From Fedora Project Wiki

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|T9:347  || Saturday || 10 AM || Why can't I have the package that I need? ||  ||
|T9:347  || Saturday || 10 AM || Why can't I have the package that I need? ||  ||
|ECTR 103   || Saturday || 11 AM || Fedora Passwords (then and now) || [[User:Ianweller|Ian Weller]] ||
|T9:343   || Saturday || 11 AM || Fully Automated Static Analysis of Fedora Packages  || ||
|ECTR 103   || Saturday || 12 PM || Submitting Updates via Bodhi [ YouTube Video Recording] || [[User:Churchyard|Miro Hrončok]] ||
|T9:346   || Saturday || 11 AM || Through a Wire Fence: Fedora and RHEL  || ||
|ECTR 103   || Saturday || 2 PM || OAuth Hackfest [[Flock/Volunteers/OAuthHackfest | Gobby Notes]] || ||
|T9:302   || Saturday || 11 AM || Virtualization for Fedora Packagers and Developers  | || ||
|ECTR 107   || Saturday || 10 AM || Web Security Standards || ||
|T9:347   || Saturday || 11 AM || You can write kernel tests too!  || ||
|ECTR 107  || Saturday || 11 AM || An Architecture for a More Agile Fedora [ Transcript] [ YouTube Recording] ||  ||
|ECTR 107  || Saturday || 11 AM || An Architecture for a More Agile Fedora [ Transcript] [ YouTube Recording] ||  ||

Revision as of 17:02, 14 July 2014

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.


Each 45 minute session needs to have a volunteer running the camera, watching a timer, and monitoring IRC for Q&A (if it happens).

There are 4 cameras. The workshop/hackfest sessions will not need volunteers, as most of them will not be practical to record or stream.

By signing up for a session, you're committing to:

  • Attending that session
  • Getting there a few minutes early to start the video stream
  • Watching a timer and signalling the speaker (with signs) when he/she has 10, 5, and 0 minutes remaining.

If possible you should also try to:

  • Make sure someone starts meeting recording in the irc channel for your room (#fedora-flock-RRR) using (ie, #startmeeting sessionname)
  • Ask them to also gateway questions and comments from IRC to the room/speaker as needed.
  • Make sure they also #endmeeting when the session is complete.

NOTE: this person doesn't need to be you, just try and make sure there is someone.

You should not volunteer for a session where you are the speaker, or where you are giving a talk at the same time, or where you want to be in a separate session.

Just put your name beside the sessions that you want to volunteer for. Take as many as you want, but please, only one volunteer per session.

Remember, by doing this, you make it possible for the rest of the Fedora community to participate (and view for years to come). Thanks!

Transcription means typing the speaker's words and the questions and answers to the designated IRC room LIVE. If nobody volunteered for the transcription, just ask if anybody in the room would do it or do it yourself.

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

Volunteer Slots

Wednesday, August 6

Room Day Time Topic Volunteer Transcriber
B286 Wednesday 8:45 AM Opening: Fedora Project Leader
B286 Wednesday 9 AM Keynote: Free And Open Source Software In Europe: Policies And Implementations
C215 Wednesday 10 AM Better Presentation of fonts in Fedora
T9:343 Wednesday 10 PM Contributing to Fedora SELinux policy
B286 Wednesday 10 AM Fedora QA - You are important
T9:302 Wednesday 10 AM Improving Ambassadors Mentor Program
T9:302 Wednesday 11 PM Fedora Magazine Zacharias Mitzelos
B286 Wednesday 11 PM State of Copr Build Service
T9:343 Wednesday 11 AM Taskotron and Me
C215 Wednesday 11 AM Where's Wayland?
T9:343 Wednesday 2 PM Fedora Workstation - Goals, Philosophy, and Future
T9:302 Wednesday 2 AM Procrastination makes you better: Life of a remotee
B286 Wednesday 2 PM Python 3 as Default
C215 Wednesday 2 PM Wayland Input Status
B286 Wednesday 3 PM Evolving the Fedora updates process
T9:343 Wednesday 3 PM Fedora Future Devices
T9:302 Wednesday 3 PM Outreach Program for Women: Lessons in Collaboration
C215 Wednesday 3 PM Predictive Input Methods
C215 Wednesday 4 PM Open Communication and Collaboration Tools for humans
B286 Wednesday 4 PM State of the Fedora Kernel
T9:302 Wednesday 4 PM The curious case of Fedora Freshmen (aka Issue #101)
T9:343 Wednesday 4 PM UX 101: Practical usability methods that everyone can use
T9:302 Wednesday 5 PM Fedora Ambassadors: State of the Union Zacharias Mitzelos
B286 Wednesday 5 PM Hyperkitty: Past, Present, and Future
C215 Wednesday 5 PM Kernel Tuning
T9:343 Wednesday 5 PM Release Engineering and You
T9:302 Wednesday 6 PM Advocating
T9:343 Wednesday 6 PM Documenting Software with Mallard
B286 Wednesday 6 PM Fedora Badges & Badge Design
C215 Wednesday 6 PM How Is the Fedora Kernel Different?

