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This page is for budget planning of the Fedora community in LATAM.
This page is for budget planning of the Fedora community in LATAM.

== Fiscal Year 2013 ==
== Fiscal Year 2014 ==

=== Q1 (March - May 2012) ===
=== Q1 (Janury - March 2014) ===
There is no visibility of expenses in this quarter because of transition from CommArch to OSAS.
There is no visibility of expenses in this quarter because of transition from CommArch to OSAS.

Revision as of 04:53, 26 October 2013

Budget Planning in LATAM

This page is for budget planning of the Fedora community in LATAM.

Fiscal Year 2014

Q1 (Janury - March 2014)

There is no visibility of expenses in this quarter because of transition from CommArch to OSAS.

Q2 (June - August 2012)

Actual Expenses

  • Events
  • Travel
  • Shipping

Q3 (September - November 2012)

Budget Draft

Add expenses you expect in this quarter. They don't have to be approved in this phase.
  • Swag
    • Promotional Material Mexico: $791 (Aacosta)
    • Media ESCL Guatemala: $107.82 (erheiner)
  • Events

Q4 (December 2012 - February 2013)

Budget Draft

Add expenses you expect in this quarter. They don't have to be approved in this phase.

Expense description: Estimated amount of $$ (Expense Owner)

  • Travel
  • Shipping

Fiscal Year 2014

Q1 (March - May 2013)


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
SCALE $0 $0 $194.19 Biker 77 travel to Scale ticket from Q4 2013
[Flisol] $2000 $1900.10 $885.28 Vary by country 88
Festival Abierto $100 Alejandro Perez
Document Freedom Day Venezuela $200 $ Eduardo Echeverria
Fedora Install Fest at UNESP Sergiodj
Fedora Install Fest at UNICAMP Sergiodj
Release Party F19 Managua $100 $50 Neville A. Cross
Total $ 2400 $ 2150 $1079.47


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Related tickets/More Info
SWAG&media shipping $750 $300 77.19 80,84,92
Total $750 $300 77.19


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
F19media production Brasil $1500 1300 Sergiodj
F20 media production Central America $500 $300 Neville A. Cross
Total $2000 $1600

Sub total Latam Budget Q1: Planned: $5250 Allocated $3600 Actual Cost $1156.66

Q2 (June - August 2013)


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
Campus Link Chihuahua $ $ $360,00 aacosta 67 from Q4 2013
Flisol $ $ $75,38 daniel, itamarjp 81,106 from Q1 2014
FISL $4000 $3500 $3009.24 Itamar Reis Peixoto 101,104,115,113,95,107
CNSL Venezuela $1000 $0 Eduardo Echeverria
Swags Nicaragua $0 $0 $198.89 Neville Cross 134
Releasy Party Venezuela $0 $103.20 $ Eduardo Echeverria 146
Install Fest Cusco Peru $0 $0 $339.30 Alex Oviedo 125
Latinoware Room Booking $0 $0 $225.75 Ramilton 149
Total $5000 $3500 $4208.56


Expense Planned Cost Alocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
F19 media production Brasil $ $ $1050,27 Ramilton 133
SWAG&media shipping $750 $700 $350.64 118,128,129,138,139
Total $750 $35,52 $1400.91

Sub total Latam Budget Q2: Planned $5750 Allocated $4200 Reimbursed/Buy $5617.47 Q2 total $5617.47

Sub total Allocated Q1+Q2: 7800.00

Sub total Expend Q1+Q2: 6774.13

Sub total Remaining Q1+Q2: 1025.87

Q3 (September - November 2013)


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
Banners and Sticker/broches $ $ $204.22 From Q2 135
Media $ $ $52.56 From Q2 134
Extra Broches $ $ $270.53 From Q2 140
Release Party Venezuela $ $ $103.20 From Q2 146
SFD $1000 $500 101.5 158
Latinoware $1000 $1000 $1005 149,142
SoliSC $138 Wolnei Junior 157
Tijuana Innovadora
Seminario de Tecnologias libres Venezuela
CampusLink Mexico
Release Party F20 Managua $100 $50 Neville A. Cross
Total $2100 $1550 $1875.01


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
F20 media production Brasil $1500 $1400 Sergiodj
F20 media production Central America $500 $300 Neville A. Cross
Total $2000 $1700


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Related tickets/More Info
SWAG&media shipping $750 $300
Total $750 $300

Sub total Latam Budget Q3: $4850 $3550

Q4 (December 2013 - February 2014)


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Owner Related tickets/More Info
Tecno Show Panama $500 $200 Alejandro Pérez
Southern California Linux Expo 11x
II Workshop Internacional de Matematica, fundamentos y aplicaciones
Total $ 500 $200


Expense Planned Cost Allocated Actual Cost Related tickets/More Info
SWAG&media shipping $750 350
Total $750 $350

Subtotal Latam Budget Q4: $1250 $550

Total Latam Budget Y2014: $17100 $12100 $6774.13 remaining 5325.87