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== Participation in the Fedora Project ==
== Participation in the Fedora Project ==

* Fedora Collection as packager.
* Fedora Collection as packager/sponsor
* Fedora Usability as hacker (python, pygtk).
* Fedora Usability as hacker (python, pygtk).
* Welcoming new users (assistance through irc, forums, writing some documentation)
* Welcoming new users (assistance through irc, forums, writing some documentation)
* Fedora Ambassador (Lyon, France). {{Template:Important}}
* Fedora Ambassador (Lyon, France).
* Member of Borsalinux-fr (French speaking contributors and users group)  
* Member of Borsalinux-fr (French speaking contributors and users group)  
* Animate the Fedora Lyon monthly meetings (informal Local Fedora User Group).
* Animate the Fedora Lyon monthly meetings (informal Local Fedora User Group).

Revision as of 15:07, 29 August 2013

Haikel Guemar

Self Intro

  • Name: Haïkel Guémar
  • Location: Lyon, France
  • IRC nick: number80
  • I work as a senior software engineer at SysFera (Distributed middlewares for HPC and cloud computing)
  • I use Fedora as my main OS since 2003 and i'm a Fedora Packages Maintainer since 2006
  • I hold a MSc in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science



  • application programming: C (Posix, Gtk+), C++ (Boost, Qt4, Gtkmm), Python (SciPy, Twisted), Objective-C.
  • web programming: python (turbogears, django), php
  • basic administration skills on servers: web, scm (svn, git, hg), databases (Postgres, MySQL) and workstations.
  • package monkey ^^

Participation in the Fedora Project

  • Fedora Collection as packager/sponsor
  • Fedora Usability as hacker (python, pygtk).
  • Welcoming new users (assistance through irc, forums, writing some documentation)
  • Fedora Ambassador (Lyon, France).
  • Member of Borsalinux-fr (French speaking contributors and users group)
  • Animate the Fedora Lyon monthly meetings (informal Local Fedora User Group).
  • Writer/Reviewer for Fedora-FR documentation project.
  • I wrote few articles about Fedora for local magazines.
  • Organization of a FedoraProject presence in JDLL (October) along with ambassadors BenoîtMarcellin, MaximeCarron and some fellow guys. JDLL (Journées Du Logiciel Libre| Free Software Days) hosts meetings between Free Software related actors (companies, associations, projects etc.) and public, many conferences.


  • Packages i currently maintain for Fedora:

  • I'm also a packager sponsor


If you build it... (Koji Success II) Speak Up! Flock 2013 Attendee If you build it... (Koji Success I) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing I) Involvement You can call me "Patches" (SCM I) Tanked! Secretary General Junior Editor Ambassador Packager Sponsor You can call me "Patches" (SCM II) In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Riddle Me This Junior Badger (Badger I) Paranoid Panda Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) Associate Editor Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Bona Fide Mugshot Like a Rock (Updates-Stable I) Partners in Crime Badge Muse (Badge Ideas I) Flock 2013 Speaker Embryo Senior Editor Froglet Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Vacation FOSDEM 2014 Attendee Baby Badger It still works! Catching the Bull (Tester IV) Let Me Introduce Myself Crypto Badger The Blessing of the FPL Take this and call me in the morning Flock 2014 Attendee Dancing with Toshio Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) What goes up... (Koji Failure I) What goes up... (Koji Failure II) Missed the Train Flock Paparazzi If you build it... (Koji Success III) Fedora 21 Change Accepted You can call me "Patches" (SCM III) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing II) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) Science (Kernel Tester II) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build V) Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) FOSDEM 2015 Attendee Nom Nom Nom Flock 2015 Speaker Nuancier (F22) Origin Chocolate Chip (Cookie II) FOSDEM 2016 Attendee Patches (SCM V) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build VI) Flock 2016 Attendee Flock 2016 Speaker Summer Coder Nuancier F26 Pizzelle (Cookie IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) I Voted: Fedora 33 Flock 2014 Speaker Party Pirate Consolation Prize White Hat Senior Badger (Badger II) Proven Packager Chief Tagger (Tagger VI) Chief Package Tagger (Package Tagger VI) ZOMG Tagger (Tagger VII) ZOMG Package Tagger (Package Tagger VII) Corporate Drone What goes around comes around (Karma I) What goes up... (Koji Failure III) Override, you say? Now, I return to my farm Delivery Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing III) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable III) United Packages of Fedora Top 100 Top 25 Top 500 Old Yeller Nuancier F24 Parselmouth II Parselmouth III Adult Frog All your $arch are belong to us (Koji Success V) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure VI) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure V) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure III) FOSDEM 2020 Attendee Helping Hand White Rabbit Let's do lunch! Taming the Bull (Tester V) Tagger (Tagger II) Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Junior Package Tagger (Package Tagger I) Package Tagger (Package Tagger II) Crypto Panda Senior Tagger (Tagger III) Master Tagger (Tagger IV) Master Package Tagger (Package Tagger IV) Senior Package Tagger (Package Tagger III) Macklemore (Tagger V) Grandmaster Package Tagger (Package Tagger V) Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) The cat came back... Like a Rock (Updates-Stable II) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build III) If you build it... (Koji Success IV) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build IV) Parselmouth I Telegraphist (Upstream Release Monitoring I) Riding the Bull Home (Tester VI) The Bull Transcended (Tester VII) Science (Kernel Tester I) What goes around comes around (Karma II) Flock 2015 Attendee Macaron (Cookie I) Binary Star Master Badger (Badger III) You can call me "Patches" (SCM IV) You can pry it from my cold, dead hands Black and White (Cookie III) Horcrux DevConf 2016 Attendee Python SIG member Community Messenger I What goes around comes around (Karma III) Master Editor I Voted: Fedora 32 Badge Junkie (Badger IV) iot-name-game