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| == Transcript == | | == Transcript == |
| [20:59] <gregdek> Looks like meeting time, eh?
| |
| [20:59] <gregdek> Or 3 minutes till?
| |
| [21:02] <Karlie> Hello everyone
| |
| [21:02] <ke4qqq> Hi Karlie
| |
| [21:03] <iWolf> Karlie: hi!
| |
| [21:03] <gregdek> Let the ROLL CALL begin!
| |
| [21:03] --> vwbusguy has joined this channel
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| (n=scott@99-153-230-117.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net).
| |
| [21:03] <inode0> hehe, let's go so I can stop reading *the* thread
| |
| [21:03] --> VileGent has joined this channel
| |
| (n=notfred@unaffiliated/southerngentlem/x-2894754).
| |
| [21:03] <gregdek> Sigh. Which thread is *the* thread?
| |
| [21:03] <vwbusguy> hello
| |
| [21:03] <ke4qqq> DavidNalley
| |
| [21:03] <iWolf> JeffreyTadlock
| |
| [21:03] <inode0> JohnRose
| |
| [21:03] <VileGent> JamesBenWilliams
| |
| [21:04] <Karlie> Karlie Robinson
| |
| [21:04] <vwbusguy> ScottWilliams
| |
| [21:05] <herlo> herlo
| |
| [21:05] <gregdek> OK, that looks like quorum to me.
| |
| [21:05] <herlo> ClintSavage
| |
| [21:05] <gregdek> I hear that folks have been working on an agenda. :)
| |
| [21:05] <herlo> yes we have...
| |
| [21:05] <ke4qqq>
| |
| http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2008-07-22#Agenda
| |
| [21:05] --> rislam has joined this channel
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| (i=18ca3c75@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f0cf5399dddca584).
| |
| [21:06] <gregdek> So. Who's our chair for tonight? herlo or ke4qqq? :)
| |
| [21:07] <gregdek> (Since I may get kicked out of here, and the meeting
| |
| must proceed whether I am here or not)
| |
| [21:07] <herlo> lol, I think its a combined effort
| |
| [21:07] <ke4qqq> gregdek: keep leading, herlo can take over if you fall out.
| |
| [21:07] <herlo> ke4qqq started the discussion, and I ended it...
| |
| [21:07] <gregdek> All right.
| |
| [21:07] <gregdek> So it looks like the first item is reports on last
| |
| week's action items.
| |
| [21:08] <gregdek> My page:
| |
| [21:08] <gregdek> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NorthAmerica
| |
| [21:08] <gregdek> This is the page I set up for task tracking. Is it useful?
| |
| [21:08] <gregdek> Should it move to another url?
| |
| [21:09] <herlo> I prefer NA, but otherwise, yes
| |
| [21:09] <ke4qqq> it's useful.
| |
| [21:09] <rislam> Its perfect to track everything in one page with
| |
| task.. its helpful
| |
| [21:10] <iWolf> i agree with helpful
| |
| [21:10] <herlo> but FF can type it in for me so...
| |
| [21:10] <gregdek> Then it appears that we've got two completed tasks
| |
| -- completion of the page itself :) and the polo shirts.
| |
| [21:10] <gregdek> But new tasks, we have none.
| |
| [21:10] <gregdek> So I guess we'll be adding some of those after the
| |
| meeting, yes?
| |
| [21:10] <ke4qqq> one would assume.
| |
| [21:10] * herlo points to the agenda and what will come out of it though...
| |
| [21:10] <iWolf> +1
| |
| [21:12] <gregdek> OK.
| |
| [21:12] <gregdek> So then we're done with that.
| |
| [21:12] <gregdek> Next on the agenda:
| |
| [21:12] <gregdek> Proposed NA structure and goals.
| |
| [21:12] <gregdek> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Drafts/NA/Goals
| |
| [21:13] <herlo> I think the main focus we had from a discussion
| |
| between ke4qqq and I, was that the leadership should be merit based.
| |
| [21:14] <herlo> To invoke that merit, however, needs to be enticed a little.
| |
| [21:14] <herlo> so those who are here today, have a definite piece of
| |
| the construction of how NA Ambassadors comes to be
| |
| [21:15] <herlo> per our discussion, we've divided NA into 3 main
| |
| regions, hoping to get an active Ambassador in each state/province
| |
| [21:15] <ke4qqq> yes - and that we aren't suggesting that this is
| |
| fixed in stone - but these were the non-RH employees that showed up at
| |
| the last meeting and we built it from that - and essentially that
| |
| someone needs to take ownership of whats going on in a region.
| |
| [21:16] <iWolf> i think the regional leaders assigned are fine, fedora
| |
| is all about people that do the work leading the way, so I don't see
| |
| objections over the regional leaders chosen.
| |
| [21:16] <VileGent> +1
| |
| [21:16] <gregdek> +1
| |
| [21:17] <herlo> one thing we did want to discuss was that we really
| |
| need a regional ambassador for Canada as its pretty big.
| |
| [21:17] <herlo> question is, do we have any Ambassadors in Canadia?
| |
| [21:17] <rislam> but the regional leaders should be little bit
| |
| aggresive to get connected with all the ambassadors
| |
| [21:17] <ke4qqq> and we dumped it John Rose if no one from Canada
| |
| wants to pick it up.
| |
| [21:17] <herlo> rislam: we agree
| |
| [21:17] <rislam> for all of yours kind info.. in canada we are only 8 people
| |
| [21:17] <herlo> that's the regional leaders pov too
| |
| [21:17] <ke4qqq> rislam: we plan on it - we've already divied up names
| |
| and will start hitting ambassadors based on region asap
| |
| [21:18] <inode0> 8 are listed
| |
| [21:18] <ke4qqq> rislam: you are the new Canadian regional ambassador?
| |
| [21:18] <rislam> yes
| |
| [21:18] <rislam> yes i am
| |
| [21:18] <rislam> most of them working with redhat and they are pretty busy
| |
| [21:18] * herlo needs a bit of curiosity as to where to find these
| |
| names? I'm not that versed in this information gathering you all seem
| |
| to have
| |
| [21:19] <herlo> rislam: perfect!
| |
| [21:19] <iWolf> the country list off the main ambassador page
| |
| [21:19] <ke4qqq> herlo: it's in the country section, but iirc there
| |
| were more than 8.
| |
| [21:19] <inode0>
| |
| https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/CountryList#Northern_America
| |
| [21:19] <iWolf> herlo: ^^^
| |
| [21:19] * herlo looks
| |
| [21:19] <herlo> oh, perfect!
| |
| [21:19] * herlo bookmarks the page
| |
| [21:20] <iWolf> now that isn't entirely accurate, it depends on the
| |
| ambassador to add themselves to that page.
