From Fedora Project Wiki
Page to track things that need to be done for KDE 4.4.
- kdebase-runtime -- libssh >= 0.4.0
- kdeadmin -- Something about sip, will investigate
- kdenetwork -- mediastreamer (linphone >= 2.3.0 needed)
- kdeedu -- Cantor runtime deps (R)?
Coding work
- kdebase-workspace -- konsole context menu entry (plugin)
- kde-settings -- netbook settings
Things to look into
- kdesdk -- Lokalize isn't built?
- kdegraphics -- Update libkcdraw libkexiv2 libkipi version Provides
- kdenetwork -- how is krdc-icons.tar.bz2 generated?
- kdelibs -- add BR on polkit-qt
- kdebase-workspace -- add BR on polkit-qt
- kdebindings -- add BR on polkit-qt