From Fedora Project Wiki

No edit summary
No edit summary
Line 55: Line 55:
|style="background-color:tomato;"| {{result|fail}}  
|style="background-color:tomato;"| {{result|fail}}  
| Editting preview
| Editing preview
|style="background-color:lightgreen;"| {{result|pass}}  
|style="background-color:lightgreen;"| {{result|pass}}  
|style="background-color:tomato;"| {{result|fail}}  
|style="background-color:lightgreen;"| {{result|warn}} 'save and continue editing'
| Supports data entry using a form
| Supports data entry using a form

Revision as of 09:32, 26 January 2011

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

This page objectively compares feature sets of Wiki and Nitrate systems in relation to the important workflows. Instead of displaying a long feature lists, it is divided into groups by use cases. To avoid overlaps, features compared in former use cases are not listed in later cases again.

Key Section

Colour Explanation
Pass pass
Fail fail
Unsupported currently
Unknown unknown
Unknown/Research needed
A Feature A is Nice-to-Have
B Feature B is Must-Have

Wiki vs Nitrate Feature Comparison

Creating A Generic Page
Feature nitrate
Any page creation
Pass pass
Fail fail
Can only create test case/plan/run
Readable link names
Pass pass
human-readable link names
Fail fail
use ID for identification
Data entry format mediawiki markup tinyMCE
Moving a Page
Pass pass
by redirect links
Pass pass
by cloning or changing the summary(name) of case/plan/run
Templates creation/use
Pass pass
such as Special:MostLinkedTemplates
Fail fail
Editing preview
Pass pass
Warning warn
'save and continue editing'
Supports data entry using a form
Fail fail
wiki syntax
Pass pass
Discussion page
Pass pass
Talk page
Fail fail
Can only add comments in test cases
History rollback(Undo changes)
Pass pass
Fail fail
History comparison
Pass pass
Fail fail
History logs
Pass pass
Pass pass
Only offer change logs and text version history of plan and case
Subpage using
Pass pass
Unknown unknown
by Tree View?
Pass pass
watch the page
Pass pass
bookmark the page
Creating A Test Case
Renaming a case
Warning warn
move to another page
Pass pass
change the summary
Test case format template
Pass pass
Pass pass
Linking files/packages/images
Pass pass
Upload somewhere and link to it
Pass pass
Test cases/plans support attachments or link to wiki
Case draft status
Warning warn
manually add draft category/note
Pass pass
Case review status
Fail fail
approved in ticket or somewhere else
Pass pass
Categorizing cases
Pass pass
manually add to category
Pass pass
add category or use tag or add to plan to group cases
Categories creation permission
Pass pass
user can create it with certain permission
Warning warn
cases categories can only be added by Admin
Description part in test case
Pass pass
Fail fail
only have setup and notes parts
Tests that impact multiple packages
Warning warn
Categories could be used to organize this data, but get messy
Pass pass
allows linking tests to the packages they are designed to test
Test case re-use (write once, link anywhere)
Pass pass
search from Category and link to it
Pass pass
test runs re-use from a plan, plans clone from other plans
The time historical test case results be available
Pass pass
all history?
Unknown unknown
Re-use old versioned test case
Pass pass
by linking to its history
Fail fail
can view text history and version only
Creating A Test Plan
Test Plan re-use/update
Pass pass
copy contents from previous
Pass pass
clone previous plans
Linking test cases
Pass pass
link to cases section on test result template page
Pass pass
clone from other plans/create new tests
Plan draft status
Warning warn
manually add draft category/note
Fail fail
Set as non-active?
Plan review status
Warning warn
manually add reviewer and review time
Fail fail
Set as active?
Categorizing plans
Pass pass
manually add to category
Pass pass
no category for plan but have Plan Type and Tag etc.
Creating A Test Result Page(Test Run) Template
Result Page(Test Run) Template
Pass pass
Fail fail
doesn't support template creation. Test run(result page) can be cloned from previous run with modifications.
Sortable table
Pass pass
Pass pass
using sort
