Line 232: | Line 232: | ||
* <strike> freedroidrpg </strike> : Jon Ciesla | * <strike> freedroidrpg </strike> : Jon Ciesla | ||
* <strike> freetennis </strike> : Bruno Wolff | * <strike> freetennis </strike> : Bruno Wolff | ||
* fslint | * <strike> fslint </strike> : Jon Ciesla | ||
* fwbackups | * fwbackups | ||
* fwbuilder | * fwbuilder |
Revision as of 13:34, 15 March 2013
On F19+ (and not on earlier fedoras), desktop files need to be changed to not be installed with a vendor prefix.
On rawhide: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{name}'| sort| uniq| wc -l
shows 619 binary packages with problems.
February 18: Down to 358 binary packages. Way to go!
February 22: Down to 328 binary packages
February 24: Down to 282 binary packages. Over half way done!
February 25: Down to 239 binary packages
February 28: Down to 217 binary packages
March 6: Down to 213 binary packages
March 10: 173 binary packages. We've broken 200!
Porting notes
Because there are several places at which it needs to be distinguished if the desktop file has a vendor tag or not, it's not a bad idea to make the decision at the top of the spec file and use symbolic names throughout the rest. The simplest form looks something like this:
%if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 19 %global with_desktop_vendor_tag 1 %endif
If there are existing EPEL (or RHEL) builds that use a vendor tag, this needs to factored in. That looks like this:
%if (0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 19) || (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7) %global with_desktop_vendor_tag 1 %else %global with_desktop_vendor_tag 0 %endif
Then you can use %{with desktop_vendor_tag}
to run desktop-file-install
desktop-file-install \ %if %{with desktop_vendor_tag} --vendor fedora \ %endif %{name}.desktop
In addition to modifying the desktop-file-install
line, you probably also have to modify the %files
section to handle desktop files with or without the fedora-
prefix. Some examples:
- Use a conditional
%files ... + %if %{with desktop_vendor_tag} %{_datadir}/applications/fedora-%{name}.desktop + %else + %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop + %endif ...
- Use a wildcard
%files ... - %{_datadir}/applications/fedora-%{name}.desktop + %{_datadir}/applications/*%{name}.desktop ...
List of affected packages
On rawhide, run: repoquery --whatprovides \*/fedora-\*.desktop --qf '%{sourcerpm}'| sort| uniq
600 source packages need changing:
abe: Rahul Sundaramabiword: Rahul Sundaramagistudio: Rahul Sundaramaiksaurus: Rahul Sundaramairsnort: Rahul Sundaramalex4: Rahul Sundaramalexandria: already fixedalienarena: Rahul Sundaramalienblaster: Rahul Sundaramalleyoop: Rahul Sundaramalltray: Rahul Sundaramalphabet-soup: Rahul Sundaramalsamixergui: Rahul Sundaramalsa-tools- Rahul Sundaram. Filed Rahul Sundaramamsn: Rahul Sundaramamtterm: Rahul Sundaram- anaconda : Rahul Sundaram. Filed
