From Fedora Project Wiki
(MegaMek and milkytracker) |
m (typoed strike tag) |
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* mapnik | * mapnik | ||
* mdbtools | * mdbtools | ||
* < | * <strike> MegaMek </strike> Toshio Kuratomi | ||
* <strike> meld </strike> Toshio Kuatomi | * <strike> meld </strike> Toshio Kuatomi | ||
* <strike> methane </strike> Toshio Kuratomi | * <strike> methane </strike> Toshio Kuratomi |
Revision as of 16:10, 14 February 2013
On rawhide: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{name}'| sort| uniq| wc -l
shows 619 binary packages with problems.
List of affected packages
On rawhide, run: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{sourcerpm}'| sort| uniq
600 source packages need changing:
abe: Rahul Sundaramabiword: Rahul Sundaramagistudio: Rahul Sundaramaiksaurus: Rahul Sundaramairsnort: Rahul Sundaramalex4: Rahul Sundaramalexandria: already fixedalienarena: Rahul Sundaramalienblaster: Rahul Sundaramalleyoop: Rahul Sundaramalltray: Rahul Sundaramalphabet-soup: Rahul Sundaramalsamixergui: Rahul Sundaramalsa-tools- Rahul Sundaram. Filed Rahul Sundaramamsn: Rahul Sundaramamtterm: Rahul Sundaramanaconda: Rahul Sundaram. Filed Jon Cieslaants: Rahul Sundaram- apcupsd - seems like a accidental add?
apricots: Jon Cieslaardour: Rahul Sundaramarmacycles-ad: Jon Cieslaarora: Rahul Sundaramarrows: Rahul Sundaramasc: Rahul Sundaram- astromenace - hold off, working on update - JC
asunder: Rahul Sundaramasylum: Rahul Sundaramasymptote: Rahul Sundaramaterm: Rahul Sundaramatomix: Rahul Sundaramatomorun: Rahul Sundaramaudacity: Rahul Sundaramaudio-convert-mod: Rahul Sundaramaudit-viewer: Rahul Sundaramauriferous: Rahul Sundaramautobuild-applet: Rahul Sundaramazureus: Rahul Sundarambacula: Rahul Sundaramballbuster: Rahul Sundarambalsa: Rahul Sundaram - FTBFS - mailed maintainer offlist.beldi: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky-cd: Rahul Sundaram- berusky
- bibus
biloba: Jon Ciesla- bitmap
- bless
- blobby
- blobwars
- BlockOutII
- boinc-client
- bolzplatz2006
bombardier: Jon Ciesla- boswars
- bouml
- bsh
- bygfoot
- bzflag
- cairo-clock
- catfish
- cave9
- cbrpager
- cdcollect
- cdogs-sdl
- celestia
cellwriter: Parag Nemade- centerim
cfdg-fe: Jon Ciesla- chemtool
- childsplay
chkrootkit: Jon Ciesla- chmsee
- cinepaint
- clanbomber
- clips
- clonekeen
- clusterssh
coco-coq: Jon Ciesla- codeblocks
- comix
- conduit
- conglomerate
- coq
- coriander
- corrida
- crack-attack
- CriticalMass
crossfire-client: Jon Ciesla- crystal-stacker
- cssed
- cwiid
cycle: Jon Cieslacylindrix: Jon Ciesla- dayplanner
- dd2
ddd: Jon Ciesla- deluge
dgae: Jon Ciesla- dia
- dillo
- diveintopython
- djview4
- dogtail
dosbox: Jon Ciesla- drgeo
- driconf
- duel3
- dvdisaster
- dx
- dxcc
- e16-keyedit
- ebview
- ed2k_hash
- edsadmin
- eiciel
- em8300
- ember
- emelfm2
- empathy
- enigma
- epdfview
- escape
- eterm
etherape: Jon Cieslaettercap: Jon Ciesla- exaile
- expendable
- extrema
- extremetuxracer
- fantasdic
- fbg
- fbreader
- fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US
- fedora-arm-installer
- fedora-release-notes
- fedora-review
filezilla: Jon Ciesla- firstaidkit
- FlightGear
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd
