From Fedora Project Wiki

(xjparse included)
(sort alphabeticallyt and mark zenoss as deadreview)
Line 229: Line 229:
* [ xcalc] - Simple X11 calculator [ srpm here]
* [ xcalc] - Simple X11 calculator [ srpm here]
* [ xdm-xsessions] - Xdm session related utilities [ srpm here]
* [ xdm-xsessions] - Xdm session related utilities [ srpm here]
* [ XMIND] - EPL/LGPL Licensed MindMap Software.
* [ xmlittre] - Authoritative 19th century French dictionnary, in stardict format
* [ xmlittre] - Authoritative 19th century French dictionnary, in stardict format
* [ xProcess], for project management and process improvement.
* [ yum-grouppackagetype] - A plugin for yum to specify which package types within a package group should be installed when using yum groupinstall (useful for web walkthroughs)
* [ yum-grouppackagetype] - A plugin for yum to specify which package types within a package group should be installed when using yum groupinstall (useful for web walkthroughs)
* [  zenoss] - Open Source Monitoring Tool. [ Review Request].
* [  zenoss] - Open Source Monitoring Tool. Dead <s>[ Review Request]</s>.
* [ zpb-ttf] - ZPB-TTF is a TrueType file parser that provides an interface for reading typographic metrics, glyph outlines, and other information.
* [ zpb-ttf] - ZPB-TTF is a TrueType file parser that provides an interface for reading typographic metrics, glyph outlines, and other information.
* [ XMIND] - EPL/LGPL Licensed MindMap Software.
* [] xProcess, for project management and process improvement.

== Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) WishList ==
== Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) WishList ==

Revision as of 07:56, 3 July 2009

Before submitting a wishlist package, read ForbiddenItems to understand what cannot be included.

Orphaned Packages

Refer to the list or unmaintained and orphaned packages . This would be a good place to bring back into Fedora repositories packages where the original maintainer has moved on.

Packaging Survey May 2009

General Fedora Packages WishList

As a current contributor, if you know of projects that would be appropriate in Fedora package collection but are unable to maintain yourself just drop them with a line here. This list can be used to give other contributors ideas on what to package next. Please be aware however that the number of high quality, well maintained packages that Fedora repository provides scales with the number of active contributors. It is just as important to encourage new contributors as it is to desire new packages. If you are not yet a contributor to the Fedora packaging process, please look over this list and see if there are any projects you would be willing to maintain for the Fedora community.

If are interested in contributing to Fedora package collection, take a look at PackageMaintainers


  • aarddict - Offline wikipedia and dictionary viewer
  • Antsp2p - Client for the MUTE peer-to-peer anonymous network
  • ACE - An OO network programming toolkit in C++ (Review Request)
  • Alfresco Enterprise content management system
  • Apertium Toolbox to build shallow-transfer machine translation systems(contact #apertium channel in freenode network).
  • APF (Advanced Policy Firewall) - iptables(netfilter) based firewall system
  • Apache Directory Studio - An LDAP Directory Browser/Editor built on Eclipse RCP
  • ascii Command line tool for information on ASCII.
  • Asterisk GUI GUI for managing Asterisk servers.
  • Axiom - general purpose system for symbolic calculations.
  • Blogbridge - Blog and rss reader (in Java)
  • bltk - Battery Life Tool Kit is a set of scripts and programs to monitor and log power consumption of Linux laptops/notebooks under different workloads (HuzaifaSidhpurwala is working on it)
  • Bongo - Bongo is an easy-to-use mail and calendar system. Fork of Hula. (Review Request (Dropped))
  • - is the official brazilian release of BrOffice Spin
  • CampCaster A free open-source automation system for radio stations. It provides a web and GUI based interface for the queuing of music into an automated schedule.
  • CcHost - Creative Commons CMS that powers ccMixter
  • chesnut-dialer A feature-rich Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) dialer written in Python (Dropped Review Request )
  • cmotech-tools Tools for using C-motech hardware with Linux (wireless broadband)
  • colorgcc A tool to colorize the terminal output of GCC so error messages can be found within longer compiler outputs.
  • Crafty Crafty is a free, open-source computer chess program, generally more powerful than GNUchess.
  • CSpace - Secure, decentralized Peer-to-Peer instant messaging (Review request (dropped) )
  • clonezilla - opensource clone system
  • Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi driver - the driver for popular series of sound cards by Creative. It was recently released under GPLv2 licence, needs to go to Rawhide first. This driver will be included in the linux kernel in a while, probably in 2.6.31 [[1]]
  • DansGuardian - Web content filter solution (Package Review … there are questions of its legality)
  • Déjà Dup - A GNOME backup UI using duplicity as the backend
  • Ditaa - Convert Ansii Art to PNG-Giagrams; Java; commandline
  • dimdim - open source web meeting product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat
  • djbdns - a simple and security-aware DNS implementation created by Daniel J. Bernstein due to his frustrations with repeated BIND security holes. Review request
  • DVB Deamon - is a daemon written in Vala to setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG. It can be controlled by any application via its D-Bus interface.


