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{{admon/Note|This is a first draft.| We wrote these notes quickly so that we'd have something down in text - if you're going through this, rewriting this page for more coherence would be appreciated.}}
{{admon/note|This is a first draft.| We wrote these notes quickly so that we'd have something down in text - if you're going through this, rewriting this page for more coherence would be appreciated.}}

In true learn-by-doing style, we made the marketing meeting HOWTO by running a meeting. So, in order to go through this HOWTO...
In true learn-by-doing style, we made the marketing meeting HOWTO by running a meeting. So, in order to go through this HOWTO...

Revision as of 20:05, 9 March 2010

This is a first draft.
We wrote these notes quickly so that we'd have something down in text - if you're going through this, rewriting this page for more coherence would be appreciated.

In true learn-by-doing style, we made the marketing meeting HOWTO by running a meeting. So, in order to go through this HOWTO...

  1. Read the logs
  2. Note that we missed a command - #meetingname, which does exactly what you think it does.
  3. Look at the autogenerated meeting minutes and see how they're affected by the logs
  4. Read the section of follow-up log below, which shows what happened afterwards, and what you should do at the end of a meeting to post logs and notes.
14:19:12 < mchua> rbergeron: ok - then #endmeeting
14:19:31 < rbergeron> #endmeeting
14:19:32 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-mktg to: The Home of Fedora's 
          Marketing initiatives. | | 
 | This channel may be 
          logged and published. | Ambassadors' meetings - #fedora-meeting | 
          End-User support - #fedora | Have a blog or web site? Promote Fedora 
14:19:32 < zodbot> Meeting ended Thu Sep 17 13:21:21 2009 UTC.  Information 
                   about MeetBot at .
14:19:32 < zodbot> Minutes:
14:19:32 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
14:19:34 < zodbot> Log:   
14:19:40 < rbergeron> oh.
14:19:42 < mchua> rbergeron: and there are your logs.
14:19:54 < mchua> rbergeron: I'm usually a lazy bum and just post the last 
                  couple zodbot lines into an email to mktg-list
14:20:08 < rbergeron> okeedokee
14:20:14 < mchua> and then copy-paste the relevant URLs into 
14:20:21 < mchua> and then... that's it.
14:20:36 < mchua> if you look at the minutes...
14:20:46 < mchua>
14:20:55 < mchua>'ll see how the meetbot stuff we did turned out in the 
14:21:20 < mchua> the "action items, by person" is the coolest thing ever
14:21:43 < rbergeron> sweet
14:21:53 < mchua> rbergeron: and once you email the log urls and also put them 
                  on the wiki page, that's it

...and now you know how to run a Marketing meeting!