This page is for defining the SOP for Fedora FreeMedia Program. This will cover the infrastructural things as well as procedural things.
Location of Resources
- The web form is at
- The TRAC is at
Location on Puppet
$PWD = puppet/modules/freemedia/files
- Freemedia form: FreeMedia-form.html
- Backup form: FreeMedia-form.html.orig
- Closed form: FreeMedia-close.html
- Backend processing script: process.php
- Error Document : FreeMedia-error.html
Opening of the form
The form will be opened on the First day of each month.
Closing of the Form
Tentative timeline
The form will be closed after a couple of days. This may vary according to the capacity.
How to
- The form is available at /puppet/modules/freemedia/files/FreeMedia-form.html and puppet/configs/web/applications/FreeMedia-form.html.orig
- The closed form is at /puppet/modules/freemedia/files/FreeMedia-close.html
- For Opening and Closing:
- Goto /puppet/modules/freemedia/manifests/
- Open init.pp
- Goto line 25.
- To Open: Change the line to read << source => "puppet:///freemedia/FreeMedia-form.html", >> ((without << >>))
- After opening the form, go to trac and grant "Ticket Create and Ticket View" privilege to "Anonymous".
- To Close: Change the line to read << source => "puppet:///freemedia/FreeMedia-close.html", >>
(without << >>)
- After closing the form, go to trac and remove "Ticket Create and Ticket View" privilege from "Anonymous".
Handling of tickets
- Contributors are requested to visit
- Please login with your FAS account.
Rejecting Invalid Tickets
- If a ticket is invalid, don't accept the request. Go to "resolve as:" and select "invalid" and then press "Submit Changes".
- A ticket is Invalid if
- No Valid email-id is provided.
- The region does not match the country.
- No Proper Address is given.
- If a ticket is duplicate, accept one copy, close the others as duplicate Go to "resolve as:" and select "duplicate" and then press "Submit Changes".
Accepting Valid Tickets
- If you wish to fulfill a request, please ensure it from the above section, it is not liable to be discarded.
- Now "Accept" the ticket from the "Action" field at the bottom, and press the "Submit Changes" button.
- These accepted tickets will be available from user both "My Tickets" and "Accepted Tickets for XX" (XX= your region e.g APAC)
- When You ship the request, please go to the ticket again, go to "resolve as:" from the "Action" field and select "Fixed" and then press "Submit Changes".
- If an accepted ticket is not finalised by the end of the month, is should be closed with "shipping status unknown" in a comment
Handling of non fulfilled requests
We shall close all the pending requests by the end of the Month.
- Please Check your region
How to handle membership applications
Steps to become member of Free-media Group.
- Create an account in Fedora Account System (FAS)
- Create an user page in Fedora Wiki with contact data. Like User:<nick-name>. Here is a template
- Apply to Free-Media Group in FAS
- Apply to Free-Media mailing list subscription
Rules for deciding over membership applications
Case | Applied to Free-Media Group | User Page Created | Applied to Free-Media List | Action |
1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Approve Group and mailing list applications |
2 | Yes | Yes | No | Put on hold + Write to subscribe to list Within a Week |
3 | Yes | No | whatever | Put on hold + Write to make User Page Within a Week |
4 | No | No | Yes | Reject |
- As you need to have an FAS account for steps 2 and 3, this is not included in the decision rules above
- The time to be on hold is one week. If not action is taken after one week, the application has to be rejected.
- When writing asking to fulfil steps, send CC to other Free-media sponsors to let them know the application has been reviewed.