| |
| [21:20] <iWolf> but its a good start.
| |
| [21:20] <herlo> sure, that's good enough for me
| |
| [21:21] <ke4qqq> herlo: did you get the list of ambassadors I sent
| |
| divided by region?
| |
| [21:21] <herlo> iWolf: well, I'm on there :) so I must have known
| |
| about it at some point
| |
| [21:21] <iWolf> herlo: :)
| |
| [21:21] <herlo> ke4qqq: when did you send it?
| |
| [21:21] <ke4qqq> two days ago
| |
| [21:21] <rislam> i will be back all of u
| |
| [21:21] <herlo> ke4qqq: looking, but I don't recall that. Doesn't
| |
| mean I didn't miss it
| |
| [21:21] <-- rislam has left this channel.
| |
| [21:22] <inode0> we can be very flexible about this, if more folks
| |
| come forward we can rearrange things to accommodate
| |
| [21:22] <inode0> I think this is ok to get us started now
| |
| [21:22] --> lcafiero has joined this channel
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| (n=larry@h-68-165-6-167.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net).
| |
| [21:22] <gregdek> So is this list accurate at this point, and all agree to it?
| |
| [21:22] <herlo> ke4qqq: found it
| |
| [21:22] <iWolf> inode0: agreed, flexibility is good, and this is a
| |
| good start to move forward.
| |
| [21:22] <ke4qqq> but I don't want to get too bogged down - essentially
| |
| this is very much in motion and will get us started - start by taking
| |
| ownership of what's going on.
| |
| [21:22] <iWolf> ke4qqq: +1
| |
| [21:23] <herlo> agreed, plus we can start contacting individuals. the
| |
| biggest thing for me is to get them involved and keep them involved,
| |
| which brings me to our responsibilities
| |
| [21:24] <gregdek> Does "contacting individual ambassadors" get added
| |
| to the TODO?
| |
| [21:24] <ke4qqq> Yes!
| |
| [21:24] <iWolf> what is the contact message going to be?
| |
| [21:24] <herlo> so the thing I'm looking at is activities. There's
| |
| been heavy discussion between ke4qqq and I about getting these people
| |
| involved with their local LUGs and other activities.
| |
| [21:25] <herlo> and keeping them involved
| |
| [21:25] <herlo> the thing I continue to be hung up on, is how we
| |
| entice them. I think there's a bit of give and take
| |
| [21:25] <iWolf> side note, the discussions should probably take place
| |
| on the ambassadors m-l, so eveyone can offer input, might be a good
| |
| way to find other active NA ambassadors.
| |
| [21:25] <herlo> agreed. lets do that there then...
| |
| [21:25] * herlo hadn't even thought of that.
| |
| [21:26] --> rislam has joined this channel
| |
| (i=4546a17e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d5d2277b1a63cb13).
| |
| [21:26] * gregdek goes to add to the TODO while discussion continues...
| |
| [21:26] * inode0 wants to push ambassadors partnering with charities
| |
| to do good things
| |
| [21:26] <ke4qqq> iWolf - that essentially we want to stop the drifting
| |
| - we want to take ownership, and we are the 'regional ambassadors,
| |
| please tell us what we can do to spur things on. Ask them to get
| |
| involved, speak at lugs, provide reports of said things, etc.
| |
| [21:26] <herlo> but I'd like to point out that if we do a little for
| |
| the ambassadors up front (new or re-invigorated ones), we help them to
| |
| feel more a part of the fedora team
| |
| [21:26] * inode0 also wants to nudge Fedora to in some way sponsor
| |
| those activities
| |
| [21:27] * herlo agrees totally with inode0
| |
| [21:27] <herlo> which is where the give and take comes in
| |
| [21:27] <iWolf> ke4qqq: sounds like a good contact message. +1
| |
| [21:27] <gregdek> Time to have the famsco budget discussion. :)
| |
| [21:27] <inode0> sponsorship doesn't necessarily mean money in these cases
| |
| [21:27] <herlo> gregdek: no, we just want it all :)
| |
| [21:28] <herlo> inode0: I think it does to a point, but it shouldn't
| |
| be a heavy investment
| |
| [21:28] <herlo> the proof is in the reports (aka blog posts, pictures, etc)
| |
| [21:28] <ke4qqq> we do need to define our relationship with FAMSCo
| |
| ...... most of us kind of ignore them and back channel to gregdek or
| |
| spevack.
| |
| [21:29] <gregdek> Which, as has been pointed out to me rigorously, is
| |
| a mistake. :)
| |
| [21:29] <ke4qqq> which isn't healthy for FAMSCo or for showing that we
| |
| are doing anything
| |
| [21:29] <herlo> okay, so I think there's a divergence of thought here
| |
| [21:29] <inode0> Fedora lending its name to an effort is valuable on
| |
| the local level - don't underestimate that
| |
| [21:29] <herlo> one is, getting to the discussion of FAMSco and the
| |
| other is to discuss how we invigorate ambassadors
| |
| [21:29] <herlo> which one should we tackle first?
| |
| [21:30] <gregdek> the latter.
| |
| [21:30] <VileGent> well having meetings at time that all ambassadors
| |
| are not in the middle of work hours helps i think like tonights
| |
| [21:30] <ke4qqq> indeed.
| |
| [21:31] <herlo> so, I was pointing out that if we make a small
| |
| investment in the ambassadors, we can see the returns more quickly.
| |
| Something like giving them a tshirt and some LiveCDs. They wear the
| |
| t-shirt or give it away...
| |
| [21:31] <herlo> when they blog about it or put up pictures, that's our
| |
| reward, then we invest a little more
| |
| [21:31] <VileGent> annouceing such meetings in channels like #fedora
| |
| #fedora-unity got me in here
| |
| [21:32] <herlo> the idea is to give ambassadors a bit of incentive to
| |
| get started, then move them to a broader role (aka their State/area)
| |
| would be a good win for Fedora
| |
| [21:32] <iWolf> herlo: i agree to a point, but we do do this with
| |
| ambassadors that step up to handle an event.
| |
| [21:32] <herlo> iWolf: right, I know
| |
| [21:32] <herlo> and those people should already be rewarded.
| |
| [21:33] <Karlie> the biggest thing to get volunteers charged up is a task
| |
| [21:33] <iWolf> herlo: and with limited funds, you have to ask which
| |
| gets more bang for the $, swag to ambassadors that already use fedora
| |
| or swag to potential new fedora users.
| |
| [21:33] <herlo> the work so hard to make events turn out nice, and I
| |
| think they fit well in this scheme
| |
| [21:33] * iWolf doesn't necessarily know the answer to that
| |
| [21:33] <ke4qqq> iWolf: but it's an EVENT.....not a LUG
| |
| meeting.....not talking to the Lions Club
| |
| [21:33] <inode0> Karlie: +1
| |
| [21:33] <herlo> Karlie: right on!
