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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-01-05

Next meeting

recorded by RobertWhetsel

House keeping: For the first 30 days the status of a newbie Ambassador will be "on probation" during which time they have a chance to prove themselves to the group by contributing to the project (see Ideas below). During the time on probation, the new Ambassador would not normally be able to request money or materials from the project. Exceptions can be made in extraordinary cases. If a person already actively contributing to another project.

Off topic(OT) when an agenda is listed on we need to strictly follow it. This allows for accurate meting minutes(mm), and clear action items. We have had two meeting in the last two weeks and we have basicly re-answered the same questions with the same answers as last time. Our Goal should be clear; "Kick Gates in the nuts; further the open source cause and promote Fedora Core". This can only be accomplished if we are able to have achievable tasks that brings us closer to our goal (see last sentence).

We need to choose the next meeting time and the next SC to run the meeting and do the minutes.

Priority 1: Review upcoming owner: amaier events standing item Review the FedoraEvents. Make sure they're correct. Make sure we've got ambassadors covering them. Review these every week. Note the calendar at:

for all events:

Does an event have anything to do with Fedora?

  • No any venue will do

Anybody can add an event if they volunteer to go there or think it is important

  • We need to review the requests next week and hit the high points
  • If we review events early we can commit resources and maybe take advantage of free stalls, A talk, An install fest, etc...

Suggested Events:

ThomasChung's report on SCALE Gareth Greenway from SCALE contacted us regarding 3 full passes He wanted me to give him a list of guest who will attend the SCALE. I've already gave Warren Togami and two other contacts. See BTW, please note the location *has been* changed due to some issue. More detail will be published in my next issue of FWN.

Do we have a check list of what we would want or need for an event or a plan to promote fedora

  • handout DVD's to visitors
  • bring a machine with a CD burner... tell people to brng their own DVDs and make em a copy of FC

live DVD or CDs (Our LiveCD project need more help from us)

Action Items:

  • SOP for adding event- unassigned
  • SC will put a watch on the page - need volunteer
  • Add GNUify to events - RahulSundaram
  • We need an Ambassador to volunteer to take a lead on coordinating events on the wiki and reporting to the SC. - need volunteer

Priority 2: Schwag pipeline: AlexMaier Need to make sure that the schwag pipeline is functional. This is separate from the actual stuff we send; this is just making sure that the stuff we send actually gets to the places it needs to go.

What is Schwag?

  • T-Shirts, DVD's, Red Hat Boxes, T-Shirts, DvD, hats, coffee mugs,

etc.. or any other free stuff that has our logo or promotes our cause

How do I get Schwag?

  • The idea is for jwulf et al to build some tools that will funnel orders straight to the fulfillment system.
  • not answered

When can I get Schwag?

  • not answered

How long doe it take to get Schwag?

  • The schwag "pipeline" is, realistically, going to be more of a schwag "trickle" until February.
  • not answered

What Schwag is available?

  • Design is scheduled to be complete end of next week
  • Shirts are supposed to be available in the US in late January
  • We're down to our last 1000 DVDs for FC4, and we don't have budget to burn more until FC5-

Where does the Schwag come From?

  • DVDs, looking at FC5 for some truly *massive* numbers -- pricing 50 to 100k DVDs, and looking at prices for drop-shipping lots of 500 worldwide.
  • For DVDs, irrelevant. Whoever gives us the best price and shipping in the region. mattwebb's decision.
  • not answered

Priority 2: Email addresses at ElliotLee I know that Seth and Elliot are working on a good way to streamline this process and make it part of the account system and/or the wiki, but we need to keep up with it here. Meanwhile fill the required information on

Basically, there is nothing you need to do right now. We have control over DNS now, and the next step is to change the e-mail processing setup for that domain. Once that happens, all the aliases that currently appear should also appear, and that will be it. Integration is happening so that anyone with an account in the f.r.c account system will have a fp.o address. aliases are not yet available. If you create your account now, you will get your alias now and the alias will be added as soon as they are available.

