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2009-07-08 0500 UTC on #fedora-i18n at Freenode


previous meeting I18N/InputMethods/Meetings/2009-07-01

  • keyboard layouts



discussion about consolidating ibus handling of kbd layouts in IMEs


juhp hello Jul 08 15:03
juhp ping phuang, tagoh3, dingyichen, pravins, et al Jul 08 15:04
dingyichen pong juhp Jul 08 15:04
pravins hi all Jul 08 15:04
phuang hi Jul 08 15:04
juhp hmm did we talk about using #fedora-meeting? for me here is fine but we have the meeting bot there and more visibility ;o) Jul 08 15:04
juhp maybe here is ok but if people we should move that is cool too :) Jul 08 15:05
dingyichen I don't mind either. Jul 08 15:06
pravins same here Jul 08 15:06
<--yshao has quit ("what a day!") Jul 08 15:06
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juhp phuang: how are you? :) Jul 08 15:08
phuang juhp, fine. Jul 08 15:08
phuang juhp, Last week, Shao and I participated a conference about Chinese Standards for China Mainland and Taiwan Jul 08 15:08
juhp right Jul 08 15:09
phuang juhp, In the conference, we introduced ibus to people from Mainland and Taiwan. They are interested Jul 08 15:09
juhp cool Jul 08 15:10
phuang juhp, Taiwanese also want to help us to improve ibus for Taiwan users Jul 08 15:10
juhp great! Jul 08 15:10
juhp more IMEs? :) Jul 08 15:10
dingyichen Good to hear that. Jul 08 15:10
phuang juhp, more test for ibus, Jul 08 15:11
juhp ok great Jul 08 15:11
tagoh3 hi Jul 08 15:11
phuang and introduce ibus to more people Jul 08 15:11
juhp aha Jul 08 15:11
juhp nice Jul 08 15:11
phuang They said they are maintaining some tables (like cangjie). Maybe we could use them. Jul 08 15:12
juhp ok Jul 08 15:13
phuang Except it, I also fixed some ibus bugs, and continue developing qt im module Jul 08 15:13
juhp :) Jul 08 15:13
phuang that's all from me Jul 08 15:13
juhp phuang: been thinking a bit more about kbd layouts Jul 08 15:14
juhp I think it needs to be per mode not IME - so maybe IME's should do that not ibus Jul 08 15:15
phuang no Jul 08 15:15
phuang juhp, you mean let IME handle the keycode? Jul 08 15:16
juhp phuang: right Jul 08 15:16
dingyichen The current ibus-1.2 allow IME developers to do that. Jul 08 15:17
juhp phuang: eg chewing apparently does something like that in its English submode Jul 08 15:17
juhp and anthy should only do it for kana input mode Jul 08 15:17
juhp tagoh3: wondering though is kana input usable on non-jp kbd? Jul 08 15:17
juhp (at least by default) Jul 08 15:18
dingyichen juhp: Not yet. ^.^b. Jul 08 15:18
tagoh3 juhp: dunno - I could do because I haven't looked at any printing at the key top :) Jul 08 15:18
juhp dingyichen: thought you showed me some code related to that? Jul 08 15:18
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juhp tagoh3: heh - I mean in terms of missing keys Jul 08 15:19
dingyichen juhp: That's for how to use IBusKeymap. :-) Jul 08 15:19
juhp dingyichen: ah Jul 08 15:19
-->Kaio_Strassus (n=Kaio@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-i18n Jul 08 15:19
juhp dingyichen: but that is what we want no? Jul 08 15:19
juhp for anthy anyway Jul 08 15:19
juhp and for normal chewing mode I guess Jul 08 15:20
juhp but not the English submode.... Jul 08 15:20
tagoh3 juhp: it may depends how much keys are missing except the extra keys. Jul 08 15:20
juhp phuang: so actually IMEs are already doing it maybe? I need to look at anthy Jul 08 15:21
tagoh3 like win, menu keys etc Jul 08 15:21