  • e17-svn - Enlightenment window manager DR17 from the new svn repository
  • Ecomorph - OpenGL compositing manager that runs all the compiz plugins
  • electric sheep - Best open source evolving screensaver in existence. Cannot include in Fedora, has built in MPEG decoder
  • Enigmail - OpenPGP/GnuPG extension for Mozilla Thunderbird and Seamonkey
  • Entertainer Is a clutter based media center
  • Enthought framework - python framework for building scientific data visualization applications
  • Evergreen ILS - open source Integrated Library System (ILS)
  • Flyback - GUI for archiving similar to Apple's Time Machine.
  • fntsample - A program for making font samples that show Unicode coverage of the font and are similar in appearance to Unicode charts.
  • fondu - A set of programs to interconvert between mac font formats and pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files on unix.
  • FreeMind - Free mind-mapping software. JPackage SRPM available: . jcalendar only required dependency we don't yet have jcalendar now available on Fedora.
  • gcvs - Graphical frontend to cvs (Last release 2003 -- though other clones WinCVS & MacCVS where released more recently)
  • GEONExT - dynamic mathematics software for teaching and learning mathematics. Written in Java, licensed under GPLv2. Source code can be obtained at
  • GeoGebra - free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. Program released under GPL, documentation under some CC non commercial license so we can't ship the documentation.
  • g15tools - linux support to the g15 keyboard
  • GForge - GForge is a software for collaborative development for the software community (Dropped Review Request)
  • GimpShop - GimpShop is a fork of gimp for more compatibility with a commercial image editing program.
  • Giver - File sharing program ([2], uses gnome-sharp) ((Review Request)
  • gksu & gksudo Sudo (superuser do) allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while logging the commands and arguments. Review Request (libgksu) & Review Request (gksu & gksudo)
  • glParchis -- Parcheesi
  • Gnu Linux Semantics Storage System - A storage solution that distances you from thinking about Where you store your data to What your data is.
  • Gnome Menu Extended . Show KDE menu in GNOME. Complimentary to kmenu-gnome. (Review Request)
  • GNS3 - GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows you to design complex network topologies and to launch simulations on them.
  • GNU Bayonne 1 and 2 - Telephony servers
  • GPRS Easy Connect - GUI for GPRS connecting and supports 704 phones and 269 providers (2008-07-28 The project is closed).
  • gozer - gozer is a commandline text rendering utility for creating images from arbitrary text in antialiased truetype fonts using optional fontstyles, wordwrapping and layout control.
  • gwaterfall - This program facilitates comparison of various font and font rendering parameters.
  • [3] gPXE - x86 Option ROM creator with great features.
  • Gnusound - audio editor. (Includes MP3 encode/decode -> can't be included in Fedora)
  • gomponent
  • guppy is an application to download videos from the Topfield TF5000PVRt.
  • Gwyddion Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software


