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Latest revision as of 08:11, 12 December 2008
zh CN/Meetings/2008-01-25
- 继续邀请加入 fedora-cn Google Group 暨邮件列表 ,帮助申请 fedora 贡献者帐号
- Mozilla (Firefox) 的翻譯 - keimoto
第一项内容:MIPS 的事情
- lyxmoo 是确实做过 龙芯上的 Fedora 的
- XinZhen 和 hellwolf 对 MIPS 比较熟悉。
- YuanYijun 对 MIPS 一窍不通,也不知道这个项目从哪儿开始。对沟通协调比较大胆
- 杨木,细节未知,可以做技术和文档
#!irc 20:09 <+LoneStar> hers, 你晚上几点睡觉? 20:09 <+LoneStar> 我看看能不能赶得回来 20:10 <+hers> 我觉得是丢掉垃圾的意思 20:10 <+hers> LoneStar~ 你有啥要事啊…… 20:10 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:12 <+LoneStar> 我在酝酿一些深入参与fedora project的计划 20:12 <+LoneStar> 想听听你的意见 20:12 <+hers> o 20:12 <+LoneStar> 请 hellwolf 先代为发表一下吧 20:12 <+LoneStar> 我有点事,不好意思 20:13 -!- nihui [n=nihui@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:13 <+hers> np 20:15 <+hellwolf> 会谈在深入友好的气氛中热烈的进行着 20:16 < r0bertz|work> ... 20:16 < r0bertz|work> hellwolf, 还没忘阿 20:18 <+hellwolf> 前事不忘,后事之屎 20:19 -!- xijiao [n=xijiao@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:19 <+hers> 忘啥记啥了? 20:21 < r0bertz|work> 新闻联播里的词儿
#!irc 15:26 * LoneStar touch hers 15:26 < eugene-> that's sexual harrassment :) 15:30 <+LoneStar> harassment? 15:31 < DawnFantasy> 侵犯~~ 15:31 < eugene-> 性骚扰 15:31 <+LoneStar> violence 15:31 < eugene-> 非礼 15:31 <+LoneStar> impolite 15:46 < Kevin_U2> 。。。 15:50 <+LoneStar> hellwolf, 我打听到个消息,那个为龙芯打了1000多个包 的人,可能是红旗的人 15:51 <+hers> 哦,看来所谓宏图大业是说龙芯 15:51 <+LoneStar> 至少有消息指出红旗正在移植f8到龙芯上 15:51 <+LoneStar> ... 15:51 <+LoneStar> 冒泡前先打声招呼阿 15:51 <+hers> hi, LoneStar 吃了没? 15:51 <+LoneStar> 吃了 15:52 <+hers> 那就好,看来社会比较稳定,每天可以吃三次 15:53 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:53 <+LoneStar> 和谐了 15:54 <+LoneStar> hers, 知道 fedora 有个 secondary architecture 的接口吗? 15:54 <+LoneStar> 鼓励大家把fedora移植去别的cpu架构上 15:54 <+LoneStar> 我原本以为redhat会反对这样做 15:54 < r0bertz|work> 还是gentoo好啊,我自己一个都可以维护 loongson port, ;) 15:55 <+LoneStar> 当然,也只是精神层面鼓励,不给任何实质性帮助的 15:55 < r0bertz|work> heihei 15:55 <+LoneStar> fedora的infrastructure可比portage复杂多了 15:55 <+LoneStar> 消耗更多人力 15:55 < eugene-> fedora-cn 有没有Planet呢? 15:55 <+LoneStar> 目前没有吧 15:56 <+LoneStar> 不过gnome-cn有 15:56 < eugene-> 其实,要的话,我可以跑个Planet Fedora-cn 15:56 <+LoneStar> 好阿 15:57 <+LoneStar> hellwolf, 醒来后记得看log 15:57 <+LoneStar> hers, 然? 15:57 < eugene-> 能不能发我个email把你们的博客RSS/ATOM Feeds给我。 15:58 <+hers> planet 么,可以订 15:58 < eugene-> 哦 15:58 <+hers> 不过东西比较杂,因为是搜索到的…… 15:58 <+hers> LoneStar~ 我不知道 secondary infrastructure 的事 15:59 < eugene-> 要是已经有了planet就算了。1 15:59 <+hers> 前面有个 alpha core,还有个 arm 的,你是说那些吗? 15:59 <+LoneStar> 我就是看了arm的,才觉得这事可行 16:00 <+LoneStar> 我来帮助你了解一下, 16:00 <+hers> 然后呢? 16:00 <+LoneStar> 粗看之下,大意是要按他们规定的方式编译,然后定期汇报进展 16:01 <+LoneStar> 还要提供符合他们要求的各种机制,仓库等等 16:01 <+LoneStar> FESCo 是什么? 16:03 <+LoneStar> 我就想评估,要支撑一个 architecture,工作量有多大 16:03 <+LoneStar> 一当然是技术性的,二是事务性的,同他们的沟通,获得他们的认可 16:04 <+LoneStar> 三是资源性的,他们要求提供这个那个,我们得有 16:04 <+hers> FESCo 是技术顾问 16:04 <+LoneStar> 想咨询的就是,我的评估有没有错? 16:05 <+hers> 那你想搞哪个 architecture 了? 16:05 <+LoneStar> mips阿 16:05 <+LoneStar> 看了一下,没有 16:06 <+hers> 在哪儿看? 16:06 <+LoneStar> 搜索标题含architecture 16:06 -!- InitX|F7 [n=initx@] has joined #fedora-cn 16:06 <+LoneStar> 搜到arm和s390x 16:06 < InitX|F7> vmstat 出来的值怎么 awk 16:06 < InitX|F7> any body help? 16:07 <+LoneStar> cut? 16:08 <+hers> o 看到了一篇文章 这是比较新的东西呀 16:08 <+hers> Step 1: Form the architecture team 16:08 <+hers> Step 2: Get hardware for the architecture 16:08 <+hers> Step 3: Bootstrap the architecture 16:08 <+hers> Step 4: Set up a Koji buildserver cluster 16:08 <+hers> Step 5: Create a tracker bug in Fedora bugzilla 16:08 <+hers> Step 6: Create a a mailing list 16:08 <+hers> Step 7: Connect the architecture buildserver cluster to the primary cluster 16:08 <+hers> Step 8: Get cvs access for the architecture team, set milestones 16:08 <+hers> LoneStar~ 那你不问 ricky,找我干什么?