angrydd: Jon Cieslaants: Rahul Sundaramapcupsd: Toshio Kuratomi It was in the -gui subpackageapricots: Jon Cieslaardour: Rahul Sundaramarmacycles-ad: Jon Cieslaarora: Rahul Sundaramarrows: Rahul Sundaramasc: Rahul Sundaram- astromenace - hold off, working on update - JC
asunder: Rahul Sundaramasylum: Rahul Sundaramasymptote: Rahul Sundaramaterm: Rahul Sundaramatomix: Rahul Sundaramatomorun: Rahul Sundaramaudacity: Rahul Sundaramaudio-convert-mod: Rahul Sundaramaudit-viewer: Rahul Sundaramauriferous: Rahul Sundaramautobuild-applet: Rahul Sundaramazureus: Rahul Sundarambacula: Rahul Sundaramballbuster: Rahul Sundarambalsa: Rahul Sundaram - FTBFS fixed by toshio, now rebuilt.beldi: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky: Rahul Sundarambeneath-a-steel-sky-cd: Rahul Sundaramberusky: Rahul Sundarambibus: Rahul Sundarambitmap: Rahul Sundarambless: Rahul Sundaramberusky: Rahul Sundaramblobby: Rahul SundaramBlockOutII: Rahul Sundaramboinc-client: Rahul Sundarambolzplatz2006: Rahul Sundaramboswars: Rahul Sundarambouml: Rahul Sundarambiloba: Jon Cieslabombardier: Jon Cieslabygfoot: Rahul Sundaramcairo-clock: Rahul Sundaramcatfish: Mamoru Tasaka; patch modified by Toshio to fix buildcave9: Rahul Sundaramcbrpager: already donecdcollect: Rahul Sundaramcdogs-sdl: Rahul Sundaramcelestia: Rahul Sundaramcellwriter: Parag Nemadecenterim: Rahul Sundaram, FTBFS, patched by Toshiocfdg-fe: Jon Cieslachemtool: Rahul Sundaramchildsplay: Rahul Sundaramchkrootkit: Jon Cieslachmsee: Rahul Sundaramcinepaint: Rahul Sundaramclanbomber: Rahul Sundaramclips: Rahul Sundaramclonekeen: Rahul Sundaramclusterssh: Rahul Sundaramcoco-coq: Jon Cieslacodeblocks: Rahul Sundaramcomix: Rahul Sundaramconduit: Rahul Sundaramconglomerate: Rahul Sundaramcoq: Toshio Kuratomicoriander: Rahul Sundaramcorrida: Rahul Sundaramcrack-attack: Rahul SundaramCriticalMass: Rahul Sundaramcrossfire-client: Jon Cieslacrystal-stacker: Rahul Sundaramcssed: Rahul Sundaramcwiid: Rahul Sundaramcycle: Jon Cieslacylindrix: Jon Ciesladayplanner: Toshio Kuratomidd2: Toshio Kuratomiddd: Jon Ciesladeluge: Toshio Kuratomidgae: Jon Ciesladia: Christoph Wickertdillo: Rahul Sundaramdiveintopython: Rahul Sundaramdjview4: Rahul Sundaramdogtail: Rahul Sundaramdosbox: Jon Ciesladrgeodriconf: Rahul Sundaramduel3: Rahul Sundaramdvdisaster: Rahul Sundaramdx: Rahul Sundaramdxcc: Rahul Sundarame16-keyeditebviewed2k_hashedsadmineicielem8300ember: Bruno Wolffemelfm2empathy: Brian Peppleenigmaepdfview: Jon Ciesla -- FTBFS, notified maintainer, being retired.escape: Jon Cieslaeterm: Jon Cieslaetherape: Jon Cieslaettercap: Jon Cieslaexaile: Jon Cieslaexpendable: Jon Cieslaextrema: Jon Cieslaextremetuxracer: Jon Cieslafantasdic: Already fixed by Mamoru Tasakafbg: Jon Cieslafbreader: Jon Cieslafedora-accessibility-guide-en-US: Jon Ciesla dead.package, not retired, emailed maintainerfedora-arm-installer: Jon Ciesla false positivefedora-release-notes: Jon Ciesla false positivefedora-review: Jon Ciesla false positivefilezilla: Jon Cieslafirstaidkit: