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= Fedora Ambassadors Membership Verification = | = Fedora Ambassadors Membership Verification = | ||
{{Admon/warning | We work on a automated FAS export - As long as we work on it - add your self to that list if you have signed CLA and joined 'ambassadors' group. | <!-- This page is updated with the help of a python script which gather the data out of the [[*| 'ambassadors' group]] from the FAS2. | ||
{{Admon/warning | Don't edit this page by hand. All changes will be overwritten by the next update. If you have any question on your Fedora Ambassadors Membership, please contact [[JoergSimon]] or [[FabianAffolter]]}} | |||
* Last update : 2008-07-22 | |||
--> | |||
{{Admon/warning | We work on a automated FAS export - As long as we work on it - add your self to that list if you have signed CLA and joined 'ambassadors' group. If you have any question on your Fedora Ambassadors Membership, please contact [[JoergSimon]] or [[FabianAffolter]]}} | |||
* Visit* to check the whole list of members of the 'ambassadors' group. You need a FAS account to do this. | * Visit* to check the whole list of members of the 'ambassadors' group. You need a FAS account to do this. |
Revision as of 12:53, 22 July 2008
Fedora Ambassadors Membership Verification
- Visit* to check the whole list of members of the 'ambassadors' group. You need a FAS account to do this.
Symbol | Meaning |
![]() |
Verified |
![]() |
Need to join 'ambassadors' group in Fedora Account System |
- AadarshBhardwaj
- AbhishekChauhan
- AbhishekSingh
- AdityaSharma
- AdrianJoian
- AhmedHussain
- AlasdairKergon
- AlejandroAcosta
- AlejandroMoncada
- AlexMaier
- AlexanderWilhelm
- AlexandreDulaunoy
- AllissonAzevedo
- AmaMgbeoji
- AmitakhyaPhukan
- AnandCapur
- AndreaMaurizioGnerre
- AndreaModestoRossi
- AndreasRau
- AndresAguilar
- AndrewOverholt
- AnkitGovil
- AnkurShrivastava
- AnuchitChalothorn
- AnujMittal
- AravindSeshadri
- ArmelKermorvant
- ArindamGhosh
- ArturoHoffstadt
- AshiqurRahman
- AtamuratSariyev
- AudeeVelasco
- AurelienBompard
- AyrtonAraujo
- BalajiGurudass
- BalajiPonmud
- BalajiRao
- BalloutMerouen
- BarisCicek
- BarryFox
- BartCouvreur
- BartDeSoete
- BehdadEsfahbod
- BenLewis
- BenoîtMarcelin
- BernardKawalec
- BiswajitDas
- BjornAndersen
- BobJensen
- BogomilShopov
- BoguslawKlimas
- BrendonToogood
- BrianMcCue
- BrianPepple
- BrianPowell
- BrunoBarrera
- BryanElliott
- CarlosVassalo
- CaseyJones
- Chadi Al Saliby
- ChaitanyaVellanki
- CharlesAsbury
- CharlesVinchon
- ChihebChabchoub
- ChitleshGoorah
- ChristianGrams
- ChristophStrobel
- ChristophWickert
- ChristophePolyte
- ClausReheis
- ClintSavage
- ColinCharles
- CraigAnsell
- CristianoFurtado
- DamienDurand
- DamirZubovic
- DaniamHenriques
- DanielKretschmer
- DanishkaNavin
- DapidCandra
- DavidBarzilay
- DavidHackl
- DavidMora
- DavidNalley
- DavidNielsen
- DavidsonPaulo
- DawoodSangameshwari
- DeboOgunrinde
- DennisBuice
- DevrimGunduz
- DhananjaySingh
- DiaaRadwan
- DiegoEscobar
- DiegoZacarao
- DipanjanChakraborty
- DimitriosMichelinakis
- DimitrisGlezos
- DmitriAlenitchev
- DmitryKhristianov
- DominicDuval
- DominiqueWiener
- DonnellNichols
- DouglasHardison
- DuarteDiogo
- EduardPech
- EduardoVillagrán
- ElioTondo
- EmersonFabian
- EngelsAntonio
- EricChristensen
- ErickGoes
- ErnestSchleicher
- ErwienYustitiawan
- EstebanBaez
- EugeneTeo
- EunirAugusto
- EzequielCardinali
- FabianAffolter
- FaisalMughal
- FilipTsachev
- FlorianBrand
- FrancescoCrippa
- FrancescoUgolini
- FranzRobert
- FredericHornain
- FrederikBijlsma
- GabrielLovison
- GabrielPirvan
- GantryYork
- GavinHenry
- GeroldKassube
- GianlucaVarisco
- GiuseppePignataro
- GopalDas
- GradyLaksmono
- GregDeKoenigsberg
- GuillaumeKulakowski
- GuilhermeGonçalves
- GuillermoGomez
- GustavoPicoloto
- GutembergMedeiros
- HabibulIslam
- HaikelGuemar
- HanafiahMuhamad
- HansPicht
- HarishPillay
- HehersonPagcaliwagan
- HenriqueJunior
- HernanPachas
- HishamAbdelMagid
- HolgerDoerner
- HorstvonBrand
- HugoCisneiros
- HuzeyfeOnal
- IgbalKaraev
- IgorSoares