我又不知道 Infrastructure 的内幕 16:10 <+hers> LoneStar~ 到 登记 16:12 <+LoneStar> hers, 问你当然不是要你来动手干活 16:12 <+LoneStar> 而是说你帮我看看这评估是否准确 16:12 <+LoneStar> 开始干之前,有多大工作量,能否达得到,心里总要有个数是吧 16:13 <+hers> 那你的评估在哪儿? 16:13 <+hers> 联系了那个 Tom 没有? 16:13 <+LoneStar> 都没有 16:13 <+LoneStar> 你第一个 16:14 <+LoneStar> 如果你看下来说,这需要20个人力那我就不必联系其他人了 16:14 <+LoneStar> 我的评估都tmd在和hellwolf的聊天记录里 16:14 -!- oceanbooo [n=oceanboo@] has quit ["Leaving"] 16:14 <+LoneStar> 我简要说一下,不铺太开 16:14 <+LoneStar> 我觉得要克服的问题就以上3个 16:16 <+hers> 哦,那把和 hw 的聊天记录发到什么地方呗 16:16 <+hers> LoneStar~ 你能改这个页面不, 16:25 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has joined #fedora-cn 16:25 <+hers> LoneStar~ 哪儿去了…… 16:31 <+LoneStar> 走开了一下。回来了 16:31 <+LoneStar> 继续 16:32 <+hers> 那你先把聊天记录发到那个那个地方,俺们看看…… 16:32 <+LoneStar> 首先是技术方面的问题。因为有 r0bertz 等的铺垫,我估计已经不会太多了 16:32 <+LoneStar> sorry,我也没有,我让 hellwolf 复述给你听呢 16:32 <+LoneStar> 现在还是我代劳吧 16:32 <+hers> - -! 16:33 < r0bertz|work> - - 16:33 <+LoneStar> f/arm总共对50个包打了补丁 16:33 <+LoneStar> 我考虑arm跟mips的相似性,觉得应该也是这个数 16:34 <+LoneStar> 我们还有个龙芯问题要考虑,经过一番询问,我得知龙芯specific 的补丁很少 16:34 <+LoneStar> 影响的包只有几个而已 16:34 <+LoneStar> 这是我在技术层面的把握 16:34 <+LoneStar> 其次是事务性的 16:35 <+LoneStar> hellwolf 对进行 mips 的开发很有兴趣,但对加入 fedora 不感冒 16:35 <+LoneStar> 我的理解是这样的,如果不能获得足够关注度,自由项目就无法生存 16:35 <+LoneStar> 所以我得自己来做这块 16:36 <+LoneStar> 那这就是我要咨询你的地方,不知道这水有多深 16:36 <+LoneStar> 第三个是资源。fedora不允许交叉编译,又要求build server cluster 等机制 16:36 <+LoneStar> 还要sandbox啥的 16:37 <+LoneStar> 我手上虽然有不少mips机器,但大多数是嵌入式的 16:37 <+LoneStar> 外加1个盒子,总之是十分的紧张 16:38 <+hers> 那得编译多少东西 16:38 <+LoneStar> 他说 regularly rebuild all 16:38 <+hers> 不允许交叉编译没错,可是 koji 是跑在 xen 上的吧? 16:38 <+LoneStar> 没说多久 16:39 <+LoneStar> 我猜想是要我搭mips上的koji吧? 16:39 <+LoneStar> arm的人搭了arm设备+qemu 的集群 16:39 <+LoneStar> 但 hellwolf 泼冷水说,qemu-mips 没有可用的内核 16:39 <+hers> 这冷水 16:39 <+LoneStar> 总之,要从基础设施搭建起 16:40 <+hers> LoneStar~ 我不知道什么关注度的事 16:40 <+LoneStar> 那就聊你知道的 16:40 <+hers> LoneStar~ 要是需要人,算我一个,虽然我不是个好程序员…… 16:41 <+hers> 别的也不知道…… 16:41 <+LoneStar> 哦,没事。程序的事拜托 r0bertz 就好了 16:41 <+LoneStar> 跪求补丁总会吧 16:41 < r0bertz|work> ... 16:41 <+hers> 得,看 r0 真有用 16:41 <+LoneStar> 另外网上已经有人完成了f8的mips rpm包的编译 16:41 <+LoneStar> 再加上红旗也在弄 16:42 <+hers> 在哪儿? 16:42 <+LoneStar> 技术层面我觉得已经不担心了 16:42 <+LoneStar> 16:42 <+LoneStar> 等一下,我突然发现没有srpm 16:42 <+LoneStar> 红旗…… 16:43 <+LoneStar> 不提了,丢人 16:43 <+hers> 上海毕微信息技术有限公司?你去找那个人问问呗,看能不能用他的成果。好好商量下 16:43 <+hers> 红旗的在哪儿? 16:43 <+LoneStar> 我正在找呢 16:43 <+LoneStar> 居然没人知道 16:43 <+LoneStar> 红旗在linux-ren 16:44 <+LoneStar> 据说有一帮人在鼓捣龙芯 16:44 <+LoneStar> 好了,这就是技术层面的全部资源 16:44 <+LoneStar> 还有我们没想到的吗? 16:45 <+LoneStar> 顺便咨询一下 r0bertz ,知道 N32 和 O32 吗? 16:45 < r0bertz|work> 知道 16:45 <+LoneStar> 哪个好? 16:46 < r0bertz|work> 想省事就o32 16:46 < r0bertz|work> 否则就有的忙了 16:46 < r0bertz|work> 首先要先找本书来好好研究一下n32 spec 16:46 < r0bertz|work> 然后遇到问题再帮忙移植 16:46 < r0bertz|work> 从纯技术角度,n32较好 16:47 < r0bertz|work> 较多的使用了寄存器来传参数 16:47 < r0bertz|work> 但现在使用的不广泛 16:47 <+LoneStar> 那现在各家mips软件厂商用的多的是哪种? 16:47 <+LoneStar> debian? 16:47 < r0bertz|work> o32 16:47 <+LoneStar> OK, 谢谢 16:48 < r0bertz|work> see mips run也推荐o32 16:48 <+LoneStar> 定了。瞧,做决策如此之简单 ^_^ 16:48 < r0bertz|work> ... 16:48 <+LoneStar> 我记下来,以后写到wiki上。如果项目能开张的话 16:50 < r0bertz|work> :) 16:50 <+LoneStar> 记到evolution 备忘里 16:50 <+hers> 什么叫 N32/O32... 你直接就记你名下吗,还用得着等 16:50 <+LoneStar> 希望别被吃了 16:51 <+LoneStar> 我? 16:51 <+LoneStar> 我想放到这样的地方: 16:54 <+hers> 要和 Tom 沟通好 16:55 <+LoneStar> 明白了 16:55 <+hers> 记到自己名下就不用那么麻烦…… 而且想不做就不做的…… 16:55 <+LoneStar> 我回头email他好了 16:55 <+LoneStar> 还是直接修改人家的wiki? 16:56 <+LoneStar> 细节先不谈,申请的是我等 hw 苏醒后最后确认一次 16:56 <+LoneStar> 不出意外的话今晚办 16:57 <+LoneStar> 下一个议题是事务性工作 16:57 <+LoneStar> hw 对 fedora 不感兴趣,因此这里有点分歧 16:58 <+LoneStar> 我的期望值是,获得 fedora 认可,组织名称出现在官方或者半官方媒介上 16:58 <+hers> 怎么回事,怎么又对 fedora 不感兴趣了…… 16:58 <+LoneStar> 我说事务性的东西 16:58 <+hers> LoneStar~ 多沟通。