From Fedora Project Wiki
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<!-- The actual name of your proposed change page should look something like: Changes/Your_Change_Proposal_Name.  This keeps all change proposals in the same namespace -->
<!-- The actual name of your proposed change page should look something like: Changes/Your_Change_Proposal_Name.  This keeps all change proposals in the same namespace -->

= droping Of Cert Pem File  <!-- The name of your change proposal --> =
= dropping Of cert.pem File  <!-- The name of your change proposal --> =


== Summary ==
== Summary ==
<!-- A sentence or two summarizing what this change is and what it will do. This information is used for the overall changeset summary page for each release. Note that motivation for the change should be in the Benefit to Fedora section below, and this part should answer the question "What?" rather than "Why?". -->
In order to increase the performance of OpenSSL by default using directory-hash format we need to drop the /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem file to prevent it from being loaded by default.

== Owner ==
== Owner ==
For change proposals to qualify as self-contained, owners of all affected packages need to be included here. Alternatively, a SIG can be listed as an owner if it owns all affected packages.  
For change proposals to qualify as self-contained, owners of all affected packages need to be included here. Alternatively, a SIG can be listed as an owner if it owns all affected packages.  
This should link to your home wiki page so we know who you are.  
This should link to your home wiki page so we know who you are.  
* Name: [[User:FASAcountName| Your Name]]
* Name: [[User:Fkrenzel| František Krenželok]]
<!-- Include you email address that you can be reached should people want to contact you about helping with your change, status is requested, or technical issues need to be resolved. If the change proposal is owned by a SIG, please also add a primary contact person. -->
* Email: <your email address so we can contact you, invite you to meetings, etc. Please provide your Bugzilla email address if it is different from your email in FAS>
* Email:
<!--- UNCOMMENT only for Changes with assigned Shepherd (by FESCo)
<!--- UNCOMMENT only for Changes with assigned Shepherd (by FESCo)
* FESCo shepherd: [[User:FASAccountName| Shehperd name]] <email address>
* FESCo shepherd: [[User:FASAccountName| Shehperd name]] <email address>
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<!-- Select proper category, default is Self Contained Change -->
<!-- Select proper category, default is Self Contained Change -->
<!-- [[Category:SelfContainedChange]] -->
<!-- [[Category:SystemWideChange]] -->

* Targeted release: [<VERSION>/ Fedora Linux <VERSION>]
* Targeted release: [ Fedora Linux 42]
* Last updated: <!-- this is an automatic macro — you don't need to change this line -->  {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}}  
* Last updated: <!-- this is an automatic macro — you don't need to change this line -->  {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}}  
<!-- After the change proposal is accepted by FESCo, tracking bug is created in Bugzilla and linked to this page  
<!-- After the change proposal is accepted by FESCo, tracking bug is created in Bugzilla and linked to this page  
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== Detailed Description ==
== Detailed Description ==
<!-- Expand on the summary, if appropriate. A couple sentences suffices to explain the goal, but the more details you can provide the better. -->
In order to improve the loading time of OpenSSL a directory-hash support was added to ca-certificates. In order for OpenSSL to use the directory-hash format by default we need to stop in from trying to load /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem by deleting it.

== Feedback ==
== Feedback ==
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== Benefit to Fedora ==
== Benefit to Fedora ==
<!-- What is the benefit to the distribution?  Will the software we generate be improved? How will the process of creating Fedora releases be improved?
Applications using OpenSSL(possibly other libraries as well) will benefit from much faster initialization of OpenSSL.
      Be sure to include the following areas if relevant:
      If this is a major capability update, what has changed?
          For example: This change introduces Python 5 that runs without the Global Interpreter Lock and is fully multithreaded.
      If this is a new functionality, what capabilities does it bring?
          For example: This change allows package upgrades to be performed automatically and rolled-back at will.
      Does this improve some specific package or set of packages?
          For example: This change modifies a package to use a different language stack that reduces install size by removing dependencies.
      Does this improve specific Spins or Editions?
          For example: This change modifies the default install of Fedora Workstation to be more in line with the base install of Fedora Server.
      Does this make the distribution more efficient?
          For example: This change replaces thousands of individual %post scriptlets in packages with one script that runs at the end.
      Is this an improvement to maintainer processes?
          For example: Gating Fedora packages on automatic QA tests will make rawhide more stable and allow changes to be implemented more smoothly.
      Is this an improvement targeted as specific contributors?
          For example: Ensuring that a minimal set of tools required for contribution to Fedora are installed by default eases the onboarding of new contributors.
    When a Change has multiple benefits, it's better to list them all.
    Consider these Change pages from previous editions as inspiration: (low-level and technical, invisible to users) (low-level, but visible to advanced users) (primarily a UX change) (an improvement to distro processes) (major upgrade to a popular software stack, visible to users of that stack)

== Scope ==
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
* Proposal owners:
<!-- What work do the feature owners have to accomplish to complete the feature in time for release?  Is it a large change affecting many parts of the distribution or is it a very isolated change? What are those changes?-->
The change is already in the rawhide

* Other developers: <!-- REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM WIDE CHANGES -->
* Other developers:
<!-- What work do other developers have to accomplish to complete the feature in time for release?  Is it a large change affecting many parts of the distribution or is it a very isolated change? What are those changes?-->
Any package loading the root certificates from `/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem` file need to preferably use the defaults of the library or if they must, use the `/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem` file instead.

* Release engineering: [ #Releng issue number] <!-- REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM WIDE CHANGES -->
* Release engineering: [ #Releng issue number] <!-- REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM WIDE CHANGES -->

Revision as of 09:51, 25 September 2024

Comments and Explanations
The page source contains comments providing guidance to fill out each section. They are invisible when viewing this page. To read it, choose the "view source" link.
Copy the source to a new page before making changes! DO NOT EDIT THIS TEMPLATE FOR YOUR CHANGE PROPOSAL.
For details on how to fill out this form, see the documentation.
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dropping Of cert.pem File

This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.


In order to increase the performance of OpenSSL by default using directory-hash format we need to drop the /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem file to prevent it from being loaded by default.


-- For change proposals to qualify as self-contained, owners of all affected packages need to be included here. Alternatively, a SIG can be listed as an owner if it owns all affected packages. This should link to your home wiki page so we know who you are. -->

  • Email:

Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora Linux 42
  • Last updated: 2024-09-25
  • [Announced]
  • [<will be assigned by the Wrangler> Discussion thread]
  • FESCo issue: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
  • Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
  • Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>

Detailed Description

In order to improve the loading time of OpenSSL a directory-hash support was added to ca-certificates. In order for OpenSSL to use the directory-hash format by default we need to stop in from trying to load /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem by deleting it.


Benefit to Fedora

Applications using OpenSSL(possibly other libraries as well) will benefit from much faster initialization of OpenSSL.


  • Proposal owners:

The change is already in the rawhide

  • Other developers:

Any package loading the root certificates from /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem file need to preferably use the defaults of the library or if they must, use the /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem file instead.

  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Alignment with the Fedora Strategy:

Upgrade/compatibility impact

Early Testing (Optional)

Do you require 'QA Blueprint' support? Y/N

How To Test

User Experience


Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change), Yes/No


N/A (not a System Wide Change)

Release Notes