| |
| [21:33] <Karlie> people need something to do
| |
| [21:33] <iWolf> ke4qqq: as in you mean we only provide for events?
| |
| [21:33] <herlo> I guess for me, until this past FUDCon, I didn't
| |
| really feel like I knew how to contribute.
| |
| [21:33] [Nick] Erroneous Nickname
| |
| [21:34] <iWolf> ke4qqq: put the planned lug talk up on the events
| |
| page, it counts.
| |
| [21:34] <ke4qqq> iWolf: I mean that is what it's structured for.
| |
| [21:34] <herlo> I didnt really feel like I was Fedora (pardon the pun)
| |
| [21:34] <inode0> rewarding and encouraging small "events" is high on
| |
| my wish list too - there should be far more of those
| |
| [21:34] <iWolf> we (famsco) also pushed hard for release parties for f9 as well
| |
| [21:34] <lcafiero> agree with inode0
| |
| [21:34] <iWolf> small events belong on the Fedora Events page as well.
| |
| [21:34] <herlo> but I wanted to belong, be a part of this cool goings
| |
| on. And while people say, just start doing stuff, I was kind of
| |
| directionless
| |
| [21:34] <ke4qqq> small events seem insignificant on the list -
| |
| compared with linuxtag.
| |
| [21:35] <ke4qqq> yeah we need to mentor people - be they old inactive or new.
| |
| [21:35] <rislam> its also part of reward iWolf
| |
| [21:35] <iWolf> say I am in Ohio looking for soemthing Fedora going
| |
| on, where do I look. I should be looking at the Fedora Events page.
| |
| [21:35] <herlo> to me, its getting people involved in the little ways
| |
| [21:35] <inode0> they belong on the events page but do they get put there?
| |
| [21:35] <iWolf> inode0: no, they do not. But they should. :)
| |
| [21:35] <iWolf> we can lead by example.
| |
| [21:35] <herlo> I was emailed personally by Max telling me not to give
| |
| up on FUDCon and that they'd help me get there. This is the kind of
| |
| thing that I want to give to ambassadors. Unfortunately, RH doesn't
| |
| have money to fly everyone everywhere
| |
| [21:35] <iWolf> so people don't get afraid to put their LUG event there.
| |
| [21:36] <ke4qqq> iWolf: NO I disagree - you should be contacted by the
| |
| OH state Ambassador and have him mentor. The ambassador who is mature
| |
| should go out and find events to list on the page.
| |
| [21:36] <-- fraggle_laptop has left this server ("Quitte").
| |
| [21:36] <iWolf> ke4qqq: and I do that.
| |
| [21:36] <herlo> iWolf: I think part of the problem is that people
| |
| think a LUG event is significant enough
| |
| [21:36] <herlo> at least in NA
| |
| [21:36] <ke4qqq> I don't doubt that you do - but no one did that with herlo or I
| |
| [21:36] <iWolf> ke4qqq: I have actually touched base with herlo as
| |
| well for his Utah event.
| |
| [21:36] <gregdek> The events page, right now, is intended more for coordination.
| |
| [21:36] <iWolf> ke4qqq: because I didn't think anyone else had.
| |
| [21:36] <herlo> iWolf: now I know who you are :)
| |
| [21:37] <iWolf> herlo: :)
| |
| [21:37] * herlo did a /whois on you last time with no good info
| |
| [21:38] <herlo> iWolf: and I agree on events, we should continue to
| |
| spend money there, I just wnat to make it easier for Ambassadors to
| |
| work simpler, easier crowds.
| |
| [21:38] <inode0> well if we found a way to exhibit pride in covering
| |
| small local talks, even to 15 people, I think it would be good all
| |
| around
| |
| [21:38] * herlo agrees with inode0
| |
| [21:38] <Karlie> so how do you task an ambassador to talk to the lug?
| |
| [21:38] <iWolf> herlo: I agree with making things eaier for small
| |
| events, shoot, I agree with trying to make things easier for *all*
| |
| events
| |
| [21:39] <Karlie> give them templates to use?
| |
| [21:39] <inode0> and I guess we should shut up and do it, post them,
| |
| let other ambassadors see we think they are important
| |
| [21:39] <iWolf> Karlie: Templates for talks would be great.
| |
| [21:39] <herlo> Karlie: we get state ambassadors and have them go out,
| |
| start small their local lugs
| |
| [21:39] <ke4qqq> Karlie: you give him a slide deck and tell him to go
| |
| talk - maybe go with him if you are close enough
| |
| [21:39] <gregdek> inode0: an emphatic +1!
| |
| [21:39] <ke4qqq> build confidence and 'ownership'
| |
| [21:39] <herlo> regional ambassadors might have to help them by
| |
| sending a few emails around, mentoring isn't the simplest job, but I
| |
| think its going to win out in the end
| |
| [21:39] <iWolf> yep, we need to provide ambassadors with "starter"
| |
| talks, slide decks, etc.
| |
| [21:39] <Karlie> I just think that if they had some choices
| |
| [21:40] <iWolf> lower that hurdle for an ambassador to do a local event.
| |
| [21:40] <Karlie> pick a talk, go to a confrence, plan a party
| |
| [21:40] <VileGent> help at an installfest and bring media
| |
| [21:40] <rislam> picking a talk isn't wise
| |
| [21:40] <herlo> regional ambassadors might have to make a trip a
| |
| couple states away, and maybe that can be accommodated expenswise and
| |
| maybe not, but there's room for us to figure that out
| |
| [21:40] * herlo wants those 10 things written on our task list now :)
| |
| [21:40] <herlo> gregdek: ^^
| |
| [21:41] <herlo> I guess I could put them there too
| |
| [21:41] <-- qcai has left this server ("Leaving").
| |
| [21:41] <ke4qqq> but at least on the east coast there is an ambassador
| |
| within 100 miles of virtually everwhere.....I know that isn't true in
| |
| the rest of the country.
| |
| [21:41] <Karlie> Not everyone would be cofortable in front of a crowd
| |
| so plan a party instead - just do something
| |
| [21:41] <gregdek> herlo: what 10 things?
| |
| [21:41] <herlo> gregdek: just kidding, there are only a few
| |
| [21:41] <herlo> pick a talk, go to a confrence, plan a party
| |
| |
| ldimaggi_
| |
| [21:41] <herlo> 19:40 < VileGent> help at an installfest and bring media
| |
| [21:41] <ke4qqq> Karlie: yeah not necessarily a talk - perhaps going
| |
| to an Ubuntu installfest and offering an alternative?