给 Tom 写信 16:59 <+LoneStar> 什么提交月度报告啦,符合标准啦 16:59 <+LoneStar> koji啦buildserver啦 16:59 <+LoneStar> 他感兴趣的是技术 16:59 * hers 在写一份,问问那个 Tom 的想法 16:59 <+LoneStar> 有数 16:59 <+LoneStar> 比如step1, 组建team 17:00 <+LoneStar> 就咱仨能称为 team 不? 17:01 <+LoneStar> 如果项目起来了必然吸引来外国的开发人员,非龙芯的mips用户 17:02 -!- oceanboo [n=oceanboo@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:02 <+LoneStar> 邮件列表、bugzilla,都有管理工作量。我心里还没数呢 17:02 <+LoneStar> 最后一个是资源,我们得构建一个build farm :) 17:03 <+LoneStar> 真的是没有资源呀 17:03 <+LoneStar> 这个问题最后会退化到技术层面 17:03 -!- goodlucky [n=goodluck@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:04 <+LoneStar> hw 甚至有意自己编写 build 系统来交叉地编译包,这样可以使用近乎取之不尽的 x86 计算能力 17:04 <+LoneStar> 但这还不是最困难的,最困难的在于 public internet access 17:04 <+LoneStar> 我把家里的adsl线贡献出来吧 17:05 -!- desatan [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:06 <+LoneStar> 对了 hers ,我有50张公司的免费CDR,需要我帮你递送live cd吗? 17:09 <+LoneStar> 我现在没有空进行计算,晚上我要定量分析出需要的资源数目 17:09 * LoneStar hits hellwolf with a breath taking shovel 17:14 <+hers> LoneStar~ 你现在用哪个邮箱? 17:15 <+LoneStar> ? 17:15 <+LoneStar> 怎么说? 17:15 <+hers> 你哪个邮箱能用…… 17:15 <+LoneStar> 用于什么目的? 17:15 <+hers> 收信呗 17:15 <+LoneStar> 哪方面的信? 17:15 <+hers> geekbone 的收不到, aim 的收不到吧? 17:16 <+hers> 废话真多…… lone.2004 这个呢? 17:17 <+hers> LoneStar~ 说话~~ 17:17 <+LoneStar> 作为开源社区的一员,请用 联系 17:17 <+hers> @_@ 真的么,aim 比 gmail 还好? 17:17 <+LoneStar> 如果作为朋友,请用 联系我 17:18 <+hers> o 17:18 <+hers> 那你收到邮件了吗? 17:19 <+LoneStar> 对于不认识我的人,请给他 17:19 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 17:19 <+LoneStar> 如果你打算加我邮件列表,请用 17:20 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has joined #fedora-cn 17:21 <+hers> 极端人格分裂 17:24 <+LoneStar> 如果你是女孩,我会给你另一个web-only的邮箱,私下地 17:25 <+hers> 给我先 17:25 <+LoneStar> 没收到 17:25 <+LoneStar> 不给 17:25 <+hers> 垃圾箱呢 17:26 <+LoneStar> 收到了 17:26 <+LoneStar> Callaway 是谁? 17:28 <+hers> Tom Callaway, 就是 secondary architecture 那一页的维护者 17:28 <+hers> 不是和你说要和他多沟通么…… 17:28 <+hers> LoneStar~ 上哪儿去体验 MIPS,你给我开远程终端么? 17:29 <+keimoto> LoneStar, secondary architecture 好像有包括 pocketpc? 17:29 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner] has joined #fedora-cn 17:29 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v abner] by ChanServ 17:29 <+hers> LoneStar~ hw 手里有什么器材? 17:29 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@] has quit ["Leaving."] 17:30 <+LoneStar> keimoto, ppc != pocket pc 17:30 < r0bertz|work> ... 17:30 -!- candyz [] has quit ["Leaving"] 17:30 <+LoneStar> hers, 有 qemu 17:31 <+LoneStar> 我有盒子 17:32 <+hers> 玩不太转…… 17:37 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:37 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v FelixZ] by ChanServ 17:37 <+LoneStar> 给你ssh 17:37 <+LoneStar> ? 17:40 <+LoneStar> hers, 17:40 <+hers> 好啊好啊 17:40 <+LoneStar> ok 17:40 <+LoneStar> 里面是debian 17:40 <+LoneStar> 我打算chroot出fedora 17:40 <+LoneStar> 当然在此之前要买个大硬盘 17:41 < InitX|F7> PPC= power PC 17:41 < InitX|F7> RISC cpu 17:41 < InitX|F7> hers, you can find the open free MIPS box @ china unix lab 17:42 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has quit ["Leaving"] 17:42 <+hellwolf> 。。 17:42 -!- bicycledaave [n=user@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:42 <+hers> hellwolf~ 醒了? 17:43 <+hers> 收到邮件了? 17:43 <+hellwolf> 我的手指上莫名其妙出现了一道伤口 17:44 -!- hasiy [n=gik@] has joined #fedora-cn 17:44 < hasiy> ~.~ 17:45 <+hellwolf> LoneStar, hers 会谈成果如何,我来视察了 17:46 <+hers> 什么会谈啊…… 你把聊天记录贴一下 17:55 -!- lazyfai [n=fai@] has quit ["Leaving."] 17:55 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has joined #fedora-cn 17:56 < r0bertz|work> 怎么不让gnome自动启动ssh-agent 17:58 <+hers> gdm 的 pam? 17:58 -!- alex_wing [n=Alex@] has quit ["Leaving"] 18:02 -!- yshao [n=yshao@] has quit ["Leaving"] 18:03 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:10 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has joined #fedora-cn 18:11 < r0bertz|work> hers, 我直接startx,它也启动 18:11 < r0bertz|work> 哦,我的错 18:11 < r0bertz|work> 我在 .xinitrc 里指定了 18:12 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:12 -!