From Fedora Project Wiki
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#* finds sources in right sidebar and clicks
#* finds sources in right sidebar and clicks
#* i never look for stuff on web
#* i never look for stuff on web

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=== People ===
=== People ===
# '''You need help with yelp. Who's the package maintainer? '''
# '''You need help with yelp. Who's the package maintainer? '''
#* searches for yelp up top
#* I would ask zodbot in IRC normally, but.... using this:
#* okay it's mbarnes
#* searches for 'yelp'
#* difference between owners and maintainers???
#* checks 'owners' table on the right side of the page
#* 'mbarnes'
# '''Luke Macken is going away on vacation for a couple of weeks and he's asked you to look over his packages while he's gone. How many packages does he have, and do any of them need attention? Where would you go to look this up? '''
# '''Luke Macken is going away on vacation for a couple of weeks and he's asked you to look over his packages while he's gone. How many packages does he have, and do any of them need attention? Where would you go to look this up? '''
#* searches for lmacken, there he is, clicks
#* tries to search, but search will not work, it's broken right now
#* i assume i'm just looking for packages he owns, not maintains - he didn't specify
#* wow he owns a lot
#* looks at his package alerts - 1 build suceeded
#* BUG! lmacken's alerts for packages on his profile, when she clicks on them, instead dump her to those pages on *her* profile not luke's.

=== Packages ===
=== Packages ===

# '''How would you file a bug against NetworkManager using this system?'''
# '''How would you file a bug against NetworkManager using this system?'''
#* do i have to use this?
#* goes to searchbox up top
#* network manager comes up in search in lowercase, great, cap don't matter
#* searches for 'Network Manager'
#* clicks bugs link out to bz, goes out to bz, report (in main content area)
#* 'bugs' item is listed in right sidebar, finds right away
#* shown an alternative - clicks maintenance tools, then bugs in right sidebar.
#** rename s/maintenance tools/help with this package? maybe? for bugs dashboard?
# '''What has changed in the 'ruby' package over the last few updates? Where would you go to look this up? '''
# '''What has changed in the 'ruby' package over the last few updates? Where would you go to look this up? '''
#* searches for 'ruby' - but i wonder about people named 'ruby'?
#* goes to searchbox up top
#* goes to maint tools > updates >  doesn't tell me what changed here
#* searches for 'ruby'
#* goes back to details page for ruby, looks at changelog at bottom, there you go
#* scrolls down and sees changelog right in the package details screen
#* i don't see any way to get a diff here
# '''How's the karma of your current testing updates doing? How would you check up on this in Fedora Community?'''  
# '''How's the karma of your current testing updates doing? How would you check up on this in Fedora Community?'''  
#* what's karma?
#* clicks on 'my profile'
#* what's a releae?
#* BUG 'my tasks' is cut off in the lower right corner
#* package details doesn't show karma anywhere on the screen
#* checks 'updates testing' in the right sidebar (found it)
#* go to my profile
#* search for karma using firefox search, nothing
#* go to user's packages, not sure how to look outside of fcomm
#* would ask in IRC, i've only heard of karma once before
#* search for karma in searchbar at top - nothing
#* search google for karma fedora....


