno Wolffpyrenamer: Jon Ciesla- PySolFC
- pyvnc2swf
qalculate-gtk: Toshio Kuratomiqalculate-kde: Toshio Kuratomiqascadeqcad: Toshio Kuratomiqct: Toshio Kuratomiqemu-launcher: Toshio Kuratomiqfaxreader: Toshio Kuratomiqgis: Toshio Kutatomiqgit: Toshio Kuratomiqjackctl: ogetqmmp: Toshio Kuratomiqsynth: ogetqtoctave: Toshio Kuratomiqt-recordmydesktop: Toshio Kuratomiquake3: Jon Cieslaquarry: Jon Cieslaqucs: Toshio Kuratomiquicksynergy: Toshio Kuratomiquodlibet: Toshio Kuratomi & Johannes Lipsrafkill: Jon Cieslaraidem: Bruno Wolff- rapidsvn
- rawstudio
- rcsslogplayer
- rcssmonitor
- rcssserver
- rcssserver3d
- redet
- redmode
- regexxer
- rekall
- remind
- resapplet
- revelation
- revisor
- Ri-li
- ristretto
- rocksndiamonds
- rogue
rosegarden4: Already fixed by BrendanJonesrott: Toshio Kuratomi- roxterm : Toshio Kuratomi
rxvt: Toshio Kuratomi- rxvt-unicode : Toshio Kuratomi
- saoimage : Toshio Kuratomi
schismtracker: Toshio Kuratomiscorched3d: Jon Cieslascorchwentbonkers: Toshio Kuratomiscreenruler: Toshio Kuratomiscribus: Toshio Kuratomiscythia: Toshio Kuratomiseahorse-adventures: Toshio Kuratomisear: Bruno Wolffseaview: Toshio Kuratomisectool: Toshio Kuratomiseq24: Brendon Jonessergueis-destiny: Jon Cieslashippy: Toshio Kuratomisim: Toshio Kuratomisimcoupe: Toshio Kuratomisirius: Bruno Wolffsix: Bruno Wolffsk2py: Toshio Kuratomislingshot: Jon Cieslasolarwolf: Jon Cieslasolfege: Toshio Kuratomi, FTBFS patchedsonata: Toshio Kuratomisooperlooper: Toshio Kuratomisopwith: Jon Cieslasoundconverter: modified in git alreadysoundtracker: Toshio Kuratomispacechart: Toshio KuratomiSprog: Toshio Kuratomisqliteman: Toshio Kuratomistardict: Toshio Kuratomistarplot: Toshio KuratomiSteGUI: Toshio Kuratomistellarium: Jon Cieslastormbaancoureur: Toshio Kuratomisubtitleeditor: Toshio Kuratomisupertuxkart: Jon Cieslasweep: Toshio Kuratomisynaptic: Toshio Kuratomisynce-kpm: Toshio Kuratomisynce-software-manager: Toshio Kuratomisynce-trayicon: Toshio Kuratomisynfigstudio: Jon Cieslasystem-config-rootpassword: Toshio Kuratomitagtool: Parag Nemadetaskcoach: Parag Nemadetaskjuggler: Parag Nemadetaxipilot: Parag Nemadetecnoballz: Parag Nemadeteg: Toshio Kuratomitennix: Jon CieslaTeXmacs: Parag Nemadetexmaker: Parag Nemadetgif: Mamoru Tasakathewidgetfactory: Toshio KuratomiThunar: Toshio Kuratomithunar-volman: Toshio Kuratomitimidity++: Parag Nemadetkgate: Parag Nemadetn5250: Parag Nemadetong: Parag Nemadetorsmo: Parag Nemadetrackballs: Jon Cieslatranslation-filter: Parag Nemadetremulous: Parag Nemadetryton: Parag Nemadetunneler: Toshio Kuratomituxpaint: Jon Cieslatuxpuck: Jon Cieslatuxtype2: Parag Nemadetwinkle: Parag Nemadetypespeed: Parag Nemadetzclock: Mamoru Tasakaularn: Jon Cieslaultimatestunts: Parag Nemadeunison213: Toshio Kuratomiuqm: Jon Cieslausbview: Parag Nemadeuudeview: Parag Nemadev4l2ucp: Parag Nemadevalknut: Parag Nemadevavoom: Parag Nemadevdrift: Parag Nemadevegastrike: Parag Nemadeverbiste: Parag Nemadevim: Parag Nemadevkeybd: Parag Nemadevodovod: Parag Nemadevym: Parag Nemadewallpapoz: Mamoru Tasakawarzone2100: Parag Nemadewavbreaker: Parag Nemadewesnoth: Parag Nemadewfut: Parag Nemadewhy: Parag Nemadewhysynth-dssi: Parag Nemadewidelands: Parag Nemadewine: Parag Nemade- wings : Parag Nemade. FTBFS https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909805
winpdb: Parag Nemadewireshark: Parag Nemadewlassistant: Parag Nemadewordwarvi: Parag Nemadeworminator: Parag Nemadewormux: Parag Nemade - dead package in Fedora, blocked from F19WritRecogn: Parag NemadewxGlade: Parag Nemadex3270: Parag Nemadexaos: Parag Nemade. FTBFS fixed by toshio. Now rebuiltxarchiver: Parag Nemadexarchon: Parag Nemadexawtv: Parag Nemadexblast: Parag Nemadexca: Parag Nemadexchat-gnome: Parag Nemadexchm: Parag Nemadexdaliclock: Parag Nemadexdesktopwaves: Parag Nemadexdrawchem: Parag Nemadexfbib: Parag Nemadexfce4-taskmanager: Parag Nemadexfhell: Parag Nemadexfig: Parag Nemadexfmpc: Parag Nemadexgalaxy: Parag Nemadexgrav: Parag Nemadexhotkeys: Parag Nemadexkeycaps: Parag Nemadexlockmore: Parag Nemadexmlcopyeditor: Parag Nemadexmoto: Parag Nemadexournal: Parag Nemadexpad: Parag Nemadexpdf: Parag Nemadexpilot-ng: Parag Nemadexsane: Parag Nemadexsc: Parag Nemadexterm: Parag Nemadextide: Mamoru Tasakaxu4: Parag Nemadexvarstar: Parag Nemadexwrits: Parag Nemadexzgv: Parag Nemadeyadex: Parag Nemadezasx: Parag Nemadezynaddsubfx: Parag Nemade