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Fedora 新闻周刊第 104 期
欢迎阅读 Fedora 新闻周刊 104 期,本期记载 2007 年 10 月 1 日起一周的 Fedora 事件。本页永久链接为 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/zh_CN/FWN/Issue104
最新消息,Fedora 8 Test 3 (7.92) 已经发布,详细信息请查看公告栏。
上周没有 Fedora 项目的公告。
Fedora 8 Test 3 (7.92) 发布!
JeremyKatz 在 fedora-announce-list[1] 中写道:
"Fedora 8 Test 3 已经放出!这是 Fedora 8 正式版发布前的最后一个测试版, 这是测试所有你喜欢的程序包的最佳时机。Test 3 是给测试用户准备的。现在我们 需要整个 Fedora 社区的参与,没有社区的参与,我们就不能更好的完善系统。"
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/2007-October/msg00001.html
Fedora 有问有答
在这一节中,我们将回答来自 Fedora 社区的普遍性问题。把你的问题发送到 askfedora@fedoraproject.org,Fedora 新闻组将会从 Fedora 开发者和贡献者的回答 中选取一部分作为周报的一部分。如果你不想公开你的名字或电子邮件地址,请在问题 中明确说明。
怎样参与 Fedora 社区?
Mark McLaughlin: How can I be a part of the Fedora project and be able to cast a vote for the codename for the next Fedora Releases? I want to contribute with ideas and distribute Live CDs in New England USA
You can be part of Fedora by joining one of the sub projects available at http://fedoraproject.org/join-fedora.html. Any Fedora contributor would be able to vote for a codename for the upcoming releases of Fedora. Ideas are worth it's weight in gold but the key factor in realizing those ideas in many instances is to step up and do the work involved. With Free software, you don't have to be contend with merely being a consumer and you have the nice opportunity to go beyond it and drive the changes you desire. Go for it.
If you are interested in distributing media freely to more end users, join the Free Media project at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/FreeMedia where hundreds of copies of Fedora is being distributed every month all over the world by volunteers in the Fedora community. Give everyone you can, the gift of Fedora!
Fedora 博客聚集
在这一节中包含 Fedora 贡献者的博客精彩文章。
PaulFrields points out in his blog[1] ,
"Tomorrow night at 2359 UTC the wiki beats, where we collect the release notes for F8, will be “frozen” for the final release. From there, we produce DocBook XML sources which go to the L10N folks for translation for the F8 general release."
[1] http://marilyn.frields.org:8080/~paul/wordpress/?p=852
ColinWalters points out in his blog[1] ,
"Online Desktop - Owen, Bryan, Marina and I gave a talk on the Online Desktop effort that went pretty well, lots of stuff was demoed and there were some good questions."
"Summit[2] General - So far it's fun, a lot of people hacking on things here. Gave a short talk about the current state of Hotwire which went well. I think there's a lot of interest but probably most people are waiting for bugs to be fixed; if you've tried it and found some, please file them!
[1] http://cgwalters.livejournal.com/8194.html
[2] http://live.gnome.org/Boston2007
这一节中带来的是有关 Fedora 营销方面的内容。
Fedora 7:一个成功的发行版
RahulSundaram reports in fedora-marketing-list[1] ,
"Overall, Fedora is a good distribution to consider both for an easy-to-use desktop and for a basic home or small-office server. The user interface and security features are first-class, and the rest of the environment is straightforward, particularly if you are used to Red Hat. When deciding between Linux distributions to try out, Fedora should certainly be on the list."
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-marketing-list/2007-October/msg00020.html
采访 Max Spevack
RahulSundaram reports in fedora-marketing-list[1] ,
"Fedora is a distribution that we try to release twice a year, and we try to always focus on the things that are important to the larger Fedora community, while at the same time allowing Fedora to be a place where things that Red Hat engineering groups are working on can also make their way into the distribution."
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-marketing-list/2007-October/msg00120.html
Pungi 错误修正
遵循 GPLv2 中的约束进行代码维护
Co-maintainers Without Sponsorship?
Orinoco 驱动和 NetworkManager 的网络扫描问题
/etc/hosts 讨论与 libICE 修正
Firefox 提速
Bodhi To Allow "cvsextras" To Push To Testing
ExcludeArch Packaging Bug Resolved For 'gnome-python2-extras'
Mono Packages Lagging, New Co-maintainer Added
Mixing Macros And Native Commands In Specfiles
Fedora 8 Test 3 发布
这一节包含 Fedora 翻译(L10n)项目相关的新闻。
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2007-October/msg00003.html
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/pirut
[2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2007-October/msg00011.html
MirrorManager 补丁包
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-infrastructure-list/2007-October/msg00000.html
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/MirrorManager
[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-infrastructure-list/2007-October/msg00007.html
VM-Based Rootkits Proved Easily Detectable
Linux phishing botnet statistics can be deceptive
"you security people are insane."
Fedora 7 安全更新
- kdebase-3.5.7-13.1.fc7 - https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2007-October/msg00022.html
- xen-3.1.0-6.fc7 - https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2007-October/msg00030.html
- pidgin-2.2.1-1.fc7 - https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2007-October/msg00036.html
- openoffice.org-2.2.1-18.2.fc7 - https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2007-October/msg00046.html
Fedora Core 6 安全更新
- None reported
Fedora Board Meeting Minutes 2007-MM-DD
- No Report
Fedora Ambassadors Meeting 2007-MM-DD
- No Report
Fedora Documentation Steering Committee 2007-10-07
Fedora Engineering Steering Committee Meeting 2007-10-04
Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Meeting (Log) 2007-MM-DD
- No Report
Fedora Infrastructure Meeting (Log) 2007-10-04
Fedora Localization Project Meeting 2007-MM-DD
- No Report