Jon CieslaFlightGear: Jon Cieslaflight-of-the-amazon-queen: Jon Cieslaflight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd: Jon Cieslaflobopuyo: Jon Cieslaflpsed: Jon Cieslaflumotion: Jon Cieslafontforge: Paul Flo Williamsfontmatrix: Parag Nemadefoobillard: Jon Cieslafpm2: Jon Cieslafprint_demo: Jon Cieslafreeciv: Jon Cieslafreecol: Jon Cieslafreedroid: Jon Cieslafreedroidrpg: Jon Cieslafreetennis: Bruno Wolfffslint: Jon Ciesla- fwbackups
- fwbuilder
- fwfstab
- g3data
- gabedit
- gajim
- galternatives
- gamazons
- gambas2
- gambas3
- gazpacho
- gbrainy
- gcin
- gcompris
- gcstar
- gcx
- gdesklets
- gdmap
- geany
- gemdropx
genchemlab: Jon Ciesla- genius
- ggobi
ggz-gtk-client: Bruno Wolff- ghasher
- ghost-diagrams
giggle: Jon Ciesla- gimmix
- git
- gjots2
- gl-117
- glabels
- glade3
- glaxium
- GLC_Player
- glglobe
- gliv
glob2: Bruno Wolff- gmpc
- gnomad2
- gnomebaker
- gnome-chemistry-utils
- gnomeradio
- gnome-subtitles
- gnome-translate
gnubg: Jon Cieslagnumeric: Christoph Wickert- gobby
gonvert: Jon Ciesla- gourmet
- gparted
- gphpedit
- gpicview
gpodder: Jon Ciesla- gpredict
- gpsd
- gq
- grace
gramps: Jon Ciesla- grass
- grc
- greadelf
- gresistor
- gresolver
- GREYCstoration
greyhounds: Bruno Wolff- grhino
- grig
- grip
- grisbi
- gscan2pdf
- gtk-gnutella
- gtkperf
gtkpod: Jon Ciesla- gtk-recordmydesktop
- gtkterm
- gtorrentviewer
- gv
gweled: Jon Ciesla- gwget
- gwibber
- gxine
- gyachi
- hardinfo
- hatari
hedgewars: Bruno Wolff- HippoDraw
- homebank
- html2ps
- htmldoc
- httrack
hydrogen: Jon Cieslaim-chooser: Toshio Kuratomiimmix: Jon Cieslainetvis: Toshio Kuratomiinternational-time: Toshio Kuratomiiok: Parag Nemadeipe: Toshio Kuratomiisomaster: Toshio Kuratomijabbim: Package retiredjack-rack: Toshio Kuratomijd: Already fixed by Mamoru Tasakajigdo: Toshio Kuratomijmol: Toshio Kuratomijustmoon: Toshio Kuratomikazehakase: Already fixed by Mamoru Tasakakbilliards: Toshio Kuratomikdesvn: Toshio Kuratomikdirstat: Toshio Kuratomikeepassx: Jon Cieslakid3: already fixed by Ville Skyttäkita: already fixed by Mamoru TASAKAkitsune: Toshio Kuratomiklamav: Toshio Kuratomiknetstats: Toshio KuratomiKoboDeluxe: Jon Cieslakodos: Toshio Kuratomikomparator: Toshio Kuratomikoules: Toshio Kuratomikover: Toshio Kuratomikphotobymail: Toshio Kuratomikpolynome: Toshio Kuratomikreetingkard: Already fixed by Mamoru Tasakaksensors: Toshio Kuratomikshutdown: Already fixed by Jan GrulichLabPlot: Toshio Kuratomilacewing: Toshio Kuratomilash: oget- lazarus
- lbrickbuster2
- leafpad
- libhocr
- libsvm
- licq
liferea: Jon Ciesla- lincity-ng
- linphone
- linpsk
- linsmith
liquidwar: Jon Ciesla- listen
- liveusb-creator
- logjam
- londonlaw
- lshw
- lucidlife
- lure
- lxappearance
- lxtask
- lxterminal
- lybniz