- ImtiazRahi
- InashZubair
- IrvingBennett
- IzaacZavaleta
- JackAboutboul
- JagannathdasRath
- JamesBenWilliams
- JamesBunnell
- JamesKrawczyk
- JanBirsa
- JasonCross
- JasonFenner
- JassyPhulewala
- JavierGabriel
- JaydeepRathava
- JaymeAyres
- JefSpaleta
- JeffreyTadlock
- JensKuehnel
- JeremyGaddis
- JeremyHogan
- JeroenVanMeeuwen
- JesseKeating
- JesusAlbertoPalmaGarcia
- JimGordon
- JimNanney
- JithenderReddy
- JoeEarly
- JoergSimon
- JohanCwiklinski
- JohannBenediktGudmundsson
- JohnAlvero
- JohnBabich
- JohnChendra
- JohnMackay
- JohnRose
- JonFautley
- JonStanley
- JonathanBasse
- JonathanDieter
- JordanTheyel
- JoseManimala
- JoseNeto
- JoseSalgado
- JoseTarazona
- JoshuaWulf
- JovanSpasojevic
- JuanCamiloPrada
- JuanCarlosLin
- JuanLentino
- JuanMardones
- JuanRodriguezMoreno
- JustinBisted
- KarlieRobinson
- KarolTrzcionka
- KarstenWade
- KefahIssa
- KeiranSmith
- KelseyHightower
- KelvinXu
- KennyParnell
- KevinVerma
- KirillNovikov
- KonradMoson
- KonstantinBurtsev
- KrzysztofHajdamowicz
- KushalDas
- LaithJuwaidah
- LarryLetelier
- LaurenceLee
- LeeJoseph
- LicioFonseca
- LloydAlmeida
- LoodRooliza
- LorenzoVillani
- LouSpironello
- LucaFoppiano
- Lucazz
- LuisMarzagao
- LukeSatin
- LuyaTshimbalanga
- MagieAntonio
- MahayAlamKhan
- ManuelWolfshant
- MarcWiriadisastra
- MarceloMello
- MarcoPalazzotti
- MarcoZiesing
- MarekMahut
- MariaLeandro
- MarioGamboa
- MarioTorre
- MarkoMilenkovic
- MatiasMaceira
- MartinBrej
- MartinMartinov
- MasoodMehmood
- MateuszHalaba
- MathieuBridon
- MatiasKreder
- MattFrye
- MattMcKenzie
- MatthewCascio
- MatthewMiller
- MatthiasKranz
- MatthieuRondeau
- MauricioPretto
- MaximeCarron
- MaxSpevack
- MdSabrulJamil
- MehulPatel
- MichalPlaugo
- MichelSalim
- MikeBarsalou
- MikeChambers
- MohamedImran
- MohamedSameeh
- MohdIzharFirdaus
- MosheRoffe
- MukulDharwadkar
- MuratUgurEminoglu
- MustafaQasim
- NayyarAhmad
- NabeelMoidu
- NapoleonEsmundoRamirez
- NareshKumar
- NataliaWanick
- NehalDattani
- NicholasBebout
- NicolasCorrarello
- NicolasMailhot
- NihedMbarek
- NikhilBharadwaj
- OliverFalk
- OlumuyiwaTaiwo
- OmarElzanaty
- PabloBarrera
- PascalCalarco
- PatricioValdes
- PatrickBarnes
- PaulFrields
- PaulStauffer
- PaulmarcBougharios
- PawelCebula
- PawelSadowski
- PercyMcNutt
- PeterReuschlein
- PierreYvesChibon
- PrakharAgarwal
- PrasadDhanakodi
- PrudhviKrishna
- QuentinDumont
- RafaelGomes
- RahulBhalerao
- RahulRaheja
- RahulSundaram
- RajeevRavikrishna
- RajeshPandey
- RajeshRanjan
- RamamurthyShiroor
- RashadulIslam
- RaviSagar
- RexDieter
- RiaDas
- RicardoArguello
- RichardTuttle
- RickyZhou
- RobertAlbrecht
- RobertScheck
- RobertWhetsel
- RobertWright
- RodrigoMenezes
- RodrigoPadula
- RohanDighe
- RohitKumarRai
- RoozbehPournader
- RoyOng
- RudimarGrass
- RudolfKastl
- RuiMoreira
- SaadaldineAlsaidi
- SabyasachiMohapatra
- SaiKiran
- SameerBobade
- SamFolkWilliams
- SamiBenyounes
- SandroMathys
- SanjayBhatia
- SankarshanMukhopadhyay
- SantoshKumar
- SatishKumar
- SatishMohan
- SatyajitRanjeev
- SatyaChickerur
- ScottHarvanek
- ScottThistle
- SeanCarlos
- SebastianDziallas
- SebastianVahl
- SerhatGungor
- ShahrimanSamsudin
- ShanDoraisamy
- ShankarPokharel
- SharuzzamanRaslan
- ShoaibHandoo
- SholaSalakoOgunrinde
- ShidaiLiu
- SiddharthUpmanyu
- SimosXenitellis
- SirajRazick
- SivaPrakash
- SonglinLi
- SoumyakantiChakraborty
- SreenivasaRao
- SrinivasUppuluri
- StanFinley
- StanislausMartins
- StefanHeld
- StevenDrinnan
- SubhodipBiswas
- SudheerSatyanarayana
- SurenKarapetyan
- SusmitShannigrahi
- SvenVonbrand
- TarekTaha
- TejasDinkar
- TheodorosSynodinos
- ThibaultNorth
- ThierryDelmonte
- ThijsHulshof
- ThomasCanniot
- ThomasChung
- ThomasTran
- ThomasWoerner
- TomCallaway
- TonyGuntharp
- TravisThrone
- TulioMacedo
- TusharNeupaney
- ValentTurkovic
- VidurMittal
- VijayGupta
- VigneshSundaram
- VinodhKumar
- VitorDomingos
- WaelAmmar
- WalterCervini
- WaltPu
- WassimKaroui
- WentaoTang
- WilliamHoffmann
- WilmerJaramillo
- WuYu
- XavierLamien
- YasserAlshaqsi
- YogeshBute
- YuanYijun
- ZackVonmenchhofen
- ZiedFakhfakh