- r0bertz|work [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has joined #fedora-cn 18:13 < r0bertz|work> 娃哈哈 18:13 < r0bertz|work> 现在我的系统开机之后只需要输入一次ssh密钥密码句,以后任何情况下都不需要了 18:14 <+hellwolf> 娃哈哈 18:14 < r0bertz|work> ~google for keychain 18:14 <+hellwolf> 我从来不输入密钥密码 18:15 < r0bertz|work> hellwolf, 你设定密码了么 18:15 <+hellwolf> gnome有session你加里面不得了 18:15 <+hellwolf> 我不设密码 18:15 < r0bertz|work> hellwolf, 不 18:15 <+hellwolf> 设他干嘛 18:15 < r0bertz|work> 我现在在console也不需要了 18:15 <+hellwolf> 我从不去console 18:15 <+hellwolf> 哈哈 18:15 < r0bertz|work> 我关掉gnome,再开,也不需要了,哈哈 18:16 < r0bertz|work> 你从来不关。。。 18:16 -!- rEdcArp_yu_ [n=yyu@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:16 <+hellwolf> 对头 18:16 <+hellwolf> 永远休眠 18:16 < r0bertz|work> 我从我登录的机器上再登录别的机器,也不需要了 18:16 < r0bertz|work> 哈哈 18:16 -!- bicycledaave [n=user@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:17 -!- bicycledaave [n=user@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:17 < r0bertz|work> 我logout,再次登录,打开screen,打个fixssh,也不需要拉 18:17 < r0bertz|work> 哈哈 18:17 -!- jkl [i=dd7a33a6@gateway/web/ajax/] has joined #fedora-cn 18:17 < r0bertz|work> 哈哈哈哈哈 18:17 < r0bertz|work> ssh-agent终极解决方案。。。 18:17 < oceanboo> r0bertz|work: 怎么兴奋成这样啦 :) 18:18 <+LoneStar> ... 18:19 <+hellwolf> 18:19 <+hellwolf> LoneStar, 什么时候有㎜给你编织一个 18:20 < r0bertz|work> 。。。 18:21 < oceanboo> 。。。。。。。 18:22 -!- candyz [] has joined #fedora-cn 18:22 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v candyz] by ChanServ 18:23 -!- jkl [i=dd7a33a6@gateway/web/ajax/] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:24 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:24 -!- desatan [n=desatan@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 18:25 -!- raywang [n=raywang@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:25 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v raywang] by ChanServ 18:26 -!- mib_xt5cf808 [i=dd7a33a6@gateway/web/ajax/] has joined #fedora-cn 18:26 -!- mib_xt5cf808 is now known as jkl 18:32 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:34 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 18:34 -!- CrazyCoder [n=CrazyCod@] has quit ["Leaving."] 18:35 -!- jkl [i=dd7a33a6@gateway/web/ajax/] has quit [" ajax IRC Client"] 18:36 -!- oceanboo [n=oceanboo@] has quit ["Leaving"] 18:41 -!- goodlucky [n=goodluck@] has quit ["Leaving."] 18:44 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:44 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar] by ChanServ 18:45 -!- goodlucky [n=goodluck@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:46 <+LoneStar> hellwolf, 18:46 <+LoneStar> 那我们就宣布成立team吧 18:46 <+LoneStar> 你还有意见不? 18:47 < r0bertz|work> 今天 18:47 <+hellwolf> 没有,越个地方剪彩吧3 18:47 < r0bertz|work> 中华人民共和国 18:47 < r0bertz|work> 中央人民政府 18:47 < r0bertz|work> 成立拉 18:51 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 18:52 -!- xuwei [n=xuwei@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:57 -!- xuwei [n=xuwei@] has quit [Client Quit] 18:57 -!- xuwei [n=xuwei@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:59 -!- goodlucky [n=goodluck@] has quit ["Leaving."] 19:00 -!- InitX|F7 [n=initx@] has quit ["暂离"] 19:01 -!- angel_cat [n=angel_ca@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:02 -!- angel_cat is now known as evil_cat 19:09 -!- evil_cat [n=angel_ca@] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 19:10 -!- evil_cat [n=evil_cat@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:17 <+LoneStar> hellwolf, 19:17 <+LoneStar> 我们填满这个页面,就去找 Tom 申请了 19:17 <+LoneStar> 就算是正式开始啦 19:18 <+hellwolf> 哦 19:18 <+hellwolf> 还没剪彩呢 19:18 <+hellwolf> 新闻发布会呢? 19:18 <+hellwolf> 通气会 19:23 -!- ssgg [] has quit [Connection timed out] 19:23 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 19:28 <+LoneStar> 我们这不就在开嘛 19:28 <+LoneStar> 你一定要等人到齐? 