From Fedora Project Wiki

(+meeting planner)
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This timeline is currently in Draft mode.  Pick a time you would like to present and add your name to the list.  We'll contact you the day before so leave your contact information as well.   
This timeline is currently in Draft mode.  Pick a time you would like to present and add your name to the list.  We'll contact you the day before so leave your contact information as well.   
(Note: Check out [ The World Clock Meeting Planner] for timezone syncing.)

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Revision as of 14:34, 3 November 2008

We are organizing a weekend long list of events focusing on tools and applications in and around Fedora. All classes will be held in irc @ #fedora-classroom in If you are not familiar with irc, see the Fedora IRC HowTo .

Have a look at the list below, if there is not a session, you'd like to see, please suggest it and we'll do our best to accommodate the request.

The Current Timeline

This timeline is currently in Draft mode. Pick a time you would like to present and add your name to the list. We'll contact you the day before so leave your contact information as well.

(Note: Check out The World Clock Meeting Planner for timezone syncing.)

Time (UTC) November 8 November 9 Time (UTC) December 6 December 7
20:00 UTC Clint Savage - SELinux Basics Kevin Fenzi - Firewall Basics 10:00 UTC Something Else Another class
21:00 UTC Jon Stanley - An introduction to Bugzilla Jeroen van Meeuwen - Creating a Fedora Remix 11:00 UTC Something Else Something Else
22:00 UTC Paul W. Frields - Beginner's guide to getting involved A class by someone 12:00 UTC Something Else Something Else
23:00 UTC Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams - Packaging and You Jeroen van Meeuwen - Configuration Management using Puppet 13:00 UTC Something Else Something Else

Suggest a Class

If there is something you'd like to see during Fedora-Classroom sessions, let us know below

  • Replace me with a suggestion.