- flobopuyo
- flpsed
- flumotion
fontforge: Paul Flo Williamsfontmatrix: Parag Nemadefoobillard: Jon Ciesla- fpm2
- fprint_demo
freeciv: Jon Ciesla- freecol
freedroid: Jon Cieslafreedroidrpg: Jon Ciesla- freetennis
- fslint
- fwbackups
- fwbuilder
- fwfstab
- g3data
- gabedit
- gajim
- galternatives
- gamazons
- gambas2
- gambas3
- gazpacho
- gbrainy
- gcin
- gcompris
- gcstar
- gcx
- gdesklets
- gdmap
- geany
- gemdropx
genchemlab: Jon Ciesla- genius
- ggobi
- ggz-gtk-client
- ghasher
- ghost-diagrams
giggle: Jon Ciesla- gimmix
- git
- gjots2
- gl-117
- glabels
- glade3
- glaxium
- GLC_Player
- glglobe
- gliv
- glob2
- gmpc
- gnomad2
- gnomebaker
- gnome-chemistry-utils
- gnomeradio
- gnome-subtitles
- gnome-translate
gnubg: Jon Ciesla- gnumeric
- gobby
gonvert: Jon Ciesla- gourmet
- gparted
- gphpedit
- gpicview
gpodder: Jon Ciesla- gpredict
- gpsd
- gq
- grace
gramps: Jon Ciesla- grass
- grc
- greadelf
- gresistor
- gresolver
- GREYCstoration
- greyhounds
- grhino
- grig
- grip
- grisbi
- gscan2pdf
- gtk-gnutella
- gtkperf
gtkpod: Jon Ciesla- gtk-recordmydesktop
- gtkterm
- gtorrentviewer
- gv
gweled: Jon Ciesla- gwget
- gwibber
- gxine
- gyachi
- hardinfo
- hatari
- hedgewars
- HippoDraw
- homebank
- html2ps
- htmldoc
- httrack
hydrogen: Jon Ciesla - FTBFS, emailed maintainer.- im-chooser
immix: Jon Ciesla- inetvis
- international-time
iok: Parag Nemade- ipe
- isomaster
- jabbim
- jack-rack
- jd
- jigdo
- jmol
- justmoon
- kazehakase
- kbilliards
- kdesvn
- kdirstat
keepassx: Jon Ciesla- kid3
- kita
- kitsune
- klamav
- knetstats
KoboDeluxe: Jon Ciesla- kodos
- komparator
- koules
- kover
- kphotobymail
- kpolynome
- kreetingkard
- ksensors
- kshutdown
- LabPlot
- lacewing
lash: oget- lazarus
- lbrickbuster2
- leafpad
- libhocr
- libsvm
- licq
liferea: Jon Ciesla- lincity-ng
- linphone
- linpsk
- linsmith
liquidwar: Jon Ciesla- listen
- liveusb-creator
- logjam
- londonlaw
- lshw
- lucidlife
- lure
- lxappearance
- lxtask
- lxterminal
- lybniz
- machineball
- Maelstrom
- magicmaze
- magicor
- mail-notification
- makehuman
- manedit
- maniadrive
- mapnik
- mdbtools
MegaMekToshio KuratomimeldToshio KuatomimethaneToshio KuratomimidoriToshio KuratomimilkytrackerToshio Kuratomi- mirage
- mirrormagic
- mldonkey
- mono-tools
monsterz: Jon Ciesla- mrxvt
- mtpaint
- mtr
- mypaint
- MyPasswordSafe
naturette: Jon Ciesla- nautilus-actions
- nazghul
- nedit
- nemiver
- nessus-core
- netgen
- netgo
nethack: Jon Cieslanethack-vultures: Jon Cieslanetpanzer: Jon Cieslaneverball: Jon Cieslanexuiz: Jon Ciesla- nightfall
- nightview
- njam
- nntpgrab
- nogravity
- npush
numptyphysics: Jon Ciesla- nvclock
- obconf
- obmenu
- ochusha
- ocp
- octave
- oggconvert
- OmegaT
- oneko
- openalchemist
- openlierox
- openmsx
- openuniverse
- opticalraytracer
- orage
- osmo
- overgod
- pachi
- pan
- paraview
- parcellite
- pari
- pcmanfm
- pcsc-tools
penguin-command: Jon Cieslapengupop: Jon Ciesla- perl-Padre
- phasex
- picard
- picviz
- pikdev
- piklab
- pikloops
pinball: Jon Cieslapingus: Jon Ciesla- pioneers
pipenightdreams: Jon Ciesla- pipepanic
planets: Jon Ciesla- player
- pmpu
- poedit
- policycoreutils
- portecle
- prelude-notify
professor-is-missing: Jon Cieslapublican: Parag Nemade- puzzles
