PKI Applet Compatibility
This page collects OpenJDK compatibility status with different web services that utilize PKI solutions for user transactions.
Known countries who's residents have PKI cards and thus can take part to testing are: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, and Portugal.
Technology Introduction
Estonian Quirks
Compatibility Matrix
Service Compatibility Status with OpenJDK-1.6.0Country | Service | Card | Status | Applets | Notes |
Estonia | Business Registry | ee, fi | Fails with ee-card |, | Browser status row says: "Start: applet not initialized." |
Estonia | Digital Document portal | ee | |||
Estonia | Goverment portal | ee | |||
Estonia | Hansapank (bank) | ee | partial | idcard.js, | Succeeds with first attempt, next attempt fails to pop up the Java dialog in own window where the PIN2 is fed. Requires browser restart to recover. |
Estonia | Nordea (bank) | ee | Fails |, XMLSignApplet.jar, iaikPkcs11Wrapper.jar, XMLSignApplet.class |
Says: "Error activating PKCS#11 Driver!. |
Estonia | SEB (bank) | ee |
User Comments
Hansapank: first ever successfull payment signature. Tried to repeat it without success.