Hello, I am Darren VanBuren. I run a website at http://oks.verymad.net/, along with a subversion repository, mail server, and other services there.
I live in the Pacific Northwest, in Maple Valley, WA to be precise, therefore, I am in the America/Los_Angeles time zone (Pacific/UTC-8). I am a full time student at Tahoma Junior High, so that makes a huge dent in my availability schedule. I am in the Tahoma Robotics Club, and function as "the Website guy," and next year, the only person at the school who will know how to effectively administer the school's server because I'm one of the few people who knows how to run a Linux machine correctly.
I usually hang out in #bots on irc.mozilla.org under the nick onekopaka. My copy of mozbot, named okswbot lives there. It is logging the channel in case you say something important and I miss it.
My email address is onek...@gmail.com (Click on the link to reveal the rest of the address.)