Eclipse has had a major update to version 3.5 (Galileo). Users should read the Eclipse New & Noteworthy page to see the release notes for this version.
Fedora now includes more Eclipse plug-ins than ever before with the new inclusion of Doxygen Integration (eclipse-eclox), the Remote System Explorer (eclipse-rse) and a Verilog/VHDL Editor (eclipse-veditor).
Other major changes in Eclipse plug-ins include the Data Tools Platform now contains the full database development IDE (eclipse-dtp), the Dynamic Language Toolkit now includes Remote System Explorer integration (eclipse-dltk-rse) and the Eclipse Modelling Framework SDO component was obsoleted and removed (eclipse-emf-sdo).
Users wishing to install additional Eclipse plugins using the Eclipse Update Manager are advised to add the Eclipse Galileo update site by doing the following: click the Help menu and select Install New Software.... Click Add... and enter "Galileo" in the Name field and "" in the Location field. Click OK.
102 packages, 84 changed, 18 unchanged.