From Fedora Project Wiki

< EPEL‎ | epel7

(nodejs packages (permission obtained from all maintainers via email))
m (remove accidental duplicate)
Line 34: Line 34:
| jasmine-node || EL-6
| jasmine-node || EL-6
| marked || EL-6
| marked || EL-6
| marked || EL-6

Revision as of 06:37, 3 June 2014

EPEL Branch Requests

please fill in the table with branching requests for epel7

ACL Source must be one of EL-6 or devel

if the package was in epel6 then use EL-6, if it's a new package to epel use devel; if you use anything else your request will not be correctly processed

Beware -- even if you say devel, the epel7 branch will be created at f19, not f20 or master.

Add new requests to the end, there's no need to sort. if you sort it there is a high chance that your request will be skipped if added while the queue is processed.

Package Name ACL Source
foo EL-6
lua-lunit EL-6
lua-lpeg EL-6
python-beautifulsoup4 devel
fltk EL-6
coffee-script EL-6
docco EL-6
expresso EL-6
jasmine-node EL-6
marked EL-6
mocha EL-6
node-gyp EL-6
nodejs-abbrev EL-6
nodejs-ain2 EL-6
nodejs-amdefine EL-6
nodejs-ansi EL-6
nodejs-ansi-styles EL-6
nodejs-ansistyles EL-6
nodejs-archy EL-6
nodejs-argparse EL-6
nodejs-asap EL-6
nodejs-asn1 EL-6
nodejs-assert-plus EL-6
nodejs-async EL-6
nodejs-aws-sign EL-6
nodejs-basic-auth-connect EL-6
nodejs-batch EL-6
nodejs-better-assert EL-6
nodejs-bignumber-js EL-6
nodejs-bindings EL-6
nodejs-block-stream EL-6
nodejs-boom EL-6
nodejs-bson EL-6
nodejs-buffer-crc32 EL-6
nodejs-buffer-equal EL-6
nodejs-bunker EL-6
nodejs-burrito EL-6
nodejs-bytes EL-6
nodejs-callsite EL-6
nodejs-chalk EL-6
nodejs-character-parser EL-6
nodejs-charm EL-6
nodejs-child-process-close EL-6
nodejs-chmodr EL-6
nodejs-chownr EL-6
nodejs-cli EL-6
nodejs-cmd-shim EL-6
nodejs-collections EL-6
nodejs-colors EL-6
nodejs-combined-stream EL-6
nodejs-commander EL-6
nodejs-component-emitter EL-6
nodejs-compressible EL-6
nodejs-compression EL-6
nodejs-concat-stream EL-6
nodejs-config-chain EL-6
nodejs-connect EL-6
nodejs-connect-timeout EL-6
nodejs-console-dot-log EL-6
nodejs-constantinople EL-6
nodejs-cookie EL-6
nodejs-cookie-jar EL-6
nodejs-cookie-parser EL-6
nodejs-cookie-signature EL-6
nodejs-cookiejar EL-6
nodejs-couch-login EL-6
nodejs-cryptiles EL-6
nodejs-css EL-6
nodejs-css-parse EL-6
nodejs-css-stringify EL-6
nodejs-cssom EL-6
nodejs-csurf EL-6
nodejs-ctype EL-6
nodejs-cycle EL-6
nodejs-dateformat EL-6
nodejs-debug EL-6
nodejs-deep-equal EL-6
nodejs-defined EL-6
nodejs-delayed-stream EL-6
nodejs-dep-graph EL-6
nodejs-detective EL-6
nodejs-diff EL-6
nodejs-difflet EL-6
nodejs-dryice EL-6
nodejs-editor EL-6
nodejs-ejs EL-6
nodejs-errorhandler EL-6
nodejs-escodegen EL-6
nodejs-esprima EL-6
nodejs-estraverse EL-6
nodejs-esutils EL-6
nodejs-eventemitter2 EL-6
nodejs-exit EL-6
nodejs-expect-dot-js EL-6
nodejs-express EL-6
nodejs-express-session EL-6
nodejs-eyes EL-6
nodejs-faye-websocket EL-6
nodejs-fileset EL-6
nodejs-findup-sync EL-6
nodejs-forever-agent EL-6
nodejs-form-data EL-6
nodejs-formidable EL-6
nodejs-fresh EL-6
nodejs-fs-extra EL-6
nodejs-fstream EL-6
nodejs-fstream-ignore EL-6
nodejs-fstream-npm EL-6
nodejs-gaze EL-6
nodejs-generic-pool EL-6
nodejs-getobject EL-6
nodejs-github-url-from-git EL-6
nodejs-glob EL-6
nodejs-globule EL-6
nodejs-graceful-fs EL-6
nodejs-grip EL-6
nodejs-growl EL-6
nodejs-grunt EL-6
nodejs-grunt EL-6
nodejs-grunt-cli EL-6
nodejs-grunt-compare-size EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-nodeunit EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify EL-6
nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch EL-6
nodejs-grunt-git-authors EL-6
nodejs-grunt-init EL-6