  • is Debian's official hardware profiler. Functional .rpm packages for Fedora already exist (.src and binary), but this should be better integrated with smolt (please see Fedora bug #433105)
  • http_replicator a smart caching proxy ideal for use with apt/yum
  • Hyperic HQ - an advanced system and application management platform
  • icon - Icon programming language srpm here
  • iFolder - requires simias (Review Request )
  • Imule - Anonymous version of Emule, through the I2p protocol. sources and binaries here
  • InstallJammer - InstallJammer is a multiplatform GUI installer designed to be completely cross-platform
  • ipplan - ipplan is a web-based application for managing IP address allocations
  • IP sets - programs and kernel modules used to set up, maintain and inspect so called IP sets in the Linux kernel. Useful in advanced firewall setup. ( is already included in current iptables package)
  • iTask-NG - A taskbar and app-launcher dock based on engage, which makes use of composite, but can also be used without.
  • Jahshaka - is an powerful opensource video editing and creating tool
  • jailkit - chroot jail utilities (Review Request)
  • - The Red Hat sponsored, community project, middleware solution
  • Jing - Jing is James Clarks' RELAX-NG XML schema validator. Example RPMs at authors site, works with gcj.
  • JOSM - JOSM is the "Java Open Street Map Editor"
  • JPEG2PDF - Creates a PDF out of a directory of JPEG/JPG-images. Very fast and stable; should be easy to package.(The homepage is dead, anyone knows whether the project is still alive?)
  • KBasic - full-featured IDE based on Basic laguage with support of VB and VB.NET syntax, requires Qt 4.4 and later. License: GPLv3. Also please remove the annoying license notifier from the program start. Direct link to the source: [4].
  • kbfx - kbfx is an alternative to the classical K-Menu button and it's menu.
  • KForge - For managing software and knowledge projects.
  • KLogic - KLogic is an application for building and simulating digital circuits easily
  • KMyFirewall - an IPTables based firewall configuration tool
  • Knowledge Tree - Community edition: a PHP based GPL V3 Content Managements System
  • Kommute - Linux client for the MUTE anonymous P2P network
  • Komodo Edit - Free and Open source multi-language editor


  • l7-filter - L7-filter is a classifier for Linux's Netfilter that identifies packets based on application layer data.
  • KPrayertime - Islamic Prayer Times Applet
  • lessfs - A high performance inline data deduplicating filesystem for Linux.
  • Liaison - Liaison is a software tool combining some well known open source software tools like MoinMoin, Subversion and Bugzilla to help software developers to collaborate.
  • libmspack - A library for Microsoft compression formats. If this library is accepted cabextract should link against it.
  • libpam-poldi PAM module allowing authentication using a OpenPGP smartcard. This PAM module will allow you to login, screenlock and validate to services using your GnuPG smartcard. (sorry for cross-distro reference but i googled for so long without finding any other good source.)
  • libSBML Programming library to read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams.
  • liferay - An open source Java based portal application.
  • livebackup - LiveBackup is a framework to create live-cd's from installed Linux systems
  • lives - Video Editing System. It is designed to be simple to use, yet powerful (foreign f9 package exists on SourceForge)
  • lprof - ICC Color Profiler. This will help the Fedora Design team produce for-print artwork.
  • lldpd - 802.1ab (LLDP) implementation, .spec here
  • Magento - Magento is a new professional open-source eCommerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control.
  • MapGuide - web-based platform for developing and deployment web mapping applications and geospatial web services.
  • mb2md - Perl script for converting Unix mailboxes to Maildir format Review Request
  • mdp-toolkit - Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP) is a Python data processing framework.
  • Mercurial Eclipse - hg Eclipse plugin
  • Mesk - A PyGtk+ audio player Cannot include in Fedora, has built in MPEG decoder
  • mined Unicode text editor
  • mixmaster Anonymous remailer client and server
  • Mondo Rescue inclusion - Review Request
  • mumble - a VoIP application, primary used by gamers
  • mtasc - ActionScript 2 compiler generating flash srpm here
  • MoBlock - A Peerguardian compatible connection blocker
  • Monsoon - A MonoTorrent based GTK# BitTorrent client