19:28 <+LoneStar> 就缺个 hers 了,晚上给你补办了吧 19:28 <+LoneStar> 回家,走人 23:42 <+hers> nice 23:42 <+hers> Lonestar 的机器给开了个 ssh 帐号,竟然可以用 sudo su 23:42 <+hellwolf> revision 1.5 23:42 <+hers> 于是我自己又开了个别的帐号 23:42 <+hellwolf> date: 2006/08/12 03:40:45; author: hellwolf_misty; state: dead; lines: +0 -0 23:42 <+hellwolf> removed 23:43 <+hellwolf> why removed 23:43 <+hers> 还设置了 ssh pubkey 认证 23:43 <+hers> 他也是,太不小心了吧 23:44 < chitycheng> Metadata file does not match checksum 23:44 < chitycheng> ... 23:52 -!- chitycheng [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox] " 23:56 <+hers> 好人哪…… 00:39 <+hers> LoneStar 的盒子跑的是 debian,还是满好用的 00:39 <+hers> 第一个 rpmbuild --rebuild 的是 rpmdevtools
#!irc 19:05 <+LoneStar> hers_, 你在 fedora wiki 里叫什么名字? 19:07 <+LoneStar> 谁知道? 19:07 <+liuhongdan> 看看贡献者列表就知道了 19:13 <+LoneStar> 哪里有? 19:13 <+liuhongdan> == 19:14 <+liuhongdan> 19:14 <+liuhongdan> 主页 19:15 <+LoneStar> 谢谢 19:16 <+LoneStar> 他在 fedora 项目中的角色是什么? 19:16 <+hellwolf> 大屎 19:16 <+hellwolf> 大使 19:16 < AutumnCat> ..................... 19:17 < jhwhbd> 是肥料还是骗子? 19:17 <+hellwolf> 是希望 19:18 <+LoneStar> A New Hope 19:19 <+liuhongdan> 谁为fedora做过多少事情? 19:19 <+liuhongdan> 自己花钱? 19:24 * hellwolf 偷偷看了 LoneStar 一眼,立刻把头转开 19:24 * LoneStar 瞪着 hellwolf 19:30 * keimoto 吃飽回來看戲. 19:31 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:35 -!- quakerbirds [n=sunkp@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:37 <+LoneStar> 很高兴得知你就是打包者。根据与大家的讨论,我现在确信加入 secondary architecture 是正确的方向。我们已经正式开始这项工作,向 Fedora Project 申请这个 arch,如果获得批准立刻着手开始工作。其他技术问题都等项目开始以后再讨论也不迟,我只想确定一点,那就是你是否有兴趣加入我们这个 team? 19:37 <+LoneStar> 关于 fedora-cn 我做一些简单介绍。像所有国内组织一样,fedora-cn 是个“虚拟”组织,没有自己的形式。我们所有人都在 Fedora Project 注册,属于其中 zh_CN 分会。名单位于 。其中我们的核心人员是 袁乙钧 / Yuan Yijun,在 Fedora 中担任多个角色,包括 Fedora 大使。其他人都是在他的介绍下加入的 Fedora 并在多个项 19:37 <+LoneStar> 目中担任角色。关于 Yuan Yijun, BBBush, 可见。 19:37 <+LoneStar> 关于我们正在设想的 secondary arch, 信息会逐步添加到 ,不过目前只有一个框架。 19:37 <+LoneStar> 根据 Fedora 的惯例,我们在 freenode 上的 #fedora-cn 频道联络,可使用 xchat/pidgin/ircmonkey 等多种开源软件访问之。期待你的加入。 19:38 <+hellwolf> 袁总舵主 19:39 -!- xyjprc [n=root@] has left #fedora-cn [] 19:39 < jhwhbd> 祝袁总舵主福如东海,寿与天齐,千秋万载,一统江湖! 19:43 -!- yichi [n=yichi@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:46 -!- xyjprc [n=root@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:46 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v xyjprc] by ChanServ 19:47 -!- chitycheng [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:47 <+keimoto> 恭喜武林盟主 22:52 <+hers> 说起来 Tom Callaway 还没有回复邮件,怎么办呢 :( 22:54 < hasiy> 那是谁.. 23:27 <+LoneStar> hi hers 23:28 <+LoneStar> tom 没有回信 23:28 < hasiy> ... 23:29 < fox> 睡了? 23:29 < hasiy> [22:48] <hers> 说起来 Tom Callaway 还没有回复邮件,怎么办呢 :( 23:30 <+LoneStar> ... 23:30 <+LoneStar> 直接电话打他家去 23:37 -!- alai [n=laihongw@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:38 -!- alai [n=laihongw@] has quit [Client Quit] 23:38 <+hers> LoneStar~ 明天晚上要去吃饭,没办法参加聚会了,你们聊吧…… 23:41 <+LoneStar> 哦,没关系 23:41 <+LoneStar> 我通常聚会时在路上 23:43 <+hellwolf> 我通常在吃中饭 23:44 <+hellwolf> 然后打台球,然后回来看总结 23:47 -!- yHellwolf [n=mzhichen@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:47 -!- gregdek_gone is now known as gregdek 23:49 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner] has quit ["Leaving"] 23:51 <+LoneStar> 你真腐败 23:55 -!- yshao [n=yshao@] has quit ["Leaving"] --- Log closed 五 1月 25 00:00:21 2008