| |
| [21:41] <lcafiero> or 10 in binary maybe?
| |
| [21:41] <iWolf> ke4qqq: I think that's bad form.
| |
| [21:41] * herlo disagrees with rislam about picking a talk not being
| |
| wise. Simple talks are important
| |
| [21:41] <iWolf> ke4qqq: just my opinion.
| |
| [21:42] <herlo> gregdek: do you want me to put them there? I can
| |
| [21:42] <VileGent> herlo, my lug knows i will show up with fedora media
| |
| [21:42] <Karlie> I've been to Ubuntu install parties
| |
| [21:42] <herlo> VileGent: yay!
| |
| [21:42] <herlo> Karlie: me too
| |
| [21:42] <ke4qqq> I was actually invited to one to present fedora 2
| |
| months back - shocked me.
| |
| [21:42] * herlo actually held a release party combined with Fedora and Ubuntu
| |
| [21:42] <gregdek> herlo: Do it. :)
| |
| [21:42] <herlo> gregdek: k, will do
| |
| [21:42] <VileGent> herlo, heck i show up at Ohio linuxfest with re-spin media
| |
| [21:43] <ldimaggi_> herlo, Hello?
| |
| [21:43] * iWolf notes he did
| |
| [21:43] <ke4qqq> have we hashed this enough for tonight?? or do we need more.
| |
| [21:43] <iWolf> we need to come out of this with a task.
| |
| [21:43] <iWolf> so...
| |
| [21:43] <inode0> I think a lot of ambassadors aren't well situated for
| |
| planning release parties - I'd like to have a release party or a local
| |
| talk be encouraged for F10
| |
| [21:43] <iWolf> we need to enable ambassadors to do this, host a small
| |
| talk to a lug, etc.
| |
| [21:43] <ke4qqq> TASK: stated regional ambassadors will contact
| |
| ambassaodrs in their regions...
| |
| [21:43] --> qcai has joined this channel (n=qcai@
| |
| [21:44] <iWolf> inode0: can you explain more? we posted tons on
| |
| release parties for f9, what was lacking?
| |
| [21:44] <iWolf> where can we (famsco) improve?
| |
| [21:44] <iWolf> re: release party prep?
| |
| [21:44] <ke4qqq> TASK: See if marketing/artwork will do us a nice
| |
| slidedeck that's simple enough for a new ambassador to cover.
| |
| [21:44] <herlo> rislam: what is your wiki page?
| |
| [21:44] <herlo> I'm adding you to a task iydm
| |
| [21:44] <inode0> not lacking at all - but most ambassadors did not participate
| |
| [21:44] <rislam> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/user:RashadulIslam
| |
| [21:44] <iWolf> ke4qqq: sounds good, I just want to be sure we have
| |
| the materials to provide when we have excited ambassadors ready to
| |
| participate.
| |
| [21:45] <inode0> perhaps they live in the sticks, so organizing one is
| |
| non-trivial
| |
| [21:45] <iWolf> inode0: could we have done better?
| |
| [21:45] <iWolf> inode0: good point! :)
| |
| [21:45] <rislam> correction pls : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RashadulIslam
| |
| [21:45] <inode0> I'm trying to find a way more can participate in that
| |
| celebration without having to throw a party is all
| |
| [21:45] <ke4qqq> yeah - it's a phased approach, but we have to start somewhere.
| |
| [21:45] <herlo> rislam: k, I'll add you now, if you don't want it,
| |
| feel free to remove it
| |
| [21:46] <rislam> its my pleasure, u go ahead
| |
| [21:46] <Karlie> Maybe theres' too much emphisis on release - what
| |
| about Fedora every day?
| |
| [21:46] <rislam> i love this idea Karlie
| |
| [21:46] <herlo> Karlie: I like that too, but I think we could start
| |
| with releases and work are way to every day?
| |
| [21:46] <rislam> i talk with everyone about Fedora
| |
| [21:47] <herlo> NA Ambassadors can't take everything on at once IMO
| |
| [21:47] <Karlie> Sure. Let's just not box anyone into a set criteria
| |
| to help, let it expand
| |
| [21:47] <inode0> agreed, let's start by getting them to talk about
| |
| Fedora one day, then we move to the next day :)
| |
| [21:47] <gregdek> herlo: +1. :)
| |
| [21:47] <iWolf> herlo: +1
| |
| [21:47] <herlo> Ambassadors Toolkit is the new thing for us...
| |
| [21:47] <ke4qqq> yeah we have to ramp up - contacting everyone we can do -
| |
| [21:47] <gregdek> It doesn't hurt to have a long list of tasks, but
| |
| it's important to block and tackle. Engage one set of work at a time.
| |
| [21:48] *** stickster is now known as stickster_afk.
| |
| [21:48] <herlo> its something we can give out every release, LiveCDs
| |
| (50 or so) and some simple flyers or something to give away
| |
| [21:48] <-- KageSenshi has left this server (Remote closed the connection).
| |
| [21:48] * herlo points to the task list, its on there now too...
| |
| [21:48] <rislam> it should be officially done by steering committee
| |
| [21:48] <herlo> we really should think about making sure that
| |
| Ambassadors have the simple tools to share the Fedora Message...
| |
| [21:48] <Karlie> Just that if someone misses an opportunity to party
| |
| for a release, shouldn't stop them from going forward
| |
| [21:49] <inode0> arming ambassadors with nice media each release is good
| |
| [21:49] <herlo> Karlie: agreed, if they have a Toolkit, they should
| |
| have everything they need to talk to anyone any day...
| |
| [21:49] <ke4qqq> no, and we should supply every ambassador who asks
| |
| for a minimum kit of media plus ??
| |
| [21:50] * herlo thinks there could be literature about fedora's
| |
| features and other cool projects fedora is involved. however, I think
| |
| that's a step two.
| |
| [21:50] <ke4qqq> make that part of the 'mentoring'.
| |
| [21:50] --> mccann has joined this channel
| |
| (n=jmccann@ip72-192-42-200.ri.ri.cox.net).
| |
| [21:50] <herlo> Sounds like we need to discuss the toolkit with
| |
| FAMSco? I think I saw that somewhere, rislam ?
| |
| [21:50] <gregdek> herlo: that's what the messaging index exists for.
| |
| [21:50] <herlo> gregdek: point me...
| |
| [21:50] * herlo knows nothing of this messaging index of which you speak.
| |
| [21:51] <inode0> by toolkit do you mean the eventbox or whatever it was called?
| |
| [21:51] <herlo> right
| |
| [21:51] <iWolf> i think toolkit would be for each individual ambassador.