  • NagiosGrapher - Nagios Stats graphing.
  • NAT-PT - Network Address Translation, Protocol Translation IPv4/IPv6 - allows IPv6-only networks to connect to IPv4-only networks (based on RFC 2766)
  • nautilussvn - Subversion commands integrated into the GNOME Nautilus file manager.
  • ncbi - NCBI libraries and tools for biology applications srpm here
  • netperf - A benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking.
  • nss_updatedb - Maintains a local cache of network directory user and group information.
  • noteedit - Free music score editor. NOTE: seems to be dead - last version in 2006. Also requires TSE3 which also has been dead for some years.
  • OBM OBM is enterprise-class messaging and collaboration platform for workgroup or enterprises with many thousands users. OBM includes Groupware, messaging server, CRM, LDAP, Windows Domain, smartphone and PDA synchronization… Note: Uses stock services and ,hence, makes it less invasive. License:GPL
  • OnTV - A TV scheduler using XMLTV backends
  • OpenGroupware - Groupware software
  • - Display words for songs, for use in churches
  • OpenOffice Presentation Minimizer - reduces the size of ooimpress documents, requires java
  • OpenProj - A desktop replacement of Microsoft Project
  • OpenStego - the free Steganography solution
  • OpenWSMan - Web Services Management specification (WS-Management)
  • oprofileui - An excellent GTK GUI for the oprofile system profiler (review request)
  • otcomp - OpenType layout compiler, needed to build some FLOSS fonts


  • PAIDA - PAIDA is pure Python scientific analysis package
  • Pastebinit - A tool to "pastebin" text on several paste websites. Really useful in chat (but not only chat) help. I strongly reccommend that all the distro would use this and configure it to use the bin of choice. fpaste in this case. Beside i think is useless to make different packages (which are just scripts really) for such a simple thing when there could be one customizable for every choice.
  • paint-mono - An unofficial effort to port Paint.NET 3.0 to Linux using Mono - Cannot be included since Paint is partly licensed under a non-commercial license
  • PEAR HTML_Template_Flexy - An extremely powerful Tokenizer driven Template engine
  • PEAR HTML_Javascript - Provides an interface for creating simple JS scripts (Review Request)
  • PEAR MDB2_Driver_mysqli - PEAR mysqli MDB2 driver
  • PEAR Auth_HTTP - PEAR HTTP authentication (Review Request)
  • perl-CDDB_get - Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive srpm here
  • perl-Qt4 - perl binding for Qt4 it's two perl modules QtGui and QtCore
  • php-pecl-syck, php-pecl-syck php-pecl-syck
  • Pidgin-musictracker - Musictracker is a plugin for Pidgin which displays the media currently playing in the status message for any protocol Pidgin supports custom statuses on. (Review Request)
  • pidgin-sipe - Pidgin plugin to provide SIP/SIMPLE protocol support for Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS)/Office Communications Server (OCS) 2003/2005/2007
  • PKCS #11 engine , PKCS #11 library OpenSC addons
  • pligg is a digg like CMS that uses PHP and MySQL.
  • pmtools Tools for examining kernel ACPI tables
  • pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format.
  • PPTP-Config - PPTP - config program part of the pptp. Already has FC6 packages.
  • prescript - Utility for extracting text from PostScript files srpm here
  • Prettify Automake - pretty automake output
  • PXE-Kexec - kexec boot from a PXE server
  • PyPE PyPE (Python Programmers' Editor) is an editor written in Python with the wxPython GUI toolkit.
  • python-dap - Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) implementation in python srpm here
  • PyTraffic - A free implementation of the Rush Hour puzzle.
  • python-egenix-mxdatetime - date and time handling routines for Python