- pybliographer
- pychess
pyrenamer: Jon Ciesla- PySolFC
- pyvnc2swf
- qalculate-gtk
- qalculate-kde
qascade- qcad
- qct
- qemu-launcher
- qfaxreader
- qgis
- qgit
qjackctl: oget- qmmp
qsynth: oget- qtoctave
- qt-recordmydesktop
quake3: Jon Ciesla - FTBFS, emailed maintainerquarry: Jon Ciesla- qucs
- quicksynergy
- quodlibet
rafkill: Jon Ciesla- raidem
- rapidsvn
- rawstudio
- rcsslogplayer
- rcssmonitor
- rcssserver
- rcssserver3d
- redet
- redmode
- regexxer
- rekall
- remind
- resapplet
- revelation
- revisor
- Ri-li
- ristretto
- rocksndiamonds
- rogue
- rosegarden4
- rott
- roxterm
- rxvt
- rxvt-unicode
- saoimage
- schismtracker
scorched3d: Jon Ciesla- scorchwentbonkers
- screenruler
- scribus
- scythia
- seahorse-adventures
- sear
- seaview
- sectool
- seq24
sergueis-destiny: Jon Ciesla- shippy
- sim
- simcoupe
- sirius
- six
- sk2py
slingshot: Jon Cieslasolarwolf: Jon Ciesla- solfege
- sonata
- sooperlooper
sopwith: Jon Cieslasoundconverter: modified in git already- soundtracker
- spacechart
- Sprog
- sqliteman
- stardict
- starplot
- SteGUI
stellarium: Jon Ciesla- stormbaancoureur
- subtitleeditor
supertuxkart: Jon Ciesla- sweep
- synaptic
- synce-kpm
- synce-software-manager
- synce-trayicon
synfigstudio: Jon Ciesla- system-config-rootpassword
- tagtool
- taskcoach
- taskjuggler
- taxipilot
- tecnoballz
- teg
tennix: Jon Ciesla- TeXmacs
- texmaker
- tgif
- thewidgetfactory
- Thunar
- thunar-volman
- timidity++
- tkgate
- tn5250
- tong
- torsmo
trackballs: Jon Cieslatranslation-filter: Parag Nemade- tremulous
- tryton
- tunneler
tuxpaint: Jon Cieslatuxpuck: Jon Ciesla- tuxtype2
- twinkle
- typespeed
- tzclock
ularn: Jon Ciesla- ultimatestunts
- unison213
uqm: Jon Cieslausbview: Parag Nemadeuudeview: Parag Nemadev4l2ucp: Parag Nemadevalknut: Parag Nemadevavoom: Parag Nemadevdrift: Parag Nemadevegastrike: Parag Nemadeverbiste: Parag Nemadevim: Parag Nemadevkeybd: Parag Nemadevodovod: Parag Nemadevym: Parag Nemadewallpapoz: Mamoru Tasakawarzone2100: Parag Nemadewavbreaker: Parag Nemadewesnoth: Parag Nemadewfut: Parag Nemadewhy: Parag Nemadewhysynth-dssi: Parag Nemadewidelands: Parag Nemadewine: Parag Nemadewings: Parag Nemade. FTBFS Parag Nemadewireshark: Parag Nemadewlassistant: Parag Nemadewordwarvi: Parag Nemadeworminator: Parag Nemadewormux: Parag Nemade Looks dead package in FedoraWritRecogn: Parag NemadewxGlade: Parag Nemadex3270: Parag Nemadexaos: Parag Nemade. Failed to build for some %doc issuexarchiver: Parag Nemadexarchon: Parag Nemadexawtv: Parag Nemadexblast: Parag Nemadexca: Parag Nemadexchat-gnome: Parag Nemadexchm: Parag Nemadexdaliclock: Parag Nemadexdesktopwaves: Parag Nemadexdrawchem: Parag Nemadexfbib: Parag Nemadexfce4-taskmanager: Parag Nemadexfhell: Parag Nemadexfig: Parag Nemadexfmpc: Parag Nemadexgalaxy: Parag Nemadexgrav: Parag Nemadexhotkeys: Parag Nemadexkeycaps: Parag Nemadexlockmore: Parag Nemadexmlcopyeditor: Parag Nemadexmoto: Parag Nemadexournal: Parag Nemadexpad: Parag Nemadexpdf: Parag Nemadexpilot-ng: Parag Nemadexsane: Parag Nemadexsc: Parag Nemadexterm: Parag Nemadextide: Mamoru Tasakaxu4: Parag Nemadexvarstar: Parag Nemadexwrits: Parag Nemadexzgv: Parag Nemadeyadex: Parag Nemadezasx: Parag Nemadezynaddsubfx: Parag Nemade