Thursday August 7

Room Day Time Topic Volunteer Transcriber
C215 Thursday 9 AM Fedora Server Role-ing Along
T9:343 Thursday 9 AM From Schedule to (awesome) Release
B286 Thursday 9 AM Review Server: Package Reviews without Bugzilla
T9:302 Thursday 9 AM Yubikeys Zacharias Mitzelos
T9:302 Thursday 10 AM Fedora Secondary Architectures
B286 Thursday 10 AM Orchestration with Ansible at Fedora Project
C215 Thursday 10 AM UEFI: The Great Satan and you
B286 Thursday 11 AM Keynote: Novena: Building a laptop from scratch
C215 Thursday 2 PM Meet your FESCo
B286 Thursday 2 PM NoSQL in Fedora Infra
T9:343 Thursday 2 PM Rise of the Fedora desktop: Gaming
T9:302 Thursday 2 PM The Problem with Unit Testing
B286 Thursday 3 PM Introduction to Docker
B286 Thursday 5 PM Planning for Fedora 22

Friday August 7

Room Day Time Topic Volunteer Transcriber
B286 Friday 9 AM Docker and Fedora
C215 Friday 9 AM Fedora i18n: Past, Present, Future
T9:343 Friday 9 AM How I Built a Github clone in 2 weeks
T9:302 Friday 9 AM Where is DevAssistant Going?
T9:302 Friday 10 AM FDocumentation with Publican
B286 Friday 10 AM Fedora Infrastructure present to future
T9:343 Friday 10 AM GNOME: a content application update
C215 Friday 10 AM Systemd daemon integration, next step to world domination
B286 Friday 11 AM Fedora.Next Joint Session
T9:343 Friday 2 PM AutheNtication at Fedora evolved
C215 Friday 2 PM Building an application installer from the ground up
B286 Friday 2 PM Env and Stack WG - plans
T9:302 Friday 2 PM Fast deployment of OS images on bare metal with Anaconda: Fedora
A1051 Friday 3 PM 3D printing is easy - Workshop
T9:343 Friday 3 PM Documentation Hackfest - Workshop
B286 Friday 3 PM - Workshop
C215 Friday 3 PM Make tools with fedmsg - Workshop
C215 Friday 5 PM Building an inexpensive and scalable storage system with ARM and GlusterFS - Workshop
T9:347 Friday 5 PM DevAssistant - Workshop
B286 Friday 5 PM Fedora Security Lab - Workshop
T9:302 Friday 5 PM Hyperkitty - Workshop
T9:343 Friday 5 PM Packages Review - Hackfest

Saturday August 10

Room Day Time Topic Volunteer Transcriber
T9:346 Saturday 9 AM Arm Server Update
T9:347 Saturday 9 AM Improving Bug Reporting Workflow
T9:302 Saturday 9 AM New features of rpm and dnf
T9:343 Saturday 9 AM Secure Programming Practices
T9:302 Saturday 10 AM Fedora for Developers
T9:343 Saturday 10 AM Security Code Audit 101
T9:346 Saturday 10 AM State of ARM and aarch64 in Fedora
T9:347 Saturday 10 AM Why can't I have the package that I need?
T9:343 Saturday 11 AM Fully Automated Static Analysis of Fedora Packages
T9:346 Saturday 11 AM Through a Wire Fence: Fedora and RHEL
T9:302 Saturday 11 AM
T9:347 Saturday 11 AM You can write kernel tests too!
ECTR 107 Saturday 11 AM An Architecture for a More Agile Fedora Transcript YouTube Recording
ECTR 107 Saturday 12 AM Task Automation in Fedora QA Notes YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 109 Saturday 10 AM Virtualization on ARM YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 109 Saturday 11 AM The Hotrodder's Guide to Maximum Performance LAMP YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 109 Saturday 12 PM Mozilla Open Badges in Sugar on OLPC
ECTR 112 Saturday 10 AM SELinux for Mere Mortals Transcript YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 112 Saturday 11 AM What's New With SELinux? Transcript YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 112 Saturday 12 PM Hardening Apache
ECTR 112 Saturday 4 PM Creating 3D Racing Game Maps with GIMP and Inkscape YouTube Video Recording ]
ECTR 114 Saturday 10 AM Gource: Telling Stories via Source Code Transcript YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 114 Saturday 11 AM What's New In Software Management YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 114 Saturday 12 PM AWS, Private Cloud, and Open Source Haikel Guemar
ECTR 114 Saturday 4 PM Sugar and OLPC Birds of a Feather YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 115 Saturday 10 AM Kernel Regression Testing for Fun and Profit YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 115 Saturday 11 AM Btrfs - Cool Butter YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 115 Saturday 12 AM Kernel Fuzz Testing YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 120 Saturday 10 AM Federated and Free - Distributed and Decentralized Apps on OpenShift YouTube Video Recording
ECTR 120 Saturday 11 AM Scale or Fail - Give your app the Speed it Needs in the Cloud YouTube Video Recording Garrett Mitchener
ECTR 120 Saturday 12 PM pcp+systemtap: Performance Monitoring for Workstations and Networks YouTube Video Recording

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.