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Election Questionnaire

Please place questions you would like to see candidates for the various offices answer. If your question is specific to one office (such as the Board, FESCo, or FAMSCO), please indicate that.


These question have been proposed:

Main questions

  1. What is The Fedora Project to you?
  2. What do you consider to be Fedora's raison d'etre?
  3. Where do you see the project in one years?
  4. Where do you see the project in two years?
  5. Do you see a long-term goal or a "target audience" Fedora should strive for?
  6. What part of the Fedora project would you change, given total power to do so?
  7. Please name three things you plan to work on and realize while being on the Committee you run for!
  8. How would you measure your success as an elected member?
  9. What are your unique strengths and what are your weaknesses?

Committee specific questions: Board

  1. Suppose a user/contributor brings up an issue that bothers an important fraction of Fedora community and he proposes a change in the default behavior of Fedora; but either you don't have personal interest in that area, or (as a user) the issue doesn't bother you. How would you approach the problem?

Committee specific questions: FAmSCo

  1. What would you be doing to ensure that as a body FAmSCo is communicating more with its constituents ?
  2. What things should be done to promote Fedora in countries where there is little or no Fedora presence, and how you see FAmSCo can support those initiatives?
  3. Do you see any shortcomings in the mentoring overall process? What do you want to change in that process?

Committee specific questions: FESCo

  1. Do you feel that a Fedora release should have a more conservative update policy than rawhide, and if so what types of updates do you feel are acceptable to a stable Fedora release?
  2. Suppose a user/contributor brings up an issue that bothers an important fraction of Fedora community and he proposes a change in the default behavior of Fedora; but either you don't have personal interest in that area, or (as a user) the issue doesn't bother you. How would you approach the problem?

More questions

  1. Why are you a member of the Fedora project?
  2. Please mention if you are running for re-election or not. Further: If you are running for re-election, what are the things that you promised but could not do? Why so? What are you planning to prevent a recurrence? If you are running for the first time, in your opinion, what are the things that the previous committee could do but couldn't/didn't?
  3. What is the most important part of the Fedora the distribution? (IE, Desktop, FEL, AOS)
  4. From your perspective what is it that Fedora brings to linux distros that is unique and original? What sets Fedora apart?


Will be posted prior to the IRC town hall meetings.