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== Documentation ==
== Documentation ==
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== Release Notes ==
<!-- The Fedora Release Notes inform end-users about what is new in the release.  Examples of past release notes are at -->
<!-- The release notes also help users know how to deal with platform changes such as ABIs/APIs, configuration or data file formats, or upgrade concerns.  If there are any such changes involved in this change, indicate them here.  A link to upstream documentation will often satisfy this need.  This information forms the basis of the release notes edited by the documentation team and shipped with the release.
Release Notes are not required for initial draft of the Change Proposal but has to be completed by the Change Freeze.

* `java-1.8.0-openjdk`, j`ava-11-openjdk` and `java-17-openjdk` are now '''''deprecated''''', in '''f39, f40 and f41
* `java-1.8.0-openjdk`, j`ava-11-openjdk` and `java-17-openjdk` are now '''''deprecated''''', in '''f39, f40 and f41
Line 336: Line 345:
* adoptium-temurin-java-repository is '''available''' since f39 onward
* adoptium-temurin-java-repository is '''available''' since f39 onward
* adoptium-temurin-java-repository since f42 '''obsolete''' `java-1.8.0-openjdk`, j`ava-11-openjdk` and `java-17-openjdk`
* adoptium-temurin-java-repository since f42 '''obsolete''' `java-1.8.0-openjdk`, j`ava-11-openjdk` and `java-17-openjdk`
== Release Notes ==
<!-- The Fedora Release Notes inform end-users about what is new in the release.  Examples of past release notes are at -->
<!-- The release notes also help users know how to deal with platform changes such as ABIs/APIs, configuration or data file formats, or upgrade concerns.  If there are any such changes involved in this change, indicate them here.  A link to upstream documentation will often satisfy this need.  This information forms the basis of the release notes edited by the documentation team and shipped with the release.
Release Notes are not required for initial draft of the Change Proposal but has to be completed by the Change Freeze.
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Revision as of 11:26, 13 November 2024

Adjust java/java-devel requires to multi-vendor JDK world and replace legacy JDKs by third party Eclipse Temurin repositories


Adjust java/java-devel provides/requires to multivendor world and obsolete all non-system LTS JDKs (java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk in time of writing) by appropriate, properly integrating, RPMs from Eclipse Adoptium repositories.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora Linux 42
  • Last updated: 2024-11-13
  • done
  • Announced
  • Discussion thread
  • FESCo issue: #3277
  • FESCo exception/denial to enable temurin repos by default: todo by maintainer once appropriate
  • Tracker bug: #2319402
  • Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>

Expected schedule

As 'Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) Tue 2024-12-24' and 'Branch Fedora Linux 42 from Rawhide Tue 2025-02-04' is in reasonable time, we hope to finish all peacefully (as all initial tests are already finished).

Detailed Description

Fedora currently ships:

  • java-1.8.0-openjdk (LTS)
  • java-11-openjdk (LTS)
  • java-17-openjdk (LTS)
  • java-21-openjdk (LTS), system JDK
  • java-latest-openjdk (STS) - currently JDK22, soon JDK23, in time of finish JDK24
  • In future, java-25-openjdk (LTS) will fork from java-latest-openjdk, and will become system jdk, as jdk21 before ( and jdk17 before that and so on...
    • java-21-openjdk will then follow the fate of java-17-openjdk, 11 and 1.8.0 as written lower.

We, OpenJDK maintainers in Fedora, would like to orphan/retire non system JDKs in favor of Temurin JDKs. Adoptium Temurin ( is de-facto standard build of JDK, with huge support and compatibility, and all current Fedora JDK contributors are long term members and contributors to Temrun JDK (and its RPMs). Adoptium is dedicated, to keep Temurin RPMs well integrated and healthy for Fedora. Adoptium efforts are tracked in . Adoptium is maintaining theirs repos ( for ages, and they're heavily used.

