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-!- nirik changed the topic of #fedora-classroom to: Fedora IRC Classroom - Some Perl basics with your teacher Doran Barton ( fozzmoo ) - See for class schedule today and more info. | 15:00 | |
@nirik | take it away fozzmoo... | 15:00 |
fozzmoo | For those who will following along, here are some slides: | 15:00 |
fozzmoo | I'm Doran Barton, programmer, sysadmin, RHCE, geek, and Perl junkie. | 15:01 |
fozzmoo | My e-mail address is on slide #1. | 15:01 |
fozzmoo | How many people are actively here for this session as opposed to idling... idly? | 15:01 |
Ritmo2k | Active | 15:02 |
* nirik is watching along. | 15:02 | |
mharris | 3.14 people :) | 15:02 |
* SMParrish here | 15:02 | |
fozzmoo | heh. | 15:02 |
baconfork | present | 15:02 |
fozzmoo | Just wanted to make sure I'm not presenting to a bunch of cardboard cutouts. :) | 15:02 |
mharris | LOL | 15:02 |
fozzmoo | Let's move on to slide #2 | 15:02 |
heftig | online | 15:02 |
* delhage is a bit of a cardboard cutout, but here | 15:03 | |
fozzmoo | This is just a summary of some learning resources I threw together. | 15:03 |
fozzmoo | The O'Reilly books are, without a doubt, the best printed material you can get on Perl. | 15:03 |
fozzmoo | That doesn't mean other publishers don't have good stuff... but, honestly, I wouldn't know. All the brains in the community seem to write or work for ORA | 15:03 |
fozzmoo | In addition to as a site to use as a resource, I would also recommend (operated, again, by O'Reilly and Associates) | 15:04 |
fozzmoo | And then, there may be a local Perl users group near you - check | 15:04 |
fozzmoo | Any questions before we move to slide #3? | 15:04 |
fozzmoo | okay then. | 15:05 |
fozzmoo | Perl. What is it? | 15:05 |
fozzmoo | It's an interpreted scripting language. | 15:05 |
fozzmoo | But, like other modern languages, the definition is beginning to blur. | 15:06 |
fozzmoo | The actual mechanics of the Perl interpreter is similar to that of Java. | 15:06 |
fozzmoo | And, it will be even more so with Perl6. | 15:06 |
fozzmoo | Because of the interpreter nature, and because of a large and active open source community, the Perl interpreter is available on many platforms. | 15:06 |
fozzmoo | Linux, of course, is probably where most of the activity is at, followed by other Unix variants and then Windows. | 15:07 |
fozzmoo | The creator of the Perl language, Larry Wall, has a deep background in linguistics. | 15:07 |
fozzmoo | He proudly proclaims that Perl is a natural language. | 15:08 |
fozzmoo | I won't go into that here, but you can read about it if you're interested in what that means. | 15:08 |
fozzmoo | One thing it does mean is that Perl *can* be easy to follow and read. | 15:08 |
fozzmoo | Unfortunately, many programs test that hypothesis. :) | 15:08 |
fozzmoo | programmers, I mean. | 15:08 |
fozzmoo | It is free and Free. | 15:09 |
fozzmoo | And, as of Perl5, it is object oriented and is becoming more and more so as we approach Perl6. | 15:09 |
fozzmoo | The, mantra, if you will, of the Perl community is TMTOWDI | 15:09 |
fozzmoo | "There is more than one way to do it." | 15:09 |
fozzmoo | This is evidenced by the many, many different Perl solutions to a given problem. | 15:10 |
fozzmoo | Perl is a very flexible language and it seems there's always a more efficient way to do things. | 15:10 |
fozzmoo | The trick is balancing efficiency with readability. :) | 15:10 |
fozzmoo | Going back to slide 2 for a moment... | 15:10 |
fozzmoo | Damian Conway has written an excellent book called "Perl Best Practices" | 15:11 |
fozzmoo | If you're going to do some serious development using Perl, you *must* get this book. | 15:11 |
fozzmoo | Don't learn how to program in Perl by reading random code snippets you find online. | 15:11 |
fozzmoo | Any questions before I go to my soapbox slide (#4)? | 15:11 |
SSlater | I have heard that perl is good for manipulating data? | 15:12 |
fozzmoo | SSlater: It is. Perl's original forte was processing text data. | 15:13 |
SSlater | Great. | 15:13 |
fozzmoo | That made it ideal, later on, for doing things with HTML, XML, etc. | 15:13 |
