From Fedora Project Wiki
This test case tests input works correctly for your ibus input method.
How to test
- Desktop Environment to test: GNOME, KDE4
- Focus policy to test: focus-on-click, focus-follow mouse.
- Application to test:
- Console: xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole.
- Editors: gedit, kate, gvim, emacs
- OpenOffice: writer, calc, impress
- Internet: firefox, thunderbird, pidgin
- Others: evolution, eclipse
Prepare at least 3 test sentences, preferably mixed with English words and punctuation marks.
For each desktop environments and focus policies:
- Basic test: Input test sentences to each application.
- Candidate selection test +: Modify a few characters in test sentences by invoking the candidate selection dialog.
- Incomplete character handling test *: Just type a part of character, then perform following sub-tests:
- switch on/off:
- switch on IM, type an incomplete words, then switch off IM.
- Type a few English keys.
- switch on IM, then type an different characters
- focus in/out: Similar to on/off sub-test, but click on other window to focus out, type a few English word, then focus in by click back on the application.
- switch on/off:
- Pre-edit buffer test $:Type a few complete characters and an incomplete character in pre-edit buffer. Then perform following sub-tests:
- switch on/off: Similar to the counterpart in Incomplete character test.
- focus in/out: Similar to the counterpart in Incomplete character test.
- +: Required if IM offers the choice among matching candidates.
- *: Required if IM needs more than one key to form a complete-character. For example, Chinese IMs require more than one key to form a Chinese character.
- $: Required if IM use pre-edit buffer to store phrases. ibus-pinyin and ibus-chewing are examples of IM that need to perform this test.
Expected Results
- Basic test: Committed string should be exactly same as test sentences.
- Candidate selection test: Committed string should reflect the modified characters.
- Incomplete character handling test: Incomplete character should not appear in committed string, while other input should be shown as normal.
- Pre-edit buffer test: Incomplete characters should not appear, while complete characters should be in the committed string.