juhp tagoh3: ok I was more thinking about kana keys like the extra keys on the right side of the kbd Jul 08 15:21
phuang juhp, ibus will send keysym and keycode to engines, engines can handle keysym or keycode byself. Jul 08 15:21
juhp phuang: ok cool Jul 08 15:22
juhp so probably ibus is fine Jul 08 15:22
tagoh3 juhp: symbol keys you mean? true. is it so different among keyboards? Jul 08 15:22
juhp phuang: but I am not sure the ibus-setup config is really necessary? Jul 08 15:22
juhp tagoh3: no - jp106 has more keys than us Jul 08 15:22
juhp 2 more I believe Jul 08 15:23
juhp + the others of course Jul 08 15:23
phuang juhp, it fixes some bugs, 'ibus can not works with no-us' keyboard Jul 08 15:23
juhp tagoh3: next to shift and Enter I think Jul 08 15:23
tagoh3 juhp: hmm, just missing 4 keys, no? Jul 08 15:23
tagoh3 erm, 5 keys Jul 08 15:24
juhp tagoh3: nope Jul 08 15:24
phuang tagoh3, and some keys' position are different Jul 08 15:24
juhp that too Jul 08 15:24
tagoh3 phuang: right Jul 08 15:24
juhp tagoh3: I am talking about punctuation Jul 08 15:24
juhp anyway Jul 08 15:25
tagoh3 different position may be more serious. it's important to kana input Jul 08 15:25
juhp I think kaio said scim-anthy maps "ro" to ` Jul 08 15:25
juhp for example Jul 08 15:25
tagoh3 aha Jul 08 15:26
juhp tagoh3: yep that can be fixed by layout but not missing keys :) Jul 08 15:26
juhp anyway Jul 08 15:27
juhp just wondered... Jul 08 15:27
tagoh3 well, probably Kanji, Mukenkan, Henkan, Katakana_Hiragana keys - interesting which one more key are missing Jul 08 15:27
Kaio phuang☺ could I ask who in the conference said they are maintaining some tables like cangjie? Jul 08 15:27
juhp and guess not many people use kana input without jp kbd anyway... Jul 08 15:27
phuang Kaio, wait Jul 08 15:28
Kaio phuang☺ ok Jul 08 15:28
juhp tagoh3: - I think US kbd model is missing equivalent to ] and \ on jp kbd fwiw (is what I meant:) Jul 08 15:29
phuang Kaio, I think you could ask Lieh-neng Wu, Jul 08 15:29
juhp anyway Jul 08 15:30
juhp phuang: well I am saying/wondering if those bugs should be fixed in the IMEs solely Jul 08 15:31
Kaio if they release as GPL or so, then that's cool :) Jul 08 15:31
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juhp if so better not to have the config option if possible IMHO Jul 08 15:31
juhp phuang: anyway as noted in bz anthy should not default to jp layout Jul 08 15:31
phuang Kaio, It is free. I asked Jul 08 15:31
tagoh3 juhp: is it US101 layout keyboard? Jul 08 15:31
Kaio phuang☺ thx Jul 08 15:32
phuang juhp, if ibus does not handle it, all ime should handle it by self. Jul 08 15:32
juhp phuang: yup Jul 08 15:32
juhp phuang: in general ibus can't know when to do layout conversion only IME can know that Jul 08 15:33
tagoh3 juhp: did they use 98th keys before windows launched? I see two win keys and menu key there though.. Jul 08 15:33
phuang juhp, I think ime don't know it too Jul 08 15:33
phuang just users know it Jul 08 15:33
juhp tagoh3: yeah I am not worrying about the bottom row but anyway :) Jul 08 15:34
juhp of course we know US does not have conversion keys Jul 08 15:34
tagoh3 hmm Jul 08 15:34
juhp phuang: so who knows ;-) Jul 08 15:35
juhp phuang: seriously the IME has to know Jul 08 15:35
juhp hmm but I see what you mean Jul 08 15:35
juhp if you use the "correct" kbd no conversion needed... hmm Jul 08 15:35
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juhp perhaps I need to think more about it Jul 08 15:36
dingyichen juhp: Does our l10n team have a spare Jpn keyboard? Jul 08 15:36