fozzmoo | Another strength Perl brings to the table with this is it's regex support which has kind of defined regular expression syntax for the rest of the open source world. | 15:14 |
* fozzmoo slaps himself for not phrasing that better. | 15:14 | |
fozzmoo | Anyway, yeah. Perl rocks for text processing. | 15:14 |
fozzmoo | Perl was first unleashed on the world in the mid 1980s. | 15:15 |
fozzmoo | So, it's pretty old. | 15:15 |
fozzmoo | A lot has changed since then, of course. | 15:15 |
fozzmoo | The syntax borrowed heavily from C, Bourne shell, and awk. | 15:15 |
fozzmoo | The original PHP interpreter was written in Perl. | 15:16 |
fozzmoo | this possibly explains why PHP's syntax is, in many ways, similar to Perl. | 15:16 |
fozzmoo | In my opinion, Perl is technologically on a much higher plane than PHP. | 15:16 |
fozzmoo | A lot more ReallySmartPeople(tm) have worked on Perl and have made it a very sophisticated language. | 15:17 |
fozzmoo | This is somewhat of an achiles heel, though. | 15:17 |
fozzmoo | I've written about this on my blog <> - Perl is nowhere near as "accessible" for web developers as PHP is. | 15:18 |
fozzmoo | But PHP apps have a limit to their scalability. | 15:18 |
fozzmoo | Perl apps, not so much. | 15:18 |
fozzmoo | Python is another language you may consider. | 15:19 |
fozzmoo | I'm not well versed in Python, but I would say it also has very smart people involved. | 15:19 |
fozzmoo | The advantage Perl has over Python is the huge breadth of modules available online for re-use in your apps. | 15:19 |
fozzmoo | But Python's moving fast. | 15:20 |
fozzmoo | I only know one guy who has done a lot of Perl development and Python development. | 15:20 |
fozzmoo | Specifically, he's doing django work. | 15:20 |
fozzmoo | He likes it, but he misses the flexibility of Perl where you can swap modules in and out easily where django is more restrictive about what packages you can use for what. It's not all or nothing, but it's not easy to mix and match. | 15:21 |
fozzmoo | Java is... well... | 15:21 |
fozzmoo | Have you ever seen a Java one-liner? | 15:21 |
fozzmoo | I rest my case. | 15:21 |
heftig | no :P | 15:21 |
delhage | :) | 15:22 |
fozzmoo | Any questions before we zip to #5? | 15:22 |
fozzmoo | BTW, if you're late arriving: | 15:23 |
fozzmoo | Perl was the first language I played with that had a standard embedded documentation system. | 15:23 |
fozzmoo | It's called POD - Plain Old Documentation. | 15:24 |
fozzmoo | If you're on a Linux system, you probably have some Perl libs installed... | 15:24 |
fozzmoo | Go find one of these like and open it in an editor | 15:24 |
wonderer|chatzil | how do I test this the fastest way? | 15:25 |
fozzmoo | locate | 15:25 |
wonderer|chatzil | ok | 15:25 |
fozzmoo | Then, edit the file... | 15:25 |
fozzmoo | You should see the inline documentation right away. | 15:25 |
fozzmoo | You can read this at the command line with the 'perldoc' command. | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | i.e. 'perldoc LWP' | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | This explains what you can do with the LWP module. | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | For a table of contents, so to speak, you can type 'perldoc perl' | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | this gives you all the base POD volumes you can read. | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | If you're really cheap and you don't want to go buy a book... | 15:26 |
fozzmoo | you can learn pretty much everything from these online PODs. | 15:27 |
fozzmoo | The wit and charm of the main devs is littered throughout, just like in the books. :) | 15:27 |
fozzmoo | The example on slide #5 (perldoc -f printf) is how you bring up documentation on a specific built-in function. | 15:28 |
fozzmoo | Those are stored in the perlfunc POD. | 15:28 |
fozzmoo | All this documentation is available online as well, via many sites. is one. | 15:28 |
fozzmoo | For installed CPAN modules, you can read docs on if you'd like | 15:29 |
fozzmoo | Now, a word about CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) | 15:29 |
fozzmoo | it seems every other scripting language known to man has CPAN-envy. | 15:29 |
fozzmoo | PHP has PEAR. Python has... what it has. | 15:30 |
