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Revision as of 17:00, 20 August 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Updated wiki syntax)


This test case tests the functionality of the ABRT feature using the Logger plugin.

How to test

  1. Ensure you have the plugin installed:
    yum install abrt-plugin-logger
  2. Edit /etc/abrt/abrt.conf and be sure the Logger plugin in the following sections EnabledPlugins, CCpp and Python. For example:
    EnabledPlugins = Logger, SQLite3, CCpp, Kerneloops, KerneloopsScanner, KerneloopsReporter, Bugzilla, Python #, Mailx
    CCpp = Bugzilla, Logger
    Python = Bugzilla, Logger
  3. Restart ABRT:
    # service abrt restart
  4. Confirm that the abrt and abrt-applet processes are both running
  5. Kill a running process: kill -SIGSEGV (pid). It must be a process that is part of a signed Fedora package
  6. Click on the panel applet to start abrt-gui
  7. Select the entry matching the recently crashed application, then click on Report
  8. At the report window, click Send

Expected Results

  1. After you click Send, a notification window should report, among other things: "Logger: Report was stored into: /var/log/abrt-logger"