nodejs-grunt-legacy-util EL-6
nodejs-has-color EL-6
nodejs-hashish EL-6
nodejs-hawk EL-6
nodejs-highlight-js EL-6
nodejs-hoek EL-6
nodejs-hooker EL-6
nodejs-http-signature EL-6
nodejs-i EL-6
nodejs-i2c EL-6
nodejs-iconv-lite EL-6
nodejs-inherits EL-6
nodejs-inherits1 EL-6
nodejs-ini EL-6
nodejs-init-package-json EL-6
nodejs-iso8601 EL-6
nodejs-isodate EL-6
nodejs-jade EL-6
nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter EL-6
nodejs-jasmine-reporters EL-6
nodejs-joose EL-6
nodejs-joosex-simplerequest EL-6
nodejs-js-yaml EL-6
nodejs-jscoverage EL-6
nodejs-json-stringify-safe EL-6
nodejs-jsonfile EL-6
nodejs-jsonify EL-6
nodejs-jwt-simple EL-6
nodejs-keypress EL-6
nodejs-less EL-6
nodejs-libxmljs EL-6
nodejs-load-grunt-tasks EL-6
nodejs-lockfile EL-6
nodejs-lodash EL-6
nodejs-lru-cache EL-6
nodejs-ltx EL-6
nodejs-markdown EL-6
nodejs-maxmin EL-6
nodejs-merge-descriptors EL-6
nodejs-method-override EL-6
nodejs-methods EL-6
nodejs-mime EL-6
nodejs-mimeparse EL-6
nodejs-minimatch EL-6
nodejs-minimist EL-6
nodejs-mkdirp EL-6
nodejs-mongodb EL-6
nodejs-monocle EL-6
nodejs-morgan EL-6
nodejs-ms EL-6
nodejs-muffin EL-6
nodejs-multimatch EL-6
nodejs-multiparty EL-6
nodejs-mute-stream EL-6
nodejs-mysql EL-6
nodejs-nan EL-6
nodejs-ncp EL-6
nodejs-negotiator EL-6
nodejs-node-expat EL-6
nodejs-node-static EL-6
nodejs-node-stringprep EL-6
nodejs-node-uuid EL-6
nodejs-node-xmpp EL-6
nodejs-nopt EL-6
nodejs-noptify EL-6
nodejs-normalize-package-data EL-6
nodejs-npm-registry-client EL-6
nodejs-npm-user-validate EL-6
nodejs-npmconf EL-6
nodejs-npmlog EL-6
nodejs-oauth-sign EL-6
nodejs-once EL-6
nodejs-opener EL-6
nodejs-optimist EL-6
nodejs-options EL-6
nodejs-opts EL-6
nodejs-osenv EL-6
nodejs-package EL-6
nodejs-packaging EL-6
nodejs-packaging EL-6
nodejs-paperboy EL-6
nodejs-pause EL-6
nodejs-pg EL-6
nodejs-pkginfo EL-6
nodejs-pretty-bytes EL-6
nodejs-promise EL-6
nodejs-prompt EL-6
nodejs-promzard EL-6
nodejs-proto-list EL-6
nodejs-pubcontrol EL-6
nodejs-q EL-6
nodejs-q-io EL-6
nodejs-qs EL-6
nodejs-range-parser EL-6
nodejs-raw-body EL-6
nodejs-read EL-6
nodejs-read-installed EL-6
nodejs-read-package-json EL-6
nodejs-readdirp EL-6
nodejs-reduce-component EL-6
nodejs-repl EL-6
nodejs-request EL-6
nodejs-require-all EL-6
nodejs-require-cs EL-6
nodejs-requirejs EL-6
nodejs-resolve EL-6
nodejs-response-time EL-6
nodejs-retry EL-6
nodejs-revalidator EL-6
nodejs-rimraf EL-6
nodejs-ronn EL-6
nodejs-runforcover EL-6
nodejs-sax EL-6
nodejs-semver EL-6
nodejs-send EL-6
nodejs-serve-index EL-6
nodejs-serve-static EL-6
nodejs-sha EL-6
nodejs-shelljs EL-6
nodejs-should EL-6
nodejs-showdown EL-6
nodejs-sigmund EL-6
nodejs-slide EL-6
nodejs-snockets EL-6
nodejs-sntp EL-6
nodejs-source-map EL-6
nodejs-stack-trace EL-6
nodejs-static-favicon EL-6
nodejs-stream-counter EL-6
nodejs-strip-ansi EL-6
nodejs-stylus EL-6
nodejs-superagent EL-6
nodejs-supertest EL-6
nodejs-supervisor EL-6
nodejs-tap EL-6
nodejs-tape EL-6
nodejs-tar EL-6
nodejs-temp EL-6
nodejs-testswarm EL-6
nodejs-through EL-6
nodejs-tiny-lr-fork EL-6
nodejs-tinycolor EL-6
nodejs-tobi-cookie EL-6
nodejs-transformers EL-6
nodejs-traverse EL-6
nodejs-tunnel-agent EL-6
nodejs-uglify-to-browserify EL-6
nodejs-uid-number EL-6
nodejs-uid2 EL-6
nodejs-underscore EL-6
nodejs-underscore-dot-logger EL-6
nodejs-underscore-dot-string EL-6
nodejs-url2 EL-6
nodejs-utile EL-6
nodejs-utils-merge EL-6
nodejs-vhost EL-6
nodejs-vows EL-6
nodejs-walkdir EL-6
nodejs-watchit EL-6
nodejs-websocket-driver EL-6
nodejs-which EL-6
nodejs-winston EL-6
nodejs-with EL-6
nodejs-wordwrap EL-6
nodejs-ws EL-6
nodejs-yamlish EL-6
nodeunit EL-6
npm EL-6
uglify-js EL-6
ycssmin EL-6