machineball: Toshio KuratomiMaelstrom: Toshio Kuratomimagicmaze: Toshio Kuratomimagicor: Toshio Kuratomimail-notification: Toshio Kuratomimakehuman: Toshio Kuratomimanedit: Toshio Kuratomimaniadrive: Toshio Kuratomimapnik: Toshio Kuratomimdbtools: Toshio KuratomiMegaMek: Toshio Kuratomimeld: Toshio Kuatomimethane: Toshio Kuratomimidori: Toshio Kuratomimilkytracker: Toshio Kuratomimirage: already fixed by Mamoru Tasakamirrormagic: Toshio Kuratomimldonkey: Toshio Kuratomimono-tools: Toshio Kuratomimonsterz: Jon Cieslamrxvt: Toshio Kuratomimtpaint: Toshio Kuratomimtr: Toshio Kuratomimypaint: Toshio KuratomiMyPasswordSafe: Toshio Kuratominaturette: Jon Ciesla- nautilus-actions
- nazghul
- nedit
nemiver: Matthias Clasen- nessus-core
- netgen
- netgo
nethack: Jon Cieslanethack-vultures: Jon Cieslanetpanzer: Jon Cieslaneverball: Jon Cieslanexuiz: Jon Ciesla- nightfall
- nightview
- njam
- nntpgrab
- nogravity
- npush
numptyphysics: Jon Ciesla- nvclock
- obconf
- obmenu
- ochusha
- ocp
- octave
- oggconvert
- OmegaT
- oneko
- openalchemist
- openlierox
- openmsx
- openuniverse
- opticalraytracer
- orage
- osmo
- overgod
- pachi
- pan
- paraview
- parcellite
- pari
- pcmanfm
- pcsc-tools
penguin-command: Jon Cieslapengupop: Jon Ciesla- perl-Padre : Toshio Kuratomi FTBFS
phasex: Toshio Kuratomipicard: Toshio Kuratomipicviz: Toshio Kuratomipikdev: Toshio Kuratomipiklab: Toshio Kuratomipikloops: Toshio Kuratomipinball: Jon Cieslapingus: Jon Cieslapioneers: Toshio Kuratomipipenightdreams: Jon Cieslapipepanic: Toshio Kuratomiplanets: Jon Cieslaplayer: Toshio Kuratomipmpu: Toshio Kuratomipoedit: Toshio Kuratomipolicycoreutils: Rahul Sundaramportecle: Toshio Kuratomiprelude-notify: Toshio Kuratomiprofessor-is-missing: Jon Cieslapublican: Parag Nemadepuzzles: Toshio Kuratomipybliographer: Toshio Kuratomipychess: Bruno Wolffpyrenamer: Jon CieslaPySolFC: Toshio Kuratomipyvnc2swf: Toshio Kuratomiqalculate-gtk: Toshio Kuratomiqalculate-kde: Toshio Kuratomiqascadeqcad: Toshio Kuratomiqct: Toshio Kuratomiqemu-launcher: Toshio Kuratomiqfaxreader: Toshio Kuratomiqgis: Toshio Kutatomiqgit: Toshio Kuratomiqjackctl: ogetqmmp: Toshio Kuratomiqsynth: ogetqtoctave: Toshio Kuratomiqt-recordmydesktop: Toshio Kuratomiquake3: Jon Cieslaquarry: Jon Cieslaqucs: Toshio Kuratomiquicksynergy: Toshio Kuratomiquodlibet: Toshio Kuratomi & Johannes Lipsrafkill: Jon Cieslaraidem: Bruno Wolff- rapidsvn
- rawstudio
- rcsslogplayer
- rcssmonitor
- rcssserver
- rcssserver3d
- redet
- redmode
- regexxer
- rekall
- remind
- resapplet
- revelation
- revisor
- Ri-li
- ristretto
- rocksndiamonds
- rogue
rosegarden4: Already fixed by BrendanJonesrott: Toshio Kuratomiroxterm: Toshio Kuratomirxvt: Toshio Kuratomirxvt-unicode: Toshio Kuratomisaoimage: Toshio Kuratomischismtracker: Toshio Kuratomiscorched3d: Jon Cieslascorchwentbonkers: Toshio Kuratomiscreenruler: Toshio Kuratomiscribus: Toshio Kuratomiscythia: Toshio Kuratomiseahorse-adventures: Toshio Kuratomisear: Bruno Wolffseaview: Toshio Kuratomisectool: Toshio Kuratomiseq24: Brendon Jonessergueis-destiny: Jon Cieslashippy: Toshio Kuratomisim: Toshio Kuratomisimcoupe: Toshio Kuratomisirius: Bruno Wolffsix: Bruno Wolffsk2py: Toshio