| |
| [21:51] <inode0> ok, most ambassadors don't quite need all that
| |
| [21:51] <herlo> simple though, just has CDs and maybe some other simple swag
| |
| [21:51] <rislam> i meant not toolkit but about the expense
| |
| [21:51] <iWolf> event box is for an ambassador attending an event to
| |
| provide a booth in a box.
| |
| [21:51] <herlo> giveaways, mostly
| |
| [21:51] <ke4qqq> iWolf: yeah - simple - just CDs maybe stickers.....
| |
| [21:51] <herlo> rislam: right, that's why I asked
| |
| [21:51] <ke4qqq> we might get a regional sign or something
| |
| [21:51] <gregdek> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/MarketingPlan
| |
| [21:51] <herlo> ke4qqq: ooh, stickers :)
| |
| [21:52] <-- Sonar_Gal has left this server ("Leaving").
| |
| [21:52] <inode0> sure, ambassadors being armed with stuff is good
| |
| [21:52] <rislam> thank u herlo to mention abt the stickers
| |
| [21:52] <herlo> rislam: it was ke4qqq, but okay
| |
| [21:52] * inode0 is arranging a boatload of buttons to share
| |
| [21:52] <ke4qqq> ok - barring any opposition - lets move on - we are
| |
| 52 minutes in....
| |
| [21:52] <herlo> yep, and I have another meeting starting in about 20-30 minuts
| |
| [21:52] <Karlie> Tool kit = how to get going. Event box = swag etc
| |
| [21:52] <iWolf> ke4qqq: +1
| |
| [21:53] <ke4qqq> Karlie: +1
| |
| [21:53] <herlo> Karlie: hmm, okay, I can go for that
| |
| [21:53] <herlo> +1
| |
| [21:53] <VileGent> +1
| |
| [21:53] <rislam> +1
| |
| [21:53] <herlo> moving on
| |
| [21:53] <ke4qqq> CD handling
| |
| [21:53] <herlo> right
| |
| [21:53] <ke4qqq> iWolf: we want to let Karlie and Co. handle
| |
| distribution and mfg of all NA media
| |
| [21:54] <ke4qqq> we'd like to have FAMSCo pay her directly
| |
| [21:54] <herlo> ke4qqq: when did we say we wanted that to start? F11?
| |
| [21:54] <ke4qqq> we'd like to have it so that individual ambassadors.
| |
| can order.
| |
| [21:54] <ke4qqq> I thought F10?
| |
| [21:54] <herlo> okay, that's fine, can't recall. F10 it is
| |
| [21:54] <ke4qqq> but I am worried about lead time - we have ~3 months left.
| |
| [21:54] --> Sonar_Gal has joined this channel
| |
| (n=Andrea@adsl-074-171-066-196.sip.aby.bellsouth.net).
| |
| [21:54] <Karlie> that's not a problem
| |
| [21:54] <iWolf> so far CD ordering has been one of those blackboxes,
| |
| famsco sets money aside and then rh guys do it.
| |
| [21:54] <Karlie> we could do it in a month
| |
| [21:55] <herlo> iWolf: we want to change that!
| |
| [21:55] <ke4qqq> iWolf: I know - and that makes us go around FAMSCo to
| |
| RH - which is a loser.
| |
| [21:55] <ke4qqq> not that we don't like RH - but it undermines the
| |
| community and the organization
| |
| [21:55] <herlo> we shouldnt have to rely on max and greg every time we
| |
| need something...
| |
| [21:55] <iWolf> herlo: :) , sorry, that was meant to say, there are
| |
| more folks than just me that need to work that change through, not
| |
| that it can't be done.
| |
| [21:55] <ke4qqq> iWolf: you're the only FAMSCo member who showed up
| |
| [21:55] <herlo> iWolf: Oh I know, we had this discussion last week
| |
| [21:55] * iWolf hides :-)
| |
| [21:56] <herlo> lol
| |
| [21:56] <ke4qqq> I think gregdek and others agree in principle and I
| |
| think we got some buyin from stickster
| |
| [21:56] <iWolf> I can bring this up on the famsco list, Max is on that
| |
| as well, so we can see what the options are.
| |
| [21:56] <ke4qqq> TASK for iWolf! lol
| |
| [21:56] <herlo> I think from what gregdek said last week, its possible
| |
| and probably even likely to happen. Timing is the biger thing I
| |
| suppose
| |
| [21:56] <iWolf> yep, I'll take it.
| |
| [21:57] <herlo> iWolf: I can put it on the list if you like...
| |
| [21:57] <rislam> we should thank him in advance for tht
| |
| [21:57] <iWolf> herlo: if you could, that would be great.
| |
| [21:57] <herlo> np
| |
| [21:57] <ke4qqq> Karlie and Todd sent a punchlist of what they need:
| |
| I'll forward it to you iWolf
| |
| [21:57] <iWolf> ke4qqq: sounds good.
| |
| [21:57] <iWolf> Karlie: so you would ship to the individual ambassador?
| |
| [21:57] * gregdek has been afk, reads back up...
| |
| [21:57] <Karlie> yes
| |
| [21:58] <Karlie> we can do individual orders as needed for events etc
| |
| [21:58] <herlo> Karlie: what's your company name again?
| |
| [21:58] <ke4qqq> thats what they do for a living - so I imagine they
| |
| can do it better than we can.
| |
| [21:58] <rislam> i have to leave all
| |
| [21:58] <Karlie> webpath Technologies and On-disk.com
| |
| [21:58] <herlo> rislam: thanks for taking Canada
| |
| [21:58] * herlo says bye
| |
| [21:58] <ke4qqq> and it also makes it low additional work for us.
| |
| [21:58] <ke4qqq> tnx rislam
| |
| [21:58] <iWolf> do we know pricing for the media already?
| |
| [21:59] <rislam> thank u, its an amazing experienc while with Fedora
| |
| and its community: its wide
| |
| [21:59] <-- rislam has left this channel.
| |
| [21:59] <Karlie> We're offering 50% off our list price for any qty for
| |
| the ambassadors
| |
| [21:59] <Karlie> $2 per CD $2.50 per DVD
| |
| [21:59] <Karlie> vs 3.99 and 4.99
| |
| [22:00] <iWolf> Karlie: cool, thanks for the info.
| |
| [22:00] <Karlie> np
| |
| [22:00] <inode0> not to be a troublemaker but is there a policy for
| |
| source CD/DVDs with orders?
| |
| [22:00] <herlo> inode0: how do you mean?
| |
| [22:00] <iWolf> inode0: we need to have the ability to provide source
| |
| media at an event.
| |
| [22:01] <Karlie> the way we work is that source has to be available somewhere
| |
| [22:01] <inode0> that is what I meant herlo
| |
| [22:01] <iWolf> inode0: you can either burn it on demand or make a few
| |
| before an event.