Practically We see several approaches:

  1. simply orphan jdk 8,11 and 17 (in time of f42 the only system JDK will be 21 over all live fedoras)
    1. However past (orphaning of jdk 6 and 7 ) had learned us a lesson that avarage packager (despite being experienced java/C programmer) is unable to maintain OpenJDK packages
    2. note that it means, that the packages would be orphaned also in older fedoras
  2. orphan (including the orphaning in f40+f41) or retire in f42++
    1. enhance that non system JDK can be installed after enabling the adoptium repos (
  3. orphan (including the orphaning in f40+f41) or retire in f42++
    1. provide rpm which will contain the 3d party repository
    2. enhance informing about that
  4. orphan (including the orphaning in f40+f41) or retire in f42++
    1. provide rpm which will contain the 3d party repository\
    2. enhance
  5. orphan (including the orphaning in f40+f41) or retire in f42++
    1. provide rpm which will contain the 3d party repository
    2. obsolate will be handled via the above repository rpm
    3. integrate it with gnome software and and fedora setup of 3rd party repos
    4. we would like try to do an fluent transition - so the current 8,11 and 17 packages will also install the rpm wiht repository files and thus once we remove jdk8-17 (or future) from distribution, they will be smoothly updated by temurin jdk (with check if other 3rd party repos are enabled)
      1. not sure if this technically possible nor correct

I'm voting for option 5, without the hard 5.4 requirement (so worthy to try, but not not invasivly nor mandatory)

java-latest-openjdk remain also maintained in Koji, as it is necessary testing ground for future system JDK.

It was never an intention to repack a binary Temurin blob in Koji (just in case anybody will think about it). It is not an intention to get rid of maintaining System JDK. However once JDK will no longer be System jdk in any live Fedora, it will be orphaned/closed in favor of Temurin JDK. So once f42 will go out we will continue to maintain only jdk 23+21. In some short time, we will maintain 25+21, a bit alter 26+25+21... And once 25 will become system JDK in all live fedoras, we will ditch 21 in favor of Temurins

java packages requires mass change

The javastack (via javapackages-tools) will be reworked to:

  • encapsulate dependencies on system jdk (or any other koji-based jdk) to javapackages tools
  • allow any application to work on any, even 3rd party java

This should be achieved via following chnages to reqires changes and generated changes:

  • javapackages-local for packages with ant or no build - requires java-%{system}-openjdk-devel (%jpackage_script)
    • javapavckages-local%VERSIONED for older ones
    • For slower transitions to newer jdks
  • javapackages-tools
    • requires java-%{system}-openjdk-headless
    • javapackages-tools%VERSIONED for older ones
    • Do not requires java-%{system}-openjdk
      • Will not be added - satisfied by Javapackages-tools with java || java-xyz-openjdk requires
  • Requires generator which crawls through launchers of packages (including jpackage_script ) which source java_functions
    • will be pointing to used jre headless
    • %jpackage_script is implicitly affected by generator and will generate requires to corresponding %{build_time_sdk's}-headless jre (which is currently system jdk, which is jdl 21, unless specified differently)
  • Other packages will need to manually adjust from java-%{system}-openjdk-/headless/devel to java-(system+1)-openjdk-/headless/devel
    • This affects mass rebuilds (instead of just release++ a java-xy-openjdk must do xy++). Positive si that there is more time to do that
    • Indirectly this is not enforcing new system jdk when new LTS is promoted in Fedora
      • Otherwise generic java-devel will no longer satisfy new systemjdk after system bump
  • JAVA_HOME remains main override (rpm generated requires are not affected (maybe todo?)) will be adjusted accordingly

the packages built by pure javac or jsut build requires java without any javapackages tools will be adjsuted manually

Note, that this is much smaller effort then it looks like. 99% of packages are living with generated provides, and will get the change automagically. The remaining - aprox 10 - packages will be handled manually


sudo dnf install  adoptium-temurin-java-repository

Known issues

list of known regressions is:

It may be beter to report bugs here rather then in fedora bugzilla


The feedback from devel thread was moreover positive. Many things needed to be clarified, but all was clarified at the end.