Kuratomislingshot: Jon Cieslasolarwolf: Jon Cieslasolfege: Toshio Kuratomi, FTBFS patchedsonata: Toshio Kuratomisooperlooper: Toshio Kuratomisopwith: Jon Cieslasoundconverter: modified in git alreadysoundtracker: Toshio Kuratomispacechart: Toshio KuratomiSprog: Toshio Kuratomisqliteman: Toshio Kuratomistardict: Toshio Kuratomistarplot: Toshio KuratomiSteGUI: Toshio Kuratomistellarium: Jon Cieslastormbaancoureur: Toshio Kuratomisubtitleeditor: Toshio Kuratomisupertuxkart: Jon Cieslasweep: Toshio Kuratomisynaptic: Toshio Kuratomisynce-kpm: Toshio Kuratomisynce-software-manager: Toshio Kuratomisynce-trayicon: Toshio Kuratomisynfigstudio: Jon Cieslasystem-config-rootpassword: Toshio Kuratomitagtool: Parag Nemadetaskcoach: Parag Nemadetaskjuggler: Parag Nemadetaxipilot: Parag Nemadetecnoballz: Parag Nemadeteg: Toshio Kuratomitennix: Jon CieslaTeXmacs: Parag Nemadetexmaker: Parag Nemadetgif: Mamoru Tasakathewidgetfactory: Toshio KuratomiThunar: Toshio Kuratomithunar-volman: Toshio Kuratomitimidity++: Parag Nemadetkgate: Parag Nemadetn5250: Parag Nemadetong: Parag Nemadetorsmo: Parag Nemadetrackballs: Jon Cieslatranslation-filter: Parag Nemadetremulous: Parag Nemadetryton: Parag Nemadetunneler: Toshio Kuratomituxpaint: Jon Cieslatuxpuck: Jon Cieslatuxtype2: Parag Nemadetwinkle: Parag Nemadetypespeed: Parag Nemadetzclock: Mamoru Tasakaularn: Jon Cieslaultimatestunts: Parag Nemadeunison213: Toshio Kuratomiuqm: Jon Cieslausbview: Parag Nemadeuudeview: Parag Nemadev4l2ucp: Parag Nemadevalknut: Parag Nemadevavoom: Parag Nemadevdrift: Parag Nemadevegastrike: Parag Nemadeverbiste: Parag Nemadevim: Parag Nemadevkeybd: Parag Nemadevodovod: Parag Nemadevym: Parag Nemadewallpapoz: Mamoru Tasakawarzone2100: Parag Nemadewavbreaker: Parag Nemadewesnoth: Parag Nemadewfut: Parag Nemadewhy: Parag Nemadewhysynth-dssi: Parag Nemadewidelands: Parag Nemadewine: Parag Nemade- wings : Parag Nemade. FTBFS
winpdb: Parag Nemadewireshark: Parag Nemadewlassistant: Parag Nemadewordwarvi: Parag Nemadeworminator: Parag Nemadewormux: Parag Nemade - dead package in Fedora, blocked from F19WritRecogn: Parag NemadewxGlade: Parag Nemadex3270: Parag Nemadexaos: Parag Nemade. FTBFS fixed by toshio. Now rebuiltxarchiver: Parag Nemadexarchon: Parag Nemadexawtv: Parag Nemadexblast: Parag Nemadexca: Parag Nemadexchat-gnome: Parag Nemadexchm: Parag Nemadexdaliclock: Parag Nemadexdesktopwaves: Parag Nemadexdrawchem: Parag Nemadexfbib: Parag Nemadexfce4-taskmanager: Parag Nemadexfhell: Parag Nemadexfig: Parag Nemadexfmpc: Parag Nemadexgalaxy: Parag Nemadexgrav: Parag Nemadexhotkeys: Parag Nemadexkeycaps: Parag Nemadexlockmore: Parag Nemadexmlcopyeditor: Parag Nemadexmoto: Parag Nemadexournal: Parag Nemadexpad: Parag Nemadexpdf: Parag Nemadexpilot-ng: Parag Nemadexsane: Parag Nemadexsc: Parag Nemadexterm: Parag Nemadextide: Mamoru Tasakaxu4: Parag Nemadexvarstar: Parag Nemadexwrits: Parag Nemadexzgv: Parag Nemadeyadex: Parag Nemadezasx: Parag Nemadezynaddsubfx: Parag Nemade