# '''How well does Fedora Community support your package maintenance workflow?'''  
# '''How well does Fedora Community support your package maintenance workflow?'''  
#* I have a package owrkflow?
#* It's a drastic change from the CLI way I do things.
#* I don't know, i'm new, have a small number of packages, and learned how to do stuff outside of fedora community
#* I use 'make update' to do them across multiple shells
#* I learned through IRC and was taught the old workflow
#* My hands hardly ever leave the homerow of the keyboard the way I do things today
#* i could see it being useful though, a screenshot tutorial geared towards new packagers, step-by-step, would be useful
#* I can't do testing updates in the CLI though
#* what is an 'unpushed update'?
#** Can I see non-updated builds? I don't see that here
#** As long as I can push several updates at once it would support my workflow
# '''Would you use Fedora Community to help maintain your packages? Which parts? '''
# '''Would you use Fedora Community to help maintain your packages? Which parts? '''
#* yeh i would want to use everything you walked me thru here except karma
#* This isn't compelling enough.
#* i don't understand karma
#* I'm used to my way
#* package deps - i could use this to research the packages my packages depend on
#* This doesn't seem overly better.
#* i wouldn't use this to look up updates i made myself, maybe other packages though
#* I would recommend this to newbies and casual users
#* finding out who owns a package
#* finding out who maintains a package
#* what does their workload look like? are they a red hat person and do this as a day job? are they MIA? (can tell they are not MIA if they have recent blog posts)
# '''Is there any essential functionality missing from Fedora Community that would help you maintain your packages more easily?'''  
# '''Is there any essential functionality missing from Fedora Community that would help you maintain your packages more easily?'''  
#* documentation on how to use
#* Knowing what it's all about
#* need docs on 'how to use workflow' - workflow oriented rather than feature oriented
#* Overview idea is good but the info here on the overview goes beyond overview (e.g. planet.fpo)
#* good for existing old timers, but need to set this up to get new package maintainers involved and on board
#* Latest stable updates - rare for me to care about - latest builds is more useful
#* be a package maint pro - do you want to get started being a package? you can be a packager too! here's some examples.
#* Latest testing updates - not useful
#* for old timers - that's great but i already do this!
#* fedora planet not so useful. should be more developer-focused
#* would be neat to have something that indicates if rawhide is working or not
#* would be neat to have something that indicates if koji is down or not
# '''Did you learn anything about Fedora Community's functionality through this test?'''
# '''Did you learn anything about Fedora Community's functionality through this test?'''
#* yes
#* I did. I didn't know about the features we went through.
#* My profile > package maintenance has hidden goodies
# '''What do you think is the most useful function of Fedora Community?'''  
# '''What do you think is the most useful function of Fedora Community?'''  
#* search for finding maintainers and other stuff they maintain
#* i like how search works, i used it several times. It makes it easy for me to get to where I want to go
#* for some reason people are more helpful for me to look up here than packages
# '''What are the least useful functions of Fedora Community?'''
# '''What are the least useful functions of Fedora Community?'''
#* karma
#* planet.fpo feed: a lot of stuff I don't care about is on the overview, needs to be pared down and re-thought
#* we want more news aggregation with release cycle timetables
#* make deadlines more visible? combine deadlines?
#* when i log out, the screen it gives me is weird
#* general package list under main 'packages' tab is not that useful

Revision as of 16:07, 8 March 2010


  • Date/Time: Wednesday 16 December 2009
  • Video Files:
    • Part A: TBA
    • Part B: TBA
  • FAS Account: (withheld for privacy for now)
  • Browser used: firefox-3.5.6-1.fc12.x86_64
  • Computer used: Mo's x61 laptop (Fedora 12)
  • Package maintainership: ?

Introduction / First Impressions

  1. Have you seen this site before? If so, where did you hear about it?
    • Yes, I found out about it from Luke Macken
  2. Have you used this site before? If so, what have you used it for? How did that go? How often have you used this site?
    • I've only visited it a handful of times to see if it was up and running; I've not tried it for the workflows.
  3. (On front page) What are your first impressions, looking at this site now?
    • looking at Kyle's photo
    • I see packages built, but they're not mine
    • It takes a long time to load this page
    • This seems packager-centric
  4. (On front page) What do you think this site is?
    • It looks like a way to look at things going on in Fedora - planet and builds
  5. (On front page) Any other comments you'd like to make about this site?
    • Not really
  6. (On front page) What do you think of this page? Where would you click first?
    • log in



  1. View your profile on this site. What do you think about it? Is the information accurate? Do your group memberships seem accurate? Do your package affiliations seem accurate?
    • the alerts widget is broken
    • clicks on 'my profile' in the left nav
    • looks right
    • only some of my groups are shown here. The ones in the preview don't matter to me - I care a lot more about the groups I've sponsored people in, the ones I'm a team lead for
    • for example, the admin group I care about? cla_done is useless to me
    • the memberships tab shows 10 of them - it seems accurate though
    • package affiliations - confusing - package maintenance tab just shows a list of packages, not what i can do with them
  2. You've just spoken with Dennis Gilmore and he's asked you to open a ticket for him in a trac instance. In order to cc Dennis on the ticket, you'll need to figure out his FAS account name. Where would you go to look it up?
    • search box at top, types 'gilmore'
    • no luck, tries 'dgilmore'
    • unchecks 'packages' checkbox on search and tries again, no luck
    • types 'ansil' there it is