fozzmoo | Java hasn't figured out what it has... | 15:30 |
fozzmoo | CPAN is a distributed repository of modules you can install and use in your apps. | 15:30 |
fozzmoo | The Perl community has built a very nice automated testing framework and has established high standards for what constitutes a modules accepted for inclusion in CPAN. | 15:31 |
fozzmoo | it's not a matter of just uploading something. | 15:31 |
fozzmoo | It has been well documented and has to abide by certain conventions. | 15:31 |
fozzmoo | So, let's move to #6 | 15:31 |
fozzmoo | I'd like to wrap up in about 10-15 minutes for Q&A. :) | 15:32 |
fozzmoo | We've got 19 slides left. | 15:32 |
fozzmoo | Slide 6... the requisite hello world demo. | 15:32 |
fozzmoo | First line is the "magic" line, just like you'd expect with shell scripting or python scripting. | 15:32 |
fozzmoo | This tells your shell what interpreter to use. | 15:32 |
fozzmoo | So, if your Perl interpreter isn't at /usr/bin/perl, replace that accordingly. | 15:33 |
fozzmoo | If you're using Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, etc. it probably is in /usr/bin | 15:33 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #7 | 15:33 | |
fozzmoo | So, you save your script in a file. Call it what you want, but typically they're named with a .pl extension. | 15:34 |
fozzmoo | To run it, you can simply give the filename to the interpreter as a command line parameter. | 15:34 |
fozzmoo | i.e. perl | 15:34 |
fozzmoo | If you want it to be a standalone executable, then you do what you would do with a shell script or other script. Make sure you have the necessary magic line at the top of the file, assign execute permissions to the file, and then you can run it from the command line by itself (granted it's in your path, or you use ./ | 15:35 |
fozzmoo | Speak up if you are wondering anything... I'm moving on. | 15:36 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #8 | 15:36 | |
fozzmoo | Rules: Case sensitive, semicolons at the end of most statements. | 15:36 |
fozzmoo | Comments begin with # | 15:36 |
fozzmoo | (like in shell scripts) | 15:36 |
fozzmoo | Indentation isn't part of the syntax like Python, but it is highly recommended. :) | 15:37 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #9 | 15:37 | |
fozzmoo | Now we get into some of the meat of Perl. | 15:37 |
fozzmoo | Unlike C or Java, Perl is loosely typed. | 15:37 |
fozzmoo | That will change somewhat with Perl6, but for now, Perl variables are broken down into three types: scalars, lists, and hashes. | 15:38 |
fozzmoo | Scalars contain any singular data which can be a number, a character, a string. | 15:38 |
fozzmoo | Lists are ordered collections of scalars. | 15:38 |
fozzmoo | Hashes are indexed collections of scalars. | 15:39 |
heftig | so lists have no holes? | 15:39 |
fozzmoo | holes? | 15:39 |
fozzmoo | Could you ellaborate a bit, heftig? | 15:39 |
heftig | well, empty items | 15:40 |
fozzmoo | No. They do not. | 15:40 |
heftig | okay | 15:40 |
fozzmoo | So, the way you access data in a variable is using context. | 15:40 |
fozzmoo | The $ is "scalar context" | 15:40 |
fozzmoo | So, $x is a variable that contains scalar data. | 15:41 |
fozzmoo | The @ is "list context" | 15:41 |
fozzmoo | @x is a list and $x[2] is the scalar at the 3rd element in @x | 15:41 |
fozzmoo | (starting at zero) | 15:41 |
fozzmoo | Finally, % is "hash context" | 15:42 |
fozzmoo | %x is a hash and $x{name} is the value stored in %x referenced by the key "name" | 15:42 |
fozzmoo | I think PHP calls this a dictionary. | 15:42 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #10 | 15:43 | |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #11 | 15:43 | |
fozzmoo | Couple notes about lists... | 15:43 |
fozzmoo | the 'scalar' function, given a list variable, will return the number of elements in the list. | 15:44 |
baconfork | ? | 15:44 |
fozzmoo | Is that weird? | 15:44 |
fozzmoo | So, if you have @x | 15:44 |
fozzmoo | You can call $num = scalar @x; | 15:45 |
fozzmoo | And $num will contain the number of elements in @x | 15:45 |
delhage | ? | 15:45 |
Ritmo2k | I thought $var returned the size of @var if it exists? | 15:45 |