#!irc 11:24 < lyxmoo> hi lonestar 11:32 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@] has left #fedora-cn [] 11:37 -!- desatan [n=desatan@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 11:38 <+LoneStar> hi lyxmoo 11:38 <+LoneStar> 来啦 11:44 -!- desatan__ [n=desatan@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 11:45 -!- desatan__ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 11:45 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 11:50 <+LoneStar> hers, 给你介绍一下 lyxmoo 11:51 -!- ruiping [i=ruiping@] has quit ["Leaving"] 11:51 <+LoneStar> 他已经完成了f8的mipsel包编译 11:51 <+LoneStar> 打包 11:51 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 11:51 < Kevin_U2> 哪位朋友php 了解一些 11:52 < Kevin_U2> 请问 对一个 超大数组 作 foreach 循环 内存 不够用 怎么办 11:52 < Kevin_U2> 怎么来清一下? 11:58 < lyxmoo> lonestar: 还有很多没有做完 11:59 <+LoneStar> lyxmoo, 没关系 11:59 <+LoneStar> 我们可以合作 11:59 < desatan_> Kevin_U2: 分块处理 11:59 <+LoneStar> 让它融入Fedora Project 11:59 <+LoneStar> 就会做完的 12:00 -!- lyxmoo [n=root@] has left #fedora-cn [] 16:21 <+hers> --------------------------- 16:21 <+hers> kwrite.exe - Bad Image 16:21 <+hers> --------------------------- 16:21 <+hers> The application or DLL D:\KDE4\bin\libkdeui.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. 16:21 <+hers> --------------------------- 16:21 <+hers> OK 16:21 <+hers> --------------------------- 16:23 <+abner> kde on windows? 16:23 * abner 還沒時間弄一下… 16:23 <+LoneStar> hi hers 16:23 <+LoneStar> 我的龙芯吗? 16:24 <+LoneStar> 不可能阿,永远开机的 16:24 <+hers> 嗯,我只选择了 kdebase4-bin,不知道为什么跑不成。qt 程序可以跑,kde 程序就会报这个错。安装程序和 cygwin 非常像,自动解决依赖关系,蛮好。 16:24 <+LoneStar> 见鬼,是不通 16:24 <+hers> [yuan@mstar ~] $ ssh -C 16:24 <+hers> ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host 16:25 <+hers> 大概我在上面挂了两天一夜的,挂坏了 16:25 <+LoneStar> 只好晚上我回家去弄了 16:25 <+LoneStar> 大概只是断线 16:26 <+hers> 也有可能是有人给你干掉了 16:26 <+hers> 让你不用 key auth 的 16:27 <+LoneStar> ... 16:27 <+LoneStar> 要哭了 16:27 <+LoneStar> 别吓我 16:27 <+LoneStar> 还有很多活要干 16:27 <+LoneStar> lyxmoo来过了 16:32 -!- jhwhb1 is now known as jhwhbd 16:32 <+hers> 看到了 16:32 -!- candyz [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 16:41 <+hers> 什么叫做 Code of Conduct? 现在包含自 dbus.c:26 的文件中: 18:18 < GodMan> /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus.h:30:2: 错误:#error "Please define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE to acknowledge your understanding that D-BUS hasn't reached 1.0 and is subject to protocol and API churn. See the README for a full explanation." 18:18 < GodMan> Failed to compile dbus.c! 18:18 < GodMan> make[5] : *** [dbus.o] 错误 1 18:18 < GodMan> make[4] : *** [all] 错误 1 18:18 < GodMan> make[3] : *** [subdirs] 错误 1 18:18 < GodMan> make[2] : *** [all] 错误 1 18:18 < GodMan> make[1] : *** [subdirs] 错误 1 18:18 < GodMan> make: *** [all] 错误 1 18:19 -!- lazyfai [n=fai@] has quit ["Leaving."] 18:19 -!- lazyfai [n=fai@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:19 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v lazyfai] by ChanServ 18:23 -!- lazyfai [n=fai@] has quit [Client Quit] 18:23 -!- iThreads [n=Schnee@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:37 < GodMan> 各位大侠好!我./configure后make"audacious-1.4.5"时出现下面错误:: 18:37 < GodMan> 在包含自 dbus.c:26 的文件中: 18:37 < GodMan> /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus.h:30:2: 错误:#error "Please define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE to acknowledge your understanding that D-BUS hasn't reached 1.0 and is subject to protocol and API churn. See the README for a full explanation." 18:37 < GodMan> Failed to compile dbus.c! 18:37 < GodMan> make[5] : *** [dbus.o] 错误 1 18:37 < GodMan> make[4] : *** [all] 错误 1 18:37 < GodMan> make[3] : *** [subdirs] 错误 1 18:37 < GodMan> make[2] : *** [all] 错误 1 18:37 < GodMan> make[1] : *** [subdirs] 错误 1 18:37 < GodMan> make: *** [all] 错误 1 18:39 <+keimoto> . 18:40 < GodMan> SOS 18:40 <+keimoto> GodMan, upgrade your dbus to 1.0 18:40 < GodMan> 我试试 18:40 -!- iThreads [n=Schnee@] has quit ["Leaving"] 18:41 <+keimoto> 它說你的DBUS還沒到1。0 18:41 < GodMan> thank you! 18:43 < GodMan> How can I upgrade dbus ? I am cainiao. 18:43 -!- rEdcArp_yu [n=yyu@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:44 -!- GodMan [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox] " 18:45 -!- GodMan [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 18:53 < jhwhbd> 问一下:adsl拨号用什么? 