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(→‎Packages with debuginfo problems: bouncycastle no longer applicable)
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Tracking bug:
Tracking bug:

Not known fixed or have bug reported, as of 2009-04-23:
Not known fixed or have bug reported, as of 2009-04-26:

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linville    b43-fwcutter                (none)
linville    b43-fwcutter                (none)
makghosh    qps                        (none)
makghosh    qps                        (none)
maxamillion  ifstatus                    (none)
mbooth      brazil                      (none)
mbooth      brazil                      (none)
mmahut      nightfall                  astronomy-sig
mmahut      nightfall                  astronomy-sig

Revision as of 19:05, 26 April 2009

Packages with debuginfo problems

Tracking bug:

Not known fixed or have bug reported, as of 2009-04-26:

Maintainer   Package                     Co-maintainers
aconway      rhm                         nsantos
alexlan      pvm                         (none)
amdunn       why                         (none)
athimm       mediawiki                   (none)
awjb         multisync                   (none)
bjensen      colrdx                      sindrepb,sconklin,dp67
caolanm      sac                         (none)
cweyl        perl-DBI-Dumper             perl-sig
cwickert     emelfm2                     (none)
dbhole       antlr                       (none)
dbhole       jakarta-commons-logging     overholt,kasal
dbhole       sinjdoc                     (none)
dcbw         csound                      pfj
dchen        tomoe-gtk                   i18n-team,ryo
deji         atlas                       deji
devrim       byaccj                      dbhole
devrim       postgresql-odbcng           (none)
devrim       regexp                      (none)
dledford     lam                         (none)
drepper      pfstools                    (none)
dwalluck     hamcrest                    (none)
dwheeler     zenon                       pertusus
fab          rfdump                      (none)
fab          timespan                    (none)
fnasser      gnu-getopt                  (none)
gemi         curry                       (none)
gemi         GtkAda                      (none)
gemi         wings                       (none)
green        phasex                      (none)
guthrie      simplyhtml                  (none)
ianweller    csstidy                     (none)
ifoox        mysql-connector-java        (none)
ixs          hevea                       (none)
jmagne       esc                         (none)
jwrdegoede   elice                       (none)
jwrdegoede   lostlabyrinth               (none)
konradm      genus2reduction             (none)
konradm      taginfo                     (none)
kvolny       vodovod                     (none)
laxathom     gammu                       (none)
limb         astromenace                 (none)
limb         planets                     mmahut
linville     b43-fwcutter                (none)
makghosh     qps                         (none)
mbooth       brazil                      (none)
mmahut       nightfall                   astronomy-sig
mwringe      xerces-j2                   (none)
ovasik       star                        mildew
overholt     jython                      jmatthews
pcheung      avalon-logkit               (none)
pcheung      concurrent                  (none)
pcheung      jakarta-commons-httpclient  akurtakov
pfj          mono-debugger               (none)
rrankin      denemo                      (none)
sconklin     splat                       bjensen,dp67
sergiopr     blitz                       (none)
sindrepb     xdotool                     (none)
snecker      libflaim                    (none)
tanguy       gperiodic                   (none)
terjeros     simdock                     (none)
thias        gentoo                      (none)
twaugh       cups                        (none)
wart         wormux                      (none)