From Fedora Project Wiki

New Mexico LinuxFest November 14th 2009

List of fedora users attending

Please add your name to the list.

Name fedora affiliation: end user/ambassador/newbie email address Help with fedora events? Yes/No - details
David Thomas NM fedora-ambassador Yes - I'm organizing most of the LinuxFest

List of fedora speakers

Have a fedora specific presentation you would like please register here. We will then list it on this page as well.

Details of fedora activities during the New Mexico LinuxFest

fedora booth

We are gathering supplies now. Want to work the booth contact David Thomas and let him know.

FAD (fedora activity day) at New Mexico LinuxFest

This is going to be your FAD, let us know the fedora activities you would like to see. Should we learn how to package, learn the new features of fedora 11? It's up to you so make a list and let's make the first FAD in new Mexico one of the best.


  • Date: November 12, 2009
  • Time: TBA
  • Location: TBA


  • Add your Activity to this list

New Mexico LinuxFest Budget