| |
| [22:01] <Karlie> if it's on a mirror that's available.
| |
| [22:01] <gregdek> iWolf: offer it burn on demand.
| |
| [22:01] <gregdek> inode0: offer it burn on demand.
| |
| [22:01] <herlo> +1
| |
| [22:01] <ke4qqq> so we have tasked that item to iWolf ready to move on?
| |
| [22:01] <herlo> yep
| |
| [22:01] <iWolf> gregdek: yeah, I usually have a few on hand and then
| |
| the isos ready to burn more, but i like to be prepared.
| |
| [22:01] <inode0> well, if Karlie sends me 100 LiveCDs there is a known
| |
| source source for me to burn that collection from?
| |
| [22:01] <iWolf> ke4qqq: +1
| |
| [22:02] <gregdek> Moving on?
| |
| [22:02] <gregdek> What's next?
| |
| [22:02] * gregdek has lost track.
| |
| [22:02] <ke4qqq> budget post F10
| |
| [22:02] <VileGent> inode0, yep its call ther source repo
| |
| [22:02] <herlo> swag
| |
| [22:02] <ke4qqq> yep
| |
| [22:02] <herlo> what ke4qqq said
| |
| [22:02] <ke4qqq> swag and budget post f10
| |
| [22:02] <inode0> VileGent: uh, changes over time
| |
| [22:02] <VileGent> no it doesnt
| |
| [22:03] <herlo> we'd like to separate the CD/DVD burning budget out
| |
| from the rest of the swag IIRC
| |
| [22:03] <ke4qqq> eventually we want to take it over - much like EMEA
| |
| - we want to get people in Fedora bathrobes lol...
| |
| [22:03] <inode0> ok
| |
| [22:03] <herlo> yay, fedora bathrobes
| |
| [22:03] <ke4qqq> and yes spread it out
| |
| [22:03] <ke4qqq> though we toyed with the Fedora Toga idea
| |
| [22:03] * inode0 doesn't wear togas
| |
| [22:04] * herlo would if it had a Fedora logo on it :)
| |
| [22:04] <ke4qqq> so long term we need to find a vendor(s) and how to
| |
| handle swag distribution so we can have nicer swag and not depend on
| |
| RH (read: max and greg) to ship us stuff.
| |
| [22:05] <iWolf> we have a vendor here in ohio that has made some
| |
| excellent quality t-shirts and made the polos for us.
| |
| [22:05] <herlo> one thing I think this implies is that we have a
| |
| budget for this separate and in a more long term way from the media
| |
| creation
| |
| [22:05] <iWolf> we could certainly have more than one vendor if needed though.
| |
| [22:05] <ke4qqq> and probably not one-off.
| |
| [22:05] <ke4qqq> iWolf: that complicates management though.
| |
| [22:05] <inode0> distribution is always the thornier part of this
| |
| [22:05] <herlo> iWolf: it seems to be that we could have one vendor,
| |
| but if need be we could increase in time
| |
| [22:05] <ke4qqq> Amb. A. need 5 shirts from place 1, and 50 stickers
| |
| from place b?
| |
| [22:06] <herlo> that's where regional ambassadors come in. Which is
| |
| why my argument will be that they don't go away, just cover less and
| |
| less area ove rtime
| |
| [22:06] <ke4qqq> but I think we will really need to prove ourselves to
| |
| get that - so it's longer term and we really just want to get the idea
| |
| out there.
| |
| [22:06] <iWolf> ke4qqq: this is where it gets tricky. 5 shirts costs
| |
| more per shirt than 100 shirts.
| |
| [22:06] <iWolf> ke4qqq: so, we need a way to address that issue, plus
| |
| the distribution cost.
| |
| [22:06] <herlo> iWolf: right, which means we need some central points
| |
| of distribution
| |
| [22:06] <ke4qqq> yep - which is why we'll probably have regional orr
| |
| state distritbution.
| |
| [22:07] * herlo agrees +1
| |
| [22:07] <ke4qqq> but again we just want to 'stake our claim' a bit
| |
| ahead of time - we couldn't handle it today if we had to.
| |
| [22:07] <iWolf> state is apt to lead to high production costs, lower
| |
| distribution costs. I am thinking regional will be the sweet spot.
| |
| [22:07] <ke4qqq> iWolf: probably so
| |
| [22:08] <herlo> iWolf: agreed
| |
| [22:08] <ke4qqq> moving on:
| |
| [22:09] <inode0> what we need is a good request system - so we can
| |
| order when we have sufficient demand
| |
| [22:09] <ke4qqq> inode0: yep
| |
| [22:09] <iWolf> inode0: that falls under the Fedora Store SIG to a
| |
| degree. It has a user facet and an ambassador facet for bulk orders.
| |
| [22:09] <inode0> perfect
| |
| [22:09] * iWolf notes the Fedora Store SIG needs more interested
| |
| volunteers hint, hint
| |
| [22:10] <iWolf> :)
| |
| [22:10] <ke4qqq> we need a slide deck - anyone want to volunteer to
| |
| build one that illustrates the 4 Fs and the cool features of F9? or
| |
| do we farm it out to Marketing?
| |
| [22:10] <gregdek> iWolf: does it seem to you like that work could be
| |
| subsumed under this sig?
| |
| [22:10] <gregdek> iWolf: since isn't that a NA store out of necessity,
| |
| basically?
| |
| [22:11] <iWolf> gregdek: i don't think I understand the question?
| |
| [22:11] <iWolf> this sig = Store?
| |
| [22:11] <gregdek> iWolf: the store seems like it's a NA thing.
| |
| [22:11] <gregdek> this sig = na ambassadors
| |
| [22:11] <iWolf> gregdek: it isn't supposed to be, the store is
| |
| supposed to be a global thing.
| |
| [22:11] <gregdek> ok.
| |
| [22:11] <iWolf> though starting small, with chances to expand to cover
| |
| as much area as possible.
| |
| [22:12] <Karlie> sorry all, I have to go
| |
| [22:12] <ke4qqq> np, thanks for attending Karlie
| |
| [22:12] <iWolf> Karlie: g'night
| |
| [22:12] <ke4qqq> guys we are 61 minutes in - ready to move on?
| |
| [22:13] <Karlie> :-*
| |
| [22:13] <-- Karlie has left this channel.
| |
| [22:13] <herlo> thanks kanarip
| |
| [22:13] <herlo> karlie
| |
| [22:13] <iWolf> ke4qqq: +1
| |
| [22:13] <herlo> oops, she left
| |
| [22:13] <VileGent> *move on
| |
| [22:13] <ke4qqq> So next item : we need a slide deck - anyone want to
| |
| volunteer to build one that illustrates the 4 Fs and the cool features
| |
| of F9? or do we farm it out to Marketing?