Collapse table
Warning warn
hard to manage as a whole
Pass pass
Group cases (by media)
Pass pass
flexible wiki design
Fail fail
diff test runs;sorting;diff tags
Creating A Test Result Page(Test Run)
Test result page(Test run) creation
Pass pass
Warning warn
Create from plans
documents in test result page
Pass pass
flexible wiki markup design
Warning warn
write in 'Notes' field without any syntax
Moving test results
Pass pass
manually copy
Fail fail
manually add one by one?
Directing to current test run
Pass pass
redirect links to current result page
Fail fail
set test run as running or finished
Categorizing runs/result pages
Pass pass
manually add to category
Pass pass
Can set 'product', 'version' and 'tag' etc
Posting Test Results
Quick access to active test runs
Pass pass
Open 'current' links
Fail fail
search the run's ID or search my runs(assigned to me in advance)
Result format
Pass pass
use Template:Result
Warning warn
Idle, Passed, Failed, Running, Paused, Blocked, Error
Comment as references
Pass pass
Pass pass
Bug posting
Pass pass
use Template:Bz
Pass pass
Multiple contributions for each case
Pass pass
Fail fail
only display the last modified one and logs
*Signatures using
Pass pass
~~~~ -> Rhe 09:59, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
Fail fail
Searching Test Results/Cases/Plans
Searching cases/plans/runs
Fail fail
only by searching from categories or name
Pass pass
advanced search
Toolbox(what links to here)
Pass pass
Pass pass
plans, cases, and runs related to each other
Uploading Files
Upload files/packages/images
Pass pass
upload somewhere and link to it
Warning warn
test cases/plans support attachments, test runs don't
Upload updates.img/repo to certain server
Pass pass
fedorapeople server
Fail fail
link to wiki.
Generating A Test Summary
Result summary/report generation
Fail fail
run curl command
Pass pass
Authorities for pages
Pass pass
Use namespaces
Unknown unknown
Can admin configure it?
Supporting anonymous user read-only access
Pass pass
Pass pass
Supporting anonymous user read-write access
Pass pass
Fail fail
Feature extension
Pass pass
Unknown unknown
Page protection
Pass pass
by Admin
Unknown unknown
Case/plan/run deletion
Pass pass
by Admin
Pass pass
Set as DISABLED. Test run can be deleted.
Pass pass
Pass pass
License the content
Pass pass
Unknown unknown
should match wiki
Integration with FAS
Pass pass
Unknown unknown
Integration between update tools (bodhi/f-e-k) and our test infrastructure.
Pass pass
Unknown unknown
Upstream project community
Pass pass
upstream wiki list
Pass pass
upstream nitrate list
Test Days
Test day main/intro page
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test day SOP guide page
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test day/event result template page
Pass pass
Fail fail
Clone from previous test run
Test day schedule
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test day page(run) creation
Pass pass
Fail fail
test runs can only be created from plans
Test day page documented contents
Pass pass
Fail fail
write all intro to 'Notes' field will be too crowded!
Test day notification
Fail fail
send out announcement manually
Warning warn
can assign through mail, but mail content is little.
Release Validation Test Event
Test event Main/intro page
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test event SOP guide page
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test event Result template page
Pass pass
Fail fail
Clone from previous test run.
Release Criteria page
Pass pass
Fail fail
link to wiki?
Test cases priority
Fail fail
manually add priority before each case link
Warning warn
from P1 to P5, need change to: Alpha, Beta, Final.
Each case with different platforms
Pass pass
Fail fail
two test runs for both platforms or clone each case for another platform
Test result page(Test run) creation
Pass pass
Pass pass
created from plans
Test result page documented contents
Pass pass
Warning warn
write intro to 'Notes' field without any syntax
Test event notification
Fail fail
send out announcement manually
Warning warn
can assign through mail, but the content is little.
Progress bar for each run
Fail fail
Pass pass