Benefit to Fedora

The number of legacy JDKs have grown, and hand in hand with that the number of theirs usages dropped to minimum. It seems there is no longer any need to maintain them, as theirs usage is only highly specialized. By providing 3rd party repo, we allow the specialized use-cases to continue to exist. By discontinuing theirs build in koji we well untie or hands to move forward and focus on future JDKs. Also we will enable fedora to provide highly stable, often updated, secure, 100% integrate-able and passionately maintained builds of legacy JDKs, which will serve as proper replacement if really needed. As a side effect of the changes in provides/requires, we will allow every JDK, from any vendor, which follows unofficial packaging JEP (which covers java and javac alternatives master and java/java-devel provides) to be effectively part of system if wanted, and not just silent companion.

More time for pacakges to react to new LTS

Another positive is more time for packages to adapt and/or die faster. Currently, if package was unable to adjsut to new system JDK, the package was moved to require exactly one, versioned, known newest java it worked with. And so it very often went rotten. Now, if new LTS is introduced, the package will still work with the previous one, until the owner decides to really move on. If not, then this package will die by its own in *one year*, when "it's" jdk will be removed from fedora


  • Proposal owners:
    • will provide and maintain the 3rd party repo -
    • will help to integrate it with gnome-software and other 3rd party repos units
    • will orphan or replace (based on agreement on details
    • will update java packages documentation
    • we will fix all the direct requires java/java-devel (aprox 14 only)
    • we will communicate with packagers of known, remainingm packages which do not run with system jdk (aprox 5 )
  • Other developers:
    • javapackages-tools, maven and ant maintainers are already on board to to totally decuple system jdk from installed java
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
    • java packaging guidelines will be updated
  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Alignment with the Fedora Strategy:
    • This proposal is aligned with Fedora mission - to be on top of technology. We want to focus on newer JDKs, and still provide comfortable access to legacy ones,

Upgrade/compatibility impact

No meter what approach will be selected at the end, there will be upgrade impact.

  • if user had legacy JDKs, after update the jdks will be gone and users will get just disabled 3rd party repo and information what to install

In all cases system jdk will remain on machine

Early Testing (Optional)

Do you require 'QA Blueprint' support? Y

How To Test

No JDK on system

  1. get system without java
  2. update to next fedora
  3. no JDK should be there

Only system JDK on system and future STS jdk

  1. get system with system jdk only
  2. update to next fedora
  3. JDK should be there

Only legacy JDK

  1. get system without any JDK
  2. manually install any of legacy LTS jdks
  3. update to next fedora
  4. the legacy jdk should not be there, should be gone
  5. temurin repository should be there
  6. you should be able to install legacy temurin jdks

System JDK and legacy JDK

  1. get system with system jdk only
  2. manually install any of legacy LTS jdks
  3. update to next fedora
  4. system JDK should be there
  5. the legacy jdk should not be there, should be gone
  6. temurin repository should be there
  7. you should be able to install legacy temurin jdks


There were concerns in discussion thread, that Minecraft may have issues to run, or to be modded. This usecase is valuable, and I would like to prevent any loses on fedora Minecraft community.

User Experience

As already described, basic users should not notice change. Advanced users should not lost.


Several (less then 10) packages will lost theirs main dependencies. Those list will be enumerated. Those packages will need to orphan and move to different kind of distribution or update. Main java stack - the packages depending on system java/java-devel/java-headless/java-packages-tools and similar, should not notice change.

Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: If we fails to introduce Eclipse Temurin JDKs repo, we will simply orphan legacy JDKs as written earlier
  • Contingency deadline: 1. December 2024
  • Blocks release? Yes


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Release Notes

  • java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk and java-17-openjdk are now deprecated, in f39, f40 and f41
    • they print laud and clear message out
  • java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk and java-17-openjdk are retired in f42
  • people who needs those packages are provided by adoptium-temurin-java-repository package package providing repository, which allows them to install:
    • temurin-8-jdk
    • temurin-8-jre
    • temurin-11-jdk
    • temurin-11-jre
    • temurin-17-jdk
    • temurin-17-jre
    • temurin-21-jdk
    • temurin-21-jre

Note the:

  • adoptium-temurin-java-repository is available since f39 onward
  • adoptium-temurin-java-repository since f42 obsolete java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk and java-17-openjdk