  • Someone is actually working on a mainling list for SC -who
  • As a suggestion: anyone can post TO the SC mailing list, but only SC members can read the mails

Action Items: Someone (who) audit this and I'll forward a request to SethVidal to make this work for now. - GregDeKoenigsberg

Priority 2: Funding for attendance: AlexMaier We will continue to discuss funding options for shows.

  • sc will decide on which events will receive money

Priority 2: Presentations for Ambassadors: AlexMaier We need to provide Ambassadors with some slide decks for various presentations. We should probably aggregate the ones we already have and make them available. We should also figure out our policy for licensing these presentations!

  • Can Presentations: Should consist of multiple smaller categories that an Ambassador could pick from as presentation time allows.

Example or topics:

  • FUD Fear Uncertainty & Doubt
  • Defining Open Source
  • What is the Open Source Development Process
  • Linux History
  • RedHat History

What is the Fedora project

  • History
  • Players
  • Community Environment
  • Current Projects
  • Future Plans
  • template: this is a good start
  • model: download the topics, apply either your own template or the fedora template... but if you use your own template, ping the list with it
  • We do need to keep all contributions covered under the right licensing scheme
  • a CLA might be necessary

Action Items:

  • We need an Ambassador to volunteer to take a lead on coordinating the template for presentations- AurelienBompard
  • SOP for content review process – RobertWhetsel will put it on my wiki for review before final commitment
  • RobertWhetsel will be releasing his lectures under the Open Business Foundation and make available to Fedora's Ambassadors free and open use after Company's legal clears request

Ideas for Ambassadors

For the newbie Ambassadors, here are a few ideas on How to be an Ambassador

If you are unsure of messaging, Fedora Talking Points is always a good source

  • Be a speaker at an event. Clubs, Linux User Groups (LUGs), school/college/university groups can all benefit fromhearing the good word about Fedora. Talk to people. Casually, in asuit, it doesn't matter.

If you were asked to talk at an event, don't panic-— wiki and you will find some material to get youstarted. FUDCon pages might be a good place to start, as most of thetalks that were given at past conferences are available there fordownload.

  • Collect press articles about Fedora and post them to the Press Archive
  • Collect feedback from community members and submit it to the Fedora Marketing List or talk about it with any Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee member.

Consider posting Fedora success stories on Fedora User Testimonials page.

  • Promote Fedora events. We organize a FUDCon, about once every three months - use contact base to gain speakers, attendees, gophers, et al.

If you want to help out organizing a FUDCon or other Fedora event,visit FUDCon/Organization to see what tasks are there to be taken careof.

  • Distribute Press Releases to local press, translating them into a local language, when required.

Need a press release? Here is the Press Release Repository.

  • Support and coordinate offline Fedora and Open Source activities, like Software Freedom Day, handing out flyers, the distribution on DVD, and so forth.

Watch this list of upcoming offline FedoraEvents

  • Sign up Fedora Project for regional events-—itneed not be a computer-related event to be relevant. Go to a musictrade show to talk about free culture and open music formats, go to auniversity event to talk about Fedora to students and faculty, go to alocal Linux event and get some space for a booth in the .ORG pavilion...

Once you have secured participation in an event, please add it to the FedoraEvents list!

  • Just make sure to coordinate with Fedora Marketing so you get support in form of money for travel, space, booth signage, trade show infrastructure, giveaways, etc.

Event Organizers' Resources page is a good place to start.

  • Communicate eloquently. Fedora Ambassadorsshould be the conduct leaders for the community. Make sure you donttrash talk or be rude to anyone while wearing a 'Fedora' or even ingeneral to the community. See CommunityConduct page for general guidelines and Ambassadors conduct for specific information.
  • Become an expert at Fedora (both the projectand the distribution). This way you're a constant resource to yourlocal userbase, which will make new users more welcome to theproject/distribution. When in doubt however, ask.