19:15 -!- yichi [n=yichi@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:16 <+keimoto> cainiao? 19:17 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@] has left #fedora-cn [] 19:24 < jhwhbd> 恩。。。我找到了。从来不用啊。每次都是接上路由器。呵呵。 19:25 < GodMan> HELP !!!!!SOS!! 19:25 < GodMan> 我已经编译安装audacious-1.4.5了,但是在终端输入audacious时,出现下面情况:: 19:25 < GodMan> Successfully installed Skins/Refugee/text.png. 19:25 < GodMan> Successfully installed Skins/Refugee/titlebar.png. 19:25 < GodMan> Successfully installed Skins/Refugee/viscolor.txt. 19:25 < GodMan> Successfully installed Skins/Refugee/volume.png. 19:25 < GodMan> [root@localhost audacious-1.4.5] # audacious 19:25 < GodMan> 段错误 19:25 < GodMan> [root@localhost audacious-1.4.5] # 19:28 < GodMan> SOS 19:29 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:34 -!- GodMan [n=chatzill@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 19:37 -!- GodMan [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:40 -!- antonym55 [n=antony@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:40 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v antonym55] by ChanServ 19:43 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has joined #fedora-cn 19:46 <+keimoto> segment error? 19:52 < DawnFantasy> 之前我也经常出 segfault 19:52 < DawnFantasy> 改用 amarok,然后过了几天,又好了 19:52 < DawnFantasy> audacious 20:05 -!- rockydd [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:09 < rockydd> nobody? 20:10 <+keimoto> me 20:11 <+keimoto> f8有1.4.5了,為何還要編 20:20 < GodMan> 我的是FC。 20:22 -!- young [n=young@] has quit ["Leaving"] 20:23 < GodMan> 我的是FC6 20:23 < GodMan> 是什么原因会出现段错误呢? 20:34 < rockydd> 各位有参与过 fedora开发的吗? 20:36 <+abner> 沒有啦~ 20:36 <+abner> programming skill 很爛… 20:37 <+abner> GodMan, 為什麼不用 f7, f8? fc6 己經不再被支持了 20:39 <+abner> 用舊的 lib compile 新的軟件,有相容性的問題吧… 20:41 -!- InitX [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:41 < InitX> hi all 20:41 < InitX> linux下什么虚拟软件好点跑windows 20:41 < jhwhbd> all hi 20:42 -!- DawnFantasy [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:42 -!- DawnFantasy [] has joined #fedora-cn 20:46 -!- GodMan [n=chatzill@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:49 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has joined #fedora-cn 20:53 < liuhongdan> TOPIC?? 20:53 < rockydd> qemu 20:54 < rockydd> InitX: 20:54 < liuhongdan> 议题需要包括 20:54 < liuhongdan> * 20:54 < liuhongdan> 继续邀请加入 fedora-cn Google Group 暨邮件列表,帮助申请 fedora 贡献者帐号 20:54 < liuhongdan> * 20:54 < liuhongdan> 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,zh_CN/AskFedora/Latest 等 20:54 < liuhongdan> * 20:55 < liuhongdan> MIPS Fedora - LoneStar 20:55 < liuhongdan> * Mozilla (Firefox) 的翻譯 - keimoto 20:55 < liuhongdan> JJ 20:57 < liuhongdan> Mozilla的,有专人吧? 20:57 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v liuhongdan] by ChanServ 20:58 <+liuhongdan> 没事删东西,把gnome games删没了 20:59 < rockydd> 重装啊 21:00 <+liuhongdan> 正在... 21:01 < rockydd> 嘿。。。 21:02 -!- lyxmoo [n=root@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:04 <+liuhongdan> IPV9 21:04 <+liuhongdan> 真是厉害 21:10 < rockydd> 翻译工作现在还有人在做吗? 21:11 < rockydd> 怎么人气这么差啊 21:12 -!- dts011 [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:14 -!- raywang [n=raywang@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:14 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v raywang] by ChanServ 21:15 <+liuhongdan> 那个方面? 21:16 -!- pdio1 [n=walt@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:17 < lyxmoo> rockydd: 人心散了,队伍不好带啊 21:17 < rockydd> 呵呵,为什么啊。 21:18 < InitX> lyxmoo: 你也来这里混了? 21:18 < InitX> rockydd: 干嘛? 21:19 < rockydd> InitX: 你不是问用什么虚拟机吗? 21:19 < InitX> 恩 21:19 < InitX> qemu? 21:19 < rockydd> qemu挺好的 21:19 < InitX> 怎么个好伐 21:20 < InitX> 怎么个好法 21:20 < InitX> intrdo一下 21:20 < rockydd> 就是没啥不好 :) 21:20 < InitX> 装windwos方便不? 