| |
| [22:13] <gregdek> Silence.
| |
| [22:13] * iWolf doesn't have the skills
| |
| [22:14] <ke4qqq> going once .....
| |
| [22:14] <ke4qqq> twice.....
| |
| [22:14] <VileGent> ask marketing if they could help and get their answer
| |
| [22:14] <gregdek> +1
| |
| [22:14] <ke4qqq> threee times......
| |
| [22:14] * herlo votes for marketing
| |
| [22:14] <iWolf> VileGent: +1
| |
| [22:14] <ke4qqq> guess we'll grovel at marketings feet
| |
| [22:14] <lcafiero> marketing (no skills either)
| |
| [22:14] <herlo> I think all ambassadors could use this
| |
| [22:14] <iWolf> herlo: +1 we really need something like this
| |
| [22:14] <inode0> marketing can at least bullet point the marketing
| |
| bits I would think
| |
| [22:14] <ke4qqq> next item: FAMSCo liason and relationship?
| |
| [22:15] * herlo points to iWolf
| |
| [22:15] <herlo> and move son
| |
| [22:15] <ke4qqq> thats done next item :)
| |
| [22:15] <iWolf> just one thing...
| |
| [22:15] <ke4qqq> ok....what one thing
| |
| [22:15] <iWolf> last meeting it seemed like folks were down on famsco,
| |
| seriously if anyone needs something or thinks we should be doing
| |
| something different, more visible, etc. - just let me know.
| |
| [22:16] <gregdek> iWolf: it's a question of ignorance.
| |
| [22:16] <iWolf> we really are here to help. we want to be enablers
| |
| for people and help you get things done.
| |
| [22:16] <ke4qqq> that and we have been back channeling things so long
| |
| we assume nothing is going on.
| |
| [22:16] <gregdek> People assume that FAMSCO "calls all the shots",
| |
| when really it's a service group that works primarily on funding
| |
| issues.
| |
| [22:16] <iWolf> yeah, we work on budget and a few other things,
| |
| promote release parties, etc, but its the ambassadors that do the real
| |
| work.
| |
| [22:17] <iWolf> that's all I have to say, I just want you guys to know
| |
| you can come to me if you need or want more famsco involvement or feel
| |
| we are falling short somewhere.
| |
| [22:17] <ke4qqq> it's yet another place where we assume (Like RH) that
| |
| they are in charge and we have let ourselves drift.
| |
| [22:18] <ke4qqq> we'll change that - we'll take ownership of the work.
| |
| [22:18] * gregdek applauds!
| |
| [22:18] <ke4qqq> we'll obviously need the pull from FAMSCo though
| |
| [22:18] <ke4qqq> to fund and lend credence to our efforts
| |
| [22:18] <iWolf> your efforts are very much appreciated, you've all
| |
| been doing great work at revitalizing the NA efforts.
| |
| [22:18] <ke4qqq> regardless of whether they are in charge or not, they
| |
| appear to others to be.
| |
| [22:18] <gregdek> OK, I'm being booted out.
| |
| [22:18] <ke4qqq> because after all they are the steering committee
| |
| [22:18] * VileGent move on
| |
| [22:19] <gregdek> And I'm starving, so I'm going to find food.
| |
| [22:19] <inode0> I have a question I don't know where it fits in
| |
| exactly - if FAMSCo promotes those events would FAMSCo be the contact
| |
| about promoting or c-co-co-sponsoring other ambassador events?
| |
| [22:19] <ke4qqq> thanks for coming gregdek
| |
| [22:19] <iWolf> gregdek: g'night
| |
| [22:19] <gregdek> Carry on without me, and be sure to keep that task
| |
| list fat. ;)
| |
| [22:19] <-- gregdek has left this server ("Ex-Chat").
| |
| [22:19] <herlo> gregdek: tx
| |
| [22:19] <iWolf> inode0: events that need money at this moment would
| |
| come through famsco.
| |
| [22:19] <iWolf> inode0: if an ambassador just needs ideas or help with
| |
| an event they can come to famsco.
| |
| [22:20] <ke4qqq> inode0: but really we want to be the ideas and help
| |
| people not FAMSCo (I think)
| |
| [22:20] <iWolf> inode0: though, now that you guys are running, we
| |
| would likely just faciliate getting an NA ambassador in touch with the
| |
| regional ambassador for mentoring.
| |
| [22:20] <iWolf> ke4qqq: +1
| |
| [22:20] <ke4qqq> I don't want to 'task' FAMSCo (guys who are mostly in
| |
| EMEA) with telling us how to run an event
| |
| [22:20] <ke4qqq> though we could certainly sit at their feet and learn plenty.
| |
| [22:20] * inode0 doesn't feel at all entitled to lend Fedora's name to an event
| |
| [22:21] <ke4qqq> *waves a sword over inode0's shoulders
| |
| [22:21] <iWolf> inode0: do you have a specific example? I think you
| |
| probably have more "power" than you realize.
| |
| [22:22] <ke4qqq> consider yourself ominus dominus-ed.
| |
| [22:22] <inode0> ok, suppose I want to work with a local safe house to
| |
| help them help who they already help better
| |
| [22:22] <ke4qqq> stuff Fedora stickers all over the equipment -
| |
| install Fedora- blog it and claim a great victory for Fedora. Sound
| |
| ok?
| |
| [22:23] <ke4qqq> or do you want more?
| |
| [22:23] <inode0> assuming I plan to involve Fedora in this project
| |
| anyway I'd like to do it in a big way where both groups benefit
| |
| [22:23] <iWolf> inode0: yeah, i'm with ke4qqq thoughts, sounds like a
| |
| win for both parties.
| |
| [22:23] <inode0> I don't want anything but Fedora's name really, and
| |
| some marketing if Fedora wanted that back
| |
| [22:24] <ke4qqq> we want that back - and Fedora logos visible in the
| |
| pictures you post.
| |
| [22:24] <herlo> sorry, another meeting started for me just now. I'm still here
| |
| [22:24] <ke4qqq> maybe a warm fuzzy pic of a user.
| |
| [22:24] <ke4qqq> using Fedora
| |
| [22:24] <inode0> Can I tell the local charity that the Fedora Project
| |
| + the XYZ LUG would like to help them?
| |
| [22:24] <inode0> That is where I get uncomfortable free-wheeling
| |
| [22:25] <ke4qqq> inode0: are you or another ambassador going to do the
| |
| work?? if so sounds good to me.
| |
| [22:25] <ke4qqq> you are the Fedora Project -you are the public
| |
| face.....if you do it. or am I out of line iWolf?
| |
| [22:25] <lcafiero> Question: Is this the place to mention projects, or
| |
| is it another venue?