fozzmoo | Another way of looking at it is that the 'scalar' function forces Perl to look at the list in scalar context. | 15:45 |
delhage | Are command line arguments passed in as a list? | 15:46 |
baconfork | how does push/pop relate to shift/unshift? | 15:46 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: No, $var and @var are two different variables (but $var[0] is a specific element in @var) | 15:46 |
fozzmoo | delhage: It depends on which end of the list you're working with. | 15:46 |
delhage | ok.... | 15:47 |
fozzmoo | delhage: See 'perldoc -f push' | 15:47 |
fozzmoo | push "pushes values onto the end of the list" | 15:47 |
fozzmoo | Whereas unshift pushes values onto the beginning. | 15:47 |
fozzmoo | It's handy because you can treat your list as a queue or a stack right out of the chute. | 15:48 |
delhage | fozzmoo: I think that was re baconfork's question? | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | delhage: You're right. Sorry. | 15:48 |
Ritmo2k | Yea, that was wrong, but when do you use 'scalar' and not just $size = @array ? | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | baconfork: That was for YOU! | 15:48 |
baconfork | I got now | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: For readability. :) | 15:48 |
Ritmo2k | Ahh | 15:48 |
delhage | I got really confused for a second ;) | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | delhage: To answer YOUR question... | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | delhage: Yes, command line parameters are passed in as a list. | 15:48 |
fozzmoo | I'll talk about that in a sec. | 15:48 |
delhage | ok | 15:49 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to slide #12 | 15:49 | |
fozzmoo | Hashes are the weirdest thing for people learning Perl. | 15:49 |
fozzmoo | usually. | 15:49 |
fozzmoo | One way to imagine them is that they're lists but instead of using integers to reference data, you can use strings. | 15:49 |
fozzmoo | As such, they're not ordered. | 15:49 |
fozzmoo | They can be treated as a set. | 15:50 |
fozzmoo | On slide #12, there's an example of how we would populate a list. | 15:50 |
fozzmoo | %student = (name1 => "value1", name2 => "value2", ...); | 15:50 |
fozzmoo | And then, to access a specific value, we use the name, or "key" as a reference: | 15:51 |
fozzmoo | $student{'student_no'} | 15:51 |
fozzmoo | (and we do so in scalar context) | 15:51 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to slide #13 | 15:51 | |
Ritmo2k | So hashes are _only_ pairs: Keys/Values, but the values can be anything? | 15:51 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: yes. The values are just scalars. | 15:52 |
fozzmoo | As are the keys | 15:52 |
fozzmoo | And, if you treat a hash in list context, it's just a list of scalars where the odd scalars are keys and the even scalars are values. | 15:52 |
fozzmoo | (Sorry- that's probably weird to comprehend.) | 15:53 |
Ritmo2k | Nah, but a hash of hashes wouldnt look good that way, right? | 15:53 |
fozzmoo | You can do hashes of hashes, but what you need to do is use what's called a 'reference' | 15:53 |
fozzmoo | and I wasn't planning on talking about that this time. | 15:53 |
fozzmoo | But a reference is akin to a "pointer" in C. | 15:53 |
fozzmoo | it lets you treat a hash as a scalar. | 15:54 |
fozzmoo | Once you have a way of accessing a whole hash via a scalar, you can store it as a value in a hash. | 15:54 |
fozzmoo | Instant hash of hashes. | 15:54 |
heftig | similar to php's "variable variables"? | 15:54 |
fozzmoo | $my_hash{key} = \%otherhash; | 15:54 |
fozzmoo | heftig: I'm not that familiar, but probably. | 15:54 |
fozzmoo | Okay. I'm just going to keep going until 23:00 and I'll take question as I go. :) | 15:55 |
fozzmoo | The 'keys' function returns the keys (of the key-value pairs) of a hash. | 15:56 |
fozzmoo | it returns them as a list. | 15:56 |
fozzmoo | but you're not guaranteed any kind of order to them. | 15:56 |
fozzmoo | So: @keys = keys %hash; | 15:56 |
fozzmoo | The example of #13 shows how we can use a foreach loop to iterate over that list. | 15:56 |
fozzmoo | A little preview of a future slide. | 15:56 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to Slide #14 | 15:57 | |
fozzmoo | Default variables are another weird thing in Perl. | 15:57 |
