From Fedora Project Wiki
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Welcome to Fedora Ambassadors Project!
Welcome to Fedora Ambassadors Project!

You have completed the Fedora Ambassadors Membership process and i have  
You have completed the Fedora Ambassadors Membership Process and i have  
sponsored and approved your Membership!
sponsored and approved your Membership!

Revision as of 06:57, 15 September 2008

Membership Service for Fedora Ambassadors

As a reminder, everyone in Fedora Ambassadors Program should Complete CLA and join ambassadors group in your Fedora Account System .

If you have any question on Ambassdors membership service, please contact one of following persons:

Ambassadors who signed CLA and joined Ambassadors Group

How to request new Fedora Email Alias for Ambassadors

OPL and CLA Check


Please contact following FAmSCo members to your sponsorship
  • Fabian Affolter <> - Region : EMEA, APAC, and North America
  • Joerg Simon <> - Region : EMEA, APAC, and North America
  • Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira <> - Region : South America

Cancel Request

I still have not heard from you after numerous attempts to contact you.

I'm sorry but I have no choice to cancel your request at this time. Please contact me if you decided to re-apply for Fedora Ambassadors Project.


Ambassador unsubscribed Mailing List

Hi, we noticed that you recently unsubscribed from the Ambassadors mailing list. If you want to remain active in Ambassadors, we ask that you remain subscribed. However, if you are no longer intersted in being a Fedora Ambassadors, that is ok, and please let us know. Thank you. Regards,

Ambassador Mailing List Reminder

Hi, we have noticed that you have not subscribed to the Ambassadors mailing

list since you joined the Ambassador Group. If you want to become active in Ambassadors, we ask you to subscribe within your probation period and share your ideas with us. Please tell us if you subscribed with another email address! However, if you are no longer interested in being a Fedora Ambassadors, that is ok, and please let us know. Thank you.


Initial Interview

Please tell me about yourself and your plan for Fedora Ambassadors Project in your email reply.

Make sure to include the name of country or region you'll represent. Upon review, I'll send you a list of steps to complete the membership.


List Subscription Requirement

RE: Fedora Ambassadors List


Thank you for your interest in Fedora Ambassadors Project. In order to subscribe fedora-ambassadors-list, you must become an Ambassador first.

Please refer to following page for How to Join Ambassadors Project. Ambassadors/Join

If you don't sign CLA and join 'ambassadors' group in your Fedora Account System in next 24 hours, your request for subscription to fedora-ambassadors-list will be rejected.


Ambassadors Group

Please apply for 'ambassadors' group in Fedora Account System first.
  1. Login from
  2. Click on 'Group List' on left navigation
  3. Locate 'ambassadors' group
  4. Click on 'Apply' link.

Membership Check

RE: Fedora Ambassadors Membership

Thank you for applying for "ambassadors" group in Fedora Account System.

To complete the Fedora Ambassadors Membership process, please do following steps:

1. Change your first name and last name to Latin letter in the FAS if you filled your name in Cyrillic, Chinese, or other than Latin.

2. Create your personal wiki page in the Fedora Project Wiki (log in with your FAS credentials)

You can take the following page for an initial version of you page

3. Add yourself in Fedora Ambassadors CountryList

4. Subscribe to Fedora Announce Mailing List

5. Subscribe to Fedora Marketing Mailing List

6. Subscribe to Fedora Ambassadors Mailing List

7. Remove yourself from 'The Unlicensed Group' for OPL without options. (If you contributed in the past) UnlicensedGroup

8. Read the Mailing Guidelines carefully before you start posting there.

9. Send an self-introduction to the Fedora Ambassadors Mailing list. Tell the world who you are, what your are doing, what you will do, and so on. We would also like to know what you want to archive inside the Fedora Ambassadors Group. Please do this within the next four (4) weeks.

After you're completed above steps, I'll announce your official membership to FAmSCo:



  • How to search someone's gpg keys
$ gpg --keyserver --search

Good Reference

Final Welcome Message

Welcome to Fedora Ambassadors Project!

You have completed the Fedora Ambassadors Membership Process and i have sponsored and approved your Membership!

For information on Fedora Project email alias or Fedora Ambassadors Business Cards, please visit following:

Also please read past meeting minutes to catch up when you have a chance:

Now that you're a Fedora Ambassador officially, please follow our Code of Conduct:

Once again, Welcome Aboard!


Reject the subscription with a note

Does not respond to moderator requests, does not fulfill minimal requirements

Removal Process for Ambassador's Membership

  1. remove Ambassadors category from personal wiki page
  2. remove from Country List
  3. remove from 'ambassadors' group in Fedora Account System
  4. remove from Ambassadors Verification List
  5. remove from fedora-ambassadors-list
  6. leave fedora-marketing-list
  7. leave EditGroup (CLA can't be removed)
  8. send confirmation
RE: Fedora Ambassadors Membership

Thank you for your past contribution. You have been removed from Ambassadors group. If you ever decided to join us again, we'll be happy to have you back.
