Dogtag Certificate System
Dogtag Certificate System is an enterprise-class open source Certificate Authority (CA) supporting all aspects of certificate lifecycle management including key archival, OCSP and smartcard management.
- Name: Scott Haines
- email: shaines AT redhat DOT com
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 13
- Last updated: 01-22-2010
- Percentage of completion: 98%
Detailed Description
Details can be found here.
Benefit to Fedora
All new feature. Full featured open source PKI comprised of 6 major subsystems (25 packages):
- Certificate Authority (CA)
- Data Recovery Manager (DRM)
- OCSP Manager (OCSP)
- Registration Authority (RA)
- Token Key Service (TKS)
- Token Processing System (TPS)
Package List:
- tomcatjss
- osutil (x86, x86_64, ppc, ppc64)
- pki-symkey (x86, x86_64, ppc, ppc64)
- pki-native-tools (x86, x86_64, ppc, ppc64)
- pki-util
- pki-util-javadoc
- pki-java-tools
- pki-java-tools-javadoc
- pki-selinux
- pki-setup
- dogtag-pki-common-ui
- pki-common
- pki-common-javadoc
- pki-silent
- dogtag-pki-ca-ui
- pki-ca
- dogtag-pki-kra-ui
- pki-kra
- dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui
- pki-ocsp
- dogtag-pki-tks-ui
- pki-tks
- dogtag-pki-ra-ui
- pki-ra
- dogtag-pki-tps-ui
- pki-tps (x86, x86_64, ppc, ppc64)
- pki-tps-devel
- dogtag-pki-console-ui
- pki-console
- Code complete. Awaiting Package Review and fedora-cvs approval on the following four remaining packages:
- pki-console
- pki-ra
- pki-tps
- pki-symkey
How To Test
Hardware Requirements
At least Intel Pentium 4 or faster with 1GB RAM and 10GB disk
System Prep
Update system with all the latest Fedora packages
Testing and Expected Results
The following list of tests is not comprehensive by any means and not in any order but will give the user the means and the ideas of how to test a PKI system:
- Install pki-ca,pki-kra,pki-ocsp,pki-tps,pki-tks packages via yum
- Follow the default instance creation procedures to create a base instance of the various sub-systems.
- Once the setup is complete, perform these tests
- Issue different types of certificates like user certs, server certs.
- Revoke a few certificates
- Generate a CRL
- Customize profiles based on different types of extensions and constraints
- Generate certs to have say for example an AIA extension..
- Submit a CRL to the OCSP responder.
- Check Java Console access
- Use the Java console to perform various configuration updates such as;
- Adding/editing/deleting additional CRL issuing points
- ACL configurations
- Adding/editing/deleting profiles
- Log file configurations
- Use the Java console to perform various configuration updates such as;
- Certificate enrollment via different types of browsers such as IE and Firefox
- Smartcard enrollment and format operations
User Experience
Build-time packages already included in Fedora:
- ant
- apr-devel
- apr-util-devel
- cyrus-sasl-devel
- httpd-devel >= 2.2.3
- idm-console-framework
- java-devel >= 1:1.6.0
- jpackage-utils
- jss >= 4.2.6
- ldapjdk
- m4
- make
- mozldap-devel
- nspr-devel >= 4.6.99
- nss-devel >=
- pcre-devel
- pkgconfig
- policycoreutils
- selinux-policy-devel
- svrcore-devel
- tomcat5
- velocity
- xalan-j2
- xerces-j2
- zlib
- zlib-devel
Build-time Dogtag packages new to Fedora:
- osutil
- pki-common
- pki-symkey
- pki-util
- tomcatjss
Runtime packages already included in Fedora:
- idm-console-framework
- java >= 1:1.6.0
- jpackage-utils
- jss >= 4.2.6
- ldapjdk
- mod_nss >= 1.0.7
- mod_perl
- mod_perl >= 1.99_16
- mozldap
- mozldap >= 6.0.2
- mozldap-tools
- nss >=
- nss-tools >=
- perl-DBD-SQLite
- perl-DBI
- perl-HTML-Parser
- perl-HTML-Tagset
- perl-Parse-RecDescent
- perl-URI
- perl-XML-NamespaceSupport
- perl-XML-Parser
- perl-XML-Simple
- policycoreutils
- selinux-policy-targeted
- sendmail
- sqlite
- tomcat5
- velocity
- xalan-j2
- xerces-j2
Runtime Dogtag packages new to Fedora:
- osutil
- pki-ca-ui
- pki-common
- pki-common-ui
- pki-console-ui
- pki-java-tools
- pki-kra-ui
- pki-native-tools
- pki-ocsp-ui
- pki-ra-ui
- pki-selinux
- pki-setup
- pki-silent
- pki-symkey
- pki-tks-ui
- pki-tps-ui
- pki-util
- tomcatjss
Top-level Dogtag packages new to Fedora:
- pki-ca
- pki-console
- pki-kra
- pki-ocsp
- pki-ra
- pki-tks
- pki-tps
Dogtag Subpackages new to Fedora:
- osutil-debuginfo
- pki-common-javadoc
- pki-java-tools-javadoc
- pki-native-tools-debuginfo
- pki-symkey-debuginfo
- pki-tps-debuginfo
- pki-tps-devel
- pki-util-javadoc
Contingency Plan
N/A since Dogtag is a new addition to Fedora. In it's current state, Dogtag will work.
- Documentation can be found here.
Release Notes
- Release Notes can be found here.