juhp dingyichen: maybe or possibly QE Jul 08 15:36
juhp phuang: but I think IME can know, no? Jul 08 15:37
phuang juhp, how do IME know it? Using IME's configure UI? Jul 08 15:37
juhp if I am using azerty to input chewing - chewing can convert to qwerty no? Jul 08 15:37
juhp phuang: that might be way? Jul 08 15:38
juhp phuang: or what would break if chewing say always use scan codes for input? Jul 08 15:38
juhp well something may break... ? Jul 08 15:38
juhp dingyichen: ? Jul 08 15:39
dingyichen juhp, I think there is at least German keyboard around, maybe I should test with it. Jul 08 15:39
dingyichen juhp, currently ibus-chewing force en-us keymap. Jul 08 15:39
phuang juhp, dingyichen, chewing is OK with keycode Jul 08 15:40
juhp dingyichen: ok - so everywhere, right? Jul 08 15:40
juhp phuang: so any examples of cases that would not work? :) Jul 08 15:40
phuang juhp, but in chewing, it must convert keycode to keysym too Jul 08 15:40
dingyichen juhp: I've test with querty and dvorak, seems work for me, Jul 08 15:40
juhp phuang: yep Jul 08 15:40
juhp dingyichen: so actually chewing currently ignores the ibus setting? Jul 08 15:41
phuang juhp, If some cases don't work, I think chewing will not work with xkb too Jul 08 15:41
dingyichen juhp: Exactly. :-) Jul 08 15:41
juhp phuang: why not? Jul 08 15:41
phuang converting in ibus, ime or xkb. they are almost same Jul 08 15:42
juhp dingyichen: but english mode should use keysyms I guess Jul 08 15:42
dingyichen juhp: right. Jul 08 15:42
juhp phuang: I think biggest problem is m17n Jul 08 15:42
phuang juhp, why? Jul 08 15:43
juhp some maps need qwerty others not Jul 08 15:43
juhp so we need some metadata for that or maybe hardcoding in the meantime Jul 08 15:43
phuang juhp, how do we know which need qwerty or qwertz, or others? Jul 08 15:44
juhp phuang: I can't think yet of any cases that need the config in ibus-setup but we'll see I guess Jul 08 15:44
juhp phuang: from the map layout whether it is layout based or phonetic :) Jul 08 15:44
juhp there is no automatic way of course Jul 08 15:44
phuang juhp, it is defined in map files? Jul 08 15:44
juhp not yet :) Jul 08 15:45
juhp phuang: eg Indic inscript maps (the default for Indic) are all layout based Jul 08 15:45
juhp as in assume qwerty in the maps Jul 08 15:45
juhp probably more than qwerty (ie us) Jul 08 15:45
juhp parag is not here... Jul 08 15:46
phuang But in the map, it handles the keysym Jul 08 15:46
phuang not keycdoe Jul 08 15:46
phuang keycode Jul 08 15:46
juhp if everything just works for the user that would be great :-) Jul 08 15:46
juhp phuang: indeed Jul 08 15:46
juhp that is the problem Jul 08 15:46
juhp so those maps are really "wrong" Jul 08 15:46
juhp so another way might be to fix the maps... Jul 08 15:47
juhp or use xkb ;) Jul 08 15:47
juhp hmm Jul 08 15:47
phuang no Jul 08 15:47
juhp ? Jul 08 15:47
phuang juhp, we just need define layout in map files Jul 08 15:47
phuang And ibus will convert keycode for it Jul 08 15:47
juhp but there is the thought we should really use xkb for trivial maps like inscript Jul 08 15:48
juhp and let ibus handle the layout switching Jul 08 15:48
juhp is it too radical? Jul 08 15:49
juhp phuang: defining layout + map sounds like an xkb map though :) Jul 08 15:49
phuang Can it work with all xkb layouts? Jul 08 15:50
juhp phuang: I dunno - all is lot :) Jul 08 15:50
phuang juhp, I mean just need define layout=us or layout=jp in maps files Jul 08 15:50
juhp we would probably have to define a subset Jul 08 15:50