  1. Do you have any unpushed updates? Where would you go to look this up?
    • clicks 'my profile' in left nav
    • clicks 'package maintenance' top tab
    • clicks 'cacti'
    • takes a very long time to load 'active releases' for cacti
    • clicks 'maintenance tools' top tab in cacti details page. not loading, very slow===
    • not sure where to go
    • goes back to 'my profile' in left nav, clicks on top 'package maintenance' tab
    • looks at right sidebar... sees 'unpushed updates'.... there's none
    • success
  2. How are your builds doing? Where would you go to look this up?
    • looks at right sidebar of his profile
    • looks at builds - nothing building
    • success
  3. Let's say you have a friend who is a little bit behind the times - she is running Fedora 10. There's an annoying Inkscape bug that bothers her - after searching the internet for a bit you found out the bug is fixed in Inkscape version 0.47.
    • Is Inkscape version 0.47 available in Fedora 9 for your friend?
    • I would never go here to find that out
    • I know that our website lags behind the mirrors, I would use yum to hit the repo directly
    • I rarely use the web to get packages, yum security plugin writes to website
    • searches for 'Inkscape 0.47'
      • clicks on inkscape
      • sees it is available
      • in F10, it's not in the official repos
      • it's in testing rather than released
    • If Inkscape version 0.47 is not available for Fedora 10, can you download an SRPM here to build it for her?
    • I would not use this
    • I would shell out and look in cvs
    • clicks source, sees 'view cvs'
    • clicks version in active releases table. goes out to bodhi
    • clicks on version in active releases table under testing
    • clicks overview in right sidebar
    • finds sources in right sidebar and clicks
    • i never look for stuff on web



  1. You need help with yelp. Who's the package maintainer?
    • I would ask zodbot in IRC normally, but.... using this:
    • searches for 'yelp'
    • checks 'owners' table on the right side of the page
    • 'mbarnes'
  2. Luke Macken is going away on vacation for a couple of weeks and he's asked you to look over his packages while he's gone. How many packages does he have, and do any of them need attention? Where would you go to look this up?
    • tries to search, but search will not work, it's broken right now


  1. How would you file a bug against NetworkManager using this system?
    • goes to searchbox up top
    • searches for 'Network Manager'
    • 'bugs' item is listed in right sidebar, finds right away
  2. What has changed in the 'ruby' package over the last few updates? Where would you go to look this up?
    • goes to searchbox up top
    • searches for 'ruby'
    • scrolls down and sees changelog right in the package details screen
  3. How's the karma of your current testing updates doing? How would you check up on this in Fedora Community?
    • clicks on 'my profile'
    • BUG 'my tasks' is cut off in the lower right corner
    • checks 'updates testing' in the right sidebar (found it)


  1. How well does Fedora Community support your package maintenance workflow?
    • It's a drastic change from the CLI way I do things.
    • I use 'make update' to do them across multiple shells
    • My hands hardly ever leave the homerow of the keyboard the way I do things today
    • I can't do testing updates in the CLI though
    • what is an 'unpushed update'?
      • Can I see non-updated builds? I don't see that here
      • As long as I can push several updates at once it would support my workflow
  2. Would you use Fedora Community to help maintain your packages? Which parts?
    • This isn't compelling enough.
    • I'm used to my way
    • This doesn't seem overly better.
    • I would recommend this to newbies and casual users
  3. Is there any essential functionality missing from Fedora Community that would help you maintain your packages more easily?
    • Knowing what it's all about
    • Overview idea is good but the info here on the overview goes beyond overview (e.g. planet.fpo)
    • Latest stable updates - rare for me to care about - latest builds is more useful
    • Latest testing updates - not useful
    • fedora planet not so useful. should be more developer-focused
    • would be neat to have something that indicates if rawhide is working or not
    • would be neat to have something that indicates if koji is down or not
  4. Did you learn anything about Fedora Community's functionality through this test?
    • I did. I didn't know about the features we went through.
    • My profile > package maintenance has hidden goodies
  5. What do you think is the most useful function of Fedora Community?
    • i like how search works, i used it several times. It makes it easy for me to get to where I want to go
  6. What are the least useful functions of Fedora Community?
    • planet.fpo feed: a lot of stuff I don't care about is on the overview, needs to be pared down and re-thought
    • we want more news aggregation with release cycle timetables
    • make deadlines more visible? combine deadlines?
    • when i log out, the screen it gives me is weird
    • general package list under main 'packages' tab is not that useful