fozzmoo | A little bewildering for people who are unaccustomed. | 15:57 |
fozzmoo | Generally, I would advise not using default variables because they present a readability issue. | 15:57 |
fozzmoo | but you often need to. | 15:57 |
* fengshaun wonders where the slides are | 15:57 | |
fozzmoo | | 15:58 |
fengshaun | thanks! | 15:58 |
fozzmoo | fengshaun: Just wrapping up, but there you go. | 15:58 |
fengshaun | yup | 15:58 |
fozzmoo | delhage asked earlier about command line arguments. | 15:58 |
fozzmoo | They are passed in via the default list: @_ | 15:58 |
fozzmoo | So, if you look at the default list at the top of your script, you'll be looking at parameters passed in from the command line. | 15:59 |
fozzmoo | If you had a filename as a parameter, you could say: $filename = shift @_; | 15:59 |
fozzmoo | Now, you don't have to give @_ to the shift function. if you just say shift; then it will assume you want it to do the shift operation on the default list. | 15:59 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to #15 | 16:00 | |
fozzmoo | 15-17 talk about quoting rules. | 16:00 |
fozzmoo | Fairly similar to shell, actually. | 16:00 |
* nirik notes we are at the end of the timeslot... but you can go over if you like as this is the last class today. ;) | 16:00 | |
fozzmoo | interpolation inside double quotes. | 16:00 |
delhage | is that like shift in shell scripting? | 16:00 |
delhage | right | 16:00 |
* delhage has a bit of a lag | 16:00 | |
fozzmoo | delhage: yeah, in this specific case, it is. | 16:00 |
delhage | ok | 16:01 |
fozzmoo | single quotes - no interpolation. So if you put variables inside the quotes, you'll get the literal string back without the variable value. | 16:01 |
fozzmoo | Example is shown on #17 | 16:01 |
* fozzmoo beeps and slides to #18 | 16:01 | |
fozzmoo | Back quotes are command substitution. | 16:01 |
fozzmoo | Just like in shell. | 16:02 |
fozzmoo | Nice way to grab the output of a command and assign to a scalar. | 16:02 |
fozzmoo | Finally, some control statements. | 16:02 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to slide #19 | 16:02 | |
fozzmoo | if-else-elsif | 16:02 |
fozzmoo | Prior to Perl 5.10, there was nothing like a switch or case statement in Perl... | 16:03 |
fozzmoo | so nested if-elsif structures were really the only way to do what you'd normally do with a case/switch structure. | 16:03 |
delhage | oh | 16:03 |
fozzmoo | But Perl 5.10 has a given-when structure. | 16:03 |
* fozzmoo beeps and moves to #20 | 16:03 | |
delhage | when was 5.10 released? | 16:04 |
fozzmoo | In the last year or so. | 16:04 |
delhage | ok | 16:04 |
fozzmoo | It's in Fedora 8 and forward, I believe... | 16:04 |
Ritmo2k | Heh, perl monks sugegst slide 21 is the wrong way to do this: | 16:04 |
fozzmoo | but RHEL5 and variants are still on Perl 5.8 | 16:05 |
delhage | yeah, looks wrong | 16:05 |
fozzmoo | you mean slide #22? | 16:05 |
Ritmo2k | err yeah | 16:06 |
delhage | oh | 16:06 |
fozzmoo | The for loop in Perl is really no different than foreach()\ | 16:06 |
fozzmoo | they just iterate over lists. | 16:06 |
fozzmoo | The C-style for(init; condition; increment) is supported. | 16:07 |
fozzmoo | But it's not really the "Perl way" | 16:07 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: thanks for pointing out how useful can be! | 16:07 |
Ritmo2k | lol | 16:07 |
delhage | did you skip #21? | 16:07 |
fozzmoo | Kinda did, didn't we? | 16:08 |
fozzmoo | #21 just talks about comparison operators. | 16:08 |
fozzmoo | I think it's pretty self-explanatory. | 16:08 |
fozzmoo | One thing I didn't include is file tests... | 16:08 |
fozzmoo | similar to what shells provide. | 16:08 |
delhage | so it is totally the opposite of the test function in shell scripting | 16:08 |
delhage | ? | 16:08 |
fozzmoo | So you can do if(-f $file) | 16:09 |
delhage | where == is equality between strings | 16:09 |
fozzmoo | delhage: yeah. it is different. | 16:09 |
delhage | and -eq between numbers | 16:09 |
fozzmoo | It's more like... Fortran. :) | 16:09 |
delhage | damn... | 16:09 |
delhage | that's confusing | 16:09 |
fozzmoo | Shell deviated from C. :) | 16:09 |
delhage | well, fortran doesn't have -eq ;) | 16:10 |