| |
| [22:25] <iWolf> ke4qqq: I don't think you are out of line.
| |
| [22:25] <inode0> OK, I'll get over it
| |
| [22:26] <ke4qqq> lcafiero: define projects
| |
| [22:26] * iWolf only has a few more minutes before my wife drags me away...
| |
| [22:26] * VileGent battleaxe said bedtime 10 minutes ago
| |
| [22:26] <ke4qqq> lets move on then we have already discussed that we
| |
| are going to do mentoring. I'll task myself to write up some ideas
| |
| [22:26] <ke4qqq> polo shirts?
| |
| [22:26] <ke4qqq> update
| |
| [22:27] <inode0> delivered to me anyway
| |
| [22:27] <iWolf> ke4qqq: i received mine, its great.
| |
| [22:27] <inode0> yes, great
| |
| [22:27] <iWolf> ke4qqq: i blogged about it with a pic.
| |
| [22:27] <ke4qqq> someone was providing an update and it wasn't me.
| |
| [22:27] <VileGent> how do we order them
| |
| [22:27] <inode0> pcalarco
| |
| [22:27] <inode0> no present though
| |
| [22:27] <inode0> not
| |
| [22:27] <iWolf> blog post:
| |
| http://jtadlock.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/fedora-polos-north-america/
| |
| [22:27] <ke4qqq> ok so we've received them. VileGent contact pcalarco to order.
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> AOB?
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> 5....
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> 4....
| |
| [22:28] <VileGent> AOB??
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> 3....
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> Any Other Business?
| |
| [22:28] <VileGent> events?
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> Are there any for NA in the next little while?
| |
| [22:28] <vwbusguy> just wondering if Indianapolis was a possible place
| |
| to have stuff?
| |
| [22:28] <lcafiero> We're still in the midst of Lindependence 2008 in
| |
| Felton, California
| |
| [22:28] <ke4qqq> I know OLF is a couple months out.
| |
| [22:29] <lcafiero> As far as events go.
| |
| [22:29] <ke4qqq> cool lcafiero: tell us what's going on
| |
| there.....anything we can help with.
| |
| [22:29] <iWolf> i think LinuxWorld which Jack is doing.
| |
| [22:29] <iWolf> and herlo has the Utah gig.
| |
| [22:29] <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: what do you need in In?
| |
| [22:29] <ke4qqq> OSCON
| |
| [22:29] <iWolf> ke4qqq: oh yeah! that too!
| |
| [22:30] <lcafiero> http://www.lindependence.net -- Briefly, it's
| |
| converting a town to GNU/Linux.
| |
| [22:30] <ke4qqq> some reason that didn't hit the agenda.....
| |
| [22:30] <iWolf> I have to head out. Thanks again for al the work, I
| |
| will catch up from the logs.
| |
| [22:30] <ke4qqq> thanks iWolf
| |
| [22:31] <vwbusguy> ke4qqq, just wondering if I could help represent
| |
| Fedora locally in Indy
| |
| [22:31] <ke4qqq> anything we can do to help you at Lindepence.
| |
| [22:31] <herlo> sorry guys...
| |
| [22:31] <-- ldimaggi_ has left this server ("Leaving").
| |
| [22:32] <inode0> vwbusguy: sure!
| |
| [22:32] <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: absolutely! lugs around? run an install
| |
| fest, show off what is new and cool in F9.....etc.
| |
| [22:32] <lcafiero> the Cabrillo College GNU/Linux Users Group has been
| |
| copying F9 disks for the event, and there's only one more
| |
| meeting/installfest on 7/26
| |
| [22:32] <ke4qqq> vwbusguy: inode0 is your regional ambassador he can
| |
| work to get you some swag and stuff.
| |
| [22:32] <inode0> jlgaddis is nearby
| |
| [22:33] <ke4qqq> lcafiero: are there enough - cna we send you some
| |
| premade ones?
| |
| [22:33] <vwbusguy> sweet, inode0 I'll get with you after the meeting
| |
| [22:33] <lcafiero> So I think we're fine. Unfortunately, I'm the
| |
| organizer of the event and I can't spend as much time at the table as
| |
| I'd like.
| |
| [22:33] <lcafiero> The Cabrillo College GLUG is handling it, though.
| |
| They're big on F9
| |
| [22:33] <vwbusguy> just thought I'd pitch Indy for a fest location, it
| |
| is central to a lot of other big cities: Chicago, Louisville,
| |
| Cincinnati, Dayton, Detroit.
| |
| [22:33] <ke4qqq> are there any other ambassadors close by?? do we need
| |
| to find out and see if we can get you some warm bodies?
| |
| [22:34] <ke4qqq> staff the table a bit.
| |
| [22:34] <inode0> vwbusguy: go for FUDcon ... we need that off the east
| |
| coast one time :)
| |
| [22:35] <vwbusguy> inode0, that would be great!
| |
| [22:35] <ke4qqq> lcafiero: I'll see if I can get herlo to poke him.
| |
| [22:36] * VileGent is trying to get a fudcon to like columbus ohio
| |
| [22:36] <lcafiero> As far as bodies and Felton, California, I think
| |
| there are two ambassadors other than me.
| |
| [22:37] <lcafiero> Karsten Wade and someone in Monterey whose name I don;t know
| |
| [22:37] <ke4qqq> anyone else running an event or need help with one??
| |
| or want something to do?
| |
| [22:37] <herlo> ke4qqq: I can do that, where is Cabrillo college?
| |
| [22:37] <lcafiero> I'm also available to help with events anywhere in
| |
| California, Western Nevada or Southern Oregon -- if I can drive there
| |
| in a day, I'm there.
| |
| [22:37] <VileGent> nn
| |
| [22:37] <ke4qqq> Felton
| |
| [22:38] <ke4qqq> no one on the east coast??
| |
| [22:38] <ke4qqq> no other events we are running?
| |
| [22:38] <lcafiero> Cabrillo is in Aptos. Felton is in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
| |
| [22:38] * VileGent not till oct-november
| |
| [22:40] * VileGent will push for an installfest release party if f10
| |
| comes out early part of nov
| |
| [22:40] <ke4qqq> ok......well we have a ton of tasks. I'll post the
| |
| meeting log on the wiki and mailing list. if no one has any other
| |
| business.
| |
| [22:40] <VileGent> nite
| |
| [22:40] <lcafiero> None. Thanks.
| |
| [22:41] <ke4qqq> none heard, thanks everyone for showing up!
| |
| [22:41] * ke4qqq bangs gavel and closes meeting.
| |
| [22:41] <VileGent> ke4qqq, expect to be hearing from you soon
| |
| |
| == Summary == | | == Summary == |