  • QuickSoundFontManager - A gui for (a)sfxload / fluidsync to quick load several SF2 soundfonts in a EMU10k chip
  • Rasmol - RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used primarily for the depiction and exploration of biological macromolecule structures, such as those found in the Protein Data Bank.
  • Remuco - a Remote control server, for mobile phones, similar to Bemused and Salling Clicker
  • robofab - Python library with objects that deal with data usually associated with fonts and type design. Required to convert font sources from the proprietary FontLab VFB format to UFO (that Fontforge can read)
  • ROOT - Popular high-energy physics data analysis framework (Review Request)
  • rotoscope - a free software rotoscoping application. Dead Review Request
  • rox-filer - Rox file manager srpm here
  • RygelR - An implementation of the UPnP MediaServer V 2.0 specification that is specifically designed for GNOME (Mobile).
  • Shutter - Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even of a website - apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window.
  • Songbird - Media Player/Browser (Depends pretty heavily on mp3, flash support, ogg support appears broken, other than that some media player and browser functionality exists) (Review Request)
  • spacenav - The spacenav project provides a free, compatible alternative, to the proprietary 3Dconnexion device driver and SDK, for their 3D input devices
  • speechd - Device-independent speech synthesis layer (perhaps useful for OLPC?)
  • speedcontrol - Small utility to limit DVD drive speed, since most DVD readers sound like lawn mowers at full speed which ruins movie playing experience
  • spindown - a daemon that can spindown idle disks and so saving energy and giving the disks a longer lifetime.
  • SQuirreL SQL - Graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands
  • stardict-fr-academy-1935 - 8th edition of the French Academy dictionnary, in stardict format (1935)
  • Stet - is a free software package for gathering comments about a text document via a webpage
  • strongSwan - ipsec implementation with major support of IKEv2
  • Stylus Toolbox - A graphical frontend for managing the functions of Epson Ink Jet printers - including checking ink levels and print head cleaning/alignment.
  • SubDownloader - Is a program for automatic download/upload subtitles for videofiles (DIVX,MPEG,AVI,VOB,etc) and DVD's using fast hashing.
  • swfmill - xml2swf and swf2xml processor with import functionalities srpm here
  • Sympa - Mailing list server
  • synfig - Film quality 2D vector animation now under GPL (Review Request)
  • system-config-control Central control panel for system-config-* tools.


  • [5] THDL input methods for Tibetan, Dzongkha, Lhadaki
  • Tkabber - Free and Open Source client for the Jabber instant messaging system writen in Tcl/Tk. (Dropped Review Request)
  • Tipp10 - A 10 finger write trainer
  • TPTP - Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform
  • Trang - Trang is James Clark's multi-format schema converter based on RELAX-NG. Example RPMs available at authors site and has been checked with gcj.
  • TrueCrypt - Free open-source disk encryption software for Linux. Version 5 now includes a WxWidgets Gui and uses Fuse instead of kernel modules for the filesystem parts. Thus, inclusion to Fedora should be possible. Requires some fixing in Main/Main.make to build against Fedora's WxWidgets. Not 'free open-source', i.e. legal would block this. See spot's comment on TrueCrypt
  • Tucan - Is a free and open source application designed for automatic management of downloads and uploads at hosting sites like: rapidshare, megaupload,, mediafire, 4shared, sendspace.
  • TuxShop point of sale and retail management application.
  • TwoLame A MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2 encoder. Probably would be blocked based on Spot's comment [6]
  • Unicode Character Database UNIDATA files are used by many packages (perl, gucharmap, etc) in private-copy mode. A common package would be cleaner technically and legally.
  • unoconv - Tool to convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice srpm here
  • Vagalume - A client for Gnome and Maemo. Review Request (failed) (available from Livna)
  • Vigor - XMMS plugin that acts like Clippy. Fun!
  • Visual Python - a Python module that offers real-time 3D output, and is easily usable by novice programmers
  • WTP - Eclipse Webtools Project (JSP, HTML, JavaScript, XML, etc.) (Effort to build this package are ongoing)
  • Wine-doors - an application designed to make installing windows software on Linux (Review Request (dropped))
  • Webmin (web-front end to shorewall) - Review Request (dropped) (NB: Webmin had a rather doubtful security record in the past -- NilsPhilippsen)
  • WideStudio an open source, Integrated Development Environment for desktop applications
  • Wikidot an open source wiki server/wiki farm.