phuang juhp, I think it can not work with kana xkb layout Jul 08 15:51
juhp phuang: what about no layout? :) Jul 08 15:51
juhp so layout would optional? Jul 08 15:51
phuang layout="" or layout=xkb Jul 08 15:51
juhp ok Jul 08 15:51
phuang ibus will use system keysym Jul 08 15:51
juhp yeah that makes sense I think Jul 08 15:51
phuang not convert for it Jul 08 15:51
juhp it might take time to get it upstream though Jul 08 15:52
juhp so we could hardcode it first in fedora perhaps Jul 08 15:52
phuang yeah Jul 08 15:52
phuang if not define the layout, we don't have good way to resolve this problem Jul 08 15:53
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juhp sure Jul 08 15:54
juhp and after that I am hoping we don't need the global layout config in setup? Jul 08 15:54
juhp just worry a little about synergy and virt and stuff, but hopefully no worse than now? Jul 08 15:55
juhp ok anyway running out of time.... Jul 08 15:56
juhp anything else to discuss today? :) Jul 08 15:56
juhp from anyone Jul 08 15:56
dingyichen juhp: Yes, synergy might post problem. Jul 08 15:56
dingyichen But we might be about to come out with workaround anyway. Jul 08 15:57
juhp dingyichen: yeah but don't see any solution to remote kbd problem Jul 08 15:57
juhp dingyichen: ok - maybe we can discuss that later :) Jul 08 15:57
juhp ok let's finish here then Jul 08 15:59
juhp thanks for the meeting! Jul 08 15:59
phuang juhp, btw, currently, i am working on several tasks for ibus (kbd layout for ibus, qt im module, and fix bugs), Jul 08 15:59
juhp phuang: aha Jul 08 15:59
phuang anyone want to help me? Jul 08 16:00
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juhp phuang: sounds good Jul 08 16:00
juhp phuang: any particular bugs we should reassign? Jul 08 16:00
phuang juhp, I planed to assign ibus-qt to an intern. I don't know when the interns can on board. Jul 08 16:01
juhp ok Jul 08 16:02
juhp phuang: I think qt is important for ibus Jul 08 16:02
phuang yeah Jul 08 16:03
juhp maybe dingyichen can help with layout stuff Jul 08 16:03
phuang dingyichen, do you have time? Jul 08 16:03
juhp phuang: or we can go through the buglist together if you like Jul 08 16:03
juhp (or both:) Jul 08 16:03
dingyichen juhp: phuang: Agree, I think in brisbane we have some non-US keyboard to test on. Jul 08 16:04
juhp I need to work on yum plugin but when that is finished hope to have a little time for ibus too (but may be optimistic this month) Jul 08 16:04
phuang dingyichen, juhp, thanks Jul 08 16:04
juhp phuang: anyway please feel free to assign bugs to me if you need assistance and I can try to find resources to work on some of them Jul 08 16:05
dingyichen juhp: I think we do need someone to take care of ibus-anthy Jul 08 16:05
juhp yep Jul 08 16:05
dingyichen juhp: You are very busy, apparently. Jul 08 16:06
juhp hope also kaio and others can lend a hand too Jul 08 16:06
juhp trying to encourage people to take more bugs proactively :) Jul 08 16:06
phuang juhp, ok Jul 08 16:08
Kaio sure Jul 08 16:08
juhp phuang: we 3 sometimes look at the bug list together on Monday morning Jul 08 16:08
phuang cool Jul 08 16:08
juhp phuang: let's have a chat about it later anyway Jul 08 16:08
juhp phuang: yeah cooler if we actually take some bugs ;) Jul 08 16:09
juhp ok I will include these comments in the log as "extra time" :) Jul 08 16:09
phuang thanks Jul 08 16:10
juhp phuang: also good to file bugs for such issues if they are not there so easier to track :) Jul 08 16:11

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