From Fedora Project Wiki
Line 134: Line 134:
| Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi)
| Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi)
| [[Media:f12-livemedia-desktop-label.pdf|EPS]]
| [[Media:f12-livemedia-desktop-label.eps|EPS]]

Line 150: Line 150:
| Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi)
| Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi)
| [[Media:f12-livemedia-desktop-label-64.pdf|PDF]]
| [[Media:f12-livemedia-desktop-label-64.eps|EPS]]

Revision as of 18:15, 12 November 2009

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

Official Artwork

Beware, much of the data here is in draft mode and is not official yet. When it is official, the draft heading above will be removed.

Sleeve Artwork

Designed by Luya Tshimbalanga and Máirín Duffy

Source Artwork

Scribus F12 Disc Sleeve Source (tarball of scribus SLA and linked images) TAR.GZ

32-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

32-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

32-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

Disc Label Artwork

Designed by Máirín Duffy

Source Artwork

Desktop 32-bit Live Disc Labels

Includes 32-bit Desktop and KDE labels.

32-bit Desktop and KDE labels. Scribus F12 Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ
64-bit Desktop and KDE labels. Scribus 64-bit F12 Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ
32-bit and 64-bit DVD labels. Scribus F12 DVD Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ

32-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi) EPS

64-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS

32-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 32-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same EPS as the 32-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per EPS.

64-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 64-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same PDF as the 64-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per EPS.

32-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS

64-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 32-bit install DVD - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same EPS as the 32-bit install DVD - there are two discs per EPS.