  • xcalc - Simple X11 calculator srpm here
  • xdm-xsessions - Xdm session related utilities srpm here
  • XMIND - EPL/LGPL Licensed MindMap Software.
  • xmlittre - Authoritative 19th century French dictionnary, in stardict format
  • xProcess, for project management and process improvement.
  • yum-grouppackagetype - A plugin for yum to specify which package types within a package group should be installed when using yum groupinstall (useful for web walkthroughs)
  • zenoss - Open Source Monitoring Tool. Dead Review Request.
  • zpb-ttf - ZPB-TTF is a TrueType file parser that provides an interface for reading typographic metrics, glyph outlines, and other information.

Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) WishList

OLPC Wishlist

This list is now being maintained at OLPC/Packages_for_F11.

Fedora Font Packages WishList

A page of the Fonts Special Interest Group

The Fedora font wishlist is hosted there.

Fonts in Fedora
The Fonts SIG takes loving care of Fedora fonts. Please join this special interest group if you are interested in creating, improving, packaging, or just suggesting a font. Any help will be appreciated.

Fedora Perl Packages Wishlist

Edit at Perl Wishlist.

You can always see the current list of open Perl review tickets (bugs) here.


Task::Catalyst 4.02 @ RHBZ #742671







  • Bio::SCF dependency of already packaged perl-Bio-Graphics

Fedora Games Packages WishList

If you want to add games to the list do so on the Fedora Games SIG WishList .

Fedora Astronomy Packages WishList

If you want to add astronomy related packages to the list do so on the Fedora Astronomy SIG WishList .

Web Hosting Control Panels

Analysis of Free software web hosting control panels available for packaging in Fedora.

Bioinformatics WishList

Edit at SIGs/SciTech/BioinformaticsWishList .

  • Autodock Vina - Tool for drug discovery, molecular docking and virtual screening. There's a package under
  • COPASI - Simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics, supports SBML standard for models See COPASI
  • Cytoscape - Platform for the analysis and visualization of complex networks, in particular molecular interaction networks and biological pathways
  • GENtle - DNA restriction analysis and cloning tool similar to VectorNTI
  • Integrative Genomics Viewer - java-based graphical genomics viewer (licensed under GPLv2)
  • MIRA - Genome fragment assembler for sequencing projects classified as 'hard' due to high number of similar repeats. Uses non-free jlfgr -- see Debian packaging.
  • NCBI BLAST and other tools - The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of local similarity between sequences.
  • NCBI C Toolkit - NCBI libraries and tools for biology applications srpm here
  • NCBI C++ Toolkit - a new generation of NCBI libraries and tools for biology
  • pyQPCR - qPCR analysis tool
  • Staden - sequence handling and analysis software developed at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
  • Taverna - Tool for automation of experimental workflows.
  • The WFDB Software Package - Software for viewing, analyzing, and creating recordings of physiologic signals

Healthcare WishList

Formal Methods WishList

The paper "High Assurance (for Security or Safety) and Free-Libre / Open Source Software (FLOSS)... with Lots on Formal Methods" by David A. Wheeler lists lots of tools that can help develop "high assurance" software, particularly "formal methods" tools. A related site, Open Proofs, maintains a list of promising FLOSS formal methods tools and their packaging status. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Some of these tools include:

Additional CAS tools, like Axiom, Yacas, and SAGE would be helpful too.

A number have already been done, including Coq, Why / Caduceus / Krakatoa, tex-zfuzz, and minisat2.

See the Wheeler paper (above) and the Open Proofs site for project URLs, license info, what they do, etc.

Fedora KDE Packages WishList

How to add a package

If you're not already a Fedora maintainer, but interested in creating a package on this wish list, see PackageMaintainers/Join for the general process, and PackageMaintainers/CreatingPackageHowTo for the nuts-and-bolts of how to create a package. Packaging/Guidelines describes the guidelines Fedora packages must follow.

The special interest groups may provide additional guidelines and help for processing the packages posted on their wishlist.