delhage | or does it? | 16:10 |
* delhage hasn't written fortran in 15 years | 16:10 | |
fozzmoo | It's been too long. I was going to say VMS DCL, but nobody would know what I was talking about. | 16:10 |
fozzmoo | I | 16:10 |
fozzmoo | I'll end there... | 16:10 |
delhage | ok, the slide is correct then | 16:11 |
@nirik | thanks for the class fozzmoo ! | 16:11 |
heftig | thanks for the class, fozzmoo | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | and let everyone read on to the built-in functions on slide #25 | 16:11 |
fengshaun | thanks fozzmoo! | 16:11 |
Ritmo2k | Cheers! | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | you're welcome! | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | I'd love to come back and talk about Perl regex. | 16:11 |
Ritmo2k | I would so be in on that! | 16:11 |
SSlater | Given I know nothing of Perl bar the last hour, can Perl be used to interrogate a USB RS232 device to aquire data? | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | if there's interest, put it in the classroom wiki. | 16:11 |
-!- nirik changed the topic of #fedora-classroom to: Fedora IRC Classroom - Next class at 18:00 UTC 2009-03-08 - See for class schedule and more info. | 16:11 | |
heftig | i still still confusing pcre with other syntaxes | 16:11 |
fengshaun | that just made me to add Perl to my language inventory | 16:11 |
delhage | thanks fozzmoo, but I have one more question if that's OK? | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | SSlater: Sure. Check CPAN. :) | 16:11 |
fozzmoo | delhage: Sure. | 16:11 |
* Ritmo2k polsihing off oreilly Sed&Awk and RegEx books on desk | 16:12 | |
SSlater | Thanks fozzmoo, great class. | 16:12 |
* herlo points out that this is the last class so feel free to linger and discuss | 16:12 | |
fengshaun | fozzmoo: yea, please come back for regex! | 16:12 |
delhage | fozzmoo: I'm not really sure how to pose the question though... ;) | 16:12 |
fozzmoo | delhage: Think about it and e-mail me later. :) | 16:12 |
delhage | fozzmoo: about CPAN and package based distros like fedora | 16:12 |
fozzmoo | SSlater: yw | 16:12 |
fozzmoo | delhage: Ahhh. | 16:12 |
fozzmoo | Yeah. There are a couple programs that will build RPMs for you. | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | cpan2rpm | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | and cpanspec | 16:13 |
delhage | fozzmoo: you probably see where I am going? | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | And another one called cpanflute. | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | I prefer to build all my CPAN packages as RPMs. | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | It can be a pain, but it's worth it. | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | Fortunately, for Fedora, most of the good packages are in standard repos. | 16:13 |
delhage | I know from experience that it can be a real hell to use a mix of rpms and modules installed via the CPAN shell | 16:13 |
heftig | php introduced me to regexps, so i'm most comfortable with the perl-compatible syntax. any others still confuse me :) | 16:13 |
Ritmo2k | fozzmoo, when using cpan2rpm, how do you handle the sometimes seemingly endless recursive loop of deps when building out stuff? | 16:13 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: perseverance | 16:14 |
delhage | fozzmoo: thanks | 16:14 |
Ritmo2k | LOL | 16:14 |
Ritmo2k | is there no frontend to recursively check for deps? | 16:14 |
fozzmoo | That's another thing I've blogged about - it's a barrier to entry for Perl. | 16:14 |
fozzmoo | Ritmo2k: Not that I know of, but I would hope someone resolves that. | 16:14 |
fozzmoo | Some people have told me they've hacked stuff together to do it... | 16:15 |
fozzmoo | but they weren't comfortable releasing it to the world. | 16:15 |
fozzmoo | I wish they would. :) | 16:15 |
fozzmoo | Thanks all for attending. Good questions. | 16:15 |
delhage | thank you | 16:15 |
fengshaun | thanks fozzmoo | 16:16 |
fozzmoo | yw | 16:16 |
fozzmoo | yvvvvw | 16:16 |
Ritmo2k | foxx, Ill be keeping an eye out for the regex class:) | 16:16 |
Ritmo2k | fozz | 16:16 |
fengshaun | me too! | 16:17 |
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