21:20 < rockydd> 现在的图形界面好象也挺好用的,试过一次,有点儿象vmware 21:20 < InitX> 切换方便不 21:20 < rockydd> 很简单 21:21 < rockydd> 方便啊。 21:21 < rockydd> 你要求高吗? 21:21 < InitX> 我看别人都是 linux box + vwmare 21:21 < InitX> 不高 21:21 < AutumnCat> qemu 卡.. 21:21 < rockydd> 那你试试吧,挺好的。 21:21 < InitX> 只要ctrl + alt 能切换到虚拟机下跑个windows就OK 21:21 < rockydd> 我这里用的还行。 21:21 < rockydd> 那完全没问题。 21:22 < InitX> 主要公司打印机不支持linux 21:22 < InitX> 另外还有公司用exchange的 21:22 < InitX> thunderbird 不支持exchange 21:22 < InitX> evolution也是 21:22 < rockydd> 哦,应该够用了。 21:22 < InitX> 我就装个XP或者2000 跑个打印机驱动和outlook 21:23 < rockydd> 唉,是啊。想完全摆脱windows还是挺难的。 :( 21:23 < InitX> 关键现在太多c/s结构 21:23 < InitX> 伪b/s结构也太多 21:23 < rockydd> 机器内存够的话应该没问题。 而且用xen的话应该性能更好,不过,我没有试过。 21:24 < InitX> xen 的kernel比较特殊 21:24 < InitX> 我的知识点里面xen还不能装windows 21:25 < rockydd> 哦?是吗? 我不太懂。 21:25 < InitX> 我也不太懂 21:27 < rockydd> po文件里面怎么查找还没有被翻译的字条串? 21:27 < InitX> is there anybody similar with async SCSI tech 21:33 -!- e2002 [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:36 <+keimoto> hi 21:37 -!- dts011 [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox] " 21:37 -!- pdio1 [n=walt@] has left #fedora-cn [] 21:37 < lyxmoo> hi 21:38 * lyxmoo 额确认 xen 不能跑win 21:38 < lyxmoo> 不过virtualbox 貌似可以跑的 21:43 <+liuhongdan> 哦也,gnome-games OK鸟 21:44 <+keimoto> xen的full virt都不行? 21:47 < lyxmoo> full 这个生活似乎可行 21:47 * lyxmoo 匿了 21:55 -!- yichi [n=yichi@] has left #fedora-cn [] 21:55 -!- lyxmoo [n=root@] has left #fedora-cn [] 21:55 -!- rainy [n=rainy@] has joined #fedora-cn 21:58 -!- e2002 [n=chatzill@] has left #fedora-cn [] 21:58 < rockydd> 哪位做过翻译工作,几个问题请教一下。 22:04 -!- liuhongdan_ [n=liuhongd@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:06 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:11 < rockydd> yum 什么时候可以支持升级到不同的release? 22:11 -!- quakerbirds [n=sunkp@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:11 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has quit [No route to host] 22:15 -!- desatan [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:20 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner] has quit ["Leaving"] 22:23 -!- alai [n=laihongw@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:32 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:32 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:34 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 22:35 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:41 -!- rockydd [n=chatzill@] has quit [Connection timed out] 22:41 -!- gregdek_gone is now known as gregdek 22:43 -!- quakerbirds [n=sunkp@] has left #fedora-cn [] 22:48 -!- xuwei [n=xuwei@] has quit ["Leaving"] 22:50 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 22:50 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:52 -!- yichi [n=yichi@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:54 -!- desatan [n=desatan@] has quit [Connection timed out] 22:54 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@] has quit ["Leaving."] 22:55 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:57 -!- desatan__ [n=desatan@] has joined #fedora-cn 22:58 -!- desatan__ [n=desatan@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 22:58 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@] has quit [Client Quit] 23:03 -!- nihui [n=nihui@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 23:06 -!- InitX [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox] " 23:22 -!- desatan_ [n=desatan@] has quit [Connection timed out] 23:27 -!- alai [n=laihongw@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 23:29 -!- raywang [n=raywang@] has quit ["Leaving."] 23:38 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 23:45 -!- hunter_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn 23:45 -!- hunter_ [n=chatzill@] has quit [Client Quit] 23:46 -!- rainy [n=rainy@] has quit ["暂离"] --- Log closed 六 1月 26 00:00:21 2008